Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration

Chapter 280 - 280: The End of the Ascendant

Chapter 280: The End of the Ascendant

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

However, in such an environment, a certain civilization was born in this galaxy like a beam of light in the darkness.

It was the place where the people who had attacked Li Wenyuan had once belonged, a civilization that called itself the Ascendant.

What was sealed in the memories of the psionic lifeforms was not only the story of the Voyager but also the story of the Ascendant.

This civilization used similar methods to leave the legacy of civilization in the memories of their descendants, hoping that they would one day complete this unfinished mission.

In the language of this civilization, ascension represented the final level of evolution.

The generally high concentration of psionic environment gave their civilization a very high starting point, as they did not need personnel engaged in basic production.

All material and production needs could be satisfied directly or indirectly through psionic.

Their species pursued a higher level of spiritual satisfaction, and this pursuit was manifested in their desire to go to a higher world.

They had deciphered the Traveler’s memories. That level of genetic means was nothing to a civilization that was committed to rising.

It was obvious that they yearned for the world that the Traveler had shown them, so they became the only pioneers in this dark galaxy.

They were the first to find a way to use the void realm to achieve faster-than-light. This method of teleportation was a dimensional attack on other civilizations at that time.

Furthermore, they were more efficient in utilizing psionic, which was why they had successfully defeated all their opponents at that time and attempted to reverse the vile ethos of these relatively primitive civilizations, attempting to make the galaxy work together to advance to a higher world.

It was also during this process that Li Wenyuan discovered traces of humans.

The ascension had a very short account of humans. At that time, they were busy reorganizing the galaxy when they discovered that outsiders had entered the galaxy.

Although they wanted to communicate with them, it just so happened that some powerful psionic criminals who had yet to be exterminated were stirring up trouble in many places, leaving them no time to contact the outsiders whose whereabouts were unknown.

During that time, they noticed that the outsiders seemed to be focusing on the Black Hole at the center of the galaxy. When they were free, the group of outsiders seemed to have confirmed something and suddenly disappeared.

This inexplicable experience made the ascension feel a little sad. They felt that they had wasted a rare opportunity to communicate with life outside the galaxy.

However, they quickly regrouped and focused their energy on how to go to a higher world.

Therefore, after many arguments, they chose a path that theoretically allowed them to connect to the Gods.

They would make use of the void realm in this galaxy and the psionic pool that seemed to never dry up to provide them with energy that surpassed the present world.

“It’s good to have this motivation to advance. It’s also a noble idea to lead everyone to ascension together, but…”

Li Wenyuan did not read the rest of the memory, but he could roughly guess the situation of the galaxy.

He had actually heard of the methods used by the ascension civilization.

In the Milky Way, there was more than one civilization or individual who wanted to make use of the transcendence of the void realm. It was the same for the lost empire of the Voyager that had yet to be replaced, as well as the high priest of the lost empire of the Watcher.

Each of them seemed to treat the void realm as a fishpond. If they couldn’t catch any fish or get any benefits, they would use the pump to pump them.

And this related technology was also recorded by humans:

[Natural Disaster Plan]

[Technology Level: 7]

[Introduction: After an in-depth study of the void realm, we have confirmed that the large-scale disturbance here will affect the void realm. According to the current theory, a surge of energy that is large enough may be able to tear the barrier between the two planes and directly let the void realm fall into our hands. This is much more power than the siphoning device can extract. In that case, perhaps we can try to take all the power in the void realm for ourselves and then head to a higher world.]

This was one of the few dangerous technologies marked by the red skull in Li Wenyuan’s technology tree. Obviously, drawing water from the void realm was not that simple.

Perhaps its difficulty and its consequences would bring about an uncontrollable influence.

The Ascendant civilization ultimately failed, which directly led to the collapse of the void realm.

The excessive psionic flooded the entire galaxy from the void realm. During that period, even the barren space was filled with nebulas of psionic power that seemed to be real.

It was never a good thing for anything to overflow too much. The psionic power that was linked to the spiritual world had formed a terrifying illusion that was enough to kill, exploding nonstop in various parts of the galaxy.

And the failure of ascension also caused the Ascendant civilization to suffer heavy casualties and almost perish.

Even if they tried to turn the tide, the collapsing void realm made them powerless, because from then on, the psionic they used would be lesser.

The collapsed void realm could no longer circulate the psionic, and the energy with special properties was now like water without a source.

They could no longer live without worries. They had to make use of every bit of psionic carefully, and at the same time, they had to pick up the technology that had never been valued.

However, the overflowing psionic was a joy for other Psionic Casters. If they could resist the terrifying illusion, they would all be first-class powerful psionic beings.

The ascension did not choose to establish a new order because they knew very well that war would only accelerate the consumption of psionic. They had to use their limited resources to re-tap the technology tree before their psionic power ran out.

However, the civilization that had once been ruled by them began to take revenge, and the radiance of the galaxy was finally extinguished in the forced war.

This was the history left behind by the civilization of the ascension. The last ascenders had killed all lifeforms except them, which was contrary to their original ideals.

In this era of madness, they were eventually eroded by illusions, turning from ascension to degeneration. No one would record their history anymore, and only the sealed remnant memories still showed this inheritance.

In order to survive, their strong will and psionic allowed them to evolve in a specific direction without the need for genetic means.

The lack of skin on the surface of their body was to better absorb the psionic power that permeated the air, and the loss of their five senses was also to make their perception of psionic power more sensitive.

The mental world, which was crucial to the utilization of psionic, had long been driven crazy by the harsh environment and the horrible hallucinations day and night.

They had created this hellish environment, and this hellish environment had deeply affected them.

Right now, the galaxy that was not filled with dense psionic gas had all been plundered before.

The total amount of resources was decreasing, but the number of consumers did not decrease. Those who were weaker would naturally be eliminated.

In order to survive, one had to become stronger and stronger in order to keep their lives, which formed the terrible social relations here.

This was the end of the Ascendant, where the whole galaxy was only a group of mad bloodthirsty people. Compared to this, the Milky Way was much better..

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