Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration

Chapter 307 - 307: Variant Terminal

Chapter 307: Variant Terminal

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

“The Chroniclers?”

Looking at the records in the Utes’ ruins, Li Wenyuan finally knew the name of the civilization that once stood at the top of this spiral galaxy.

The Utes also had their extraterrestrial expedition team. Thanks to their long lifespans and advanced freezing technology, they had the opportunity to spend enough time in the ruins of civilization to explore.

The Utes spent 700,000 years on the archeology of the Chroniclers, and most of that time was spent on the road.

The Chronicler ruins were spread across three different starfields. The Utes initially thought that they belonged to three different civilizations.

Since they had not been able to find a living alien civilization, the Utes chose to focus on exploring these alien ruins to prove that this galaxy was not alone.

Even if it was just a relic of a civilization, it could ease their loneliness in the vast starry sky.

And as the investigation continued, the Utes gradually gained a certain understanding of the Chroniclers.

They discovered that the three ruins seemed to correspond to three different periods of the Chroniclers. They conducted a long period of research to confirm that the ruins actually came from the same civilization.

During the investigation, the Utes believed that the Chronicler civilization should be an artificial intelligence civilization that only existed in their theories.

The ruins of the early Chronicler civilization were full of the style of cold artificial intelligence. Although it was not to the extent of finding organic pulp squeezed from organic lifeform, the purely rational thinking of machines was reflected everywhere in their ruins.

The Utes had once found a large space facility similar to a rescue station in the ruins of the Chroniclers during this period. Any passing intellectual life could seek help from the rescue station.

However, such facilities would only provide help to lifeforms that were healthy, had no defects, and could reproduce normally. As for creatures that did not meet these conditions, they would be cleaned up.

At this stage, the Chronicler civilization seemed to be pursuing a rational benchmark for the reproduction of life. Anything that hindered the reproduction of life would be eliminated.

However, in the next stage, the Chroniclers underwent a series of changes.

They began to seal themselves off. The previous starfield and buildings were abandoned, and the rescue station was no longer used. They also stopped contacting the outside world.

At this stage, the You people discovered that the Chronicler seemed to have entered a state of contradiction. One clue could be seen from the trend of the style of the ruins.

On the same planet, two buildings of different styles appeared. One maintained its former cold state, while the other became a little more gentle and built a large number of places similar to Shelter. It seemed that they were taking in some primitive lifeforms that were about to go extinct.

The Utes Extreme Freezing Core was inspired by the ruins of the Chroniclers at this stage. The Chroniclers seemed to be planning to keep a group of lifeforms in the ultra-low temperature freezer for hibernation and wake them up one day.

The Chroniclers of this stage didn’t leave behind many records, and the ruins they belonged to were the smallest of the three.

As for the last stage, Chronicler, it was a completely different state from what the Utes imagined.

The Chroniclers of this stage had changed their ways and began to expand in the galaxy on a large scale, extending their influence to even more distant places.

Not only that, but they were also helping other civilizations, be it interstellar space civilizations or native civilizations.

In the process, the Utes discovered that the galaxy seemed to be able to surpass the speed of light, but it was lost in their era.

From the remnant records, it was known that the Chroniclers had created a brilliant galaxy with other interstellar space civilizations during this period. It was completely different from the Dark Age where no civilization could be found in 450,000 years.

After that, The Chroniclers entered the era of records.

The Utes found the most Chronicler ruins in the archives. These buildings that recorded the rise and fall of civilization were especially common among the Chroniclers of this period. It could be said that the Utes knew about the Chroniclers from the records of the civilization.

Because only these files were preserved the most.

The Chronicler civilization didn’t care about their preservation, but they attached great importance to these historical records. This seemed to be the ultimate goal they had set for themselves after many changes.

This was also the origin of their name, Chronicler.

The last stage of the Chronicler civilization had existed for at least six million years according to the Utes’ estimates. All galactic events during this period, regardless of their size, were recorded in the Archives.

As for the entire process of civilization and the daily life of an ordinary person, as long as the Chroniclers could gather information, they were all part of the records of the Archives.

This is what the Chroniclers have been doing, preserving history that may not be so important.

However, historians wrote history, but no one would write history for them.

The Chroniclers’ history was eventually interrupted by a civilization called the Skywalker Empire. The last recorded civilization in the archives found by the Utes was the Skywalker Empire.

All the records ended there. The Chroniclers seemed to have suddenly perished without any warning or reason. All that was left was the history of another country.

In the end, the Chroniclers failed to compile a history book for themselves. Instead, they became the history of other civilizations.

After that, the Utes made up their minds to cross the Heavenly Chasm.

This gap in the universe did not exist in the history of the Chroniclers. The Utes believed that there must be a reason for the mysterious demise of the Chroniclers on the other side of the Heavenly Chasm.

The story that followed was that the Utes continued to study hibernation technology, trying to cross that distance with pure physical abilities.

The information they had compiled became the Chronicler’s history, known to Li Wenyuan today.

However, this matter was not over yet. After searching through the records, Li Wenyuan did not find a civilization named Skywalker Empire in the database.

He had basically explored all of the lower three spiral arms, but there was still no sign of the Skywalker Empire. This situation either meant that the Skywalker Empire had perished, and none of the existing lower three spiral arms civilizations had discovered their ruins.

Or…That civilization was on the other side of the Heavenly Chasm.

Li Wenyuan felt that he might have guessed the reason for the Chronicler’s demise, and the evidence was most likely on the other side of the Heavenly Chasm. For this, he needed to cross this distance.

But before that, he had to record a file for the Chronicler. He saw a certain spirit in the Chronicler, as well as the shadow of a certain group of people.

That was before the Chronicler was called by that name.

How did the Utes determine that the Chroniclers were an artificial intelligence civilization? The ruins with different styles were one aspect, but the most important aspect was the name of the Chronicler.

In the records summarized by the Utes, the Chronicler’s original identification code was called – Variant Terminal..

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