Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration

Chapter 324 - 324: Paper Galaxy

Chapter 324: Paper Galaxy

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

“…A central galaxy?”

The Lightchaser Leader thought for a moment before answering truthfully,

“Not at the moment. The galaxy near the center… is the last home that only the winner can occupy. In order to avoid provoking each other, we and another civilization chose to avoid that area.”

“Although in the end, only one civilization can reach the end, it’s not time for us to start a war yet. Only in this matter did we show unprecedented tacit understanding…”

H 11

Li Wenyuan roughly knew the situation from the Lightchaser Leader.

In the past, some civilizations were born in the center of the oval galaxy. The density of celestial bodies in this place was much higher than the periphery, and the cosmic environment was much harsher. Theoretically, it was not suitable for life to be born.

However, civilizations were still born here, and with the beginning of the cosmic war, they became the first civilization group to be targeted.

The collapse of ethics and morality, the collapse of the order of the interstellar society, caused extreme emotions to shroud everyone.

Everyone knew that the approaching darkness was approaching the center of the sphere. The closer they were to it, the more time there was for civilization, and the more likely it was to block everyone’s retreat.

Even though these civilizations were initially regarded as saviors by all civilizations because they had the most time to study solutions, as one solution after another failed and their living space was forced to shrink, the trust they once had turned into suspicion.

Had they found a way, just preparing how to isolate us? Or were they ready to leave, just trying to hide the news because they didn’t have enough resources to support everyone’s departure?

In the end, the civilizations that were closest to the center became the target of public criticism. They were the first to be eliminated. Even if no one found those threats in their information afterward, they could not stop.

After that, this galaxy seemed to have been cursed by the unwilling souls of these civilizations and fell into cruel chaos.

Now, out of the once prosperous 460 civilizations, only two remained.

One of them was the Lightchaser. Their former name was the Lightchaser. They were an archaeological civilization dedicated to extraterrestrial exploration. However, they had been ruined in the cosmic battle royale and were now just a civilization survival organization.

The other civilization that had reached the end of the Great Escape was Firechaser, a lost empire in the Cradle galaxy. The Lightchaser Society was named after this lost empire.

However, ironically, these two civilizations with extremely similar names finally became mortal enemies that had to be crossed.

Firechaser had relied on their deep foundation to fight until now, while Lightchaser had relied on their deepest understanding of Lost Technology to survive until now.

This was the current situation of the Cradle, also known as the Elliptical Galaxy Beta. The last two civilizations fell into a stalemate. They probed each other and did not move inwards before the darkness approached. They also tried their best to restrain themselves from the war.

This was because they understood that the next battle would be the final showdown that would determine their survival.

As for the situation of the central galaxy, there was naturally no way to know. The information of the civilizations that were originally near the central galaxy had long been lost in the long escape war. Only by personally searching the central galaxy could they confirm if there were any traces of the Observation Terminal.

The reason why Li Wenyuan asked this question was very simple. When the Lightchaser Leader mentioned the term civilization battle royale, he instantly had an idea.

Could this be one of the scribe’s experimental sites?

Based on what they had done in the Spiral Galaxy Alpha, it was not impossible for that evil civilization to create such an experiment for some kind of sociological research. The goal was to study how the collective reaction of civilizations would be in the shrinking world.

According to the prerequisite that every galaxy had an Observation Terminal that they had built, if the Cradle also had an Observation Terminal, the monitor would definitely react to the shrinking world.

If this experiment had nothing to do with them, the scribe would definitely try to stop the phenomenon and leave traces so that the records wouldn’t be interrupted.

If they wanted to record the data of this experiment, the Observation Terminal would definitely be in the center of the galaxy. Only there could they observe the end of the experiment in the darkness.

Looking for the Observation Terminal could let Li Wenyuan confirm if this was a natural disaster or a man-made disaster.

However, it was obvious that he had no way of knowing the answer to this matter at the moment. This was because, from his conversation with the Lightchaser Leader, Li Wenyuan realized that this remaining civilization had fallen into an extreme shortage of resources.

In the civilization battle royale, fixed factories were not needed.

They had developed a new way to survive in interstellar space. Everything about civilization was installed on countless giant spaceships. As the darkness approached, they retreated into the inner circle and collected all the available resources.

However, nomads were not as productive as settlement, not to mention that they had lost too much of their savings in the battle royale.

In the “four-in-two” war, their opponents destroyed their production fleet in a desperate battle, which almost had a devastating effect.

Although they still managed to kill the enemy in the end, they were also in a resource crisis because of the collapse of the production line. The output that they could once rely on the spaceship to complete on its own now required them to send people to search everywhere.

Not only that, but they also had to be on guard against the attacks of the Firechaser at all times. This made their already harsh living environment worse.

The current Lightchaser was on the verge of collapse because of the lack of food. How could an interstellar civilization starve to death? This made the despairing Lightchaser send out a distress signal again after so many years. His goal was not to ask for help, but to leave his last words.

However, this time, a civilization really responded to the distress signal.

After understanding the situation over there, Li Wenyuan immediately decided to let some unmanned spaceships warp over to find clues about the scribes and provide some help to the Lightchaser Civilization.

However, when he hoped that Lightchaser could provide a string of coordinates detailed enough for warp, he received something that shocked him.

“This is…”

The data did provide extremely detailed coordinates, enough to meet warp requirements, but there were a few abnormal parameters.

Li Wenyuan, who was extremely familiar with warp, knew that it meant that the space-time structure there was already extremely weak. To describe it figuratively, it was as thin as paper..

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