Becoming the Luna

Chapter 59

Chapter 59

((/If there's anyone who couldn't read the previous chapters please comment under this paragraph so that I can give you a rough sketch of what happened, thank you!/))

Dale finally lets me up and I see Virgil coming out, coatless and with his shirtsleeves rolled up, his previously coiffed hair is in a disarray but that dangerous look still hasn't left his eyes.

When I see Virgil, it finally hits that they had actually come for me, I let my head fall on Dale's shoulder, content to let my eyes track Virgil who strides all the way to the door.

He bends down briefly and I crane my head to see Elise sobbing and terrified, inching away from him like he's a monster, I can't see Virgil's expression or hear what he's saying to her but whatever it is makes Elise shake her head furiously and scramble back as far the wall behind her would all.

He tilts his head to the side and I catch the tail ends of deeply growled words, whatever he's saying now makes Elise cover her face and cry so hard that I can see her shoulders shake all the way from where I'm cuddled up against Dale.

He gets up again and wraps a hand around Elise's hair, the elaborate hairdo was ruined now and her hair was all over the place, Virgil takes advantage of this and uses her hair to drag her around to me, a detached expression on his face that scares even me that's not a recipient of his wrath.

"Alpha please." Elise sobs with the most sincerity I've ever seen come from her and I'm too stunned by the entire scene to let her words sink in.

Virgil ignores her pleas and drags her effortlessly to the foot of the bed, he lifts her up by her hair and she grabs onto the roots because being held up by only your hair couldn't feel good.

She's crying and holding onto his wrists, begging and pleading but I can barely hear her words anymore.

Virgil doesn't even react to her theatrics and I remind myself never to get him mad, he rarely got angry but his wrath was truly something to fear, I guess Elise is just realizing that Virgil was never the good guy.

"Apologize." He says coldly, the single word coming out in a growl that has me shivering and goosebumps trailing on my exposed skin.

"H-Hayden." She hiccups. "I-I'm"

"Don't call his name." Virgil cuts her off and I just stare speechless as Elise flinches and starts crying again, she's an ugly crier, all her makeup is melting off her face.

"I-I'm so s-sorry, I p-promise I-I didn't mean to." She manages to string an entire sentence together, her words sound like a lie but I don't really care for her apology, I just want Virgil.

Virgil throws her against the wall and she hits it hard, flopping to the ground like a broken doll, I know I should be worried but I can't find it in me to do that just yet, my mind is still straining under the events of today.

He walks over to where he had hung his coat up, no doubt before going up again Tyrone, that reminded me, where was Tyrone?

I wonder, craning my head around to look in the direction I had seen him last, Dale still doesn't let me, peppering my face with tiny kisses to distract me.

I hear Virgil's soft footsteps finally making their way to the bed but they sound so loud to me, the only thing I can hear.

His warm coat that smells like cocoa and strawberries falls on me and I feel another crying jag making its way out of my throat, Dale hands me over to him without question or any of his usual teasing.

Feeling Virgil wrap his arms around me is the same as it is with Dale. "Virgil." I whisper his name on another sob, he picks me off the bed and I realized that I'm dressed in nothing but a pair of high waisted pants that are open to show the garters that I have underneath them but Virgil's coat envelopes me, hiding me from the rest of the world.

He doesn't say anything, content to carry me bridal style and bury his face in my neck, his breathing is unsteady and the tears come harder.

Dale gets off the bed and makes his way over to where Virgil had flung Elise. "Might as well put her where her zombies will find her." He mutters under his breath, grabbing the ends of her hair again to obviously drag her out.

The pins in my hair are all out now from Tyrone's rough handling, thinking about him makes my throat constrict and tears fall down my face, a small sound of terror escaping me.

"Hayden." Virgil's wretched voice whispers into the crook of my neck, he seems more hurt than I am. "I'm so sorry."

I just let my head fall on his shoulder, too exhausted to even think as he strides down the hallways, Dale drags Elise around till we get to the familiar part of school and where the lights are brighter, there's a streak of blood down her face and she's obviously unconscious but I must be dead inside because I don't feel anything at this sight.

The entire school is on the red carpet taking pictures and I just rest against Virgil with a deep breath, trusting that he'll protect me.

Virgil is still popular so walking through practically the entire school with someone who is wrapped in his coat in his arms is bound to cause questions and raised eyebrows, journalists in the school press get in Virgil's face throwing rapid-fire questions in his face.

"Is that your girlfriend?"

"Did you get in a fight?"

"Our sources tell us that your date was Hayden LeBaron, what do you have to say about this?"

"Our sources also tell us that you were seen taking Ice Queen Elise into the backrooms, what is your opinion?"

Virgil just sweeps effortlessly through them, camera flashes going off on his face as he makes his way over to the car.

Dale doesn't even seem fazed when the press move on to him when Virgil doesn't give them the time of the day, he also manages to evade them and go to open the door for Virgil so he can slip in with me in his arms.

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