Becoming the Luna

Chapter 78

Chapter 78

I try my hardest to ignore them but it's like trying to ignore a bright flashlight pointed right in my eyes, it's not possible.

After reading the same line for the tenth time, I just give up and just stare up at the the inside of my umbrella, my fist unconsciously clenching and unclenching - whose decision was it again to come to the beach?

Oh right, mine! Because I thought I was tired of having Virgil's and Dale's attention all to myself but I take it back.

Dale eventually makes his way over, he had been talking a short distance away from where our blankets are with the darker haired girl.

His jaw is tight when makes his way over and his expression shuttered and I perk up at this, wondering what's wrong? If it's the dark haired girl? Decorum be damned, I'm tossing a handful of sand in her face.

"You look grumpy." Dale moves forward to crouch and whisper in my ear, sneaking a kiss on my forehead as he does this and I forget to be worried about him, going red in the face.

I feel like Virgil is watching our short exchange but when I whip my head around to look at him, I get a faceful of Julia trying to crawl into him, does she have any idea of the meaning of personal space?

"You look unhappy." I tell Dale, deciding to ignore Virgil since he's practically doing the same thing.

"I'm fine." He whispers to me, flashing me his goofy smile before getting back up. "Guys, meet Nicole, she's a"

"Ex, I'm his ex." She provides quickly, stretching out a hand, Shana stares at her outstretched hand like it's a living animal and then flashes a hand covered in tanning lotion in her face.

"Nice to meet you Nicole but I don't think you'd want tanning lotion on you." She says blankly.

This leaves just me to shake her hand, which I manage to do without causing any world level catastrophe like dragging her towards me so that I can ram my knee into her smug face.

"Uh, yeah" Dale trails off without heat. "Nicole, meet my friends, Hayden and Shana."

There's an awkward silence after the introductions are complete but it goes over Dale's head who's smoothening his blanket which are on the other side of Shana, most likely getting ready to sit down. "Hey, Hayden?" He calls to me, breaking me out of my thoughts that were well, about him.

"Yeah?" I look up, Nicole is still hovering around like she's expecting something or maybe she's just waiting for her friend.

"Do you want a drink?" He asks absently.

And I start to say no before Nicole's smug expression slams into me.  "I don't mind." I shrug, picking my book up again.

"Do you mind if I tag along? Julia isn't ready to leave yet anyway." She asks.

"Sure." Dale agrees enthusiastically and they walk off.

"The beach is officially off our to-do list for the rest of summer." Shana says tightly and I can't help but agree, Nicole is no Elise but I can't help but feel like she and Julia might be a little bit of trouble.

"So did you hear about the birthday ball that the Mrs. LeBaron is hosting?" Julia asks when we're halfway done with our drinks, somehow we all end up sitting in a big circle and I want to throw my cup of cold punch at someone, preferably Julia. "We got invited." She says smugly.

I have to physically stop myself from telling her that I'm a LeBaron but Shana isn't that humble. 

"Maggie is a really close family friend so she's throwing the birthday ball for me, I had no idea it had become so popular." She says with fake sweetness.

I see Julia's dark eyes harden at Shana's words. "I had no idea Mrs. LeBaron did charity." She takes a jab at Shana and Nicole snickers.

I see red at this and my words leave my mouth before I can process. "My grandmother doesn't but if you need some help I could ask her for you." I say with syrupy sweetness.

Julia bites back her words and I see her eyes widen imperceptibly at this, she looks like she wants to suck up to me but she had already ruined her image so there was no reason to even try.

"I thought you were a myth." Nicole says in a kind voice.

"I'm obviously real." I say in a much subdued voice, much calmer now that there's no one threatening any of my friends.

Dale's phone rings and he gets up to pick it up, Virgil gets distracted by Julia again so only Shana and I get to see the real person behind the nice facade that Nicole puts up.

"I don't care if your grandparents own half of the entire fucking City, stay away from Dale, he isn't gay and he doesn't need or want you."

I flinch back at this like I've been slapped and it really feels like I've been slapped, why do I always get blamed?

Shana moves forward unconsciously and I have to hold her back before she punches Nicole's face in. "Hayden, just let me just give her a little piece of my mind." Shana growls intensely, staring at Nicole so hard that she scrambles a couple of steps back.

"He's not even one of us and you're taking his side?" Nicole snarls at Shana and this time I can't stop her fast enough.

She tackles Nicole to the blankets and Virgil startles at this.

"What's going on?" He frowns and Nicole quickly separates from Shana who looks bloodthirsty.

"Oh nothing important." Shana waves away, calmly returning to her blanket.

Julia quickly drags Virgil away and I want to tackle her to the ground.

"Say that again and I won't miss." Shana threatens and I glance at where the brief tussle had happened to see a small part of the blanket in shreds and I blink in confusion, wondering what could have caused it.

Dale picks this moment to come back and Julia and Virgil comes behind him.

"Virgil has agreed to be my date to the ball!" Julia announces happily like he had proposed to her, Virgil just keeps a blank expression and I want to smack it off his face.

How dare he act so unbothered?

"You should be my date to the ball, Dale, it'll be like old times." Nicole says sweetly hanging off Dale's arm.

Dale just stares at me like he's confused or asking permission and I clench my teeth at the way she cups his face to turn his gaze away from me.

"Hmm? Hmm? What do you say?" She asks brightly, not giving him a chance to think.

"Um, sure?" Dale says in a unsure voice.

"Hayden can go with Shana then." Julia says with something akin to disgust in her voice.

I can't help but feel something off about the entire thing but my anger at Virgil's nonchalance overshadows everything else.

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