Bedding My Vampire Mate

Chapter 183 The Terrified Audrey

Joanna stretched her hand and grabbed Audrey's left hand seeing her about to open their bedroom door.

"Where are you going and in this condition? It's still quite dark outside…,"

"I will take care of that, Anna. I need to check the situation at home and make sure that everything is fine," Audrey, who wasn't in her right mind, replied, brushing Joanna's hands away.

"Do you need me to come with you… and won't you freshen up first?" Joanna questioned as she examined Audrey's clothes she has been wearing since last night.

"That's not important right now," Audrey replied absentmindedly as she pushed the door open.

She walked into the sitting room with Joanna following her. "Also, you don't have to come with me now. When I get there, I will call to update you so don't worry and go back to sleep," Audrey turned and looked at Joanna when they reached the main entrance.

"I am sure you didn't get enough sleep because of your state of mind so don't worry about me," Audrey forced a smile.

She bent and shove her legs into her black sneakers.

"Since you won't let me come along with you then let me escort you downstairs…,"

"You don't have to. I can manage just fine…,"

"I know my best friend is a strong girl but I still insist," Joanna refused to let Audrey have her way.

She held Audrey's hands and together the two ladies found their way downstairs.

Getting downstairs, Joanna was reluctant to let Audrey leave in her condition. She suggested still following her but Audrey was firm about her decision.

So she won't delay her anymore Joanna decided to do what she wanted.

"Bestie, don't forget to give me a call ok?" Joanna yelled waving at Audrey.

Audrey didn't reply but instead waved her right hand in the air.

Joanna watched her vanish into thin air almost immediately.

"I wish everything is ok with her parents. Despite that, she always acts stubborn with them only I know how much she adores them," Joanna muttered her eyes still looking into space.

Turning to walk back into the building the first place Joanna's eyes went to was the direction of Amos' apartment.

"Before I fell asleep he didn't return home so I wonder if he slept over at his apartment or…," Joanna didn't even want to say out her thoughts.

Getting her mood ruined so early by imagining things that might not be true will do more harm than good.

"I will find out whether or not he came back home in an hour or so after I freshened and get dressed," Joanna muttered as she walked back into the building.

Knowing very well that trying to fall asleep was a waste of time, Joanna used the time she would have spent tossing in bed to freshen and get dressed.

While she was doing this, Audrey was in front of her gate.

The instant the security guards set eyes on her, they opened the huge gate for her.

Out of all the houses she has passed by only her home's entire lights was turned on.

"Young Miss…," Audrey ran passed the security guards before they could say any meaningful thing.

"Mum…," Audrey yelled on reaching the sitting room.

In the sitting room, she met the maids trying to put in order the room which was turned upside down.

The knife cut mark on the brown centre table indicated that a fight happened there.

"Welcome, Young Miss," the maids previously working abandoned what they were doing and bowed the moment they saw Audrey.

"Where are Mum and Dad?" The anxious Audrey demanded with widened eyes.

"They are in…," the maid needed to only point at her parent's room for Audrey to understand what she wanted to say.

She didn't wait for the maid to finish her sentence before she dashed upstairs.

Reaching her parent's room door, with trembling hands Audrey lifted her hand and turned the door's knob.

"Mum!" The words escaped from Audrey's lips when she opened the door and met her mother standing in front of her.

"What are you…," Audrey ran into the room and embraced her mother in a flash catching the woman in blue pyjamas unawares.

"Thank goodness you are ok," Audrey muttered, her grip around her mother's neck tightened.

"Audrey…," Mrs Lopez tapped Audrey's right hand but Audrey refused to let go.

"If this goes on, I am afraid you are gonna squeeze the life out of me so let go already Audrey Lopez ok," Mrs Lopez said as she hits Audrey's hand once again.

Audrey loosen her grip and soon pulled away.

"What happened? Did you dream about us dying, is that what worked the magic that all my pleads couldn't?" Mrs Lopez asked pretending as though she wasn't happy to have her daughter home when in fact her heart was about to burst with happiness.

"Mum, how could you say that?" Audrey asked frowning. She let her eyes examine the sitting room.

When she didn't see her father, Miley's words echoed in her head "Someone got hurt".

[If my Mum is alright then was my Dad the one who got hurt?]

Audrey's eyes widened at the thought that her father was hurt.

"Why won't I say…," Audrey gently pushed her mother aside and ran into the room properly.

"Where is Dad?" She demanded. Without waiting for her mother's response, she ran toward their bedroom.

"Damn it!" Audrey cursed instantly turning her back to their parent's bedroom.

"Audrey, what is wrong? Why are you home so early? Did something happen…,"

"Finish dressing up Dad. We will talk afterwards," Audrey cut in. She jammed her parent's bedroom shut.

Audrey walked back into the sitting room to meet her mother sitting on the green couch.

"Mum, why didn't you tell me that Dad was dressing up?" Audrey questioned, her lips pouting as she walked to the second couch.

"You didn't let me say a word before you barged into our bedroom so how would I have done that huh?" Mrs Lopez replied as she crossed her long legs.

"That is…," Audrey paused on remembering why she barged into her parent's bedroom in the first place.

"If neither you nor Dad was the one who got injured then who did?" Audrey questioned her gaze concentrated on her mother's face.

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