Bedding My Vampire Mate

Chapter 257 She Ran Away

[Drey, you can't give in just yet. I am sure she wouldn't understand the depth of what she did if you forgive her so soon]

Audrey who was starting to get swayed by Amos' words cautioned herself.

"There is no need to tell me all these because I don't care about what happens to her…,"

"Really?" He retorted his gaze centred on her face. "Are you sure you don't care about her anymore?" He demanded.

"Of course I am sure…,"

"Do you think I don't always see you peeping out of the window to check up on her each time we stake out in front of your home?" Amos cut in softly.

Audrey who looked like she had a lot to say went quiet when she realised that what she did that was supposed to be a secret was no longer a secret.

"I also listened to a few words you said… Audrey, you can lie to everyone and pretend as much as you want that you dislike Joan but know that you can't fool me," He asserted in a gentle tone.

With only two of them on the large field, there was nothing or no one to disrupt this important conversation they were having.

Following her to this place turned out to be a blessing rather than a curse.

"If you still like her so much why don't you give her another chance? Give yourself a chance too…,"

"You can go on deceiving yourself as much as you want but count me out. I am out of here," Audrey said. She disappeared before Amos could fathom what she was up to.

"Audrey," Amos called, his gaze glued on the direction Audrey disappeared to.

"Audrey, I am not done yet…,"

"If you have so much free time to kill then why don't you spend it on her? From what you said I am sure she needs it more than I do," Audrey's words echoed in Amos' ears making his right ear twitch.

There was long silence afterwards.

Amos turned and sat down on the bench dejectedly. "I really wanted to see her happy by helping them to settle things. I can't believe I failed to move her heart with my words," Amos muttered.

With his head lowered he cupped his face. "I couldn't do such a simple thing. I can't believe that even with my influence I can't help her get what she desperately wants at the moment," Amos' chest tightened when the image of Joanna crying popped up in his head.

It has only been three days since the two ladies haven't seen each other but he has caught Joanna shedding tears more than five times while going through some of their pictures.

Not being able to change Audrey's mind about cutting off ties with Joanna made him feel very terrible.

He didn't have the heart to see her at that moment so he stayed in the empty field for over an hour.

He returned home when he had felt a lot better.

Joanna sitting on the grey couch surfing through her phone took her gaze off what she was doing when the entrance door clicked open.

Her eyes followed the owner of the house until he took his position on the same couch she sat on.

"Where did you go?" Joanna asked after seeing that he had settled down.

Though her question was very simple Amos hesitated about what response to give her.

He didn't believe it was a good thing to tell her about what transpired between him and Audrey especially when things didn't turn out as he had wanted.

"You don't look very happy. Did something happen while you were away?" Joanna tried to take a guess when she saw the gloomy look on his face.

"The palace…,"

"Relax, nothing is wrong," he asserted noticing that she was beginning to panic due to his silence.

"Are you sure?" Joanna questioned suspiciously, not believing what he said. Her scrutinising gaze made him avoid her stares.

Although she has been very distracted lately because of her misunderstanding with Audrey, she always made sure to pay attention to him.

She saw the time he left. His expression when he left has been engraved on her mind and that's why she could tell that there was a change in his mood after he returned.

"Yeah, I am," Amos said while looking straight ahead of him. The way he avoided looking at her made Joanna believe that he was hiding something.

Curious to know what he was hiding Joanna reached out her hand and hold his chin. She slowly turned his face around so that he was looking right into her eyes.

"Repeat your earlier answer while looking into my eyes," Joanna said still looking into his eyeballs.

"Th-that's…," Amos stammered not able to repeat the words he said earlier.

He loves her way more than he loves himself so how could he bring himself to blatantly lie to her face?

As he stared at her face, his eyes started observing the features of her face.

His eyes moved from her straight eyebrows to her pointy nose. He swallowed a lump when his eyes landed on her pouty moving rosy lips.

His throat went dry at that moment and he gulped for the second time.

[Hey, Kayden what is wrong with you? How could you conceive such a thought in this situation… Get a grip on yourself if you don't want to chase her away]

Amos cautioned himself. He was stupefied when he realised that his face was so close to hers that he could feel the warm sensation of her breath against his skin.

[Dammit! When on Earth did my body move to this point?]

Amos readjusted to his previous position after noticing what had happened.

"I know I promised not to touch you but I can't promise I won't go back on my words if you use such trickery ways like this to seduce me," Amos said as he looked away from her face. His throbbing heart didn't stop beating erratically even though he wasn't staring at her.



As you know the end of the month is always the time for this author to appreciate all the readers who have done exceptionally well.

Guys, I just want to say a big thank you to all of you.

A bigger thank you to all the readers who bought privileged chapters, send gifts, Cast GOLDEN TICKETS, voted with power stones and leave comments on the book (coughs**... I didn't mention review because there was no review in September)

Thank you very much. It was because of your immense support that I got the strength and motivation to write.

When I was at my weakest point you all gave me a reason to laugh and something to feel grateful for.

Guys, to the bunch of you who has been exceptionally supportive, I will forever remember you.

Thank you for the love, care and support you have showered on this book. You all have won my heart 💓💓💓.

Guys, just a pleasant warning from the author who loves you a lot. Don't be surprised or angry if you see some readers dominate all the categories. It's this way because they worked hard for it.

If you want your name to be on the list then do everything within your power to support the book.

So here are the names of readers who supported me exceptionally last month.


1) Flower_goddess

2) DaoistTzoOew

3) Fitoria_01

Thank you for showing me support all round. Thanks for all the coins, comments, gifts, power stones and GOLDEN TICKETS. Words alone can't express how grateful I am to all of you.


1) DaoistTzoOew

2) Shining_girl

3) Mydestiny_18

Thank you for all the GOLDEN TICKETS. You give my novel a rank on the Webnovel Golden Tickets ranking, I am grateful for this. Thank you for giving me a sense of worth and accomplishment. What you have done means more than you think, I just want you to know that.


1) DaoistTzoOew

When I was in a terrible mood your comments always did the magic of bringing a smile to my face. Thank you for all the awesome comments.


1) DaoistTzoOew

2) Fitoria_01

3) Clumsy_N1nja

Thank you so much guys for showering me with gifts. Your gifts don't always bring a smile to my face but it gives me a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. Nothing feels better than receiving a gift from a loved one. No matter how little or big it's, your heart is always elated.

That's exactly how I always feel each time I receive a gift from my darling readers.


A big shout out to all the readers who purchased September 2022 privileged chapters. Although I don't know your names, know that your impact has been greatly felt by your lovely author. I will forever remain grateful to all of you.

Thank you for making me feel that putting up the extra chapters was not a total waste of my time and efforts.

To all the readers who voted with their power stones in September, I just want to say thank you. Your author noticed you so don't ever feel like I have forgotten you or I don't see what you are doing.

Thank you for all the power stones you have given to this book.


P.S: The author's monthly appreciation will be ending in October 2022. I have said this before and I am saying it again to readers who might not be aware of it.

If you want your name to be forever remembered as a loyal fan of BEDDING MY VAMPIRE MATE then I will advise that you do everything within your power to make sure your name is in there in October. This is because you might not get this chance again.

ALL IT TAKES FOR YOUR NAME TO BE ON THE LIST; is to buy privileged chapters and unlock them daily, comment, send gifts, cast all your GOLDEN TICKETS to this book, vote with power stones and lastly, leave a review on the book.


I look forward to seeing the readers whose names will be on this list on October 2022.

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