Bedding My Vampire Mate

Chapter 278 Audrey Plays The Matchmaker

"I am sure the silly girl will be over the moon when she sets eyes on the Almond and Chocolate cake I got for her. I can't wait to see her smiling from ear to ear," Audrey's eyes glistened as she looked at the box in her hands.

Nothing serves better than giving two of her favourite flavour cakes as an apology. This is what she believed.

When the elevator stopped at the designated floor, Audrey stepped out and made her way to the only apartment on that floor.

In all the apartments she has been to including the ones she checked out when she wanted to rent an apartment, she never saw the landlord/landlady build an entire floor for him/herself.

Apart from saving herself the trouble of having to deal with annoying tenants, this particular landlady decided to give herself a treat by building an entire floor for herself.

Although she didn't know how Amos managed to convince the landlady to vacate the apartment, she admits he is a lucky guy to be able to enjoy such luxuries.

At the door, Audrey halted. She raised her hand to ring the doorbell but stopped midway due to the conversation going on inside.

She paused and paid attention to what those inside the house were saying.

"Joan, that is enough," The guy grabbing the lady by both shoulders to keep her in control declared sternly as he looked into her eyes.

"I want you and I am sure you must feel the same way right?" Joanna asked. She frantically tried to kiss him on his bare chest but he pulled backwards.

"Stop being stubborn…,"

"I am not being stubborn ok?" Joanna retorted. She sounded very irritated as she talked

"You are the stubborn one here," She scoffed and pulled backwards like a child who has to withdraw after being constantly denied her favourite snacks.

"You were so crazy about me in the past but recently you keep rejecting all my advances. What happened hmm?" Joanna demanded. She still maintained her pouty lips.

"Is it that you don't love or find me attractive again or are you treating me this way because maybe your feelings had perhaps changed," She mustered up all her courage to face her fears once and for all.

Having her hopes dashed by him right now is better than living a life of lies.

"Of course not," He blurted. He let go of her right shoulder and raised his hand to touch her face.

"I don't want us to go any further than this because I am sure I would unintentionally hurt you…,"

"But I am not complaining or am I?" Joanna's eyes glimmered when she learned his reason for the hesitation.

"Silly, of course you are unconcerned about this but I am concerned. I won't be able to forgive myself if I hurt you either physically, mentally or emotionally," He promised as he stroked her face.

Audrey standing outside the door shook her head as she listened to the two individuals' conversation.

[There are still at this stage despite that I left for so many hours just to have them fixed up… I can't believe that despite all their intelligence they haven't made any progress]

Realising that her efforts were not very useful made Audrey shake her head in disappointment.

She lifted her hand to knock on the door again but still changed her mind at the last minute.

[Since I decided to be a good person by playing matchmaker, why don't I play matchmaker until the end? I am sure this is what she desperately wants right now instead of a third wheel who will end up ruining things for her]

Audrey took a long stare at the grey door, she spun and returned in the same direction she came from with her gifts in her hands.

[I will come back tomorrow when everything has been sorted]

Audrey said as she waited in front of the elevator door for it to open.

Inside the room, Amos sprang up from the couch after managing to free himself from her.

"Wait here while I call Gideon," Amos said. He hurriedly bent and picked up his cell phone lying on the centre table.

"Amos…," Amos placed his index finger on his lips as a signal for her to be quiet.

"We will talk again after I conclude with the call so be a good girl and wait for me," He instructed as he walked a few steps away from the centre table.

On the first dial, there was an immediate response from the recipient.

"Good evening, Your Majesty," Gideon greeted and bowed. He was checking the car but had to put a halt to it after the King's call.

"Gideon, I have an order for you," He announced as he paced about the spacious sitting room.

"There is a man who thinks he can hurt my person and go scot-free just because he is under the protection of some powerful men….," Amos trailed. He clenched his fist when he recalled Mr Aidan asking him whether his parents were the Prime Minister's children.

So what if my parents are not the Prime Minister's children?

I am more powerful and influential than him.

"Just give us a name Your Majesty and I will make sure to get the job done," Gideon replied sternly.

While he was on the phone he scrutinized the premises to make sure no one was in sight.

"Mr Aidan, the Chancellor Of Twilight University," Amos stated.

"I am aware that you and your men know what to do with him but before you put an end to his wretched life, make sure that the hands he used in ripping my woman's clothes off are not attached to his body," Amos instructed.

The coldness of his voice as he talked made Joanna wonder whether he was still the same guy who acts silly and naughty around her all the time.

"We will execute the task according to his Majesty's instructions," Gideon responded. He reached out his hand and dropped the things in his possession inside the grey Mercedes Benz.

"I will call to make reports after the job is done…,"

"You can do that but not tonight," Amos cut in sharply.



Hello darling readers, it's another end of the month. And do you know what makes the end of October extra special?

It's because 31st October 2022 will mark the end of the Author's Appreciation for this book.

These four months were epic for me. Having something to look forward to at the end of the month was super fun.

Although it pains my heart to bring this to the end I want to tell all of you that this doesn't mark the end of our MONTHLY GOALS.

Our MONTHLY GOALS will remain and so are the rewards.

I want to use this medium to thank all my readers out there. Thank you for the love and care you have showered on me and this book since its creation.

It has been six months since I published this book. As short as some of you might think six months is, it wasn't short for me neither was it smooth sailing.

But I was able to pull through this because of your endless love and support and for this, I will forever remain grateful to all of you.

Thank you for being my source of strength and motivation. I wish that our bond will continue growing as the story progresses.

Please keep on supporting the book and make sure you see it to the end.

Like I always say, all of my readers are supportive and awesome but they are those who are super supportive and very awesome. I want to use this medium to thank these super supportive and very awesome readers by listing out their names.


A big shout-out to our top fans. To those whose names are here, I want to say congratulations to you.

To some of you who might not know what makes a top fan in Webnovel, let me tell you. Buying privileged chapters and the coins you use in unlocking locked chapters, power stones, GOLDEN TICKETS, gifts, comments and reviews; all these things count in getting your name on the top fan list.

I want you to know that I appreciate all of you very much. Thank you for loving my book so much.

It's another thing to love a book and it's another to support the book you love so I want to say thank you for supporting the book.

1) DaoistTzoOew

2) Flower_goddess

3) Fitoria_01


A big thank you for all the awesome gifts. Would you believe it if I say I love your gifts very much this month?

Not only did I love your gifts but it made me very happy to know that my readers appreciate my hard work. Thanks a bunch for the heartwarming gifts... (*coughs...) I am shamelessly asking that you keep the gifts coming.

1) Tammy_Schrimsher

2) Fitoria_01

3) DaoistTzoOew


Thank you so much to all of you who cast GOLDEN TICKETS to my book this month. You don't know just how much I appreciate all your support. Your support means a whole lot to me.

1) Tammy_Schrimsher

2) DaoistTzoOew

3) Garnette_Khethiwe


I am grateful to you for the comments this month. Thank you for the sweet comments, I really love them.

1) DaoistTzoOew


Thank you for being the only reviewer this month. Your review was informative and it has helped me to decide on my upcoming books. Don't worry I will try to make corrections. Thanks for the feedback.

1) DaoistmfOF5T


To all the readers who have supported me by buying privileged chapters, I want to say thank you. Thank you very much for the love and support you have shown me so far. Words alone can't express how happy and thankful I am to have super awesome readers like you.

Also a big shout-out to all of you who voted relentlessly for this book with power stones. I see all you are doing and I am very grateful to all of you.

P.S. Although we didn't complete any of the goals this month, I am thinking of giving a mass release because of how well you performed this month.

Will this be enough to bribe you guys to do better next month and even in the coming months?

Don't forget to tell me what you think in the comments.

Also, I am sorry I had to cut short some of the messages. I was afraid you guys would complain that the chapter was too long.

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