Being a Koi in a Survival Game

Chapter 1483: What will happen tomorrow?

  Chapter 1483 What will happen tomorrow?

  War is destruction, but also new life.

   This group of high-IQ players who signed up must have some parallel imports, but most of them have real materials. It may also be that some bigwigs are so talented in science and technology that they entrust ordinary outstanding geniuses into parallel imports.

  The specific example is that they repaired the high-tech translator and image assimilation equipment in just one day!

  When everyone sees that each other has changed into a look that they can accept, they feel much more comfortable in an instant, and the original image of a good-looking player becomes another image, which is also very pleasing to the other party's eyes.

  It's a pity that after all, the original shape has been revealed, no matter how good-looking it is, it is difficult to spark the spark of love.

  Now everything can be provided to them for research, and this group of players with the peak IQ of intelligent creatures has found a shortcut to enter Sarin.

  The explosion of sarin mainly destroyed the central area A, on the contrary, many places in the outer areas B and C remained.

  All kinds of high technology can be seen everywhere, placed in front of these high IQ players like scraps.

   After defeating Sayu, the players' good luck seemed to come like this.

  Advanced civilization’s technological reconstruction of the planet, in this open and communicative situation, post-war recovery is faster than imagined.

  Blue Star Era 6618.

  After paying a huge price, the planets that were originally planetary civilizations directly crossed over to interstellar civilizations.

  After the disaster, it's a new beginning!

  The reconstruction after the war was more harmonious than imagined.

  Although many small planets have been preserved, they are too damaged to live in. What to do with the players on them has become a major problem.

Some planets have too few surviving players and are accepted by other planets; some planets can’t survive, and the number of players is still considerable, so I found players on the same planets, and looked for an asteroid among the Sarin stars to start a new life. Life.

  Technology has been restored, and order has begun to be re-established.

   Interstellar alliance formed, named "Super Tube Alliance".

  All S-level players are the first member representatives, and Fu Anan was somehow elected to the highest position, named "Consul".

   That is, the person with the highest honor, the person with the highest authority, and the highest decision-maker.

  Take this seat...

  She is under a lot of pressure!

  She is just an ordinary player, except that her fists are a little harder than theirs.

  She didn't want to do it, so she recommended Fu Yizhi.

   I didn't expect her Brother Fu to be less famous than her. Many people first asked who "Fu Yizhi" was?

   Later, Fu Anan showed off Fu Yizhi's record of evolving into a super virus, but they still had to choose themselves.

  In their hearts, they could almost become the No. 01 successor, but the No. 01 successor didn't do it. Fu An'an, who led them to completely kill Sayu, is the best!

   It is agreed that this position belongs to her, not a ball whose body is not repaired now.

  Fu Anan didn't know what to say after listening.

  It’s okay to ask her to do things, but to become a leader, isn’t this going to take everyone into the ditch?

  Fu Anan, who was forced to ascend to the highest position, hugged Fu Yizhi's spiritual body, his eyes showed a sense of bewilderment about the future, "Brother Fu, don't they know that fighting the country and defending the country are different concepts?"

  Why did this group of people abandon Wang Zha and insist on a parallel importer?

   "You are not a parallel importer, you just lack confidence."

  Fu Yizhi's voice rang in his ears.

  Looking at the limp lump on his knee, it went against the low and gentle voice.

   Fu Yizhi, who didn't like to talk in the first place, and even less after he became a spiritual body, suddenly said a lot, "You can do well, even if you can't do well, I will teach you."

   "But I think you are more suitable."

   Fu Anan whispered.

   This game and the player war can be won, and she is not alone.

  She is too aware of how much she weighs.

  When I first took over this job, I was really in a hurry.

  The later the game, the more and more time there is for fighting between planets. The alliance has meetings every day, at most 6 meetings a day, and Fu Anan sits in the meeting room all day long.

  A group of S-level players brought the most talkative negotiators on their planet to the round table, and Fu Anan felt dizzy.

  From bewildered to proficient.

  From the background board to the real ruler.

   Fu Yizhi, who had become a spiritual body, taught little by little next to her and practiced day by day. In just half a year, she really had a huge transformation.

  Fu Anan settled down, and began to face up to the position where he was sitting under his buttocks.

   Those in power are also leaders!

  After experiencing the game, Sayu forcibly brought together planets that were originally irrelevant in their development trajectories. What should be done in the future is a question that all players need to understand.

   What should we do in the future?

  How should each race survive?

  Where should their development go?

  Every planet, every race, and even every surviving intelligent creature is at a loss.

   This kind of bewilderment was discovered by Fu Anan before everyone realized it.

  After a long discussion, they finally discussed the general idea.

  First: The interstellar life unity is established.

  As the intelligent creatures gathered around the ruins of Sarin, from now on, everyone will no longer be divided into natives and aliens, but all blue stars.

  Second: Future development, technology, education, life without regional restrictions.

  Third: Continue to explore space.

  Although they defeated Sayu, it does not mean that there is only one Sayu in the universe. Only by maintaining continuous progress and strength can they maintain the hard-won peace.

  After the war, technology took off.

  Fu An'an was very busy during this period, and even returned to Blue Star 6618 and left again in just a few days, feeling a bit like Dayu's flood control.

   With transparent technology, every planet is developing vigorously.

   Interstellar era 6620

   This is a special year.

  There are two major events in the entire league:

First: Special ability researchers have discovered a method to stimulate special abilities. People all over the world have the potential to stimulate special abilities. At the same time, Fu Anan and Fu Yizhi, the highest representatives of special ability development, are already representatives. They only need to reverse the activation method and The upgrade method will do.

  The upgrade of special abilities can even bring about life extension, and the training and activation that was immediately renamed "spiritual power" was welcomed by the public.

  In the same year, the law prohibiting the forced deprivation of the spiritual body by external force was promulgated.

   This is the strictest and most egregious violation of all laws and must not be allowed to exist.

  Second: The survival game is back online

  At this time its meaning has completely changed.

  In order to commemorate the victory of the Sayu War, and to let future generations remember and cherish this hard-won peace, the survival game has become a rite of passage that all intelligent creatures must go through when they grow up. Every juvenile intelligent creature has to pass three rounds of survival games before becoming an adult, so that everyone can feel the hardships of their parents.

  The other is punishment.

  If any intelligent creature violates the law and forcibly withdraws his body and spirit, he will be exiled to survive the game, and the game will never stop repeating.


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