Being a Koi in a Survival Game

Chapter : -good news~

  Notification chapter-good news~

  The book "Being a Koi in a Survival Game" has already been published as a physical book~

  But it is still in the process of revising the draft. The whole process needs to revise the first draft, second draft, and third draft (at the current stage: the first draft is being revised and prepared by Orz), so I will let everyone know first.

   In addition, I opened Weibo (ID: Summer Daoguxiang), and the specific publication news will be notified there, I hope everyone can pay attention.

   At the same time, the management of Xiaoguai has also been built (in the survival game, do koi super. words, summer rice fragrance super. words)

  Welcome to Chaohua to be active~

  PS: I can also do some small activities in the wb later, and I will try to find out some blocked and deleted original chapters and post them there.

  Stay tuned~

  (* ̄3 ̄)╭


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