Beneficial Union: Chasing A Rogue Wife

Chapter 387: Other rules

Chapter 387: Other rules

The spiritual threads are connected to multiple directions like a web and Gao Lan Mei being the center of it. 'Too few and still on wrong spots.' She thought with disappointment, the deep frown on her face shows great displeasure.

Since they are still not a lot, not even comparable to the pile of stones that she marked earlier, that only means one thing. Not all are willing to cooperate.

'How can we convince them to cooperate?' Gao Lan Mei though understands the others point of view, she still wants them to change their mind. 'Should I just give up on them?'

Wei Jiayi can also see the threads that are connected to Gao Lan Mei's hands. In fact, one of the thread is connected to him as he already in stored a spiritual fragment in the stone that she had given earlier.

The process is normally painful, by just imagining how a part of you is being torn but Gao Lan Mei made sure that it will not be the case when she made the stone. This is not comparable to the annoying pain that he feels whenever his pawns got destroyed.

In fact, instead of feeling pain, it will even give calmness, like you are being purified.

Then Gao Lan Mei face suddenly turned black as she realized something, 'Ah, I forgot to mention other rules to them' Gao Lan Mei regrettably.

For the defense walls to be set up properly, the stones should be left on a specific place, much better if it is buried on the ground.

She completely forgot these as she was more concerned about how they can get enough spiritual fragments to sustain the defense wall that she wants to set up.

Aside from that, she also forgot to assure them that aside from her and the owner of the spiritual fragment in the stone, no one else can make use it, hence the stone will turn into dust.

"Jiayi, I forgot to tell them something important" Then Gao Lan Mei explained the remaining rules of the marked stones. Her face clearly shows distress, and self-blame, thinking that it would probably be easier for Ma Fei Hong to convince the others to cooperate.

Wei Jiayi listened silently to Gao Lan Mei as he stares intently to her. Though the fake face that she has now is still of 'Merchant Lan' it is too realistic that even a slight movement on her face is still visible.

He understands, what Gao Lan Mei is trying to say. Yes, it is anyone's nature to be cautious with strangers, but a good explanation will probably change minds and sway principles.

"Mei Mei, I do not think, you telling them these additional rules will change their views" Wei Jiayi replied softly as he placed his hand on top of her head and caress her softly.

Looking at him unhappily, "Why not?" She asked curiously.

Wei Jiayi smiled slightly, as his fingers tried to smoothen her frown before replying, "Because, regardless the rules and assurance you give, if they do not trust you, especially if their life is at stake, they will never cooperate. They will look for another means to save themselves."

Gao Lan Mei snorted, "If that is true, then the only thing that they are saving is their pride."

"Don't believe me? Then let us have a bet." Wei Jiayi offered sweetly, his smile so confident, convincing Gao Lan Mei that there is no way for her to win.

Narrowing her eyes, "How can I bet if you are sure to win?" Gao Lan Mei said as she annoyingly, pinch Wei Jiayi's hand that is caressing her face.

"How can I be sure? What if I allowed you to win?" Wei Jiayi responded after chucking. "There is no harm Mei Mei, it's just a simple bet." He persuaded.

"You two! When do you plan to act based on the current situation?!" Ma Fei Hong finally decided to interrupt them.

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