Beneficial Union: Chasing A Rogue Wife

Chapter 408: Wishful Thinking

Chapter 408: Wishful Thinking

"She will die if she stops..." Wei Jiayi murmured incoherently. Regret for not forcing Gao Lan Mei to just leave earlier. 

"The same thing will still happen even if you did not stay." Yen Mingjue added gravely as he let KaiKai's body stand up and slowly walked towards Wei Jiayi. 

YinYings subconsciously avoided the hound that was walking leisurely, not even looking or caring for the other beings around. The hound did help a foe and also did not attack the enemy.  

With Yen Mingjue suppressing presence as a Demigod, despite him only borrowing a vessel, he would not care about anything else. 

Standing next to the dragon, even though he was not physically present, with the hound's keen senses, he could smell ash mixed with iron, the overpowering scent around him as Wei Jiayi burned anyone that wanted to challenge. 

Then he continued, "Do not try anything stupid."  Seeing Wei Jiayi's thunderstruck expression, murderous rage was clearly seen in his eyes as he looked at the YinYings, preparing his onslaught aside from the possible fact that the dragon was surely thinking of grabbing Gao Lan Mei away from here. 

"Go to hell!" Wei Jiayi exclaimed in anger instead as he burst his spiritual energy towards the enemy before attacking like a mad beast, craving for blood. 

It was a sad sight as Yen Mingjue knew how it felt to be helpless, not being able to save the one you love. The only thing you could do was watch and hope that nothing worse happened. 

However, he would not provide any more details, especially to make the dragon feel better. The less this dragon knows, the easier for him to stay away from Gao Lan Mei, and it was a good thing they were not lifemates yet. 

Whatever happened, it was still his personal commitment to keep Gao Lan Mei alive, even if he needed to touch the very thin line between life and death.  

Despite the chaos around him, Yen Mingjue was still delighted to see things immediately even if he was not physically present and it could only be done during 'Possession' of creatures like a demon hound. 

Just like how he was lucky to immediately find a sore thumb among the YinYings. A possible enemy that they might not be able to handle regardless. 

The particular YinYing did not care about his surroundings as he continued to stare at the small orb in his hand. Yen Mingjue continued to watch the YinYing closely, as he allowed Wei Jiayi to vent his anger on the rest. 

Wei Jiayi continued to kill YinYings until almost all of them were dead. Despite this, the YinYing did not bother with anything else and just continued to intently look at the orb. 

This time he could only wait as no one aside from Xiao Shi could fight the YinYing holding the orb. The manpower that they had was already not enough and unnecessary sacrifices were not needed. 

Yen Mingjue was not sure though what the YinYing was looking for.

"Xiao Shi," Yen Mingjue called out seriously when the YinYing started walking towards them, slowly but still not looking up. 

He was still hoping that this enemy would just give up after they were able to slaughter almost all the YinYings, but that's just wishful thinking. Wraiths after all, could not die just like that. 

Who knows if there were also other enemies around?

"Full death mode. Suppress him." He added tightly after his wraith appeared beside him. 

Gods personally could not interfere with the lives of the beings beneath them, it did not mean their vessels could not. That was the main use for wraiths that were made to be loyal and wouldn't die.


Author's Note: Original and most updated chapter is from . If found or read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft for the author's well being. From the bottom of my heart, thank you very much!

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