Beneficial Union: Chasing A Rogue Wife

Chapter 438: Desired Result

Chapter 438: Desired Result

(Note: Original and most updated chapter are from . If read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft for the author's well being. Thank you!)

For a moment, Cuojue believes that Yen Mingjue's threat is real, which even made her stiffened and sweat due to the nervousness.

Instead of responding, she just closed her eyes, waiting for the worse. She then felt the paw that is pressing her head gone.

'Did he gave up?' Cuojue though to herself triumphantly. Still, with caution, she slowly opened her eyes and looked up. After doing so, she felt a rush of fear as Yen Mingjue has his paw suspended in the air with sharp claws visible ready to descend at her anytime.

"Oy! He will kill me! Stop him!" Cuojue exclaimed to Gao Lan Mei.

She shrugged her shoulder before replying with indifference. "That is what Brother Jue is good at. Nothing new." Gao Lan Mei then looked at Yen Mingjue, "I will just create an enchanted sealed jar for her spirit so that she does not have a way to take control of this treasure back before you kill her. Make sure as well not to damage the face, just stab her heart quickly." She suggested.

Cuojue cannot believe what she is hearing. "You are crazy! You are aware that you will stay there forever! You cannot fool me!" She exclaimed, feeling almost hopeless.

For a being like Gao Lan Mei that can control a Fngy treasure from the gods has strong mental strength, but it does not mean that she can do everything!

Cuojue quickly glanced at Gao Lan Mei that is currently inside the mirror and saw her face calmly looking at them like she does not care to whatever she says.

Gao Lan Mei spoke, "Brother Jue, I can help you with Xiao Shi. It is very simple. We just need to offer an exchange, and I am sure the Soul Eater will not refuse guardian spirit, right?" She then grins evilly as she continued to watch at Cuojue now with interest.

'No!' Cuojue eyes bulged with disbelief. She does not know how Gao Lan Mei knows about that, but she also then remember how she was able to entice the woman earlier!

"You! I remember! You are part of -Ah!" Cuojue exclaimed in pain when a sharp-edged mirror, stabbed at her foot, making her stop whatever she is trying to say.

Cuojue stared at Gao Lan Mei in fear, before quickly looking at the others to see if there are anyone who would be interested in asking her what she is supposed to say. Since no one cares, Cuojue can only glance back at Gao Lan Mei fill with envy.

'Why?! Why can you have this but I don't?!' Cuojue eyes speak to Gao Lan Mei this way. She is full of envy to someone that is also confined like her before but was able to get her freedom before Yen Mingjue's cheerful glee stopped all her thoughts.

"Oh! So that's how you do it! Equal exchange! Great!" Yen Mingjue exclaimed in delight before running towards Xiao Shi and bring her near Cuojue.

Xiao Shi looks so pale and weak like a dead body. Add to the fact that the soul eater is still stabbed on her chest; no one will believe that she is still alive if not for Yen Mingjue.

"No! Stop!" Cuojue shouted in despair as she watched specks of mirrors stared circulating between her and the hound!

"Let me correct you with something, " Gao Lan Mei spoke to her coldly. She is currently inside a mirror on a lotus position looking down at Cuojue before her image disappeared and showed up on a smaller mirror that is very close to her ear.

Then Gao Lan Mei used magic to speak to Cuojue without the other hearing, "You know my secret, so there is no way for me to keep you alive even if I need to sacrifice being confined hear for a while"

Cuojue finally realized that her desired result is not going to happen. She would never expect that Gao Lan Mei will do anything to get the body back even if she needs to disappear forever.

"No You can't do that" Cuojue shook her head slowly as she finds a way to save herself. "Sung Zhi Ruo! Do something! Your clan will kill you if they found out what happened to me!"

Sung Zhi Ruo lowered her head. Thus Cuojue was not able to see clearly what the woman's expression is before she made a deep bow.

'Yes! Do something you useless Sung descendant!' Cuojue thought to herself triumphantly.

"Ah, Ms. Gao I know it so shameful for me to ask I would like to do so still. I hope you don't mind" Sung Zhi Ruo started softly, before she lifted her head, showing an evil smile as she looked down at Cuojue, "Once the spirits are replaced, please let me refine the Soul Eater and bring it back to my clan."

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