Beneficial Union: Chasing A Rogue Wife

Chapter 442: Fully Trusted

Chapter 442: Fully Trusted

(Note: Original and most updated chapter is from . If found or read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft for the author's well being. Thank you!)

'This is the only thing I can do right now.' Sung Zhi Ruo silently uttered to herself, before glancing at Xiao Shi's face. 'Especially for you since you saved me before. We will be even after this.'

It was too late for Yen Mingjue to realize Sung Zhi Ruo's plan as the hound's claws are already very near her neck before he noticed her other hand reaching for the soul eater!

"Stop!" A female voice shouted, before Yen Mingjue's claws hit something hard that protected Sung Zhi Ruo's neck.


Yen Mingjue and Sung Zhi Ruo were separated from the impact, their backs slumped to the solid space. Though the impact did not draw blood, it still strong enough to hurt them.

"Brother Jue! No killing the ally!"

Yen Mingjue "Gao Lan Mei?!"

"Yes." Gao Lan Mei replied.

"Gao Lan Mei! I know you will not disappear just like that!" Ma Fei Hong happily exclaimed. She is glad that her spiritual energy did not go to waste by trying to heal the Gao miss body.

Gao Lan Mei replied seriously, "Deacon Ma, thank you so much for trying to fix my body. I will be back soon." Then she released a very deep sigh. "Brother Jue, do not hurt our allies. We should not add more enemies. It took a lot of effort and spiritual energy for me to increase their cultivation." She ranted.

Yen Mingjue did not respond as he is so delighted to know that she has not disappeared yet by being devoured by a guardian spirit. 'Wait. Is this really Gao Lan Mei?"

Not only Yen Mingjue is thinking this but the other's as well. Since there are no more mirrors around them, they are unable to see her expression at all.

"Prove that you are Gao Lan Mei." Yen Mingjue said through clenched teeth.

With that Gao Lan Mei asked, "Who else calls you Brother Jue?"

"That is not enough. You need to tell me something that the rest has not heard yet." Yen Mingjue replied. He remembered Gao Lan Mei calling him 'Brother Jue' earlier that Cuojue and the other's have heard.

"Well, I cannot blame you but still a waste of time." Gao Lan Mei replied annoyingly. "Fine. I will give you one. Your wife baked a chocolate cake decorated with red ice flowers on your wedding night. You preserve the ice flowers since they look so different from the real thing which is the Underworld fire flower that she used as a model. You are so happy cause that you even bra-"

"Stop that is enough! We are now convinced!" Yen Mingjue shouted, sounding embarrassed. However, deep inside he more hurt remembering that night.

Gao Lan Mei then talked to Sung Zhi Ruo "Miss Sung please do not commit suicide without my consent. Is that understood?"

Sung Zhi Ruo smirked but did not respond. How can she answer Gao Lan Mei? Yes? No? Though she owes her life to the Gao Miss, she will not commit her life to her.

"I will try." Sung Zhi Ruo answered ambiguously instead.

"That is your choice." Gao Lan Mei replied. "So can we start the equal exchange now?"

Yen Mingjue: "Really?!"

Sung Zhi Ruo was surprised once again, though she should really not. Even though it comes across her mind that Gao Lan Mei may have survived but with the treasure almost crumbling down, she probably was not able to hold Cuojue's spirit thus they cannot use that to offer.

After a nod, Sung Zhi Ruo walked towards Xiao Shi despite her body aching due to the impact of her hitting the transparent glass. 'I am really at my limit'

Sung Zhi Ruo did not utter anything and just sat on a lotus position next to Xiao Shi. She even ignored the penetrating gaze of a hound that is currently watching her every move.

'Miss Sung, Miss Sung we can discuss your offenses later. Just make sure you will not do anything fishy while helping Xiao Shi. He is probably thinking that.' Sung Zhi Ruo thoughts as she tried to mimic Yen Mingjue thought.

Sung Zhi Ruo released a deep breath before speaking, "Miss Gao, please start." She said with determination.

Though she is unsure of the process that needs to be done before she was given the signal to refine the soul eater, Sung Zhi Ruo fully trusts Gao Lan Mei.

"Oh! I forgot to mention this, but you are the one that needs to talk to the guardian spirit of Soul Eater. Well, you were suicidal since earlier so there is no problem if you can't go back right?" Gao Lan Mei asked suddenly like it is not a big deal!

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