Beneficial Union: Chasing A Rogue Wife

Chapter 460: Should be begging

Chapter 460: Should be begging

"See? He is weak!" The woman noted happily before looking down at Wei Jiayi with hostility. She then raised her hand to touch Gao Lan Mei's cheek, which immediately showed a thin layer of ice due to the contact. 

Gao Lan Mei did not resist, her eyes flashed bright red and Wei Jiayi could feel that she was very displeased.  He could remember her act of silence before attacking him before with multiple tiny lightning bolts. Though they were in a different situation, he could not help but reminisce fun times. 

The cold woman did not notice anything amiss with Gao Lan Mei despite being so close to her. She then continued on with a very eerie and wavy voice, "Now, dear vessel. You did not tell me that this place was infested with dirt. I will make you pay for that later." Then pointing at the direction of the Mount Hua. "You also did not say that someone was trying to free a Fallen!" 

Gao Lan Mei's eyes narrowed after hearing the statement, but she did not respond and unhappily looked at Wei Jiayi despite them not knowing what the woman was talking about. 

She then leisurely walked towards him like they were not in the middle of the city distraction. The bright aura coming from the blessed floating behind her was immediately dispersing the impurities around. 

With this, they did not know what the enemy's plans were as the Blessed woman was not hiding her presence. 

Despite his being in an embarrassing position, Wei Jiayi did not mind staring at her as she looked ethereal despite the tears and dirt on her clothes, her face was clear and her every movement showed grace. 

It seemed that the protection that she asked for was from the being behind her. Blessed Order. 

Thinking more, Wei Jiayi remembered where he had first heard it. His clan's chieftain mentioned it a very long time ago. So a long time ago.  

How nice would it be if the woman that Gao Lan Mei called for protection did not have a snarky attitude? Else, he would not be kneeling now. They needed the help of another powerful being to fight the YinYings that were trying to free this 'Fallen'. 

"Oy! Are you listening to me?!" The woman asked furiously. Her colourless eyes looked anxious for some reason. Did that mean that she was not a match for the enemy? 

Wei Jiayi did not ask and continued to kneel until Gao Lan Mei stood in front of him before speaking, "You can leave now. I don't need your help anymore." She said with indifference. 

"Haha! Good! Very good! There is no use of keeping trash!" The floating woman said with delight before hurriedly asking, "Quickly tell me what spells are around." 

The feeling of hearing that from the most important being in his life, it immediately cut through his heart. Wei Jiayi still managed to force a smile, but his eyes still had a hint of hurt. He then looked at her, "Mei Mei that is harsh. I can still help you, no need to ask me to leave." 

Gao Lan Mei's face held with annoyance. "How long do you plan to kneel there? Are you proposing?" She asked with brows knitted. 

"Propose?" Wei Jiayi was feeling delighted, "I would love to! But you just said... You want me to leave, right?"

"That is not for you." Gao Lan Mei said before she looked at the woman behind her sideways, "What are you waiting for Blessed Elin? You can leave now. Thank you for coming here to try to help." She said unhappily. 

Now it was Blessed Elin's turn to be unhappy. "This child, you are joking, right? You need me!"She exclaimed to Gao Lan Mei in disbelief. 

Gao Lan Mei did not look bothered and leaned forward to help Wei Jiayi stand up.  She even crouched down to remove the soil on the knees of his robe. "I'm not good with joking. Regardless, it is not fun to see my big dragon bullied. So you can leave now, and I will call someone else. You have wasted some of my limited time." 

Blessed Elin laughed as she still could not believe what she was hearing. Anyone who tried to dismiss a Blessed after seeing their glory was just plain crazy! Added to the fact was that these mortal beings were in a very dangerous position. They should be begging her to stay! 

However, she also could not leave as the enemy must be eradicated before they caused further damage. Blessed Elin was supposed to explain this to them so they could understand but, Gao Lan Mei was already chanting for her return. 

'This kid is serious!' Realising this, Blessed Elin also knows that there was no way she would go back and be replaced by someone else. She would surely be looked down on by the others for not being helpful at all. Never mind the offerings that were given as subduing Fallens were their responsibility anyways! 

It was also the first time she had visited another realm's domain that was even fully covered by Impurities. Though she found it disgusting, Blessed Elin knew that it was her responsibility to clean it up. 

Chuckling nervously, she floated towards Wei Jiayi's side, "Hehe. Yes, yes. I was only joking. You! Young, strong man, you should not believe everything I say!" Blessed Elin noted playfully, through clenched teeth. 

She had never lowered herself to other beings. But there was no helping it since it was her reputation at stake if she ended up going back so soon. 'This girl, when I am done dealing with the dirt, I will take care of you next.' Blessed Elin evilly thought to herself. 

"No need! I am enough!" She assured happily, before releasing all her frustration by attacking the exact area the black smoke came from. 


Author's Note: Original and most updated chapter is from . If found or read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft for the author's well being. Thank you!

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