Beneficial Union: Chasing A Rogue Wife

Chapter 468: Still Nothing

Chapter 468: Still Nothing

Gao Lan Mei yelled out a warning despite her discomfort. However, that was easier said than done.

They all followed her instructions, and no one moved.

'Still nothing.' Blessed Elin thought, despite the ominous presence around them. "I thought you warned us because you figured something out?" She asked.

"No, well, I just felt something dangerous coming, so it's safer to be on guard." Gao Lan Mei replied weakly. She could not tell everyone that she had a hunch that there was more than one being inside the floating cage and that one had already come out.

If it was true, the enemy who was observing them from the dark smoke could attack anytime and the Blessed could only protect them in a limited space and time.

So, what would be their next option?

'Should I give up this body?' Gao Lan Mei thought to herself gravely. Before, Cuojue had tried to take her mortal body as well, and it only caused them to delay their escape.

The option of giving up the body was always available, but if she did that, she wouldn't be able to fight or revive Feng Ji. If she decided to do that, she would be like a wandering spirit, and would end up giving up the chance to stay.

She never liked how the gods tried to manipulate her life since the moment she was born. Gao Lan Mei was determined to fight, and she would continue doing so to save the beings who had treated her with importance.

Gao Lan Mei would do this despite her already being so weak and at the same time, enduring so much pain due to the dark element inside her body.

How much longer before she would be consumed?

Probably, if not because of Blessed Elin, she would have already been devoured. She would perhaps already be dead and not even be given a chance to say goodbye to the beings who cared for her.

'If I was just given more time to be stronger. As strong as I was in my previous life even if just for a short time' Gao Lan Mei thought with regret. She swallowed the lump in her throat to relax, while her still functioning hand held the back of Wei Jiayi's robe tightly. 'I was probably really not meant to stay here.'

"This is not going anywhere!" Gao Lan Mei's thoughts were halted when Blessed Juni screamed furiously.

Then, Blessed Juni added, "There is no use waiting! We cannot stay like this until we run out of magic!" The Fire Blessed glared toward the smoke that seemed to get darker, and it's aura, stronger. Who knew how many more beings were devoured by it?

The longer they stayed inside the sealed city, the higher the chance that the remaining beings would be used as sustenance.

"Elin! Protect everyone! I'll give everything I've got!" Though a strong enemy was lurking near them, it would not help to wait for the attack. They needed to stop worrying and attack!




The succeeding sounds from Blessed Juni continued as each of her fireballs were stronger than the last.

Wei Jiayi could not wait any longer. He stood up and condensed his magic to send flaming swords towards the direction Blessed Juni was aiming.

His fire might be inferior to Blessed magic, but he still had the divine element which could assist Blessed Juni's power considerably.

"Jiayi, give it all you've got." Gao Lan Mei murmured behind him. She was still sitting on the ground as she leaned on his leg for support.

Gao Lan Mei looked at her mother, father, uncle and the other beings from the Mortal Domain. Most were looking at her anxiously but did not move to get close, following what she had said earlier.

"I will. Don't worry." Wei Jiayi replied with assurance. "Zhao Liwei! What are you resting for?! Make yourself useful!" He demanded the wolf shifter, who was also sitting on the ground.

Since the light from the Blessed spirits was still reaching him, Zhao Liwei was still not devoured by the impurities. He was the only one who was keeping his distance from them and was the biggest target. He did not seem to care as he continued sitting on the ground with both hands pressed on the soil on his sides.

Zhao Liwei ignored Wei Jiayi and continued to use his magic to scan the area.

"Oy! Zhao Liwei!"Wei Jiayi called him again, now with urgency.

"Stop bothering me! I know what I'm doing!"Zhao Liwei hissed with contempt. He was checking for any movement on the ground, above and under.

More importantly, Zhao Liwei wanted to know where his mate was as Yen Mingjue had refused to acknowledge his question earlier. He would like to take advantage of his wolf senses that were way stronger since his wolf had started to communicate with him again. Finding his mate and making sure she was safe was his priority because of his uneasy heart.

'At least, I can still sense that she is alive...' Zhao Liwei thought to himself. If he'd lost his connection to her, his dormant wolf would go on a rampage, and he might turn crazy again.

"Let him be..." Gao Lan Mei said softly. "The crack is getting bigger..." She said with a slight relief, though the discomfort on her face was still present.

"Yeah, we could get out of here soon."Wei Jiayi replied as he looked at the sky with killing intent. Because of that, he missed the way Gao Lan Mei bit her lower lip with a guilty look.

"You know, I think I have seen you somewhere." Gao Lan Mei whispered behind him. "Or, it was probably a dream. No, I am not talking about how you played with the Eye of Meng. You looked so much younger wearing an all-tight black armor. It looked good on you. I also like both of your eyes as silver. They look sharp and enticing."

Wei Jiayi stiffened and coughed, "Are you flirting with me? Enticing is not the right word to use during this situation."He did not directly answer her regarding the Eye of Meng as he was feeling guilty for manipulating the treasure and was also not ready to tell her anything regarding his eyes.

"I do not know how to flirt. I was only saying what I saw. Do you think I know you from my previous life?" She asked.

With a grin, "Of course we know each other. Mates are supposed to be a part of a soul. Regardless of how many reincarnations, as long as you would not give up, you will find your other half."

"I see. So do you think my visions were from my previous life? And that this is probably not the first time I saw you? "Gao Lan Mei asked cheekily.



"Probably." Wei Jiayi answered absentmindedly as he continued to send blasts of fire magic with all his concentration to the sky and completely did not notice the difference with Gao Lan Mei's current action.

Author's Note: Original and most updated chapter is from . If found or read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft for the author's well being. Thank you!

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