Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 100 - too Auction Ideas

Chapter 100: Chapter too Auction Ideas

Feng Jun came from a small place, and he deeply understood the order of such areas.

In small places, petty thefts like bag-snatching on the streets were really not common, but that was because the cities were small, with fewer transient populations, and there was even a possibility that if someone snatched a bag there was nowhere to run; so, public security seemed to be good.

However, when it came to ferocious crimes, the per capita rate of crime in small areas may not be lower than that in large cities.

After all, large cities had more people and concentrated power elites, with relatively abundant police resources. Even desperadoes generally did not wish to cause trouble there.

Therefore, Liang Haiqing advised him not to go to the lower-tier cities, which was actually for his own good, because it was indeed unsafe.

Feng Jun was not afraid of trouble, but not being afraid didn’t mean he was willing to invite trouble. He pondered for a moment and nodded, “Okay, I understand. If it comes to that, I can sell to other provinces.”

I can actually help with that,” Liang Haiqing said with a smile, “We at Henglong have many partners across the country. I can introduce some to you… They are all well – known and relatively reliable.”

“Well-known and reliable?” Feng Jun gave him a glance and spoke with a half-smile.

Liang Haiqing knew what he was referring to and couldn’ t help but blush, “Those gold-diggers, I really can’t restrain them. But those in the jade trade usually have their own properties and shops, they are somewhat more trustworthy.”

“That works,” Feng Jun said with a smile and a nod, “The more friends the more paths.”

“That’s fantastic,” Liang Haiqing’s eyes lit up, “I have a colleague in the capital with quite a powerful background. He mentioned recently that he wanted to acquire some high-quality jade. That guy is much stronger than Henglong.” Feng Jun looked at him oddly and inquired with a smile, “Tell me, Boss Liang, you aren’t scaring me into going to the capital to help him, are you?” ”What are you talking about, Boss Feng?” Boss Liang was a bit displeased, “Can’t you sell several billion yuan worth of jade here? Besides, I didn’t tell you to leave right away.”

“Hm, that’s more like it,” Feng Jun said with a nod, speaking satisfiedly “I want to hold a jade auction. How about I borrow your showroom for two days how does that sound?”

He hadn’t thought about this before, since he was just selling door-to-door. Now that Henglong knew not to mess with him, surely they wouldn’t dare to hinder his plans, right?

“No problem,” Liang Haiqing replied with a smile and a nod, “Who do you plan to invite? Shall I do the inviting or will you?”

“Better I do it,” Feng Jun said, giving him a meaningful look, “The jade resources are mine, Boss Liang. If you take too much on yourself, I’ll feel uncomfortable.”

“Alright, forget I said anything,” Liang Haiqing spread his hands helplessly, thinking to himself, aren’t you being a little too wary, buddy?

However, how should he put it? He had to admit, the other party’s complaint was reasonable. The resources were Boss Feng’s to begin with, while he, Boss Liang, was always charging in front. How was that proper?

With this in mind, he took out his mobile phone, opened the contacts, “Then take this number down. It belongs to my friend in the capital. When you go to the capital, you can contact him. I won’t get involved…”

“Hold on, wait a minute,” Feng Jun stopped him, “What do you mean when I go to the capital? I don’t understand what you’re saying.”

It means just what it says, how can you not understand?” Liang Haiqing glared at him irritably, “Aren’t you going to the capital to sell jade?” Feng Jun’s face was full of surprise, “Who said I was going to the capital to sell jade?”

“You…” Liang Haiqing was almost exasperated, “Didn’t you just say you wanted to sell to other provinces?”

“I said I could sell to other provinces,” Feng Jun replied irritably, “Who said I was going to sell in other provinces?”

That’s not the same thing? Liang Haiqing thought for a moment and finally grasped the nuance, “You mean… not going door-to-door to sell?” “Do I need to go door-to-door to sell?” Feng Jun snorted disdainfully, “Anyone who wants to buy jade can come to Zhengyang to find me… If I had to tour each province, wouldn’t I drop dead from exhaustion?”

This is…” Liang Haiqing was at a loss for words, finally managing a bitter smile, “You really know how to run a big-time business.”

“Tch,” Feng Jun snorted indifferently, “They can come if they want. As for those who don’t… I’m not begging them.”

His original plan was to exploit the jade from the mobile phone dimension to rake in huge profits. Once he heard that the real-world society had limited consumption capacity and couldn’t absorb so much jade, his interest waned considerably.

Truth be told, ever since he had tens of millions in assets, his perspectives had changed. With the jade he currently had on hand, plus what he had already collected from the other dimension, he could easily sell for tens of billions no problem at all.

With tens of billions in hand, he could live the rest of his life in luxury even if he stopped working now, buying a dozen or so apartments in each of the big cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen to rent out, definitely living an extremely comfortable life.

Of course, this was merely the least ambitious pursuit. There was still much he wanted to do. But whatever it was, as long as there was no economic crisis, he didn’t want to sell jade in other provinces anymore. He did not want to spend his limited energy on that.

I’ll be waiting for you in Zhengyang; anyone interested in buying jade can come and see. For those who don’t come… I don’t need to chase after you.” Boss Liang was taken aback for a moment, but then he also grasped this logic and couldn’t help shaking his head. Feng, with his confidence, really wasn’t on the same level as the rest of them-even though they were all in the jade business, why was there such a big gap?

After Feng Jun had dropped his line, he turned and walked away. Sitting in his Passat, he called Li Yongrui, the Chairman of Li Dafu, and said I’m planning to sell a batch of jade recently, and I need your help to invite a few reliable people to join.

Li Yongrui expressed that it was a good thing and assured him, “I will definitely support you when the time comes.”

However, when he heard the auction was set at Henglong, he immediately became unsettled, “Li Dafu’s venue is streets ahead of Henglong-why choose to hold it there?”

He truly had that confidence. Li Dafu was originally a state-owned enterprise willing to invest heavily. They had hosted jewelry industry auctions not once or twice, with far greater influence than Henglong.

“Holding it at Li Dafu is also fine,” Feng Jun said with a laugh upon hearing this. “But in that case, I would have to leave the invitation of guests to Henglong… I can’t entrust both tasks to the same company.”

Although Li Yongrui was a state-owned enterprise official, he understood what was implied upon hearing this. No matter what, Feng Jun was the organizer of this auction, and Li Dafu and Henglong could assist, but must not think of overshadowing the host.

Which company the organizer chooses for the venue is a promotion for that enterprise and a form of recognition. At any other time, Li Dafu, which takes pride in being the top player in Zhengyang’s jewelry industry, would never tolerate Henglong’s provocation.

But now, upon reflection, Li Yongrui considered the opportunity to send invitation lists even more valuable-Henglong would merely provide the venue, but he could invite guests on behalf of the organizer.

The demonstration of power can come through various means and channels; however, typically, having a say is very crucial.

Hence, Chairman Li laughed, “Alright, then Li Dafu will take care of this for you, Xiao Feng. If there’s another opportunity like this in the future, you should consider my Li more.”

“No problem,” Feng Jun replied with a smile.

“Then you should prepare a brochure quickly,” Li Yongrui was experienced in such matters. “Include some of the better jade pieces, and set the time.”

No need for a brochure,” Feng Jun already had everything planned. “There’s no need to attract outsiders to our industry’s internal auction. I’m not in it for the money—it’s about allocating resources appropriately among us.”

‘An internal auction, that’s good,” Li Yongrui perked up upon hearing this. An industry-internal auction meant no outsiders to disrupt the process, with prices likely to be fairer-strictly speaking, it resembled a pre-ordering meeting more closely.

With such a nature, the location of the venue didn’t really matter-these were all industry insiders; who didn’t know whom?

The real power lay with Li Dafu’s invitation, deciding who could participate and who couldn’t.

He had only just thought of this when Feng Jun had already decided on a company that could not participate, “Don’t invite Jubaozhai.”

“Huh?” Li Yongrui was momentarily stunned. Jubaozhai really had some bad luck. “When exactly will it be?”

Next week, Feng Jun thought for a moment before responding. “I’ll be busy with some other things recently. You can give them a heads-up first… We’ll decide on the specific time three days in advance.”

Li Yongrui was speechless. Youth, you sure are capricious about how you handle things. Who runs an auction this haphazardly? “Three days in advance… Isn’t that a bit rushed? Will that be enough time?”

Feng Jun’s response was nonchalant, “Those who can come will come; if they can’t, wouldn’t President Li have the chance to bid on a few more pieces?” Li Yongrui, still in a daze, hung up the phone, full of bewilderment: Does this young man have a grudge against money?

However, it was no wonder he couldn’t figure it out, as Feng Jun had not revealed to him just how abundant his jade resources were.

Liang Haiqing knew, which is why Boss Liang could understand Feng Jun’s capnciousness. Li Yongrui, judging by experience, naturally found it incomprehensible.

After hanging up, Feng Jun drove back to his villa and picked up another four pieces of jade to keep in the car.

Since he was about to buy a villa and also intending to order silver yuan, he feared not having enough cash on hand. Keeping a few pieces of jade with him meant he could liquidate them at any time.

As for this rented villa, he would have to visit it less to prevent others from discovering the fifteen pieces of jade he had hidden inside.

After all, he wasn’t in a hurry to return to the Mobile Phone world. He wanted to settle things here first and almost finish his Tun Na cultivation before leaving.

Unbeknownst to him, while he was returning to the villa, someone in the room he rented at the Penglai Grand Hotel was busy dismantling light bulbs and smoke detectors to install several tiny cameras.

Feng’s decision to carry jade with him was indeed a wise one; he had hardly driven back into town when his phone rang.

It was a beautiful Sales Guide from the 4S dealership, informing Feng that the Phaeton would arrive in two days. But now… he would need to make a payment of half the car’s price.

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