Binding System

Chapter 12 Learning Magic

Xiao Ming widened his eyes.

'I want to puke!'

He tried his best not to puke because Evelyn was paying attention to him.

'Big sis, just you wait. I promise I will spank your butt until you beg for forgiveness in the future.'

He did not spank Evelyn's butt because she was stronger than him.

Sure, she was under the Winged Tiger's seal, and he could spank her butt immediately, but he did not do that because he believed she would beat him up after undoing the seal.


Actually, there was one reason why he did not spank her butt right away.

He forgot that Evelyn was currently weaker than him!

"How is it?" Evelyn still had not eaten her grilled fish, so she did not know the taste.

"It's…delicious." Xiao Ming said the opposite.

'It tastes bad!'

He shouted in his head.

"Then you can eat my grilled fish." Evelyn was pleased after hearing his words. "Here, take my grilled fish."

"No, big sis. This grilled fish is enough for me." Of course, Xiao Ming refused instantly because her grilled fish tasted bad. "You should eat your grilled fish."

'Eat it and taste how bad your grilled fish is.'

He wanted Evelyn to taste her grilled fish.

"I can eat Juwi fruit. You should eat my grilled fish because you need stamina to carry me." Evelyn still did not know the reason why Xiao Ming refused to eat her fish.

"That is why I have to eat more healthy food like Juwi fruit. After all, this grilled fish is not hea-" Xiao Ming threw up before he finished his words.

Evelyn's face turned worried, "Ren, are you alright?"

Xiao Ming lifted his head to look at Evelyn. "Big sis, please let me grill the fish from now on. You only need to sit on the stone platform. You don't need to do anything."

He decided to reveal the truth because something bad would happen to him if she did not know the truth.

"Why? Does it taste bad?" Evelyn took a bit after saying that.

'It tastes bad! It tastes like charcoal.'

She instantly spat out the fish in her mouth.

"I'm sorry, Ren. This is my first time to grill fish, so I thought I could do that, but…." Evelyn finally knew the reason why Xiao Ming refused to eat her grilled fish.

"Alright. Let's forget it." Xiao Ming could not be angry at Evelyn because she had good intentions.

Evelyn suddenly felt as if she was a useless person because she could not do anything.

Xiao Ming's expression turned soft. "You don't need to put on an expression like that? I'm not angry at you because I know you have good intentions."

"But I feel like I'm a burden to you." She still wore a sad face.

"You are not burden. To me, you are my futu-" Xiao Ming stopped his words halfway.

Previously, he wanted to say she was his future, but she would see him as a pervert if he said that.

Sure, he had saved her life twice, but they had only known each other for several days. His good image would break into pieces if he said she was his future.

"I'm your?" Evelyn did not get his words because he stopped halfway.

"I just want to say let me take care of you." Xiao Ming lied to her. "I will protect you and take care of you."

"You will take care of me?" Evelyn had no idea as to why happiness blossomed within her after hearing his words.

"Yes. I will take care of you." Xiao Ming repeated his words.

"Thank you, Ren. And please take care of me." A tiny smile appeared on her pretty face after turning her head to the other side.

Not long after that, Evelyn fell asleep.

Time went by quickly, and without realizing it, two days had passed since Xiao Ming ate the burnt grilled fish.

At this moment, Evelyn was teaching Xiao Ming magic because she had lifted the Winged Tiger's seal.

In other words, her power had returned!

Of course, Xiao Ming had activated the binding partner mode because, with this, he could understand magic better.

Evelyn, who was sitting on the stone platform, uttered, "Mages are different from archers or knights. We can't use the energy of heaven and earth directly because we need mana to use magic."

"Mana?" Xiao Ming, who was sitting on the opposite side of her, touched his chin. "So, how do you use magic?"

"By borrowing the power of Goddess Teressa." Evelyn began to explain in detail.

She said magic spell was a technique they used to borrow Goddess Teressa's power to convert the energy of heaven and earth into mana.

If the energy of heaven and earth was soft like flowing water, mana was sparkling little lights which could be seen only by mages.

Mana had many colors and was used based on the type of magic. This was the reason why healing magic had a green magic circle because healing magic used green mana.

However, they needed to be acknowledged by goddess Teressa if they wanted to borrow her power.

For this reason, only mages could use and see mana because Goddess Teressa did not acknowledge anyone who did not awaken the Mage class.

"Goddess Teressa, huh?" Xiao Ming touched his chin. "Is she real?"

"I don't know because I have never met her before." Evelyn gave an honest answer. "However, she is real based on myth. You can also see her statue in front of Magic Tower and a few special places."

"Based on myth? But isn't th-" before he had finished his words, something shocking happened.

[Goddess Teressa is glancing at you.]

'She is real!'

He almost jumped when a notification suddenly popped up.

"Hmm? What's wrong, Ren?" Evelyn asked curiously after seeing his expression.

"Nothing. Please continue." He could not tell her that Goddess Teressa glanced at him earlier.

'I forgot Gods and Goddesses are real.'

Actually, Xiao Ming still found it hard to believe everything, including about Gods and Goddesses.

If he informed everyone that he could communicate with Gods and Goddesses or told them that Gods and Goddesses were always watching his adventures, he was sure everyone would think of him as a crazy young man.

'Well, I can do that because I have system.'

He then returned his attention to Evelyn.

Evelyn took a spell book out of her space ring and gave it to Xiao Ming. "Here. You can read this spell book."

Xiao Ming instantly took the spell book. "Thunderbolt magic?"

Thunderbolt magic was lightning magic. Blue lightning would appear after the mages cast the spell.

There was also a high probability of paralyzing the target for three seconds if it hit the mark.

At this moment, a system notification suddenly popped up.

[Ding! Host has discovered Thunderbolt spell book. Do you want to learn it?]

Happiness danced in his mind after seeing the notification.

'What?! I can learn this magic instantly?!'

He suddenly realized something.

His system was a cheat tool!

"Magic is imagination." Evelyn spoke and paused for a second before she continued, "You need to think about your magic when you cast magic spells. In other words, imagination is important to mages."

At this moment, Xiao Ming was not paying attention to Evelyn's words.

'Yes. I want to learn it now.'

He said in his head.

Memories relating to the Thunderbolt magic suddenly appeared in his mind, and he felt as if he had learned Thunderbolt magic for a long time.

"Why don't you try it?" Evelyn told Xiao Ming to try Thunderbolt magic.

Xiao Ming pretended to read the spell book because it would be weird if he could use Thunderbolt magic without reading the spell book.

After skimming the spell book, Xiao Ming started chanting the magic spell. "Thunderbolt!"

A blue magic circle emerged before him, and blue lighting came out of the magic circle, hitting the cave wall.


The sound of Thunderbolt magic hitting the cave wall reverberated in the entire area.

"I did it!" happiness glowed inside him, and a happy smile emerged on his handsome face.

The expression of deep shock blossomed on Evelyn's face.

'What?! He managed to cast Thunderbolt magic on his first try?!

[A/N: it would take several chapters before he accepted his new identity. Please bear with it for now.]

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