Birth of the Devilish CEO: So what if i'm a Lady?

Chapter 115: Consolation price

Chapter 115: Consolation price

After that faithful night, it became very difficult for Yi Lan to get in touch with Lie Ruge. It was as if she and Xiao Bai deliberately planned to avoid the three of them. Whenever Yi Lan dialled her line, it was either her line was busy or switched off. Even Xiao Bai also refused to answer any of their calls. Yi Lan went to her office every single day for the past two weeks but the receptionist always gave him excuses that she was either in an important meeting or that she went home earlier that day. He was dying to see how she was faring but he could not do so since he did not get to see her for the past two weeks. Yi Lan became frustrated and moody due to this, he could not focused on his work. Yun Yi who never really gave much importance to how Xiao Bai always followed him about even though she always had a tight schedule also felt her absence deeply and her absence affected him so much too. With Xiao Bai not around to make the atmosphere lively and to pester him to buy her favourite candies and cakes for her, his head was just a messed. He couldn't focused on his work, even when Tan Fan visited him in his office, Yun Yi was always down-casted and sad. His usual playful nature had vanished a long time ago. Tan Fan complained several times when he visited Yun Yi to drive his attention away from Xiao Bai's absence concerning his constant up and down movements. He told Yun Yi that his constant pacing about was making his head to spin but Yun Yi did not give a damn about his complaints, he still continued to walk about over and over again which always made Tan Fan  leave him alone for the time being. Yun Yi was so worried that he even came up with some weird ideas that scared the wits out of him.

"What if something bad has happened to sister-in-law and Xiao Bai and we did not heard of it? But that is impossible, with Third brother's influence and power I don't think we wouldn't have gotten winds of it if something bad had actually happened to them. Also, with sister-in-law's martial arts skills and power it would have been almost impossible for anything to happened to them. Or don't tell me they were kidnapped and the Lie and Xiao's families decided to hide this fact from the public?", Yi Lan kept on thinking of different kind of scenarios but he could not come up with any definite solution to solve the problem at hand. He has visited Xiao Bai's parent Mansion a quite number of times but the security guards  always denied him access to their house, stating that Young Miss Xiao was not around at the moment. Yun Yi was so fed up with the same answers they had always given him from time to time. Since he could not get access to her at home, he even went to her Agency and due to his influence he was able to gained easy access to the company but his joy was cut short when he later heard that Xiao Bai had travelled out of the country for an international magazine cover photoshoots since she was the face of her Agency. Yun Yi never knew the importance of Xiao Bai in his life until her current absence from his life. It was then he finally understood the saying which says,"You don't know the importance of what you have until they are gone", but thank goodness his own situation was slightly different from this saying. He still has a second chance to officially confess his feelings to her when she and sister-in-law eventually comes back. He vowed to confess his feelings to Xiao Bai the moment he set his eyes on her again after her return. Yi Lan has tried every possible way to get in touch with Lie Ruge but to no avail. He has stakeout in front of Mansion so many times in other to catch her unawares but reversed has always being the case. He has even went to the extent of trying to block her car on the road but Lie Ruge's driver was always quick to escape from him. Yi Lan has missed Lie Ruge so much to the extent that he was gradually losing his mind, he couldn't even carry out his daily routine effectively.

In the company, Yi Lan did not hesitate to sack anyone who dared to make even the slightest mistake that was usually pardonable. Even the servants working in his Mansion usually went into hiding the moment they heard the horn of his car from the gate. One early morning after Yi Lan was fully dressed, he went to the dining room for his breakfast. The chef had already took to his heels after arranging the dishes on the table since they were short of staffs before Yi Lan's arrival. He hid himself in the kitchen so that Yi Lan will not see him until he finally left the Mansion but unfortunately for him, his tricks was not going to work that particular day. Immediately Yi Lan had a taste of one of the dishes, he spat out everything in his mouth. When the chef heard Yi Lan called his name in his most dreaded voice, he trembled. He dashed out of the kitchen to the dining room at once when he heard his name being called. When he appeared before Yi Lan, he nearly wet his pants when he saw the deadly expression on his face. Even Mrs Ning who was usually composed and confident knew that trouble was brewing. Although she was standing some distance away from Yi Lan, she could still feel the deadly chills emitting from his body.

"Get this rubbish out of my presence right this minute", Yi Lan thundered loudly sending everyone running helter-skelter for their dear lives. All the servants present at the dining scrambled to take away all the dishes from the dining table. He made his way out of the dining room heading outside the Mansion but just when everyone wanted to heave a sigh of relief that danger was finally over he turned around to speak to everyone's shock.

"And Mrs. Ning, I don't want to find this fool in my Mansion when I return back from the office or else  consider yourself sacked if I still find him in my Mansion even after my return" Yi Lan stated coldly while staring daggers at the chef. After saying this, he strode put of the Mansion majestically without waiting for Mrs Ning's reply. The Chef sprawled to the floor wailing when he heard that he had been sacked from his well paid job. The Chef regretted not taking his annual holiday like how almost all the other servants did after noticing the drastic change in Yi Lan's mood. Due to Yi Lan's current temper, almost all his employees both at home and in the office had taken their annual holiday a week after they had noticed the sudden change in the way he behaved. Even those currently working in the Mansion had all applied for their annual holiday but Mrs. Ning denied it because if she was to approve their annual holiday too, no servants will be available to take care of the Mansion. Instead she gave them huge bonus for denying their holiday and asking them to be a little patient because the boss mood will soon change but his mood did not change even a slightest bit for the past two weeks. Mrs. Ning immediately escorted him out of the Mansion after paying him the usual consolation price paid to any servants sacked from the Mansion. One of the benefits Yi Lan's servants enjoyed was that Yi Lan had put Mrs. Ning in charge of paying those sacked from the Mansion a huge sum of money, his servants called this huge sum of money their CONSOLATION PRICE. All the servants who thought that Yi Lan's earlier action was unfair later understood perfectly why their Boss took such a drastic action against the Chef like he did. Young Master Yi had personally forbid the use of shrimps in the Mansion after he found out about Young Miss Lie's allergy but the Chef had foolishly made use of shrimps to prepare most of the dishes he served Yi Lan for his breakfast.

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