Bleach Swordsman of Kusajishi

Chapter 56: Back to Rukongai District

Chapter 56: Back to Rukongai District


Early in the morning, one of the 12th Division members who happened to be on cleaning duty saw someone approaching in the distance. That person looks like Lieutenant, but why does Lieutenant return this late?

After all, everyone in the 12th Division knew that their Lieutenant has always obeyed the curfew, and spending the night outside has never happened before.

While this particular Division Member was still pondering whether it was his Lieutenant or not, the person he saw earlier has already entered the gate.

You Ah! Lieutenant! How do you

The member was startled and looked at Muyang as if he just saw a ghost.

Muyangs clothes were tattered, and he was a complete mess, different from usual.

Muyang seemed to come back to his senses once he heard the Division Members voice. He immediately wiped his head and clothes. He just realized that he walked all the way here from the 1st Division dressing as he was last night, and he clearly regretted it. At the very least, there shouldnt be that many people around this hour.

Dont mention this to anyone else. Otherwise

Muyang got in front of his Division Members face and said in a threatening tone.


Seeing Muyangs threatening look, the Division Member nodded almost instantly. He was truly unfortunate as he was just a new recruit, who happened to be on cleaning duty, and now he was threatened by Lieutenant.

Muyang was relieved when he saw the Division Member in front of him nodded without hesitation.

After thoroughly checking his surroundings to make sure no one else saw him coming, Muyang immediately activated Shunpo and hurried to his room.

Youre finally back, Lil Yangyang!

As soon as he was about to open the door, a voice startled Muyang.

Kirio-san! Have you been waiting for me? I know youre the only one for me!

The voice coming from behind him made Muyangs body completely stiff. He slowly turned around and flattered Hikifune Kirio, hoping to diffuse this situation.

Hikifune Kirio just looked at Muyang without saying a word, and her eyes looked very serious.

Seeing Hikifune Kirio looked completely serious, the smile on Muyangs face gradually disappeared, replaced by a solemn expression.

Is everything sorted out?

After a brief silence, Hikifune Kirio suddenly asked a question.


Got it all figured out?


Hikifune Kirio and Muyang were looking at each other.

Is there anything else you want to say? Hikifune Kirio suddenly turned her gaze away, and her thought drifted away.

Muyang was taken aback by Hikifune Kirios question and then said apologetically after a brief pause, I may have to take a few days off, Kirio-san.

I see.

Hikifune Kirio nodded slightly and turned around, If something is bothering you, dont keep it to yourself. Im sure youll feel better if you share it with us.

Muyang froze for a moment and did not answer.

After a brief pause, Hikifune Kirio added: Be sure to check on Hiyori. She didnt sleep a wink yesterday worrying about you.

Those were the last words Hikifune Kirio said before she disappeared with Shunpo.


As Muyang pondered over what Hikifune Kirio said, the image of Hiyori with her snaggletooth popped out in his mind.

Although it was a little funny that Hiyori was worried about him, Muyang felt warm and fuzzy inside. He realized that he was not alone anymore. There were many people who cared about him now.

As Muyang arrived in front of Hiyoris room, he peeked through the window and found Hiyori was asleep on the table. This scene once again filled Muyangs heart with warmth.

Shortly after, Muyang returned to his room to change his clothes. His eyes wandered to the north, District 79-Kusajishi District, North Rukongai. That was where he lived his life and gradually built his strength until he met Kimura Kazuya

Muyang was overwhelmed by emotions as he recalled the memories that he went through during his time there.

Right after walking out of his room, Muyang used Shunpo, and in a blink of an eye, he arrived at Kusajishi District.

Muyangs eyes were full of emotions. Kusajishi District was the same as always, and so were the people. Everyone was in despair and lived their lives without a clear purpose as if they were dead!

Muyang casually strolled around Kusajishi District, and his Shihakush, in particular, really stood out. It was no secret that those who lived in lower-numbered District despised Shinigami, so even though most people on the street were like living corpses, they still glared at Muyang. 

Muyang didnt even consider them a threat even before he became a Shinigami, so he just kept walking.

Boss, a Shinigami shows up.

A fierce-looking guy suddenly said as soon as he walked into a spacious and dark room.

Shinigami? A Shinigami has the gal to show up in our territory?

What business does that bastard have here?

Boss, lets gang up on him!

Things got rowdy as soon as the fierce-looking man made his report. There might be hundreds of thugs in that room.

Seeing his men got all excited by this news, the boss, who sat in the middle of these thugs, stood up and said, A mere Shinigami dares to step foot in our territory. Lets see what kind of idiot he is. 

Hundreds of these thugs marched towards where Muyang was. Everyone on the street who saw these thugs immediately cowered on the corner as they wanted nothing to do with them.

So thats our guy.

The boss knew even from the distance that Muyang was the Shinigami that his men told as his Shihakush really stood out.

Hmph, a mere Shinigami has the gal to come here all by himself.

The boss got carried away when he saw Muyang was alone. He raised his hand, ready to give the sign for his men to finish off this stupid Shinigami. He got excited because hed become more famous if he succeeded, and more people would serve under him, making him the most formidable force in Rukongai.

Seeing their boss raised his hand, the thugs were so eager to show what they got. After all, the opportunity to kill a Shinigami didnt come that often.

However, as the boss was about to swing his arm down, it was stopped mid-air. He turned to the side and found that it was his partners doing, his partner who has been with him for 20 years.

Whats wrong, Yoshikawa?

That Shinigami is awfully familiar.

The guy named Yoshikawa trembled. It has been so long since the boss saw his partner this scared. Not only the look on his face, but even his voice was also shaking.

 That person? Who?

Swordsman of Kusajishi!

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