
Chapter 241: Twice-F*cked BloodStar

Chapter 241: Twice-F*cked BloodStar

The next morning the sun was bright shining down at an angle upon the BloodStar Castle pool. The pool ran 50 yards long and 20 yards wide with elaborate tiling, and situated to the side and above the pool was an oversized hot tub overlooking the poolside premises.

John Vand sat on a poolside sun lounger under an umbrella shade. He was hardly dressed for the scene as he wore a business suit and tie. He leaned his elbows on his knees and clasped his hands together as he patiently awaited the arrival of Xenia.

It was no mystery where Xenia was as John had heard the cries, moans, and screams of both man and woman coming from a nearby cabana. The only question was how long he would have to wait.

John received the answer to this question much sooner than he expected as the sounds of love making and violence went silent, and Xenia held the cabana drape to the side as she walked out with a huge grin on her face while tying the bottoms of her two-piece bikini.

As she walked out, John caught a glimpse of Nero within the cabana laid out on a bed. He look absolutely ravaged breathing heavily with his arm hanging off the side, hair disheveled, and general appearance of having been ridden absolutely raw for hours on end.

Oh! Just one more second, John. I forgot my drink. Xenia smiled at John as she turned around entering the cabana one more time before shortly exiting once again with a frozen margarita-like drink in her hand.

The drink had swirls of red and white; the frozen red part of the drink appeared to be a crusty ice-like substance while the white swirls had a more solid appearance like a milkshake.

Xenia sucked her cheeks in as she took a sip of the drink through her straw and let out a Mmmmm!

Would you like a sip? Xenia held out the drink towards John; however, John politely declined, No, thank you. Your staff made quite sure I had the worlds most spectacular breakfast this morning, and I am quite stuffed.

Well, I am glad to hear you are taken care of. Xenia walked over next to John and ran her hand through his hair, Youre always going to such great lengths to please me, John. My staff has taken care of you. Would you like for me to take care of you?

John began with a smile and a stutter, Well, I was hoping I could-

Xenia cut him off, Oh fine, tell me your news first if you must.

She laid down on a sun lounger next to him under the shade, But if you go first then I insist you try my delicious drink. I spent all night making it after all.

John raised his eyebrows, I would hate to offend the efforts of my empress.

Xenia smiled and pat the side of her lounger next to her signaling for him to come sit by her, Thats my good boy.

He sat next to her, and she held the drink up to his mouth, and he took a small sip.

Xenia smiled and shook her head, Nuh uh. Take a big sip. For me, please.

John sucked in his cheeks and took a much larger sip of the drink, and he immediately grimaced and forced himself to choke the drink down. After he gulped it down, he coughed a few times before managing to say, Certainly a royal taste. Not one the likes of me could appreciate.

Xenia was giddy with excitement and laughed, Its equal parts blood and cum. Like I said, I spent all night making it.

She took another sip and moaned with pleasure as she enjoyed the drink. She then let out a refreshing Ah before saying, Its easy obtaining blood. Its obtaining copious amounts of cum that requires an empresss touch.

John smacked his lips realizing he had just slurped down Neros blood and cum, And what have you named this divine concoction?

Xenia raised her eyebrows, Well, great question! Lets call it something simple. Lets call it a BloodStar.

John smiled, Yes, well, it may not contain any alcohol, but it is anything but a virgin drink Id say.

Xenia, in her good spirits, genuinely laughed out loud and nearly spit her drink out in response to Johns joke, Youre so right John! Best we call it a Fucked BloodStar because thats exactly what it is.

John turned to face her squarely, and Xenia finally said, Okayyy fine. Tell me your news. But it had better not take me down from my newlywed high. Ive been fucking all night, and Im poolside with a drink in my hand.

John paused with hesitation; however, Xenia punched his shoulder playfully, Im kidding! Of course I want to know what you found out. Its my wedding gift after all, and I love gifts.

Johns shoulder throbbed with pain at the playful hit from Xenia, and he gave a halfhearted smile as he began, I met with an old friend of mine, Elliot Spencer. A man who you have actually met before, in fact.

Xenia furrowed her brow, Have I? The name doesnt ring a bell.

Ah yes, well, do you recall healing an old man with arthritis in your trip to Washington D.C.? In the hospital lobby?

Xenia hesitated for a moment, Hmm. Actually, yes, I do. I dont believe I ever got his name though.

Well, that man was Elliot Spencer, and he felt indebted to you. He came forth with information because of you. John said.

Look at me! Spreading love and kindness in the world. Who says Im a bad, evil, sexy mommy to the world. Xenia then shot her eyes to the side with a smile, Well, okay sexy yes. God yes.

John laughed with her, Your actions certainly have come back fruitfully upon you because Elliot had information. He had answers. Hes currently working for Lady Starfallen, and she has him working on one of the biggest state secrets within the Starfallen Empire.

Xenia rolled her eyes as she sipped on her drink. She then sarcastically said, Lady Starfallen has a secret? I cant believe it.

Yes, yes, I know. The Starfallen Empire is reclusive, its true. But Elliot says Lady Starfallen has a stone nearly identical to yours. She calls it a mana stone.

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John motioned with his fingers, Hers is much smaller. About this big. Elliot says Lady Starfallen believes this stone to be the physical embodiment of ki. It can store ki, and she can utilize the ki within it before having to recharge it.

Xenia was finally showing serious interest at this revelation, Where did she get it? What is she using it for?

Elliot had no idea where Lady Starfallen obtained it; however, I believe it to be ancient, likely originating from a time long ago and passed down through her family. You said you created yours by draining the ki from St. Michael, yes? Maybe this was formed in a similar manner in ancient times from a much less powerful warrior?

Xenia furrowed her brow, Perhaps. So, my stone is not unique. It is a mana stone as she so calls it. Its as much as I thought. It doesnt simply store ki, it is the essence and driving force of what creates ki. What is she trying to do with it? Why the big secret? I havent found mine to be of much use thus far.

John took a big gulp before continuing, Well. Here is where things get interesting. Apparently, Lady Starfallen is attempting to use it to create a void portal towell potentially another planet.

Xenia leaned up from her reclined and lounged position with a look of extreme interest that John mistook for concern as he said, Now no need to worry! Before we jump to conclusions about what that may mean, Elliot has assured me that the point is moot as her mana stone is too small to accomplish such an undertaking.

Not to worry? John this is exciting! Xenia licked her cold lips and took another drink.

Exciting? John was hit with confusion over her excitement, Another planet could disrupt the hegemony you enjoy here. A large intergalactic void portal, as it were, could allow them to evacuate this planet. It could also allow your enemies to invite reinforcements.

Xenia sat her drink down on a side table and laid back down on the sun lounger pulling John down with her laying him atop of her with his chin resting on her cleavage as he looked up at her, John, you and everyone else has yet to fully understand my power. Suffice it to say that no one can disrupt my rule. In fact, Earth is just my toy now. If Lady Starfallen has even a glimmer of hope in finding other planets then I am happy to do what I can to facilitate her little project.

John took a deep breath, I suppose from my viewpoint the risk is in the unknown. As you fear nothing, you certainly have no reason to be fearful. I just-

Xenia put her finger up to his lips, Shhh. Like I said. Earth is my toy, and I like playing with toys. I want Lady Starfallen to unknowingly find me more toys to add to my collection.

Xenia then stared off in the distance, Oh John, you have made me a very happy girl. Its one thing to be ruler of a planet, but now I suddenly have dreams of ruling much much more.

She then eyed John up and down, Youre such a perfect guest John. I think its time I pay back some hospitality. My staff took care of you, Im sure. But nothing like how I can take care of you, I promise you that.

She began to run her hands through his hair and pushed his head down into her cleavage; however, John struggled and said, Im afraid thats not necessary my empress. In fact, I would feel uncomfortable with Nero, your newlywed husband, so near.

Fine. Xenia stood and grabbed her drink in one hand and Johns hand with her other as she began to lead him up a set of steps leading to the hot tub, Then we will just have to get a little farther away to make you more comfortable.

Well John laughed, Thats not exactly what I meant. I dont want to offend Nero-

Xenia snapped her head around, So youd rather offend me?

John shook his head No, and Xenia smiled at him, Good. Though I dont care if you are comfortable or not. We can fuck uncomfortably. Thats a big thrill when done right.

She led him up the steps to a large bubbling hot tub and said, Now undress for me. All the way down.

She stood smiling and sipping on her drink watching him undress all the way down to nothing out of his formal suit. She then motioned with her hand for him to enter into the hot tub.

She put her hair up to avoid getting it wet and then followed him in. John sat against one of the jacuzzi jets, and Xenia promptly straddled him in his lap reaching behind him to put her drink down.

Its not often that someone is less dressed than I am. Xenia put her arms over Johns shoulders and rubbed the back of his neck and head with her hands, Oh, John, I can feel you getting hard already. Do it, just pull my bikini to the side and put it in me. Come on! Do it!

John reached underwater pulling her bikini bottom to the side so he could slip his cock in to her, and Xenia moaned as his hard cock entered her and she slammed down on it.

She began riding him up and down hard, and she bloodbent his cock to the brim of exploding as it filled her pussy throbbing against her insides as she rode his cock feeling the contours of his taught surface veins.

The bubbling surface of the hot tub, Xenias cleavage in his face, and the knowledge of knowing he was fucking the most powerful person in the world drove John to a very early orgasm as he began to blow one of the best orgasms he had ever experienced in his life inside of her.

Xenia leaned in and kissed him. She then said, See. I can take care of you quite well too. She smiled before then saying, Though that was quite short. How about we go again, but this time, I have a little of my own fun too? I promise Ill revive you.

John, knowing he was about to be killed in a manner which no man had ever been killed before, simply agreed, If it means another orgasm with you, empress, then do your worst.

Xenia was gleeful as she healed him just enough to restore his cock and balls to full post-orgasm strength, and she began to ride his hard cock once again.

However, this time, she wasted no time playing with him. She bloodbent her fingernails into sharp knives and thrust all ten into his sternum. She then clenched her fists around his anterior ribs and sternum and yanked them out.

John went into near-shock with pain though the blissful rush of pleasure from his cock was still present as she rode him. Blood spilled out of his chest turning the bubbling hot tub red. Xenia then skillfully removed various pieces of soft tissue and fascia until his esophagus was exposed.

Open wide! Xenia then bloodbent his mouth wide open and grabbed her drink pouring the remainder of it down his open throat. As the drink slid down his throat, Xenia grabbed his esophagus severing it at the level of the diaphragm.

She then wrapped her lips around his severed esophagus and sucked on it like a makeshift beer bong as she sucked the remainder of her drink through his esophagus and into her mouth; the whole while still fucking his ever-harder cock beneath the waters surface.

John began to cum once again as he sat there slightly slouching as blood continued to run out his chest and into the bubbling red hot tub.

As he came, Xenia licked her lips and looked at a dazed and half-alive John, Drinking a Fucked BloodStar while being fucked. I guess Im a twice-fucked BloodStar. Arent I?

Xenia smiled down at her handiwork watching John slowly die while still riding him until she reached her own orgasm. She then promptly healed him back to life and laughed as she kissed his face all over while he slowly regained life and consciousness, Youre fun, John. I like playing with you.

She stepped out of the hot tub still wearing her two-piece bikini and began to walk away, Come see me once youre dressed, big boy!

John climbed out of the pool thinking to himself, Such an unnatural feeling being brought back to life. But holy shit that was amazing. Such a rush.

He quickly dressed himself and walked down the steps to find Xenia now sunbathing in a sun lounger in the direct sunlight. She flipped her sunglasses down as he approached, You look very sharp for a dead man.

John laughed, Thank you. I quite enjoy dying at your hand.

The two softly laughed together until Xenia created a small portal and reached into it bringing out her own, large mana stone. She then tossed it to John, Here!

John carefully caught it, and Xenia flipped her sunglasses back up, Make sure that reaches Lady Starfallen. In fact, I order you to deliver it to her personally. I want you to devote as much time, money, and resources to her cause as necessary to ensure she finds whatever it is she is looking for.

John knew Xenia could read his thoughts and all the reservations he had regarding her initiative to help Starfallen; however, neither said a word, and John simply nodded, As you wish, empress. I will get right on it.

John then smiled before turning to leave, Youll be happy to know that I already inquired to Elliot if your stone would be large enough to make it all work. He said it likely would.

Xenia continued laying in the sun smiling, Excellent. In that case, if you tire and need a break from your work, I am always happy to play with you John.

He nodded and smiled, Work hard, play hard.

Why dont you come back soon and find out. I think we can play even harder. Xenia then simply smiled at John and waved at him as he exited the pool area. Xenia then sat up and looked around, I need a new drink. Time to wake Nero.

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