Born in Blood

Chapter 339 Black Blade

Chapter 339 Black Blade

Once Liam's sea of consciousness grew to a higher Rank, or got stronger in general, Hone's sharpness would increase.

The same went with the core.

Even a substage advancement would greatly benefit Liam's power.

However, Liam was obviously not using Hone to its fullest potential.

If he used a large amount of his 'Ora' reserves, he could create one giant slash to throw.

It would be slower, but much more destructive.

But it would also strip him of his ability to use other abilities in exchange.

However, Liam imagined what this power could give to someone like Usan, or just a powerhouse in general.

They could create a massive slash with just the 'Ora' in their cores, then let it loose and raze an entire country.

Maybe that's why only Liam… and that other girl… had these abilities.

It was the Eternal Sword's life's work.

A spark of excitement ignited in Liam's chest.

Just now, he imagined conjuring up a devastating mass of Void and sending it flying towards the Royals of Echoria.

What a sight that would be!

A wicked grin formed on Liam's face.

But then he remembered the Queen's grin, and his smile slowly faded.

'As much as I'd enjoy that sight, I'm still an ant fantasizing about killing a dragon.'

'Soon, though.'


Liam's smirk reformed when he focused on the second technique he received.

'Mind Edge.'

That was the name of the technique.

It was the single line that formed on Liam's mental sphere.

When Liam looked at it again, it wasn't just a 'line.'

It was two lines, but they were incredibly close to each other, leaving a gap in between them.

So, what could this line do?

Liam sat cross-legged.

A massive glob of mental energy left his mind sea and floated towards the line, filling it.

Liam kept feeding it more and more mental energy.

In a few moments, it swallowed more than half of Liam's mental energy!

Liam went a little pale.

But when his black mental waves finally filled the line, Liam's vision… constricted.

Everything constricted.

Everything turned into a line.

It was like Liam was seeing through the end of a needle!

In reality, it was just Liam's focus being so sharp, he saw everything through some sort of hyper-clarity.

Was this what cocaine felt like?


But times 100.

Liam's focus had never been this keen before.

Also, his thoughts were like shooting in every direction like wild lightning.

Having this much focus was utterly surreal.

All his senses were overwhelming, and all he could do was sit there until it was over.

Liam didn't even breathe.

3 seconds passed.

Liam's vision was no longer a needle point.

It was over.

Just 3 seconds.

He let out a shaky breath.


'That was… an out of body experience…' Liam thought, amazed.

All abilities had their drawbacks.

For this, it was crystal clear.

In exchange for hyperfocus, Liam had to sacrifice a massive amount of mental energy.

More than half, actually.

But this wasn't the only issue.

Although Mind Edge gave him hyperfocus, there was an issue.

It gave him 'too much' focus.

So, if he was to use Mind Edge in a fight, for 3 seconds, he would only see that person.

Everything else would literally be zoomed out of focus.

If Liam faced another attack in the span of time that he used Mind Edge, then he wouldn't even notice it.

This issue was already relayed to him through the motes of light.

The Eternal Sword had made this mental enhancement himself.

But he made a mistake.

Instead of making the focus spread throughout all parts of the cultivator's mind, he only made it so it could pinpoint one task at a time.

So, in truth, having too much focus was actually a bad thing!

'All it could do is help me turn the tides in a tricky spot, but if I'm not careful, it could get me killed.'


'Talk about a double-edged sword.'

'I won't complain, though.'

Liam glanced at the four pills next.

Truth be told, he was a bit wary of swallowing them.

There were certain… bad memories with consuming foreign pills.

Nevertheless, Liam was going to eat them anyway, but not without strengthening his innards.

Cultivators could tell whether or not certain pills were dangerous. But Liam didn't feel like that with these four.

Liam picked the first one.

The jade pill.

From the four, this looked the most expensive and clean.

'Please give me an advancement to the solid-stage,' Liam thought, popping the pill. 'Or maybe increase my bodily strength?'

Ten minutes passed.

Liam was disappointed.

The jade pill did nothing for his power to increase.

Instead, the drug simply added a sharp quality to Liam's eyes.

If someone were to look at Liam now, or if Liam were to look at someone else, they'd feel like a sharp blade was being pointed towards them.

Or, they'll feel thousands of little needles pricking their skin.

It all depended on how strong or weak they were.

'I've heard the rumor that the Eternal Sword could kill people with a glare… is this why? So it wasn't really an ability, just a trick of the mind.'

Liam laughed to himself.

This was also fine.

Moving on, Liam swallowed the next pill.

The ornate golden one.

Instantly, Liam's left arm was basked in a golden glow.

It lingered for a few minutes, but when the light regressed, there was a tattoo'd sigil of a black odachi.

It was one with Liam's skin, and looked strangely like…

His Black Blade?

It actually was.

"Liam Royce," the Eternal Sword's voice rang out within the fake dimension. It didn't glitch.

"Hence forth, known as the Black Blade."

Liam felt his skin rise.

"Prepare for your final Trial."

Liam's eyes widened.

Liam felt pure pride radiating from his Black Blade. Discontent from his Dusk Blades. And brooding but proud silence from the Breaker.

'It's coming to an end.'

'I'll be facing her soon, if that's what the final Trial is.'

'I better swallow these two remaining pills and get on with it, then.'

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