Born in Blood

Chapter 361 Project

Chapter 361 Project

The meeting was finally over.

More than an hour was spent in that sweat-inducing situation.

As Alucard headed up the stairs, Liam and Usan didn't linger for a second longer.

Usan stored the stone token and headed for the castle exit, followed closely by Liam.

That said, Liam attempted to study the castle's layout.

But as they passed through the corridors, some paintings and decorations they had passed were no longer there.

Even though the hallway Liam used to enter Alucard's room was still the same.

It was as though it had changed!

Liam had no clue that was possible.

'He's controlling this place somehow. Like it's his domain.'

Nevertheless, Liam and Usan found their way out.

Right ahead, the platform was waiting for them.

As soon as they made contact with the platform, it began descending.

Usan and Liam shared a tense side-glance.

The meeting went…


Just perfect!

Liam knew from the start that mere words were not enough to finance a war.

Usan obviously knew it too.

They needed solid proof if their words were to have any weight.

And it just so happened that Liam had a bright idea, which was improved upon by Usan.

Of course, they couldn't just waltz up to the Echorian Royals and ask to see Niveh.

If that were the case, they'd kill her in a heartbeat to save their own skin and pretend she never existed.

…If she wasn't already dead.

No… instead, they had a better idea.


Once they descended from the fog, Liam and Usan weren't attacked.

The swarms of Zenith vampires had cleared open a path, but their weapons were tightly gripped around their hands.


That's what Alucard named them.

'A Minister of Defense. Minister of Finance. Minister of Security.'

Now that Liam gave them all a quick, assessing look, he realized what Minister was in charge of what department!

The Minister of Economy was a beautiful woman with elegant jewelry on her neck, ears and hands.

The Minister of Defense was the burly cultivator that threatened to attack.

The Minister of Security was a skinny, hunched-back, snake-eyed looking man.

There were others, too, but Liam didn't figure out the department they belonged to.

Without a word, Usan slowly sank into a puddle of shadows with Liam to his side.

Their work here was done.

It was time to head home.


The swim back home was much quicker compared to the initial journey.

It had taken a week and a half, and they had suffered no visits from Rank 6 creatures of the depths.

As they swam to the shore of the island, Usan heaved a long breath.

He looked tired.

The pill that made his appearance healthy had long dissipated, revealing his snowy complexion and thin frame.

Thankfully, the Elders of the Temple were there for their arrival.

[What do you plan on doing now?] Usan asked as the sky filled with Elders flying towards them.

[I'll work on getting my deal with the Kitsune done,] Liam responded.

Usan nodded absentmindedly.

[I'll work on the letter,] he said. [Whenever you're done, let me know.]

Liam nodded.

Elder Jax flew with Liam towards his dwelling.

"Little rascal. Getting more and more important as the days go by, eh?" Jax teased him from the side with a smile.

Liam sighed as he soared alongside the Zenith.

"I still remember when I drowned you in that vat. Ah, how time passes."


"I need something, Jax," Liam said conversationally.


"Several Zenith light-based magical beasts. Alive. Preferably a fox/wolf-type," Liam said.

"I have a certain project that just came up."

"Also, a few live Zeniths. We could afford to kidnap some now, right?" Liam asked with an arched brow.

A grin crept up Jax's face.

"Sure thing."


Liam was back in his basement again.


Right now, he was in deep thought.

The Kitsune.

'It's time,' Liam thought with sharp eyes. 'Before we go any further, I have to find a way to resuscitate it.'

For several reasons, Liam needed to get this issue out of the way.

Firstly, because it was the perfect time to do so.

Right now, the Temple needed more allies than ever.

And the Rank 4 Kitsune was the only magical beast with a mental sphere that Liam had seen so far.

It made it a one-of-a-kind specimen that many wouldn't turn a blind eye to.

And the Kitsune had nowhere to go.

They were on an island.

In the middle of Ilali.

Away from its habitat.

All these signs pointed to one conclusion.

The Kitsune's best interest was to stay and remain with the Temple of Shadow.

It had no choice!

Secondly, was because the radiant tattoo on Liam's abdomen was starting to get a little too bright.

'It's definitely some sort of protective measure to make sure I get the deal done.'

Which made sense.

And it didn't take a smart man to realize what the tattoo would do once it realized Liam wasn't keeping up his part of the deal.

Nevertheless, Liam needed to make the necessary preparations.

First was finding a compatible magical beast for the Kitsune to reside in.

The seven-tailed fox no longer had a body.

It just had mental energy and 'Ora'.

But thankfully, ever since the Sacrosanct Tree was reaped, the Spirit Beasts of Ilali had reverted back to their magical beast form.

The Rank 6 tree's influence had forced those changes in the magical beasts.

But with it gone, Spirit Beasts were basically discontinued.

'I have the necessary tools to make it work,' Liam thought.

'Mind Isolation, Body Integration and True Transfer were all made to fit this purpose, too.'

'I can even add improvements.'

'There's no way I can get an exact Kitsune body for it to control, but the closest thing should be good enough.'

'There's still the issue of?how?this will work. All its given me is mental energy and 'Ora'.'

All Liam could do was hope the Kitsune did the rest.

It took a week for Elder Jax to bring the necessary preparations to Liam's doorstep.

A dozen light-based magical beasts in the fourth Rank, and a dozen Zeniths.

All chained up with the Ravenous Leash bonds.

It was time to begin.

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