Born in Blood

Chapter 381 Patience

Chapter 381 Patience

As soon as the Cloud Leeches emerged from her mouth, they dug into the dense cloud and ethereally 'latched' onto it.

To the Cloud Leeches, it was as though the clouds were solids, not just perspiration.

Then, they hung off like vines for the Elders to hold on to.

Jax guided Liam to a leech.

As soon as Liam gripped the leech's tail, a ripple of 'Ora' passed through his hand and spread throughout his figure.

To Jax's eye, he'd gone invisible, both from mental energy and vision!

"Nice. Works as intended," Jax said, grabbing onto a leech of his own.

The other Elders followed suit.

Although they couldn't see each other, Liam could see them due to his King's Eye.

As such, the cloud slowly drifted forward towards the Dual Empire.

Now that Liam thought about it, clouds were pretty much the perfect aerial device.

Especially with something like the Cloud Leech.

The Elders could easily manipulate the clouds' speed with their wind elements.

And it would never run out, since the Elders could just feed it water, causing it to grow.

In fact, that's why most of the Elder that tagged along were either of the water, or wind elements.

Other than the sound of wind whistling past them, there was silence.

Here and there, aerial magical beasts flew by, but Liam's group was completely unnoticed.

The higher one flew, the more dangerous magical beasts they would find.

It was the same as the ocean and its depths.

The sky was just as terrifying, one could imagine.

Since the world Liam was in was much bigger, the number of layers in the sky were more.

That was also why clouds were so incredibly far away, and also why no one ventured too far up.

Just as there were hidden horrors in the depths, there were hidden horrors in the skies.

To pass the time, the Elders struck up conversations.

Jane and Aki were speaking to the Imperialist, who was now toothless!

Using her earth element, she conjured up a fake set of stone teeth to put in her jaw, muttering curses at Liam's ancestry.

The Temple elders didn't suppress their urge to tease her.

[Keep a close eye on her,] Liam told Jax. He was referring to the Imperialist. [The Binding Oath only does so much.]

Jax nodded firmly.

Afterwards, all that remained was patiently waiting.

Liam glimpsed at the temple island, which continued to distance itself until it resembled a fingernail.

Pretty soon, they were directly above Ilali.

Liam saw the Seven Clans in the center.

Their reputation ever since losing to the Temple of Shadow wasn't as shiny and renowned as it was before.

But even they would come useful during the battle with the Dual Empire.

The Temple had allied with them, after all.

Except the Moyong family, of course.

Hand of Light wanted no part in whatever the Temple and the Korsan Lands were cooking up.

After a solid eight hours, Liam passed through the entirety of Ilali. Its lush landscapes and gentle rivers.

Afterwards, it was just the ocean again.

And it would continue that way for another four hours.

The sun rose, and the warm rays of dawn slowly warmed Liam's skin.

At that point, Liam was bored out of his mind.

There was absolutely nothing to do!

He couldn't cultivate.

He couldn't swing his sword.

He couldn't inscribe or forge.

He was just stuck in limbo!

"That's the forty-eighth time you've sighed till now," Elder Jax commented with a slight laugh. "We'll be there soon."

Liam's entire being was just itching for something to do.

'Wasting time' like this was one of his biggest peeves, and it physically hurt.

Nevertheless, he was patient.

Thankfully, two hours later, the borders of the Dual Empire appeared in the distance.

Liam's eyes lit up.

The first thing he did was constrict his pupil as hard as he could to see the layout of the country.

From Liam's point of view, he could only see the borders of the Empire of Fear.

The Empire of Courage was not visible.

'They clearly appreciate their security,' Liam thought. 'Any other method, and we definitely wouldn't get in.'

The borders to their country looked like rows of vicious teeth!

It stretched for as long as the eye could see.

Each one of these tooths were more than 60 meters tall, and 10 meters wide.

It shone darkly beneath the sunlight, as though it was made from some lustrous obsidian.

Upon these teeth were thousands of Imperialists, all female, all wearing roman togas.

Clouds rolled above their country.

Liam took a deep breath as he took a closer look at the clouds hovering beside his own.

They were covered with Imperialists, clutching onto Cloud Leeches!

Instantly, Liam mentally ordered the Imperialist's mouth to be covered, lest she let out a scream.

Thankfully, she didn't.

Liam glanced at the Empire of Fear once more.

Past the borders, all Liam could see were uneven lands that looked as though they were slightly angled downwards.

The lands themselves were shadowy and strange.

Eerie in different ways.

There was no lush landscape whatsoever, and no colors beside shadowy-black, brown and dark blue.

It was entirely barren past the border, and the sun failed to illuminate its surface.

Black mist flowed through it.

However, there were dark mountains and hills, along with very dangerous looking environments.

Regular humans wouldn't dare to survive in such a grim place.

Not to mention, Abominations infested the area!

Nightmarish creatures that looked otherworldly.

Liam couldn't see any civilization of sorts, but judging by the map he'd memorized, they were much deeper in.

They were called 'colonies', where their strong would live.

From the Empire of Fear side, there was no fixed system for rulership, other than the Empress herself.

It was a dictatorship.

Other than that, the strongest cultivators under her were like patrol guards, venturing out only when there was something of suspicion happening.

By the time Liam was done with gazing everything over, they were past the borders.

They had officially entered the country.

Liam breathed a short sigh of relief.

Now, all they had to do was find a colony, land, and slowly start wiping them out—


The Cloud Leeches Liam and the Elders were holding onto suddenly exploded!

Along with the Imperialist who exploded into a spray of flesh and blood.

She'd broken her Binding Oath with a smile on her face, and the explosion sent Liam and the Elders flying.

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