Born in Blood

Chapter 413 Worry

Chapter 413 Worry

The purple light exuded through a crack in the water bubble, casting a vibrant hue on the Centurion's shocked face.

From how it was angled, only he could see it. His dominating, hulking frame blocked out the rest from seeing what he did.

Lights danced in his iron-like eyes.

The mass of Void was 9 inches in diameter, and the space around it visibly curved.

Liam held it outward from his body.

Right after, its circular form flattened, turning into a slash.

Then, it spread out in a wide arc, slicing through the top half of the Force Bubble.

The slash was slow. The Force Bubble was pushing it back. It was like a hot blade through a hard block of ice.

The first point of contact was fast... but it was getting slower and slower the further it went.

But at the end of it….

The top half had split!

The radiant dagger was in full view!

Liam reached for it!

Meanwhile, the Centurion looked at the Abomination in a new light.

Could it really attack this thing?!

Something that could rip through a Rank 6 Force Bubble?

Something that could make him, the Centurion, feel fear?

Although the Abomination seemed weak, no one could accurately determine the strength of something at first glance.

What if that purple mass was directed towards him?

Would a Rank 5 body endure the attack?

Could he steal the dagger first without being attacked?!

Nanoseconds passed. The Rank 5 mental sphere was incredibly fast at calculations.

'I'm the Centurion, damn it! Curse it all!'

Clasping his fists and raising them up high, the Centurion made a downward strike with all the power in his body and core.




The Centurion's face twisted like a bad smell entered through his nose.

The strike hit…


It hit the air itself, like some sort of invisible barrier had been there the entire time.

The Centurion used a mental attack.

It didn't go through, either.

Turns out, the hunched-back, snaked-eyed, shifty Minister of Security had a few tricks up his sleeve.

Liam had grabbed the dagger. His fingers curled around its shiny pommel.

It felt like grabbing the sun.

'Have I touched the stars already?' Liam thought as his grip tightened. 'There's no heat, though.'

There was nothing unusual about it, either. It felt like any other dagger, except that it was imbued with rays of sunshine.

A moment later, his shadows sucked the dagger into his Inner World.

The rays were gone.



The Veil slowly unraveled.

The circular, dome barrier that separated the outside world dissipated.

Shock. Regret. Silent joy. Victory. Loss. Freedom. Despair. There was an influx of all kinds of emotions.

Cheers from the Fearists.

Silence from the Couragists.

It was over.

Liam glanced at the incredulous Centurion, who looked at Liam like he grew out a second head.

Liam smirked menacingly.

A second later, he used Shadow Blink.

The Reaper was gone.



…What about the treasure?

Was that it?

Was the Cloaked one not… with the Fearists?

The Dual Imperialists looked at each other with confused expressions.

"What's happening?"

"Is this part of the war?"

"Who was the Reaper, anyway?"

"Anyone know him?"

"Where'd he go?!"



As the seeds of pandemonium were just beginning to bloom, Liam teleported to where Ryu fell, then grabbed him by the chest plate.

In quick succession, he teleported to Kitsu, Verium and Jane, too, grabbing onto each of them as though they were baggage.

Liam used his tentacles to grab onto the giant fox.

Using Shadow Blink while holding another person allowed that person, or thing, to come with him.

The size gap didn't matter too much, since Liam's shadow was extremely stretchable.

But it sacrificed roughly twice the blood!

Thus, with a total of four teleportations, plus the initial Blink to appear above the Force Bubble, Liam had used 99% of his blood!

He looked pallid. Ashen-skinned and anorexic. His eyes drooped from exhaustion.

But he was finally regrouped with the vampires, acolytes, and the remaining Elders who were positioned towards the rims of the Veil.

They were all hiding behind a Battle Station, the furthest from the center.

On the side were two massive, circular gates placed right outside the Veil's range.

This was where the Minister of Transportation had hid.

From one of the gates, all kinds of Zenith vampires were pouring through.

From the other, Rank 5 Clan Leaders and their Sects were pouring through.

It was happening.

The Minister of Magic, Torture, Defense, Security and Transportation looked at Liam with a conflicting gaze.

Liam recognized the sinister glare in their eyes.

They were wondering, 'What would happen if we just killed him here?'

It didn't take a genius to realize they were considering it.

But they couldn't.

If their king ordered Liam's death, it would have happened by now.

But it didn't.

Before anyone could speak, Jax threw Liam a Zenith Fearist's corpse.


Hiding his figure with illusions, Liam sank his teeth into the woman's head.

A stream of brain juice, blood, bone and brain washed down his throat.

Slowly, life returned to him.

It was like watching a fast-forward video of a person going from skinny to muscular.

In a few more bites, the woman was gone, except her core which Liam stored.

10% of his blood returned, making him seem human again.

…Not that he was a human, though.

The illusions dissipated.

Liam looked back at the vampires.

No more sinister glares.

The Minister of Magic was the first to speak.

"You didn't look too well there, friend."

"You don't say?" Liam retorted, wiping his lips.

As soon as the clan leaders saw Liam, they rushed to his side and gave him a terse salute, before lining up behind him.

They were Rank 5's.

But Liam's word was basically Usan's.

"Not him you should be worried about, foolish boy," the aged Minister of Transportation said. "It's them."

She gestured to the two distant towers.

Two silhouettes had emerged from their peaks.

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