Born in Blood

Chapter 415 Therapy

Chapter 415 Therapy

The clouds were gradually fading, for reasons Liam didn't know.

As they spread apart, the first sunlight he'd seen in months reflected in his steely eyes.

Four powerhouses.

The Temple of Shadows' eyes watched as Usan grew further and further away, Alucard at his side.

They were approaching the Emperors.

Seeing Usan flying away, Liam perched atop a free Water Dragon, and commanded the others to do the same.

'I doubt anyone except them can deal with each other,' Liam thought. 'All we can do is piss off and wait until they're done.'

'There's a chance we won't even have to fight once they're done with their fight.'

Liam glanced at the thousands of acolytes lined across the horizon.

They wept silently. But the Elders were doing their absolute best to keep their emotions in check.

They had to keep a strong face.

If they broke down, that would only make them look weak and devastated.

Especially when the enemy — and the temporary allies — were watching.

Liam gave them all a firm stare. Truth be told, he couldn't just shout at them to get a move on.

That was extremely inconsiderate to the situation at hand. And unwise. But he also had to do something.

But no speeches!

That wasn't him. No way. Not at all.

Liam let out a long sigh.

'Damn you, Usan. But you're already damned.'

But then so was he.

Taking out a Voice Amplifier from his ring, Liam placed it on his throat.

The Voice Amplifier was a coin-shaped item that had no purpose, other than to increase the volume of something.

"I'll say this once," Liam said, his terse voice spreading across the 18,000 acolytes.

Countless eyes snapped towards him. Even those of the alliance.

"If you accept me as the Temple's Head, then don't question my decisions and obey my orders."

A serious pause.

Liam's eyes narrowed and his face tightened.

"And if you don't, then stay here and die."



A few processing seconds passed.

…but effective.

Immediately, the acolytes and Elders sniffed up all the mucus and tears streaming down their faces.

Then, they looked for Water Dragons in large groups.

Most of the Elders flew outside the range of the Rank 6's, with acolytes trailing behind them.

The figureheads, on the other hand, perched on the same dragon Liam did.

Then, Liam pulled the Water Dragon's reins. It echoed with a shrill roar, then took to the skies.

The Temple of Shadow was not based upon love and care. Nor equality or emotion.

It was based upon brotherhood and respect. You didn't ask questions. You just did things and were rewarded accordingly for doing them.

A moment later, they were soaring through the air and heading as further away as they could from the Veil.

Liam tried catching a glimpse of the four powerhouses, but a nauseous feeling grew in his stomach, denying him the chance.

They were in the dark.


"Do this often?" Usan asked Alucard as the two slowly approached the center.

"Ha ha. You have the wrong perception of me, friend," Alucard said conversationally with his gaze forward. "With age, comes wisdom. I prefer negotiations."

"Spoken like a true pacifist."

"Ha! Pacifist," Alucard laughed to himself. "Funny word, that one."

As they got closer, the two were forced to save their chat for another time.

Usan's eyes honed in on the appearance of the two Emperors.

The Empress of Fear was first.

To any other person, they would not be able to see her clearly.

Their vision would swim with black and white colors, and they'd vomit out their insides.

But this didn't apply to Usan or Alucard.

Strangely, the Empress of Fear had a beautiful appearance.

She had large, blind eyes. The pupils of which swirled like a hypnotizing, foggy vortex.

Exceptionally long, smooth corvid-black hair that spanned roughly 1.20 meters fluttered behind her back.

She wore a black roman toga, wrapped around her slightly short frame.

Merely looking at her invoked some nasty fears in Usan's mind, but one he could easily toss away.

On the other hand, the Emperor of Courage was a stark contrast to his counterpart.

He was 8'1.

A goliath of a man.

On his monstrous arms were two, silvery cannons etched with beautiful ridges and harmonious patterns.

Technically, they were called gauntlets, but when does one draw the line?

They were practically human sized, glistening with a pearly sheen as rays of sunlight fell on them.

Adorning his dominating body was a set of glorious crystalized, marble armor. Definitely a Rank 6 inscribed item.

The Emperor himself didn't have too many eye-catching features.

Besides his square jaw, bushy eyebrows, slightly tanned skin, brown eyes, short brown hair and pronounced cheekbones, nothing was out of the ordinary.

An annoyed look was on both their faces.

"I told you so many times we should have kept the Veil transparent for us to see through," the Emperor said, his voice as deep as could be.

"Now what?"

"What was the point of even waging this war if you didn't see who won and how?"

"Oh, shut it," the Empress rolled her blind eyes. "If you so much as glanced at those meat-head soldiers of yours, they'd roar even after death."

The Emperor scoffed in disdain.

"Yeah. And they'd vomit if they saw you."

"Exactly," the Empress said, clearly annoyed. "You just proved my point, idiot."

The Emperor growled to himself.

"Heartless wench."

The Empress snorted derisively.

"Ugly bull."

Usan's eyes widened with rage.

He had never wanted to stick a sword up someone's neck before, but the two fit the criteria quite well.

Obviously, despite this little back and forth bickering, the two were clearly on edge.

The distance between them was roughly 500 meters, but both parties had their gazes fixed to each other.

"Children, children," Alucard interrupted placatingly.?"I offer couples therapy. Maybe you two ought to sit down and air out your problems in a civilized, adult manner?"

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