BOSS Transmigrates as a Little Cutie

Chapter 23: The Golden Thigh

Chapter 23: The Golden Thigh

With Zou Chen, it was naturally impossible for Qing Yun to stay at the Xiao family for long. However, a few days after he went out with Zou Chen, something big happened at the Xiaos.

Mom, Im going back. Qing Yun hung up on Mother Xiaos call and grabbed his jacket to go out.

Zou Chen, who was washing dishes in the kitchen, saw him and rubbed against him in his apron, Going back to the Xiao family? Ill go with you.

No need. Qing Yun refused his offer. Now that something happened to the Xiao family like that, Father Xiao would have no place to put his face if Zou Chen was over.

With a little thought, Zou Chen knew that Xiao Chengzhes deed was found out by Father Xiao. However, he still wasnt quite at ease and grabbed Qing Yun to rub against the side of his neck, That brother of yours is quite scheming, do you want me to take care of it for you? You know, I worry about you.

Dont. Leave it to me, and there wont be any danger. Qing Yun snorted. Xiao Chengzhe had been rather quiet for a while, he didnt make any more moves around Qing Yun.

In the end, Qing Yun went to the Xiao family alone.

Father Xiao and Xiao Chengzhe were sitting face to face. Xiao Chengzhes entire body showed a strange kind of dejectedness, with dark and dull eyes. It seemed as if the incident with Xiao Chengnuo had really hit him hard.

On the other hand, Father Xiaos hair was white and looked like he had aged more than ten years.

I didnt think that you could do such a thing. Father Xiao wiped his face, his voice hoarse, I cant figure out why youre illegally appropriating Xiaos property. Its our own familys property. Youre pushing Xiao into the pit of fire! In case the top comes to investigate

Xiao Chengzhe snorted at the words, Our own familys property? Its your familys property, and if I want it, Ill have to take it for myself, of course.

Father Xiao was stunned by this, he didnt expect that Xiao Chengzhe, who had lived in the Xiao family for more than twenty years, would end up saying such things. He treated Xiao Chengzhe a little better than his own son, so good that Father Xiao almost forgot about the fact that Xiao Chengzhe was adopted.

You dont need to rob him. He was planning to give you Xiao. Qing Yun walked through the door and said to Xiao Chengzhe.

Mother Xiao, who had been standing nearby indifferently, greeted him and hung up Qing Yuns coat for him. Father Xiao obviously didnt expect Qing Yun to come and looked at Mother Xiao with a slight shock.

What are you looking at me for? With Xiaos deficit of so much money, am I waiting for bankruptcy if I dont call my son in? Mother Xiao glanced at him and said in a cold tone.

Father Xiao hadnt made a sound, but Xiao Chengzhe became agitated because of Qing Yuns words, Hell hand Xiao over to me? Isnt that because you already have Ruixin and dont need Xiao at all?!

Father Xiao looked at Xiao Chengzhe fixedly, he didnt even have the strength to get angry. Xiao Chengzhe was his most favored and proudest child, and since he was a child, Father Xiao had only praised him. But now what kind of mood was he going to use to face the reality that this was all an illusion?

No one paid any attention to Xiao Chengzhe, but Xiao Chengzhe seemed to be full of anger and had an outlet to vent his anger. He pointed at Father Xiao and said, Do you think its wrong for me to take that money? This was supposed to be mine! Did you have nothing to do with my fathers death? Why did you adopt me if you didnt? Are you that kind? Still want my fathers shares!

Father Xiao sat there listening to Xiao Chengzhes accusations, looking at him with slowly changing eyes. He really didnt expect that Xiao Chengzhe had been looking at him this way. In Xiao Chengzhes eyes, Im afraid that the entire Xiao family was his enemy.

Qing Yun slowly walked to Xiao Chengzhe and sat down across from him, his tone was flat: Xiao Chengzhe, you are Xiaos general manager, so you should know who owns all of Xiaos shares. Moreover, you should have known that you have always owned twenty-five percent of Xiaos shares.

Where do you think these shares came from? This is the inheritance your father left you. The Xiao family hasnt touched a single cent, even kept a good share of the dividends over the years for you.

Qing Yuns words pierced through Xiao Chengzhes lies. His pupils shrank, of course, he knew these things himself! The first time his heart wanted to get Xiao, the morality in Xiao Chengzhes heart still stopped him, but malicious speculation followed: What if the Xiao family had wronged him? Wouldnt he be justified in taking it?

The father and son were both silent.

It was only after a while that Father Xiao said to Xiao Chengzhe in a hoarse voice, You should go abroad to get away from trouble.

Upon hearing that, Qing Yun looked at him and didnt say anything, just tore off a blank check to leave behind, to make up for Xiaos shortfall.

Father Xiaos figure stiffened up almost instantly as he took the check, slowly stood up, and silently walked upstairs.

Qing Yun also did not stay long, he got up and was about to leave.

In the meantime, Mother Xiao looked at Father Xiaos back and complained to Qing Yun in an indignant tone, Did I remember wrongly? Youre not his biological child?

Both equally made mistakes. Compared to Xiao Chengzhe, Xiao Chengnuos treatment from Father Xiao is too bad.

Qing Yuns eyes also became condensed, Father Xiaos attitude made him realize that the protagonist really wasnt that easy to bring down. His mission wasnt completely finished yet. Perhaps a careless mistake would turn Xiao Chengnuo into a stepping stone for Xiao Chengzhe again.

The news that the Zou Consortium was going to work with Ruixin Pharmaceuticals was finally released, causing people to pay close attention. As Ruixin Pharmaceuticals has always been somewhat mysterious, neither the technical team nor the management has been exposed, the peoples understanding of it is still limited to the various drugs the company has launched.

The miraculous effect of the drug gave Ruixin Pharmaceuticals a veil of mystery.

The projects launched by Zou has always attracted attention. Previously, people have speculated about their partner this time but did not expect that Ruixin Pharmaceuticals was actually the one invited.

Some people have brought up the strong momentum of Xiaos Pharmaceuticals, and at first, everyone had thought that this opportunity for cooperation was none other than Xiaos. But now that the results are out, it rather feels like it should have been.

After all, Zous cooperation with Ruixin is a strong alliance. If it is with Xiaos, it can be considered as helping the poor at best.

Xiao Chengzhe sat in the car, drinking as he looked at the news on the Strong Alliance, and absent-mindedly listening to the words from the phone.

It was a call from Zou Qiyao, who, in a change from his usual self, broke into a rant over the phone, I let you get me killed! You got me fucking killed, Xiao Chengzhe! Are you out of your fucking mind urging me to deal with Xiao Chengnuo? And you say hes robbing Xiao from you, but you dont even look in the mirror to see what you look like

Xiao Chengzhe took a hard gulp of beer. He always felt that it wasnt right that things shouldnt be like this. The person who made a name for himself and went on to the pinnacle of his life should obviously be him. Xiao Chengnuo should have been trampled into the dust by him and lived worse than death!

Everything was wrong with Xiao Chengnuo. Without him, everything would be normal. A trace of madness flashed in Xiao Chengzhes eyes as he watched a car speed past in front of him, and he quickly started the car.

Its been a week! As he drove the car, Zou Chen complained stealthily towards Qing Yun. These days, he could see but not eat every day. Qing Yun still liked to provoke him, almost driving Zou Chen mad.

Since being with Qing Yun, neither of them likes to be around other people, so Zou Chen did it all by himself, driving and cooking all sorts of things. Fortunately, these trivial matters diverted Zou Chens attention, or else he wouldnt have been able to endure until now.

Drive well. Qing Yun pushed the man who was literally sticking to him. These days, Zou Chen was dissatisfied with his daily life, and by now, his face could be described as haggard.

In fact, Qing Yun couldnt bear it anymore. Its not like he doesnt have feelings for Zou Chen, a week is almost the time limit he can endure.

Zou Chen stopped at the side of the road and didnt speak. He looked pitifully at Qing Yun, looking like a big dog with drooping ears.

Qing Yun couldnt help but hook his hand for Zou Chen to come closer, and then he leaned over and extended his tongue to lick at his dry lips.

The softness on his lips fried Zou Chens scalp. He couldnt help it and hugged Qing Yun wanting to go a little deeper in. However, the seat belt on both of them restricted his movement.

Shit! Zou Chen raised his hand to unbuckle his seatbelt, but Qing Yun stopped him.

Qing Yun pushed his shoulder and pointed out the car window, where there happened to be a convenience store on the side of the road.

I like strawberry flavor, go quickly, Ill wait for you. Warm breath fluttered in Zou Chens ears as Qing Yuns seductive words pounced on his ears. Zou Chens eyes reddened as if he was a devouring beast. He unbuckled his seatbelt, hugged and kissed Qing Yun fiercely before getting out of the car and walking towards the convenience store.

If Zou Chen wants something, someone will bring it over, so theres absolutely no need for him to buy it himself. He didnt know but this was just another instance of Qing Yun wanting to see him embarrassed.

Qing Yun watched Zou Chens impatience as he walked into the convenience store, and the curvature of his mouth was abruptly turned up.

The consciousness he left on Xiao Chengzhe was approaching fast.

Qing Yun guessed Xiao Chengzhes plan, and his face slowly calmed down. He hadnt expected Xiao Chengzhe to be so crazy, but it was exactly what Qing Yun wanted. Xiao Chengzhe would drive his car into him in public, and with Ruixins and Zou Chens influence, Xiao Chengzhe would definitely have no chance of turning over a new leaf.

And he could take the opportunity to get out of this world just in time for the main character to be ultimately defeated and his mission completed. He had always been ruthless, not only to others but to himself as well.

Thinking of this, Qing Yun turned his head to quietly look at the man in the convenience store with a serious face picking out a condom.

Zou Chen paid with a stern face and was about to go out carrying a bag of goods when he heard a loud bang. Zou Chens heart shrank. He couldnt care less about anything, and immediately rushed out.

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