Chapter 100: The Pinnacle of the Mortal Realm!

Chapter 100: The Pinnacle of the Mortal Realm!

Chapter 100: The Pinnacle of the Mortal Realm!

"It truly deserves to be an eighth-grade pill; it's extraordinary!"

As he looked at the crimson pill in his hand, Gu He couldn't help but exclaim in amazement.

He couldn't help but wonder when he could refine an eighth-grade pill himself.

Without any hesitation, Gu He pinched the Holy Soul Pill and placed it in his mouth.

The Holy Soul Pill smoothly slid down his throat and entered his body.

In that instant, Gu He's head buzzed, and a searing sensation radiated from his soul.

The soul's power, located in his brow, expanded rapidly as if it had consumed a catalyst. The rapid expansion led to an intense throbbing in Gu He's brow, as if his head was about to explode.

Feeling this sudden change, Gu He's heart filled with shock. But in such a crucial moment, he didn't dare to be careless. He focused his mind and carefully observed the changes within his body.

As the Holy Soul Pill entered Gu He's body, a scorching sensation quickly spread throughout his body, transforming into numerous streams of heat that flowed to every corner.

Next, streams of gray energy rapidly surged within Gu He's body. The gray energy penetrated his flesh and surged forward, arriving at the brow of his head.

Gu He noticed that as this gray energy entered his mind, it intertwined with the soul's power residing there. At that moment of entwining, Gu He was astonished to discover an immensely powerful and peculiar energy rapidly infiltrating his soul.

After a brief moment, Gu He was startled to realize that his soul's strength was rapidly increasing at a terrifying rate.

With the intense enhancement of his soul's power, Gu He was initially delighted. However, his expression quickly changed.

He felt an increasingly intense throbbing in his brow. His soul's power was growing at an alarming rate.

Feeling the escalating pain in his brow, Gu He was taken aback. He had never anticipated that the Holy Soul Pill would have such a powerful effect on soul power.

As the throbbing in his brow continued to intensify, Gu He had no choice but to let his soul's power increase at a visible rate.

More and more gray energy flowed in, and Gu He's soul continued to strengthen. At this point, Gu He finally realized the true meaning of a splitting headache.

His head was pounding, and his temples on both sides were bulging like small drums, pulsating incessantly.

"It's going to explode!"

The suddenly overwhelming soul power was gradually exceeding the maximum threshold that Gu He's body could bear.

Finally, after a moment, Gu He reached a certain limit.


In the depths of his mind, a deafening explosion occurred, nearly causing him to lose consciousness. His surroundings were filled with a golden radiance, and his mind was in chaos.

Just at that moment, a cool and refreshing energy surged within Gu He's body, reviving his consciousness, which was about to fade away.

This continuous influx of cool energy entered Gu He's brow and finally gathered deep in his mind, entwining with his soul power.

During this process, Gu He felt as if his soul was immersed in a hot spring, and a warm, soothing power washed over his entire body.

He experienced an extremely refreshing sensation deep within his soul. It was so pleasurable that he almost couldn't help but moan.

After this state had lasted for a long time, Gu He gradually felt the throbbing in his brow diminishing.

When Gu He's consciousness gradually returned to clarity, he discovered that the throbbing in his mind had been continuously weakening.

At that moment, Gu He could sense that his soul's power was at least several times stronger than before.

However, even with such an increase, Gu He's soul's strength still couldn't reach the legendary realm known as the Soul Realm.

As the continuous absorption continued for nearly an hour, the strange force in Gu He's brow suddenly intensified. At last, an invisible ripple spread out, extending beyond the cave and into the skies of the mountain peak.

This sudden upheaval in the heavens and earth captured the attention of numerous magical beasts in the Magic Beast Mountain Range. The disturbance, unexpected and powerful, roused the interest of creatures residing in the area.

Inside the cave, Yun Yun, deep in slumber, abruptly awoke, sensing a mysterious power. Her gaze fixed upon Gu He, who meditated nearby not far away.

"Gu He... is he practicing some mysterious technique?" Yun Yun's eyes stayed on Gu He, a hint of astonishment flashing in her beautiful eyes. Despite her knowledge and strength, she couldn't naturally perceive the changes in his soul power. However, she could vaguely sense a tremendous pressure emanating from Gu He.

This pressure even made her soul tremble.

"So powerful..." Yun Yun stared at Gu He in amazement, her heart stirring with waves of emotions.

Gu He had no knowledge of the commotion taking place outside. At this moment, he was completely immersed in the profound and refreshing power. The sense of comfort that penetrated deep into his soul made him almost unwilling to wake up.

Within his brow, due to the massive influx of spiritual energy, there were gradual and significant changes.

The soul is typically elusive and difficult to describe; it is the foundation of all living beings and highly mysterious.

Usually, for someone at Gu He's level as an alchemist, the soul within their brow is a somewhat intangible substance. However, under their control, this soul power, when detached from the body, can serve various purposes.

But after the recent changes, the soul power within Gu He's brow was no longer the same ethereal substance. It now existed as an entity that occasionally pulsated like a heartbeat. Perhaps due to the presence of spiritual energy, his soul at the brow appeared more vibrant than ever before.

With the increasing influx of spiritual energy, the soul was in continuous motion, as if something was gestating within.

However, for some reason, Gu He had an odd feeling that this gestation was missing something.

After pondering for a while but without any clues, Gu He had to give up.

As the fluctuations in this world spread, more and more spiritual energy flowed from the horizon, finally pouring into this small cave. The once remote cave now teemed with vibrant life.

Inside the cave, Gu He's expression contorted uncomfortably as an increasing surge of spiritual energy flowed into his brow. He discovered that no matter how much spiritual energy entered, the soul in his brow remained in a constant state of motion. It seemed that the last step was always just out of reach.

Gu He frowned tightly. He knew he had reached his limit. More precisely, the enhancement of soul power brought by the Holy Soul Pill had reached its limit.

Time flowed like water, passing silently. In the blink of an eye, a day and a night had passed since Gu He took the Holy Soul Pill.

On the second day, the anomalies in this area finally gradually dissipated.

Inside the cave, everything returned to silence.

Yun Yun glanced at Gu He for a while, then felt fatigue creeping in. She closed her eyes slowly and went back to sleep.

Before long, Gu He's eyelids trembled slightly, and he slowly opened his eyes, revealing a gleam in his jet-black pupils.


Magic Beast Mountain Range.

A figure suddenly appeared outside the Crystal Winged Lion King's lair; it was Gu He.

In his right hand, he held a few fat fish.

He had caught them at a large waterfall in the outskirts of the Magic Beast Mountain Range.

Since taking the Holy Soul Pill yesterday, he had experienced a significant increase in his soul power.

He had a feeling that he had reached the pinnacle of the Mortal Realm regarding soul power.

But the gap between each realm of soul power was vast, like a chasm.

Although he had failed to break through to the Spiritual Realm during his last attempt, Gu He was far from discouraged. He believed there would be plenty of opportunities in the future.

Entering the cave, Gu He saw Yun Yun sitting on a stone platform, with her cheek resting on her hand. When she noticed Gu He had returned, she smiled slightly and said, "You're back."

Gu He nodded with a smile, and then he raised the few fat fish he had caught, saying, "I caught some fish to nourish your body."

With Gu He's current soul power, he could cover the entire Magic Beast Mountain Range. With his soul power extending wherever it reached, he could instantly arrive anywhere.

This was why he dared to go out and catch fish, leaving Yun Yun alone in the cave. If any unforeseen situation occurred, he could use his soul power to instantly return to the cave.

Gu He placed the fish in a clean area, conjured a flame, and then began to cook.

After preparing everything, he turned to look at Yun Yun with concern and asked, "Do you feel better now?"

Yun Yun stood up, and a faint breeze brought with it a delicate fragrance as she walked slowly toward Gu He, her eyebrows slightly furrowed. "The external injuries have nearly healed, but the seals on my body are somewhat tricky."

Gu He prepared the fish skewers and placed them on the grill, then turned his head to look at Yun Yun. "You don't need to worry. After your injuries have completely healed, I'll have a way to remove the seals on your body."

Since Yun Yun's azure dress was already in tatters, she was now wearing Gu He's white robe. While it might appear plain on others, it looked more charming on her with her graceful figure. Her every step, with her slender, snow-white legs peeking out, was truly enchanting.

Watching the bewitching beauty before him, Gu He secretly hoped that her recovery would take a bit longer. This way, they could spend more time together.

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