Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Birthday Celebration (Fire Emblem)

A Birthday Celebration (Fire Emblem)

A/N: A Birthday Celebration was a commissioned one shot that was originally written back in January of 2020! Posting it up now for people to enjoy!

Summary: It's Robin's birthday, and Tharja has finally reached her limit. She's going to have her beloved, by any means necessary. But... she may need help. And she's grown ever so attached to their daughters from the future, Noire and Morgan...

Themes: Foursome, Rough Sex, Incest


As Tharja sits at the dining table, looking around at her daughters and at Robin… she smiles a small, secretive smile. So far, everything was going to plan. Even if this all hadn't started out as her plan. That still irked a little bit, the fact that she hadn't thought of this first. It had been Noire's idea in the beginning, the meek girl wanting to cook dinner for her father, given that it was Robin's birthday.

But when Morgan had found out about this, she'd demanded to be included and Noire simply hadn't had it in herself to stop the younger woman. This had been followed up by Morgan deciding to drag Tharja along as well. To say that she was a little annoyed by Morgan's heavy handedness would not be incorrect, but ultimately the Dark Mage had decided to let it go, in the end. After all, she'd realized that she could use this… all of this.

How long now had Tharja longed for Robin's hand? How long had she longed for his body? Too long, the Dark Mage had decided. She'd been attempting to ply Robin with her advances for some time now, and at this point, she was a little fed up with his obstinance. Hell, they was currently having dinner with two of their daughters from the future and still Robin wouldn't look at her with amorous intent!

No more, Tharja had decided, even before the meal had begun. Well before, in fact, as she'd decided to use the food in her plan to finally lower Robin's guard and bring him around to her way of thinking. Unbeknownst to Robin, Tharja had spiked the food as well as everyone's drinks with several potions that would lower inhibitions, increase sex drive, and also increase stamina and endurance, allowing for Robin to handle all three of the women currently celebrating his birthday with him… all night long.

While she may have spent much of her time jealously preventing any other women from getting close to HER Robin in a romantic way… there was no denying that she'd warmed up to her two future daughters. Tharja even allowed the two to spend time alone with Robin, something she never put up with from any of the other women. But then to be fair, Morgan and Noire's very existence confirmed that everything she's gone through to catch his attention manages to win him over in the end.

As such, she rather enjoyed interacting with her daughters from the future, even if she could be standoffish at times. Maybe if Noire wasn't so meek and Morgan wasn't so impudent… regardless, she'd noticed their interactions with their father. Or rather, with the young man who might one day be their father. Because Tharja understood, she really did. There was a difference between Robin as a young man, and Robin as an older father figure, she was pretty sure.

Seeing as all the time traveling had left them rather close in age, Tharja had decided that the three of them should get together and form their own version of a family, disregarding any would-be detractors. It had taken some effort and time, and quite a few awkward conversations, but in the end Tharja had plowed through both Noire and Morgan's half-hearted objections to arrive at the result she wanted… their agreement.

Now here they were, having dinner on the night of Robin's birthday… and it was time to finally begin seducing the love of her life. Needless to say, Tharja had had all three of them dress rather sluttily. Tharja herself had foregone her cloak but nothing else… as it stood, she already dressed quite sluttily, didn't she? All the better to catch the eye of her beloved…

Meanwhile, Noire and Morgan were both wearing skimpier versions of their normal outfits, and while they fidgeted and squired a little at the feel of said outfits and the exposed skin, they were both showing off, the two were just as committed to this as she was, Tharja was pretty sure. Tonight, was the night… tonight was the night that they would seduce Robin finally and fully.

As the dinner gets underway, Tharja eats as well. After all, it would be suspicious if she didn't. But even as she eats, she's quietly observing the rest of the table. At first, Robin is very careful not to let his eyes dip below the neckline of any of the three beautiful dark-haired women. He keeps his gaze focused fully on their faces as he talks with them, the foursome exchanging small talk about this and that while eating their food and drinking their drinks.

But as time goes on, Robin's gaze… begins to wander. He can't help himself, not when he's consumed so much of the potions by this point. His meal is over half gone and his drink has been refilled by a nervous Noire twice at this point. After a while, he begins to ogle all three of them, his gaze flickering down to their chests for only a moment at first, and then longer as time goes on.

As Robin finishes his food, squirming in his seat and blushing profusely, Tharja smiles, knowing that now is the time to act. Seeing her plan has started to work, the Dark Mage looks to Noire and Morgan and gives them both a subtle nod. It's time for them to do their part. Morgan, of course, is the one that initiates things. Both of her time traveling daughters from the future are flushed red at this point, but where Noire is blushing shyly and squirming in her seat from her own arousal, Morgan is more… vibrant and alive.

"It's time for cake! C'mon, Noire~"

Noire squeaks as Morgan drags her sister out of her chair and over to Robin, pushing the other young woman down into their future father's lap before he even has a chance to stop her. Noire shifts and squirms on his lap while Robin yelps and blushes profusely, no doubt quite erect by this point and not able to hide this fact from the young lady rubbing her bottom all over his bulge.

"W-Wait, I…"

But Morgan just bulldozes right over her future father, bringing out some cake and placing it in front of them. Then, she pushes Noire half off of Robin's lap, forcing her onto one knee as Morgan takes the other knee.

"Try some of the cake, father~"

Robin opens his mouth to say something, likely to try and stop all of this before Morgan and Noire both notice how hard he currently is, but before he can speak a word, Morgan shoves a fork full of birthday cake into his mouth. And then she keeps doing it, shutting him down and feeding him cake every time he tries to push them off of him.

"C'mon, Noire~ Help me if you're gonna hog papa's lap like that!"

Still blushing profusely, Tharja's meeker daughter nods and takes up a fork of her own. From there, both girls begin to take turns feeding Robin his birthday cake. Tharja can see that all three of them are quite… enamored at this point. Noire and Morgan are more willing to give into their desires of course, but they're just as flushed and flustered as Robin is, and Tharja can tell from where she's sat that Noire is grinding against her father's knee quite heatedly.

Perhaps that is why eventually, Robin actually does bring things to a halt, bringing his hands up to ward off the forks full of birthday cake trying to head for his mouth.

"W-Wait, we can't… we need to stop, t-this is highly inappropriate a-and!"

But Tharja isn't about to let Robin give their girls a telling off now. With a grin, she rises from her own chair and stalks over, pinning Robin down along with Noire and Morgan as she looks into his eyes and licks her lips.

"Are you sure you want it to stop, my love? Are you sure you don't want this so much that you fear it?"

Robin sputters, his face bright red and his erection obvious between his legs at this point, even if those pesky pants of his are STILL in the air. Tharja grins knowingly, even as he tries to shake his head and deny it.

"T-This is wrong, Tharja… you've… you've gone too far! It's one thing to pursue me, but to bring our daughters into this…"

Surprisingly, before Tharja can say a word, it's Noire who speaks up.

"… I've always looked up to you, father… no, not father. Robin. I want someone like you to spend the rest of my life with. Why… w-why can't we be together?"

For a moment, Tharja sees how her meeker daughter is able to silence Robin through the sheer power of her shy pout and batting eyelashes. She probably doesn't even realize she's doing it, but the loss of inhibitions is clearly effecting them all in different ways. Robin shudders under Noire's hopeful gaze, but ultimately, he shakes his head again.

"Because you're my daughter, Noire. That… it would be w-wrong…"

Here, Tharja DOES jump in.

"Only in another timeline, my love. She's certainly a Robin's daughter, but she's not your daughter. Nor is she technically mine. It's entirely possible she'll never be born here in this world, in the end…"

Noire and Morgan lean in closer, just as planned.

"We love you, Robin."

"With all of our hearts."

Tharja completes the trifecta, three beautiful young women, dark of hair and with gorgeous bodies, all pressing in close together to invade his personal space.

"You know you want us, my dear. It's your night… let yourself be free."

In the end, the combination of a trio of lusty, busty women coming onto him all at once, and the potions that Tharja fed her beloved prove to be enough. Under the effects of the potion, Robin gives in quite quickly… and before either of the other women know what's going on, he's responded by grabbing Noire by her hair and dragging the shy girl into a deep, passionate, and altogether aggressive kiss.

As Noire moans and melts into him quite happily, Morgan whines from his other side.

"Hey! Don't hog him! What about me?"

Robin is quick to respond to his other daughter's whining and suddenly Morgan is the one being kissed, his other hand grabbing HER by the hair and dragging the impudent girl into a tongue-filled makeout session. Tharja, meanwhile, leans back for a bit and lets this happen, smiling wickedly as she runs her hands up and down her own body, casually touching herself for just a moment as Robin trades off between kissing Noire and kissing Morgan, ravishing BOTH of their mouths with his lips and his tongue, aggressively making out with the two until they're both flush against his body and moaning like wanton little whores.

Eventually though, she's had enough. After all, she's not just going to watch from the sidelines forever… and she'd had just as much of the potions as Robin, Noire, and Morgan did. It was time for her girls to learn what they would be expected to do. Reaching forward, Tharja grabs Noire and Morgan by their necks and pulls them out of Robin's grasp and off of his lap, dragging them both down to their knees alongside her.

Robin, eyes wide, face red, and lips parted as he pants breathlessly, just watches her expectantly, making Tharja grin as she looks to her two daughters.

"Watch closely, dears~"

Slowly, sensually, seductively, Tharja begins to kiss up his thighs, all the way to his crotch. She presses her lips in hard so that he can feel her kisses through his pants, and when she reaches his impressive bulge, she licks it up and down, moaning happily all the while, like the lewd little sex-craving slut she is. Well, only for her beloved, of course. She wouldn't do this for any other man. They wouldn't be worthy!

Eventually though, Tharja has done all she can with his pants still on. Eyes glimmering with promise and desire, the Dark Mage looks to Robin's face and smiles wickedly.

"Won't you stand so I can take your pants off, beloved?"

He does so, and Tharja gleefully unbuckles his belt and unbuttons his trousers, yanking them down his legs, before removing his undergarments for good measure as well. She pulls his clothes down off of his crotch, only for his big, fat, fully erect cock to swing up and slap her across the face. Tharja merely coos in enjoyment of this event though, while Morgan and Noire gasp in shock, both of them more than a little intimidated at seeing a man naked for the first time and seeing the cock that Tharja has told them both she'll share with them.

As Tharja takes hold of Robin's member in both hands, she looks to her daughters and gives them a wide smile.

"Not to worry, dears. Our beloved is going to be as gentle as he needs to be. He'll teach them everything you need to know about how best to please a man… about how best to please HIM. You just need to keep your ears open and listen to what he has to say~

She gives him a pointed look at the end of her statement, and Robin jumps before quickly nodding, finding himself replying without truly thinking about what he's saying.

"O-of course, I'll help out as often as possible, girls."

It's only a second later that he realizes what he's said. But before he can back out of his casual agreement, Tharja overrides him, still smiling as she leans forward.

"Watch what I do for now… pay close attention."

And then she opens wide and takes Robin into her mouth. For Tharja, this is a BIG moment. After all, she's never gotten this far with Robin before, for all that the Dark Mage has taken the 'mentor' role here right now. She's finally got her beloved's cock in her hands and in her mouth. But of course, Tharja can't just give in to the urge to squeal like some fresh maiden. She has an example to set for Noire and Morgan. And an example she does indeed set, slurping and slobbering and licking up and down Robin's shaft for several minutes, knowing that the potion she gave him would keep him going even if he did cum early. As it is, however, he doesn't cum before she's done.

Pulling back finally, Tharja smiles and nods to Noire and Morgan, giving them room to give it a go themselves. Morgan goes first and almost bites Robin before Tharja is able to stop her. The Dark Mage gives her daughter tips where she can and tells her what she's doing wrong and what she's doing right. Eventually, the young woman is bobbing up and down on Robin's cock just as enthusiastically as Tharja herself was.

At that point, she pulls Morgan back and lets Noire have the next turn. Noire's initial problem is opposite of Morgan's of course. She doesn't have a lack of enthusiasm per say, but there's no denying she's very, very nervous. Tharja has to coax her out of her shell, but eventually Noire also shows herself capable of bobbing up and down on Robin's cock, albeit a little slower than Morgan does.

Smiling with pride in her daughters for learning so quickly, Tharja leans back and nods in a self-satisfied way.

"You two will need to practice with Robin every day from now on until you both get better. But there's talent in the two of you, I can see that quite well. I-mmph!"

In the midst of all of this, Tharja had forgotten to account for Robin's… feelings. The young man is pent up as all hell at this point, and using him as a training dummy, with the constant switching and starting and stopping… it's not exactly leaving him in a good headspace. As Robin pulls out of Morgan's mouth one last time, he doesn't switch back to Noire… instead, he grabs Tharja by her hair and drags her forward onto his cock, growling as he begins to make sure of her, face fucking her somewhat brutally right there in front of their two future daughters.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

The deep-throating is quite rough and savage, and both Noire and Morgan watch on in shock, fear… and distinct arousal as the man they've both fallen in love with makes use of their mother in such a way. Its not long, mere minutes after Robin gets going, that he finally begins to cum, filling Tharja's mouth and throat with his seed. She swallows some of it and collects the rest in her cheeks. When Robin finally pulls back, Tharja tilts her head back and lolls her tongue out quite lewdly, showing off the cum she's collected there before rolling her tongue back into her mouth and swallowing his load.

As Robin pants and pulls back just a bit, recovering from his sudden release, Tharja smiles as she looks to Noire and Morgan, still perfectly poised, calm, and collected for all that she was just roughly face fucked for several minutes. Her makeup is a bit messed up and her eyeshadow is run through, but she's still as regal as ever in spite of these things, and in spite of the raspy voice she has as she speaks to them.

"I've always enjoyed it a little rough… as I've told my beloved many times before. He can take me as he likes, whenever he likes, however he likes. He has always had my full permission to be brutal and savage with me… to wallow in the darkness with me. Still, just because I like it that way doesn't mean the two of you will. Tell our beloved if he's being too hard on either of you, alright? Communication in any relationship is key. Now… let's move this to the bedroom, shall we?"

Rising to her feet, Tharja leads all three of them to the master bedroom just down the hall, where Robin usually sleeps alone. Not tonight though, and if Tharja has it her way, never again. Once in the bedroom, the four of them all undress, Robin finishing up at near the same time as the girls despite having already lost his pants and underwear, mostly because the trio of women weren't wearing much to begin with.

Once Noire is naked, Tharja moves over to her meeker daughter and leads her to the bed, laying Noire out on the mattress and helping her get comfortable. Only once she's sure Noire is ready does Tharja look over to an impatient Robin and give him a smile and a nod.

"It's time, beloved. Time for you to make us your lovers."

Robin just nods, his lust still quite apparent, his cock still quite erect because of the potions she'd plied him with… that she'd plied them all with. She's able to control herself a bit better, and thus does she kneel there with Noire's head in her lap as Robin climbs onto the bed and moves between the shy girl's legs, spreading them open without resistance and placing his cock against her entrance. Morgan is a bit less reserved. Irritated at not getting to go first, the other young woman can't help but masturbate to the view, even as Robin slowly penetrates Noire right then and there.

He goes slowly at first, taking her virginity, letting her adjust to his size inside of her. Then, once she's clearly moaning more than whimpering, once she's gasping and groaning and panting happily rather than whining in pain… Robin begins to speed up, fucking Noire even as Tharja smiles, running her hands through their daughter's hair as Noire gets plowed right in front of her. Eventually, Noire cums around his cock… and then she cums again. By the third time that the quiet, reserved young woman is mewling her way through another orgasm, Robin can no longer hold back.

With a groan, he cums inside of Noire, filling her with his seed, pumping it into her until she's to the brim with his spunk. Once he's done so, he pulls out… and turns towards Morgan. It goes unsaid, but there's an agreement between Robin and Tharja that he'll take her last. Noire and Morgan are first. The masturbating young woman freezes at having her future father and current lover's eyes fall upon her. When he comes to her and takes her back the hand, leading her to the bed, she blushes profusely, fidgeting and squirming with nervous energy.

He lays her down all the same, and begins to do what he did with Noire, spreading Morgan's legs apart, pressing his cock into her entrance, taking things slowly so that she can adjust. However, when he takes her virginity… Morgan screams in a way Noire did not. She screams in pleasure, but in the heat of the moment, Robin doesn't realize this. His eyes widen and he begins to pull back for fear that he's hurt her, but Tharja is there to stop him, having left her place holding Noire's head in her lap to instead kneel behind Robin and press her naked body up against his back.

"She's just orgasming, beloved… she came from the insertion. She's quite the squirter, too.

Robin blinks at this, not sure if he believes Tharja or not. But Morgan's quim is clenching down around him rather hard. And it's not like she's trying to push him out either… no, he swiftly realizes, she's trying to pull him further in. As Robin looks down into Morgan's eyes, Morgan blushes prettily and bites her lower lip for a moment before blurting out what's on her mind.

"P-Please… be as rough with me as you like, papa…"

The potions have lowered Robin's inhibitions far past the point of no return by this point. He thrusts forward harshly, and Morgan orgasms all over again. He quickly begins to realize the truth… Morgan is a huge masochist, and already as he starts to fuck her harder and rougher, she's orgasming continuously around his cock, clenching and squeezing and squirting pussy juices by the bucket loads in a way her sister had not.

After a particularly brutal thrust in which Robin finally cums, Morgan's entire body goes rigid for all of a moment before she spasms, shakes… and passes out right there on the bed. Before Robin can freak out over THIS latest development, Tharja is already pulling him back, her hands running down his body as the Dark Mage licks at his earlobe and presses her tits into his back.

"Finally… it's my turn."

Robin doesn't immediately push her onto her back and ravish her though, much to Tharja's impatient chagrin. He waits, making sure both Noire and Morgan are alright. But when he does finally come for her… oh how glorious it is. Tharja lets out a squeal of delight as she finds herself forced onto all fours. Her beloved thrusts into her from behind doggystyle without so much as a by your leave, and immediately begins to fuck her at an even harsher pace then what he used on Morgan.

At the same time, his hands begin to come down on Tharja's pale, bountiful bottom and he starts to use her butt cheeks like a pair of bongo drums, all while fucking her cunt as hard as he can. He's not making love to her… he's FUCKING her… and that's just the way Tharja likes it.

"Yes, beloved! Y-Yes! Fuck me harder! Show me your darkness! Drown me in your desire!"

Robin does exactly that, growling as he slams into her over and over again, snarling as he spanks her ass red all the while. Eventually, he leaves one hand behind to do the spanking, alternating between her jiggling, bouncing butt cheeks, and brings the other up to her hair, pulling it into reins and dragging her head back and forcing her spine to arch as he keeps fucking her harder and harder.

Tharja is quickly overwhelmed by the pleasure and begins to orgasm, but unlike her daughters she's a bit more experienced… and more than that, she's every bit the masochist that Morgan has turned out to be as well. She doesn't immediately pass out like Noire and Morgan have, instead pushing her hips back against her beloved and accepting all of the aggression, all of the lust, all of the savagery that he has to offer her.

They continue to fuck all across the room in multiple different positions until eventually Noire and Morgan come back to consciousness and Tharja finally slumps face down ass up on the bed, completely exhausted. But Robin is not the least be done, and he goes on to fuck both of his would-be daughters multiple times before ultimately deciding that it's enough for their first times.

All three young women are left too exhausted to move, so Robin goes ahead and cleans them up before putting them to bed. However, just as he's trying to tuck them all in, three pairs of feminine hands reach out and latch onto him, dragging him onto the bed with him. Robin ends up in the middle of what can only be described as a cuddle pile as Tharja, Noire, and Morgan all curl up next to him, pressing their naked, soft, feminine forms up against his own nude body.

As they fall asleep, all four of them are left thinking about the future of their new relationship. All four are left excited for what the future holds…


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