Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Digimon’s Love (Digimon)

A Digimon’s Love (Digimon)

A/N: A Digimon's Love was a commissioned one shot originally written back in May of 2020. Posting it up here now for people to enjoy!

Summary: In which a Viximon finally becomes a Renamon, and on top of that, comes equipped with all of the parts she needs to finally show her Tamer how much she loves him.

Themes: Furry, Digimon Sex, Loving Sex


As the light finally begins to fade away, the first thing she hears is her Tamer's voice, full of wonder and excitement.

"Whoooa! Y-You did it, Viximon! O-Or rather, I guess I should call you Renamon now, shouldn't I? Haha, you finally digivolved! This is so cool!"

Slowly, she looks down at herself, raising paws attached to arms that she's never had before to stare at them. As a Digimon, she's mostly just data manifested into her current body. Which means, when she digivolves, she immediately downloads the information that comes with her new form. As such, this new body really isn't that odd to her, it feels like her body, like it's always been her body really.

That doesn't stop her from hesitating and taking a moment to look herself forward. As her Tamer, Aichi had said, she is in fact a Renamon now. Born as a Relemon, eventually digivolving into a Viximon and now becoming a Renamon, she's been with her Tamer since she was an egg. Aichi has always cared for her, even when she was a lowly Slime Digimon. As a Relemon, she was just a sphere, basically. Two eyes, a mouth, light yellow fur, and a tail with white fur at the tip.

Oh sure, she could transform into anything of a similar size, but that didn't really mean much… and she could never hide her tail, no matter how hard she tried. Eventually, with a lot of training and a lot of data accumulated, she'd been able to digivolve from a Relemon into a Viximon. Viximon were Lesser Digimon, but at least they weren't total babies like her original form.

At this point, she'd been a Viximon for the longest out of all of her forms in her short life. She'd kind of grown used to it, she supposed, and to be fair, it came with a lot more agency then being a Relemon did. She was still a small, yellow round ball, but she had four legs, a pair of sharp pointy fox ears, and an even longer tail them before.

That was all well and good, but if the Digimon was being honest with herself, she'd never truly felt at home in her Viximon body. Mostly because… because that form didn't let her do the things she wanted to do; it didn't allow her to thank Aichi for being her Tamer in the way she wanted to thank him. Now though, standing before the young man having digivolved again… she was getting her hopes up once more.

As a Renamon, she stood on two legs. While her body was still covered in yellow fur, sans the tips of her tail, her ears, her underbelly, her hands, and her legs from the knees down, she's bipedal, meaning she stands upright just like a human does. Of course, admittedly that's where the similarities sort of fall off. She's got a fox's face, and she has three claws on each of her hands instead of five fingers. Likewise, her feet are clawed paws as well, rather than normal human feet.

She's got a lot of fur on her chest too, and it's doing a fairly good job of covering up her newly formed plump breasts. Ah… but they are there. Her breasts… and that place between her legs. She hadn't been sure it would be there. After all, as both a Relemon and a Viximon, she actually hadn't had any sexual characteristics at all. And as a Digimon, she didn't really NEED orifices down there.

But she'd spent all this time imagining what it would be like, and she suspects that's what influenced her ultimate form as a Renamon. She's longed to digivolve into this form, but only with certain characteristics. Otherwise, it wouldn't be worth it. She… she just might be the first Digimon that's ever gendered itself before. She's fairly sure it's not normal for Digimon to have genders, but ever since she came into Aichi's care, she has to be honest… she's preferred to think of herself as female.

There's a reason for that too, and it has everything to do with her Tamer, still standing there in front of her with wide eyes. Though, as the silence grows between them with her staring down at herself and not answering Aichi's exclamation of excitement, the human boy's face is slowly starting to go from happy and excited to confused and a little worried.

"Uh… Renamon? Are you okay?"

She really has no desire to worry him, no desire to hurt him either… but she has a lot of desire for other things. She wants… she needs… she has to try, Renamon ultimately decides. Pushing aside her uncertainty, discarding her embarrassment, Renamon settles on determined for her current mood as she looks up at Aichi, at the young man who's raised her for so long.

"Aichi… I've never been better."

And then she closes the distance between them, places her paw-like hands on his shoulders, and leans in to kiss him. Immediately, the Digimon runs into difficulties. For one… her face is that of a fox's, not a human's. Her nose and muzzle immediately get in the way, and her first attempt at kissing ends up more like the excited licking of a bitch in heat rather than the make out session she longs for. After a moment, Renamon slows her roll and takes a beat to properly figure out what she's doing.

Luckily, Aichi doesn't say anything during that time, he just lets her experiment, until finally she's kissing him properly, though it's still more tongue than lips, since her lips are stretched back across her muzzle and not that of a human's lips at all. Still, it will have to do, and she greatly enjoys how her Tamer kisses her back, his own hands coming up to land on her waist, his fingers sliding through her extremely soft yellow fur as he holds onto her.

After a few moments of this, Renamon can feel the sexual excitement thrumming through her new body. She… she'd given herself a cunt with all of her desires, made herself a real woman with breasts and a pussy… and now it was kind of coming back to bite her in the ass, because she was immensely turned on and incredibly aroused and she NEEDED to make Aichi feel good, she needed him to make her feel good in turn as well.

Pulling back, Renamon looks her Tamer in the eye, even as he stares back at her, clearly surprised, but also not seeming all that upset about what was happening.

"… Renamon…"

"A-Aichi… I'm sorry for forcing myself on you, b-but this is how I feel… um… c-can we keep going?"

There's a pause, and she can see his hesitation, his reluctance… just as she can see that all of it is born of society's taboos. She's not human, and he's been raised all his life to not fuck anything that's not human. To be fair, when it comes to non-sapient animals, Renamon can understand why it should be against the rules to say, fuck a sheep or a cow or a horse or something like that. The animals that share Earth with the humans… they can't consent, and that makes it wrong to force anything upon them.

But Renamon is not an animal, she's a Digimon. One could get into the nitty gritty details of it all and argue that she was little more than data, but at the end of the day, she was smart. She could communicate with Aichi after all, she could have entire conversations with him… and she could crush on him and fall in love with him and harbor sexual desire for him, as evidenced by well… everything.

So, when Aichi hesitates and Renamon can tell it's because of society's stupid rules rather than his own true feelings, she drops to her knees and yanks down his pants right then and there, immensely gratified by the sight of his cock already half hard and growing harder by the moment just from their previous interaction.

Taking hold of his length in her paws as best as she can, Renamon looks up into her Tamer's eyes, noting Aichi's blush and the way he's biting at his lower lip.

"Aichi… I know you want this too. You just think people would judge you for it, don't you? But… I'm your Digimon. I would never betray you. So… l-let's just make this our little secret, okay?"

His cock is almost completely erect by the time she's done talking, and in the end Aichi gives a quick jerky nod and a soft 'o-okay' that has Renamon's heart singing in her chest. Her chest, which is now much larger than before. Licking her muzzle happily, the foxlike Digimon quickly brings Aichi's cock up between her tits, which in turn makes his member disappear under the white furry fluff that now covers her chest.

Aichi gasps at the warm, soft feeling of having her furry breasts wrapped around his cock, while Renamon gasps when the head of his member actually pushes up out of the top of her white fur, showcasing just how BIG her beloved Tamer really is. She's fantasized about this for so long… and she's not about to let this chance pass her by.

As she begins to slide her furry tits up and down Aichi's shaft, pressing her paws into either side of her chest to make the passageway all the tighter and more pleasurable for her Tamer, Renamon also leans forward and lets her tongue snake out of her mouth. Lapping at the head of his cock is the best she can do, given she has a muzzle instead of a human mouth, and sharp canines instead of flat human incisors. She has no desire to hurt Aichi after all, but she IS going to pleasure him to the best of her ability, to show him how much she cares for him.

After all this time, Renamon is finally able to express her true feelings for her Tamer. It's like a dream come true for the Digimon, and she takes full advantage of it, giving Aichi her full attention as the muzzled blowjob and furry titjob continue abreast with one another… no pun intended. Licking at Aichi's cockhead, Renamon gets a delightful taste of his precum long before he actually releases, slurping up the excess fluids leaking from his dick tip, even as her breasts continue to slide up and down his throbbing, pulsating length.

He's so hard, and that… that's because of Renamon. That's because of what she's doing. That's because-

"R-Renamon, a-ah… I'm… I'm cumming!"

That's the only warning the Digimon gets before Aichi explodes with violent force. Eyes widening, the foxlike anthromorph yips as she pulls back a tad… at first. In the end though, her paws are still pressing into either side of her chest, and her subconscious is reluctant to release her hold on Aichi's cock, so in the end, she just rears back her head a bit… and still takes most of his cum all over her face and her furry chest.

As Aichi pants heavily, slowly recovering from his release, his cock finally slipping out from betwixt her breasts as it loses it's thickness and girth, Renamon finds herself staring down at this sticky substance covering her in disbelief. Her Tamer… her tamer's seed was so thick and viscous and… a-and voluminous. Blushing profusely, the Digimon scoops up a dollop of Aichi's cum on a claw and brings it to her mouth, where she licks it clean.

Then, almost ravenously, the foxlike Digimon begins to lick the rest of herself clean as well, acting sort of like a cat as she cleans herself. But the cleaning is honestly just incidental, what she's really after is the delicious taste of Aichi's cum. She wishes she'd positioned herself better and been better prepared so that she could just gulp down his seed directly from the source.

Instead, she's forced to clean herself up slowly but surely, licking at her fur and her paws until she's sure that she's got every last drop. In the end though, all is well that ends well, because when Renamon looks up, red-faced and ready to apologize to her Tamer… it's to find that Aichi's cock has grown hard all over again, and from the way he's staring at her wide-eyed, it's all because of her, all because of her cleaning.

For a moment, Digimon and Tamer just stare at one another… and then, unable to help herself, Renamon leaps to her feet and lunges at Aichi, taking him down to the ground and pinning him on his back. Her pussy lips grind against the side of his cock as she straddles him, blushing profusely but nevertheless quite sure of what she wants, of who she wants her first time to be with.

"A-Aichi… make me a w-woman, please?"

Her plea does not fall on deaf ears. In fact, it almost seems like those words are what awaken something inside of her Tamer, because the next thing she knows, the young man has her by her hips and is lifting her up, lining his cock up with her entrance… and dropping her down on it. Renamon yips and squeaks as she's properly impaled on her Tamer's big fat dick, a throaty moan leaving the foxlike Digimon's muzzle, even as she shudders and trembles.

And then Aichi begins to fuck her from below, and Renamon can't help but meet his challenge with all her heart. The two of them get down to some truly crazy mating sex, with her bouncing up and down on his length and him thrusting upwards with all his might from underneath her. Renamon positively yowls as she throws her head back, absolutely loving every last moment of the exchange.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Aichi, you're so big! You're filling me to the brim with your c-cock! P-Please, don't stop! D-Don't ever stop!"

Thankfully, he doesn't. Her beloved Tamer doesn't let up for even a moment, and in response the Digimon soon finds herself cumming explosively around his meaty member. The human boy who's raised her from an egg, who's been with her for every step of her digivolution, who's walked by her side throughout her entire life… he's inside of her. They're finally one, and Renamon couldn't be happier.

This was where she was meant to be. All her life, she'd held back her feelings for her Tamer, but at the end of the day, she was finally where she belonged, riding his dick, bouncing up and down on his thick shaft. Moaning wantonly, crying out in ecstasy, Renamon soon experiences her first orgasm… from there, she finds she can't quite stop, the data being that she is not quite supposed to be feeling the pleasure she's now feeling.

But then, she really is one of a kind. A Digimon with a gender, with sexual parts. All because she longed to be Aichi's woman so badly, that she made herself a female Renamon in the process. Her desires… that was what had brought her to this place, they were what had made her capable of all of this. Needless to say, Renamon is quite pleased with herself, even as her eyes cross and her tongue lolls out of her muzzle the more Aichi fucks up into her.

After a certain point, after a certain number of orgasms, Renamon sort of just sits there upon his cock, her arms hanging limply at her sides, her paws gripping at nothing but air. She bounces up and down on Aichi's length, but only because HE'S doing all the moving. It just feels too good, and for a time Renamon whites out from the pleasure.

But then Aichi cums inside of her, and that feels even better, somehow bringing her all the way back around as she squeals in delight and brings her paws up to her foxlike face.

"A-Ah! Aichi, it's so hot! So thick! It's filling me up! Y-You won't stop cumming! I'm so fuuuuuull!"

She's right, he doesn't stop cumming, not for a while… but even when he does, he doesn't stop fucking her. Renamon is left wide-eyed by Aichi's sheer stamina, realizing she's released a bit of a monster as he engages in sexual intercourse with her a second, a third, even a fourth time. Each time is a different position. He takes her on her back, on her side, and even on her hands and knees. It's that last one that… that Renamon finds herself regretting.

As Aichi fills her with spunk for the fourth time, the beast that is her human cumming inside of her AGAIN, Renamon… feels it happening.

"W-Wait… n-no! No, h-how?! How can it be happening s-so fast?!"

"… Renamon… whoa!"

Aichi is pushed back as glowing light spreads all over Renamon's body. Despite her protect, the Digimon, on the ground on her hands and knees… transforms yet again, digivolving so quickly after she'd just finished gaining her new form earlier that day, and without a doubt breaking some sort of new record. Renamon cries out in shock and dismay as she becomes a Kyubimon, because while this SHOULD be a wonderful moment for her, the truth is, she'd only ever wanted to be a Renamon.

Of all her potential digivolutions, Renamon was the most humanoid, the most bipedal. As such, it seemed like the one that would give her the best chance at mating with her Tamer. And it had! It'd worked, hell she could still feel Aichi's cum inside of her womb, even as Kyubimon. Wait… she was still a she?

Blinking dumbly as her Tamer suddenly latches onto one of her new fluffy tails, cuddling with them from behind, Kyubimon blushes crimson as she feels his erection poking at her back there. Belatedly, the nine-tailed Digimon comes to a startling realization… it was never HER desires that shaped her digivolutions, even if they did turn out to all be things she wanted. In the end, it was AICHI who had subconsciously, and perhaps consciously, influenced her transformations.

As he holds onto her from behind, rubbing up against her sex, Aichi chuckles, eyes twinkling.

"Don't worry… a Kyubimon is fine too. I hope you're ready for Round Two~"

She was… she very much was.


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