Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Losing Bet (RWBY)

A Losing Bet (RWBY)

A/N: A Losing Bet was a commissioned one shot originally written back in August of 2021. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: Yang Xiao-Long was self-confident in a way most girls could only dream of. But at what point does self-confidence become a detriment?

Themes: Humiliation, Gangbang, Public Sex


They'd all been at Beacon for a few months now, and needless to say, things were finally settling into place. All of the early inter-team friction had been settled, and people were starting to understand where they stood when it came to everyone else within the school. The first few months of Beacon had been a very tense, very stressful atmosphere, but now… now everything was starting to get more relaxed, more casual.

"Bahahaha! That's right, Adel! Take it all off! Woohoo!"

… That wasn't necessarily a good thing. Groups like Team CRDL for instance, led by the racist Cardin Winchester and populated by his jock-ish friends, had decidedly become the known bullies of the school. However, they'd quickly realized that Beacon had something of a zero tolerance policy for bullying, and that they couldn't get away with nearly as much as they might have preferred.

That didn't mean they weren't always looking for an angle from which to make the rest of the students' lives a living hell though. On this warm Saturday morning, Cardin Winchester and his team had posted up in the cafeteria right after breakfast and begun playing cards. They were betting real lien between one another, and it wasn't long before the game gathered some interest, either from people who didn't know any better, or who were desperate enough to play even with Team CRDL's reputation… or, in this latest case, were stupid enough to think they could beat Cardin and his lackeys at their own game.

Certainly, that was the only reason anyone reasonable could fathom for why someone like Coco Adel, a cool and fashionable Second Year, would put herself in the line of fire. Cardin's bullying of Velvet back at the start of the school year was infamous by now, as was the smackdown Coco had given him and his team for messing with her bun-bun.

But apparently that hadn't been enough for the fashionista huntress. No, she'd decided she was going to take Team CRDL for all they're worth and collect all of their money for herself. Only, that wasn't how it'd gone. Coco had lost more and more of her money, until, of her own volition, she'd resorted to betting her highly fashionable, highly valuable clothing on one last hand.

A hand that… you guessed it, she also lost. And now, in front of everyone in the cafeteria, the proud and gorgeous Second Year had been forced to strip down to her underwear in front of Team CRDL, made to hand over her clothing to them. Scowling furiously and blushing all the way down to her almost naked chest, Coco covers herself as best she can as she hands over the last of her garments to a smirking Cardin, before turning and stomping out of the cafeteria in disgrace.

As Team CRDL goes back to playing cards with one another, waiting for the next idiot dumb enough to walk into their trap, said idiot pipes up over at a different table, surrounded by her friends.

"Fucking jackasses… someone needs to teach them a lesson…"

The rest of Team RWBY looks at Yang Xiao-long rather askance. While they might agree that Cardin and his team are a pox upon the school, it's pretty fucking obvious that they're good at cards, given how they've fleeced every student dumb enough to sit down at the table over the course of the morning. But before any of Team RWBY can voice that concern, Yang slams a fist down and stands up, a cocky grin on her face.

"You know what! I'm gonna go over there and do just that!"

"W-What?! Yang, think of your reputation!"

That's Weiss, who looks absolutely gobsmacked at her teammate's stupidity. Blake, likewise, pipes up without ever looking away from her book.

"It's a bad idea."

Yang pouts before looking to her sister for support.

"Tell em Rubes! Aren't I the best at cards? Dad is super good, and I always beat him, don't I?"

Fidgeting and squirming, blushing a little from what she'd seen so far and questioning her sexuality, Ruby shrugs half-heartedly.

"Y-Yeah, I guess that's true. B-But Yang… what if you lose?"

Scoffing, Yang waves her sister off, having all the confidence in the world to make up for all of her team's collective doubt.

"I just won't lose, silly!"

And with that, Yang stomps over towards Team CRDL and their card game. Exchanging a worried glance, Ruby and Weiss get up to follow after a second. Blake takes a little longer to realize her team has abandoned their table, and when she realizes where they've all gone, the cat faunus lets out a loud sigh before making her way after them, her nose buried in her book the entire time. She wasn't about to let Cardin fucking Winchester and Yang's foolhardiness ruin her Caturday…


"Y-Yang… maybe you should stop now?"

"N-No! I can keep going!"

"Haha, you sure about that Xiao-Long? Looking a little exposed there. You've only got your underwear left to gamble with at this point!"

Yang might have approached CRDL's card game with all the confidence in the world, but that confidence meant nothing when it was built on such shoddy foundations. Yang had no way of knowing that though… after all, she HAD always beaten her dad at cards… because he LET her win. And so, unaware of just how bad she actually was, Yang had lost all of her money in short order. But, knowing the fickle nature of playing cards, she'd been so sure she could win it back that she'd gone and done what Coco did, betting her clothes.

However, when she'd lost again, well… she probably should have cut her losses like Adel. Instead, Yang was still sitting at the table in nothing but a bra and panties, while her younger sister tried desperately to talk her out of another hand… to no avail, of course.

"That's r-right, and that's exactly what I'm gambling! My bra and panties are up for grabs boys… so deal me in, u-unless your chicken!"

Even Cardin and his friends are a little taken aback as they glance at each other… but that doesn't stop the wide wicked grins from stretching across their faces.

"Sure, Xiao-Long. You're in. One last hand."


"Holy fuck those knockers are as perfect as I always thought they'd be!"

"S-Shut up! Fuck you, you fucking perverts! M-My face is up here!"

"Hah, we know…"

"… And we don't fucking care."

"Your body is definitely the only reason to pay you the slightest mind, Xiao-Long."

"And who are you calling perverts, you skank? You're the one that's standing there naked and trembling."

And indeed, Yang Xiao-Long, one of the toughest, scrappiest girls in the entirety of Beacon, is shaking like a leaf, blushing up a storm as she tries to cover herself up much like Coco. Unlike Coco, Yang is COMPLETELY stripped at this point. Everyone in the cafeteria has now seen her tits and her carefully manicured mound, even as she did her best to hide them behind her hands.

"I c-can keep going! Deal me in again!"

And yet, in spite of the truly humiliating situation she was in, Yang still wasn't backing down. Ruby's distraught and exasperated cry of 'Yang!' goes unheard in the background as the blonde bombshell glares into Cardin's assessing gaze.

"And what are you going to pony up, Xiao-Long? You've already given us your money, your clothes, and your dignity. What's left? Unless… you're offering yourself?"

The crowd, which is far larger than just the other members of Team RWBY at this point, gasps at the suggestion. Half of them are expecting Yang to deck Cardin right then and there across his chiseled jaw. The other half are expecting her to balk at the idea and finally back down. Thus, everyone is gobsmacked when Yang does neither of those things and instead sits her bare bottom back down in her chair at the table instead.

"T-That's right. My body is my b-buy in. So, deal me in again!"

Grinning like the cat who caught the canary, Cardin shrugs and sits back down as well, tucking Yang's underwear away like the trophies they are.

"Sure, but you aren't allowed to cover yourself while we play. Can't be sure you won't use your weird arm movements to cheat, or something."

As far as excuses go, it's incredibly flimsy, but it's not like Yang has a choice. And so, she slowly uncovers her breasts, blushing bright crimson as she takes her cards and stares daggers at them. She had to win. She had to get a victory here. The consequences of losing now were too dire to think about…


"Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!"

The cafeteria is paradoxically silent as a grave and loud as fuck as Yang Xiao-Long is gangbanged by the members of Team CRDL in front of everyone… including her baby sister and her horrified teammates. Well, Weiss and Ruby are horrified to be sure, even if for some reason they can't look away. Blake is still buried in her book… though if anyone were to see her face behind said book, they'd be a little suspicious of how red it was.

"That's right bitch, fucking take it!"

"Haha, for such a confident little cunt, you sure were bad at cards!"

"Nnngh! Mmph!"

"Oh, shut up, stop trying to talk and focus on sucking my cock, you stupid cunt."

"That's right boys, let's teach Xiao-Long a lesson she'll never forget!"

The only ones talking are Team CRDL, at least loudly enough to be heard. That doesn't stop a dull murmur of sorts from coming from the crowd as everyone whispers to each other, eyes wide in shock at what they're witnessing. Yang Xiao-Long had seemed so tough when they'd all first arrived at Beacon. Now, here she was, getting manhandled and face fucked and plowed silly… the whole nine yards.

She hadn't even fought it either. To be fair, she'd lost that last round of cards rather spectacularly. But still, when Team CRDL had stood up from their chairs in unison and began to disrobe, Yang had just sat there, trembling and shaking and quivering. Was it from trepidation… or anticipation? Needless to say, Beacon's rumor mill wouldn't be kind to Yang once this got out… and it was already starting to get out.

Scrolls had surreptitiously come up back when Yang had first started to strip, just like they had for Adel. Pictures had been taken of the half-naked young women, and then again when Yang had gotten all the way nude. But they'd been subtle and careful, the people taking them not wanting to be found out.

That was not the case at this point. Multiple students in the crowd, both boys and girls, had given up all pretense of civility. Their scrolls had come all the way out at the same time that Team CRDL's dicks had. Maybe a few of them had been hoping to catch a picture of a particularly small dick among Team CRDL, but unfortunate for those righteous few, the world was not a just place. All of Team CRDL were hung well enough, if not overly huge. And Cardin in particular was hung proportionate to his massive, hulking body type.

The old rumor that Winchester was compensating for something with that big bulky weapon of his had been thoroughly laid to rest when he went ahead and laid his massive pipe in Xiao-Long's mewling quim. The blonde had squealed as she was penetrated that first time, but the crowd only realized Yang was a virgin when Cardin called it out in a laugh, marveling at how tight she was.

But yes, there were at least a dozen scrolls out by this point among the crowd, too many for Team RWBY to try and take down, even if they weren't either mortified, horrified, or pretending to ignore the situation. While Yang had had the mind to tell Ruby to leave right before the gangbang with Team CRDL had started, she hadn't been able to follow up and make sure her little sister actually DID leave.

Instead, Ruby had stayed right where she was, frozen in place with a front row seat to her big sister's defilement. As Yang took cocks in her cunt, ass, and mouth, as well as jerking off the fourth with her hands, Ruby was watching the entire time. So was Weiss. So was, it felt like, half of Beacon, all of them crowded into the cafeteria to watch and record the great Yang Xiao-Long's utter disgrace and defilement.

As the pictures go viral, more and more people arrive in the cafeteria. It's a wonder that no teacher shows up to put a stop to things, but it never happens. Maybe they, like the students, are people too and all enjoying their Saturdays. Either way, no one is coming to save Yang. No one can, not when she'd basically done this to herself.

Team CRDL doesn't let up for some time, but eventually it comes to an end as the young men each reach their breaking point. With a loud groan, Cardin himself creampies Yang's cunt, while his teammates all cum in or on her as well. The beautiful blonde, so in love with her hair, flinches as the cock she's been giving a handjob to sprays its load all over her head. But she doesn't fight it, and she's forced to gulp down a load from the cock in her throat a moment later.

Finally, the guy in her ass pulls out and paints her entire back and backside white, positively coating her in his seed. With that, Team CRDL pulls away, dropping Yang face down on the table as they collect their winnings. Cardin and his lackeys have made serious bank today, raking in the lien from all the suckers they'd conned into joining their card game. The four had, of course, been cheating the entire time, using techniques that one of their dad's had taught one of them. None of the students had had any idea just how badly they were played.

But none were played worse than Yang Xiao-Long. Even Coco could probably recover from the hit to her reputation that photos of her in her underwear would cause. But as Team CRDL walks out of the cafeteria with their pockets stuffed full of lien and women's undergarments, Yang Xiao-Long is left behind on the table, well fucked, naked, covered and filled with cum, and completely humiliated. As the crowd pushes in to get better visuals of her for their scrolls, Ruby and Weiss finally act, forcing Blake to help them run interference as well as they do everything in their power to get Yang out of there before any of the other students can take liberties with the insensate blonde.

However, while they manage to do so, there's absolutely nothing they can do to save her shattered reputation. Yang Xiao-Long will forever go down in history as Beacon's Resident Cum Dump.


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