Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Matched Pair (Dr. Stone)

A Matched Pair (Dr. Stone)

A/N: A Matched Pair was a commissioned one shot originally written in January of 2020! Posting it now for people to enjoy!

Summary: After the war between the Empire of the Might and the Kingdom of Science comes to a close, peace descends upon the region. But that doesn't mean Kohaku is about to let her fighting capabilities diminish any time soon.

Themes: Battle Sex, Rough Sex, Breeding


She's not sure when exactly it gets out of hand. Probably around the time that her opponent tries to compliment her. Life has been good for Kohaku of the Ishigami Village and the Kingdom of Science. Ever since the Kingdom of Science had won, defeating the Empire of Might, things had become somewhat… peaceful. Of course, that didn't mean Kohaku was willing to stop fighting, or anything like that.

At the end of the day, the young woman, a descendant of the more civilized humans of the past, was someone who excelled at fighting, hunting, and other survival skills. She was a tomboy, perhaps not by choice, but by nature. After all, in the world she'd grown up in, typical feminine activities didn't really exist. From the very beginning, Kohaku had had to be the warrior of her family. Heck, before she'd met Senku, Kohaku had tended to be a hair-trigger away from attacking anyone who so much as looked at her funny.

But then to be fair, untrustworthy people really were the worst. It was only thanks to Senku that she'd eventually learned to think more than one step ahead, but she still had a temper at the end of the day, and a desire to fight that couldn't always simply be quenched by hunting. Luckily, there was always people to spar with, even in a triumphant Kingdom of Science. After all, it was the Empire of Might that had been intolerant. The Kingdom of Science had never tried to STOP people from physically fighting or anything like that. She probably wouldn't have joined them if they had.

As it was, with the war over and the Kingdom of Science the victors, there were more revived humans around then ever before. And many of them had good skill sets. Some of those skill sets leant more towards science then anything else, to be fair, but plenty of the revived humans were also fighters in their own rights, though they tended to call it martial arts or what have you.

Whenever she really got the itch, Kohaku would just search out one of these fighters and ask for a spar. That was what she'd done today, and her current opinion was one Tenshin Miyazaki, a self-described kendo practitioner. This meant that he fought with a bamboo sword and padded armor, both things that Kohaku wasn't very used to. But just because his weapon of choice was simple bamboo DIDN'T mean he wasn't startlingly effective.


Kohaku lets out a yelp as the kendo practitioner gets under her guard again and gives her a solid smack to the side with his bamboo sword. At the successful hit, Tenshin pulls back for a moment, giving her a knowing smile as he cocks his head to the side.

"You're distracted. Focus up, please. I'm here for a fight, not a slaughter."

Puffing her cheeks outwards at the banter, Kohaku does as she's told. Not because he's telling her to do it, but because he's right… she does need to focus up. Launching herself forward, Kohaku launches a series of swift, incredibly powerful strikes against the kendo practitioner. As one of the few superhumanly strong members of Ishigami Village, her strikes are capable of breaking tree trunks, if she puts enough power into them.

Of course, she ISN'T putting enough power to smash trees into her punches right now. But in the end, it doesn't truly matter how strong she's making her hits, because none of them are actually landing. Obviously, Tenshin knows better than to try to block her overpowered strikes. He's well aware that her strength is beyond anything he would have encountered in his previous life.

So instead, the swordsman simply deflects. His counters are a series of whaps and smacks as his bamboo sword hits her wrists and lower arm hard enough to send Kohaku off course again and again. She's fast and strong, but he's fast and skilled, and in the end, they're quite evenly matched as a result. It's the exact kind of fight that Kohaku is looking for, truth be told, a fight against a man that doesn't hold back, a fight where she can give it her all and not just win.

This continues in for about ten more minutes before they both pull back for a moment, panting heavily and regarding one another. Eventually, Tenshin smiles softly and gives her a nod of respect.

"I can see why they call you a lioness around here, Kohaku."

Kohaku's eyes widen at that. Obviously, it's meant as a compliment. But for much of her life, Kohaku has seen it as an insult. She's always had a hotheaded personality and being labelled as a gorilla or a lioness due to her sheer strength and physicality has ALWAYS managed to piss her off. Sputtering, the slim-but-curvy blonde growls and snarls.

"I am NOT a l-lioness!"

Her shout is met by a baffled chuckle from Tenshin, who gestures at her with his bamboo sword, cocking his head to the side in confusion.

"But of course, you are."

She's just about to bite his head off, figuratively and literally, when he continues on with that same soft, fond smile on his face from before.

"You're strong, for one… but you're also graceful and beautiful, just like a lioness. Lions of both genders were seen as some of the most majestic and gorgeous creatures on the planet, back in my time. They were treasured as Kings and Queens of the Savannah. So, by any stretch of the imagination, it's clear to me that you're a lioness, Kohaku. Now… let us continue."

When he puts it like that, there's absolutely no way that Kohaku can possibly twist or interpret his words in her own way, now is there? When he says something so… so nice, what is she supposed to think? She's… beautiful?

Having said his piece, Tenshin moves in and goes on the attack. But Kohaku is far too distracted, and while she instinctively puts up a token defense, it's not enough. He breaks through her defenses and beats her with ease after how caught off guard his compliment has her, and with an 'oof!' Kohaku hits the ground on her ass, Tenshin's bamboo sword held to her neck for a moment to show that he's the victor before he pulls it back.

Chuckling, Tenshin just shakes his head as he offers her a hand to take and support to stand up.

"You really need to work on your focus, Kohaku. You're too easily distracted."

Kohaku flushes and takes the offered hand, but even as he helps her to her feet, she's lunging forward, thrusting her head up… and catching Tenshin in a kiss. It's purely spur of the moment, in the end. She couldn't explain why or what she was doing even if she wanted to. Ultimately though, there's only one thing Kohaku wants right now, and that's the kiss this man… well, maybe she wants something more.

Tenshin is of course completely caught off guard by the sudden kiss. Distracted as he is, even as he responds to her kiss by kissing her back, Kohaku is easily able to get her hands on the kendo practitioner, and before he can react, she's flipped them both around and onto the ground once more, this time with Tenshin beneath her as Kohaku sits astride him, pinning him down and unconsciously intertwining her fingers with his and holding his hands in her own at the same time.

Grinning somewhat smugly, Kohaku stares down into Tenshin's eyes triumphantly… even as she subconsciously grinds down against his crotch, not even realizing she's doing it. With a growl, the now disheveled as well as sweaty swordswoman lances upwards himself, catching Kohaku in another kiss and using her own strength against her to flip them over once more so HE'S on top instead.

What follows is a wrestling match, of sorts. But neither is exactly focused enough on winning to actually fully pin the other. Not when whoever is on the bottom is actually in the perfect position to distract whoever is on top with a bit of… stimulation. As they grow more and more aggressive with one another sexually, their clothes begin to give up the ghost. It's a simple tear or rip here and there at first. Tenshin's padded armor tears as Kohaku's strong grip rips right through it, and Kohaku's dress rips a little as they tussle in the dirt.

Neither of them pays much mind to it, save to pause for a moment for the first few times it happens, as if wondering if they should continue. But the other always pulls them right back into their heated kiss, even as they roll around and wrestle with one another for supremacy. Their mouths remain locked together, even as their hands grip and squeeze at certain parts of their anatomy, sometimes aiming to try and get the upper hand… but sometimes just feeling each other up under the guise of continuing to wrestle with one another.

Slowly but surely, their clothes ripping more and more, Kohaku and Tenshin end up stripping naked. The first time Tenshin puts his hands-on Kohaku's chest, the blonde freezes in place for a long moment, allowing him to get the upper hand for a second and pin her face as he disengages from their lip lock long enough to feast upon her titties. The slim-but-curvy blonde's eyes widen at this, and in the end the only thing that gets her to truly react is the look of smug victory in Tenshin's eyes as he looks up at her from where he's suckling away at one of her nipples while massaging her opposite tit most vigorously.

With a lust-filled growl, Kohaku bucks him off of her long enough to turn the tables around again and retake top position. But she also lowers her chest back into his mouth, hissing in surprised pleasure as she tilts her head back and finally lets out a wanton moan. But of course, that just means Tenshin can tell she's distracted again.

Somewhere along the way, their genitals have been released from their now-destroyed undergarments. Somewhere along the way, Tenshin's hard erection just won't stop touching Kohaku's slippery wet pussy lips. They're both immensely turned on, and in the end it's no real surprise for Tenshin when his cockhead finally finds purchase with her cunt lips and he thrusts up into her.

It IS a surprise for Kohaku though, mainly because she's a virgin. Not in the physical sense, there's no hymen to tear through. She lost that sort of virginity years ago, with how active a lifestyle as she's had to live. But she's never had a man inside of her before. She's never even seen a man's cock before today, and now one is digging into her wet insides, pushing and pushing and spreading her pussy lips open.

It's enough to give Tenshin the upper hand for almost fifteen seconds as she squirms and struggles beneath him, but ultimately has to adjust before she can actually even think straight. Of course, he's not really that focused on keeping her pinned down either anymore, now that he's inside of her. They're still wrestling, sort of, but now they're also fucking, even if it's by 'accident'.

For just a moment, Kohaku thinks about giving up and just… basking in the pleasure that's currently threatening to overwhelm her. Tenshin's hands are still grasping at hers, his fingers intertwined with her fingers even now. Meanwhile, Kohaku's legs are starting to wrap around his waist, her feet inches from crossing and her ankles inches from locking together as she contemplates just giving in and letting him take her in the mating press.

But just as her toes are about to cross paths, something in Kohaku snaps. No… she's not weak! She'll never be weak! With a growl, Kohaku leverages her super strength against the man currently fucking her. Now that she's gotten used to his rhythm, Kohaku is able to flip them once again, pinning Tenshin down with a wicked smirk on her cute little lips as her eyes flash.

Of course, flipping their positions like that, putting herself on top… Kohaku becomes the victim of gravity as she finds herself abruptly sinking down Tenshin's cock, her insides already more than slick and wet enough, her pussy already stretched open from his previous thrusts. She impales himself on his member, and Tenshin is no small man when it comes to dick size.

He fills her in ways that she can't describe, and even as she pins him down, Kohaku is beginning to bounce up and down on his cock, beginning to ride Tenshin as she pants and mewls and moans in pleasure. They're still wrestling, or at least that's what they would tell anyone who happened upon them out in the clearing they'd been sparring in and asked. Definitely still wrestling… they're sex wrestling!

He feels so good inside of her. The Lioness of Ishigami Village tosses her head back and cries out as something… something breaks. Or at least, breaking is the best way that Kohaku can describe the feeling, given that she's never actually experienced an orgasm before. The girl isn't frigid or prudish or anything like that… she's just sort of innocent to the ways of the sexual, intimate world. Romance has never really been one of her interests.

If not for Tenshin penetrating her, Kohaku would never have even thought to put his dick inside of her. But now that its there, the blonde is enjoying herself more than she ever thought possible… and though she doesn't know the name to put to it, she's orgasming around his cock. Her pussy walls clench and squeeze along his member, and for a moment Kohaku goes limp, weak as she experiences the heights of pleasure and ecstasy. It almost feels like she's going to die… but in a good way.

Still, seeing his opportunity, Tenshin isn't just going to lie back and let Kohaku get a chance to recover. He's just as competitive in spirit as she is, at the end of the day. With a grunt, the kendo practitioner once again rolls them… but this time Kohaku catches herself on her hand a split second before he can fully get her onto her back again.

The two glare daggers at one another as they lay there like that, both of them on their sides, in a sort of sexual tug of war. Neither of them is pinned, neither of them is on top… but they're certainly still fucking, with Kohaku meeting every single one of Tenshin's thrusts, even as his cock pistons in and out of her cunt. They're engaged in a serious battle of wills now, but with Kohaku orgasming around his member every once in a while, her superior strength doesn't quite allow for her to properly beat him and pin him down again.

Instead, they fuck to completion on their sides like that, Tenshin pounding away in Kohaku's cunt as the blonde growls and groans, as she moans and mewls. The lioness holds herself up through sheer force of will, not letting him beat her… but certainly letting him fuck her. And then it happens. Tenshin lets out a loud, long, drawn out groan and begins to cum. Kohaku has no idea what's happening at first… only that it feels absolutely amazing.

Tossing her head back, her eyes rolling around in her skull and her tongue lolling out of her mouth, the gorgeous slim-but-curvy blonde full on ahegaos from the sensation of Tenshin giving her that first ever creampie. She's never experienced something so satisfying, never felt something that brought her so much ecstasy before. Being filled with white, hot seed is the most amazing feeling in the whole wide world, even if Kohaku doesn't quite know what it means just yet.

That final mutual climax between the two of them destroys any resistance or fight that either have left. They both collapse backwards at the same time, still joined at the crotch but no longer fighting for supremacy. The wrestling match is over by unspoken accord, even if neither of them actually won the battle for dominance. They were too evenly matched on the field of sexual prowess, because even if Kohaku was a virgin, she still had the strength to keep astride with Tenshin, blow for blow. Tenshin, meanwhile, had the skill and mind for strategy to take advantage of openings so that she couldn't fully beat him.

There was no loser here… but there were definitely two winners. Left totally and utterly satisfied, it's a bit before Kohaku raises her head as Tenshin does the same. They stare at one another for a long moment, making sure the other has no intentions of… re-engaging hostilities. When they can tell that things are fine, the two of them just smile and meet in the middle for a much softer, much more tender kiss. Their lips press together, their tongues slide along one another, and it's more of a dance than a wrestling match as they hold each other close, cuddling rather than vying for supremacy.

Oh, this won't be the last time they fight, of course. It certainly won't be their last spar… and it probably won't be their last 'naked wrestling match' either. But there's no denying that things have changed between the two of them, and that they can no longer go back to being simple sparring partners after this. Kohaku stares into the kendo practitioner's eyes as Tenshin looks back at her, and she wonders if her own gaze is as filled with wonder and affection as his is. She suspects that it is… and she's perfectly okay with that.

The respect for one another's fighting prowess and skills is still there of course, but now there's something more as well. Now there's something deeper. And Kohaku wouldn't trade it for the world. Smiling happily, Kohaku relaxes, and as she begins to fall asleep, murmurs without thinking.

"Your seed will surely produce strong children, Tenshin…"

As she falls asleep in his arms, cuddling close, she completely misses the surprise on the kendo practitioner's face. Though, it's quickly followed by a pleased smile of his own.


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