Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Proper Master (Fate/Grand Order)

A Proper Master (Fate/Grand Order)

A/N: A Proper Master was a commissioned one shot originally written back in August of 2022. Posting it up here and now for people to read!

Summary: In which Jeanne d'Arc Alter is a Dombreaking Brat who finally gets a taste of her own medicine... and finds she likes taking it a lot more than doling it out.

Themes: Dom/Sub, Rough Sex, Role Reversal


"If you want to cum, Master, all you have to do is submit~ There's no point in fighting it!"

Her name is Jeanne d'Arc Alter. Otherwise known as Jalter. And she's become something of a menace among the Masters of Chaldea all across the multiverse. She's developed a reputation, to say the least. This time was no different. Her current Master might be quieter than the rest, but he would end up all the same… whimpering and whining beneath her in total submission.

Laid back on the bed, her current Master is stripped naked with his hands restrained behind his back by a bit of rope. It's a testament to how weak humans are that he can't escape such light bondage. Honestly, how she was ever supposed to respect this cretin as her Master, Jalter didn't know. The truth was… she wasn't, she was pretty sure.

In comparison, the Witch of Vengeance stands at the foot of the bed in her pitch-black armor, sans her greaves. Her feet are bared as she brings one up and presses down on her so-called Master's cock, pushing and grinding into it with her toes while her heel grinds into his balls. Licking her lips, she gives him a wicked, merciless grin as he glares up at her in silence.

"What's that look for, Master? It's no use fighting back. But if you wanted to… well, all you would really need is to use those Command Seals of yours. Order me to make you cum, and I would be powerless to stop you."

Here, Jeanne Alter's grin widens.

"Of course, once you've gone through all of your Command Seals, you'll be at my complete mercy until they recharge, won't you? Mm, is that what you're afraid of, Master? Afraid of what I'll do to you when I have you completely at my nonexistent mercy?"

Pushing down harder on his cock, Jalter half-smirks, half-snarls. This was the game she liked to play with these pathetic Masters of Chaldea. Not a one was strong enough to stop her, either. Either they would use all their Command Seals in forcing her to do their bidding, after which the REAL fun began… or they would break down early and dismiss her, sending her onto the next poor sap who couldn't handle her.

Thus continued Jeanne Alter's quest to break every last pathetic little man who couldn't handle her. Someday, she would be summoned no more… and finally, she would have the peace and quiet she deserved. She-


Blinking, the Dragon Witch pauses and looks down at her current Master, surprised.

"Oh? He speaks! Hah, what was that, you mewling little worm?"

Except, he's not really mewling. He's staring right at her, completely expressionless, a long unnatural shadow cast over her face as he speaks in a dead tone.

"More. Punish me more, Mistress."

Her yellow eyes widen at that. That was… new. Still, she refuses to be caught off guard. Sneering, Jeanne Alter rears back and gives his cock a kick, making sure to regulate the blow so she doesn't maim him, while also causing him no small amount of pain.

"Pathetic cretin!"

But he just snarls right back at her.


He wanted more?! Fine! Stepping back, she reaches off to the side where a riding crop lies. Picking it up, incensed now, she stomps forward and begins to lay into him with it, cutting and lashing across his flesh without hesitation.


She expects him to break down, but his gaze… his gaze never changes. His eyes remain fixed on her, soulless and almost… pitying in their own way. And all the while.

"More! Harder! More!"

He doesn't sound like he's getting off on it, though his cock remains rock hard the entire time she lashes him. Eventually… eventually he's bleeding. All across his body, she's whipped him hard enough to cut him in numerous places. And yet, still he begs. For the first time, the Witch of Vengeance finds herself faltering. She goes to strike him again… and stops.

"What are you even saying? You… you're bleeding."

From under that long shadow, his eyes stare up at her, judging and finding her wanting.

"You think yourself a domme? A Dom has to always be ready to satisfy their Sub's desires. A Dom must give their Sub MORE than they ask for. That's True Domination. You, Jeanne d'Arc Alter… are not cut out to be a domme."

Jeanne Alter gapes at him for a moment… and then grits her teeth, her free hand clenching into a fist as she raises up the riding crop again.

"Bastard! I don't need to stand here and take that from the likes of-!"

She brings the riding crop down mid-sentence, fully intending to give him exactly what he fucking wants, even if it kills him. But as the riding crop descends, his hand suddenly comes up… and he grabs hold of the end, not even caring about the way it slices into his palm and makes him bleed even more. The rope that had bound him behind his back… he'd somehow gotten free of them.

Jalter is by no means a weakling. In fact, she's an incredibly powerful Servant, stronger than any human could ever hope to be. And yet, in that moment, staring into her current Master's eyes as he holds the riding crop at bay… she feels a spike of fear.

Releasing the riding crop, the Dragon Witch takes several steps back, immediately summoning her sword to her hands and holding it in front of herself like a warding influence.


Her Master, meanwhile, steps up off the bed, riding crop in hand… but he doesn't use it. Instead, he cocks his head to the side, unconcerned and unafraid.

"You wanted me to use my Command Seals, huh? Then fine. Here they are. Cum for me."

Her eyes widen, as her hips immediately buck, and she climaxes on the spot. She manages to keep her feet, manages to keep her sword in her hands, but it's a near thing.

The thing is… everyone knows that Command Seals are not infallible. At the end of the day, Servants are powerful beings, and Command Seals are supposed to even the playing field. But if a Servant wants to, they can resist even a Command Seal. If they're strong enough, if they have enough Willpower, they can completely ignore a Command Seal.

Jalter likes to think of herself as pretty damn strong, and all of her previous Masters have been pathetic weaklings. She has always been able to resist their Command Seals. But in this moment, against this man that she'd had tied up and at her mercy mere moments before… her body doesn't hesitate to obey him.

More than that, as she stares at his body… his wounds are already healing. This… this wasn't normal!

"Wha- what are yo-?!"



This time, Jeanne Alter's sword tumbles from her hands, which go directly to cover her crotch as she positively SQUIRTS under her armored skirt. Her legs tremble and quiver, as he approaches her… and finally puts that riding crop to use. In the end, her whole existence is one made up of energy. This includes her clothing and armor. Ultimately, a simple riding crop should never be able to break her armor off of her… but that doesn't stop her Master.


Falling back on her ass, the Witch of Vengeance squeals as her armor is struck from her body, her naked form soon exposed, her breasts jiggling with the impacts. And to make matters worse…


This orgasm is different from the previous two. Maybe because she's naked and feeling so damn exposed, or maybe something else. Either way, Jalter finds herself flopping forward like a fucking fish, ending up going from her ass to her hands and knees as she squeals and shakes her behind in the air in an involuntary and incredibly humiliating fashion.

"The dynamic between Master and Servant is simple. As your Master, I am your owner. As my Servant, you are my slave. You forgot that fundamental truth, Jeanne d'Arc Alter. And so, I was sent in… to remind you."

He's used all three of his Command Seals. All she needs to do is muster the strength to summon her sword again, and she can lop this insufferable m-man's head clean off! All she has to do is-


The meaty sound of something long, thick, and throbbing hitting her ass stops Jeanne Alter dead in her tracks. Slowly, she looks back over her shoulder, eyes wide as she stares at his cock. She'd thought he was rock hard before. She'd thought he was completely erect. She'd been wrong. He was half-mast at best, flaccid at worst. His cock now… it was twice the size it was when she'd had him tied up on his back!

"N-No… there's no way that thing will fi-eeeeee!"

He doesn't bother waiting for her to finish the sentence. Her Master grabs her by her hips, yanks her ass higher into the air, and proceeds to slam his cock down into her cunt without another moment of hesitation. Jeanne Alter's squeal lights up the air as her eyes go crossed and her lips form a small o.

This… this wasn't how it was supposed to go! She was supposed to break him! She was supposed to make him submit! Instead… how had it ended up like this?!

"In the end, this is what you exist for, pig. Despite all of your power, at your heart of hearts, all you Servants are the same. You exist to be used by your Masters. And now… you exist to be used by ME!"

Her heart thudding in her chest, Jalter tries to deny it, her head shaking back and forth, but before long even that is barred from her as he reaches forward and grabs hold of her hair, her helm long since dissipated into nothingness by her lack of concentration. Her clothing and armor completely gone, it's as though she's been stripped bare before him, reduced to nothing but her barest form.

His cock pistons in and out of her cunt, and the way he fucks her as he yanks her head back and forces her spine to arch is… unlike anything she's experienced in her life. He used all of his Command Seals, not to make her let him cum, but to make her cum. He used every single one in direct defiance of all established order.

Command Seals were supposed to be the deterrent. They were supposed to be a simple and silent tool for Masters to use to keep their Servants at bay, to keep the more unruly beings they summoned from getting too out of hand.

But Jeanne Alter had long ago learned that Command Seals were a crutch that too many weakling men relied upon in order to feel safe, the fucking cowards. Making her former Masters use all of their Command Seals, and then doing whatever the fuck she wanted with them until they finally couldn't take it anymore and dismissed her back to the Throne… that had become her game. That had become her Win Condition.

But now here she was, completely overwhelmed by… he wasn't fully human. He couldn't be. He was something new, and she… she was at a loss as to what she was supposed to do about it.

"Cum for me!"

Except for that, she supposed. He has no more Command Seals… and yet, as he orders her while jackhammering into her cunt from above, Jalter lets out a shameful squeal and cums all over his cock, her feet kicking ineffectually in the air behind him as her face contorts in pleasure, an expression of pure, dazed ahegao spreading across her features.

"You were weak. But don't worry… I'm going to make you strong."

Gurgling, moaning, Jeanne Alter isn't sure what to do or say… and so she says nothing and does nothing whatsoever. Instead, she settles in, her hands clawing at the ground beneath her as she's fucked silly by her Master. Her TRUE Master.


"Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!"

Several hours later, and he's just about done with taming Jeanne d'Arc Alter. Laid out on the bed on her back, with her head dangling over the side, the beautiful Servant is currently getting her throat fucked by his massive cock… and loving every last second of it. Not that she's truly coherent enough to express that love, and she can't exactly talk around the fat cock in her throat, but there are plenty of signs.

For one, in the last several hours, even as he came in and on her multiple times, she hadn't once tried to fight back. She could have, of course. After all, the ambient energy of Chaldea was enough to let multiple Servants roam its halls at once, all tied to the same Master. But at the same time, that Master's bodily fluids would be the sweetest nectar to those Servants, a super-charged sort of energy.

One might think him foolish for covering and coating Jalter's outsides and insides with his super-charged sperm then. But the truth was, he knew she was already broken. As evidenced by her not doing anything with all that energy, even after all this time.

The other thing that makes it clear she's very much enjoying her new position of submission beneath him, her Master, is where her hands are. Even now, barely conscious, getting her throat fucked with her head dangling back off of the bed, Jeanne Alter's hands move across her cum-soaked body. One plays with a nipple, her dexterous fingers drawing back and forth across the breast.

The other is down between her legs, where she energetically and enthusiastically fingers her sloppy cunt and toys with her own clit. She would never have been caught dead doing these things before, but now she does them unconsciously, completely and utterly submitting to her Master and to the pleasure of being his fuck toy and slave.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

As her throat bulges with the passage of his cock again and again, her Master smiles down at her, and reaches out to casually grope her other tit with his hand, enjoying the way she gurgles and moans up the length of his cock in response.

In her heart of hearts, Jeanne d'Arc Alter was a good girl. She just had to be shown the way to submit by a proper man, a proper Master. Now that she had, it was time for him to turn his sights to the other… problems in his version of Chaldea. After all, it was why he was made. To handle those who no other Chaldean Master could handle. The brats and the bitches, who thought themselves above it all.

Needless to say, he was just getting started.


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