Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Smidge of Normalcy (Fate/Grand Order)

A Smidge of Normalcy (Fate/Grand Order)

A/N: A Smidge of Normalcy was a commission originally written back in November of 2021. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: A female Ritsuka who's fractured under the weight of having humanity's existence on her shoulders seeks even a hint of normalcy, yearning for the chance to pretend to be a normal teenage girl.

Themes: Titjob, Loving Sex, Breeding


Life wasn't fair. They said that a lot. People did. But Ritsuka had come to suspect that even most of the people who said it, didn't truly understand it. As the Master of Chaldea, Ritsuka felt like she was in the best situation to say… Life wasn't fair. More than that, Life was patently UNFAIR.

This… all of this was just supposed to be a summer job. Ritsuka Fujimaru wasn't supposed to have… to have the weight of the world, literally, on her shoulders. She wasn't supposed to be the one that everyone laid their expectations on, that everyone looked to, to save them. Frankly, it could have been anyone… or more horrifically, no one.

If she hadn't had an adverse reaction to that very first Spiritron Dive, if she hadn't fallen asleep in the middle of Director Olga Marie Animusphere's orientation speech, Ritsuka would have been killed along with all the other newly induced Masters. It was never supposed to just be her. It was never supposed to all rest on her slight shoulders.

But, as previously established, Life wasn't fair. And it hadn't been fair for young Ritsuka for a long fucking time. She'd still somehow managed to come out on top. Every threat that Chaldea had faced, they'd somehow managed to overcome. They'd beaten back the threats to humanity and saved not just the world but all of human existence again and again.

A single failure would have resulted in the end of the world, humanity, and life as Ritsuka knew it. And sometimes… sometimes, in her darkest moments, Ritsuka had been tempted to let herself slip. After all, Life wasn't fair… maybe letting it end would almost be… better?

Of course, she never let her suicidal ideations truly take hold of her. She kept those thoughts buried at the back of her mind, refusing to allow them to control her. In general, Ritsuka was a kind, happy girl, and she'd tried her damnedest to keep that true about her, even through it all. But alas, having the fate of the world hanging in the balance had certainly left a deep, deep mark on her soul.

But… it was okay. Because as Ritsuka had learned, one could find light in the darkest of places. One could find hope… reason to go on, even in the bleakest of times. She had, after all. The short young red-head… had ended up in a clandestine relationship with a Chaldean Staff Member. Haruto Suzuki wasn't anyone special or high-ranking. But that made it all the better.

He made her feel normal. He made her feel desired in a way that for once, had nothing to do with her ability to save the world. He made her feel like your average, everyday girl. Haruto was… he was a low man on the totem pole, though to be fair, every member of the Chaldean Staff was absolutely critical when they were in the business of saving the fucking world on what felt like the weekly.

Haruto though, was definitely younger than most of the other staff. He was pretty cute, and only a little older than her. Only in his twenties! Sure, he was an older boy, and Ritsuka had always been warned away from older boys… but all of her would-be peers were dead. Where else was she supposed to turn? The Servants she had been summoning to help her save the world?

Yeah, Ritsuka would just LOVE to know how that would fucking go. What, would she somehow make a harem out of her Servants, turning them into loving addicts who were obsessed with her? No, more likely she'd proposition the wrong one and end up either in a toxic relationship that didn't favor her in the slightest, or dead for daring.

Haruto… Haruto was safe and normal and… and everything she could have wanted in a boyfriend! Not much older than her, didn't stare at her breasts too much…

… Well, okay, so he looked at them. Of course, he did! To be fair, Ritsuka's tits were huge! And they'd only gotten bigger since she'd ended up Master of Chaldea! At this point, each of her breasts were as big as her damn head! She'd needed to order custom bras just to fit them properly…

But, Haruto didn't stare like all the other boys did, or never even look her in the eye. It was… good, in a way Ritsuka desperately needed. HE was good for her. Of course, he was also bad for her in a way she felt like she needed as well.

She was sure that mama Da Vinci, papa Roman, and her sister Mash wouldn't approve of their clandestine rendezvouses. That was why they had to be so clandestine, that was why she and Haruto had kept their relationship a secret. One might wonder why Ritsuka, the so-called Master of Chaldea, would need to keep anything a secret from anyone… but the truth was, she wasn't a leader. Not really. She was just a girl in over her head, trying to save the world.

Getting to spend time with Haruto away from all of that, hiding her relationship from the closest thing to a family she'd ever had… it made her feel like a normal teenage girl. And she liked that. She really, really-

In the middle of Ritsuka's thoughts, she's suddenly cut off by the splatter of sticky, hot seed all across her face and tits. Jerking back in surprise, the topless red head blushes as she realizes just how caught up in her own head, she'd ended up getting. The entire time she'd been inner monologuing to herself, she'd also been kneeling before Haruto, wrapping her tits around his cock and sliding her massive globes up and down his throbbing, pulsating member.

Luckily, a glance up into Haruto's smiling face and twinkling eyes makes it clear he either didn't notice or at least doesn't hold it against her. Blushing from beneath the curtain of cum now covering her chest and features, Ritsuka scoops up a bit on her finger and sucks it into her mouth. The salty taste isn't bad, per say, but it also isn't her favorite thing. She nevertheless makes a show of eating his cum, knowing that Haruto loves it when she does that.

As his smile grows, Ritsuka smiles back, her cum-coated lashes fluttering as she slowly sits back on her heels, still kneeling but pulling her tits back from Haruto's cock. The young technician reaches out then and places a hand on the side of her head, well away from most of the mess, and gives her an eager grin.

"I want to go all the way this time, Rits. What do you think?"

Rits. He even had a pet name for her. He was the only one who called her by it, and he never called her by any titles or showed her any of the so-called respect that she was supposedly due. Ritsuka loved that about him. She loved that she was just his Rits, and that he never reminded her of the weight she was constantly under. With him, she could forget where they were, forget her woes.

… At the same time, she wasn't entirely sure that going all the way was for the best.

"I don't know…"

She doesn't elaborate. Perhaps she should have. After all, Ritsuka's worries were perfectly legitimate and valid. She wasn't a Servant; she was a real human being. That meant she could easily get pregnant. Unfortunately, she didn't have any condoms on her, and she was pretty sure from previous conversations they'd had that Haruto didn't either. On top of that… it was a risky day for her. She was actually ovulating today…

But she doesn't say any of this, instead just shifting back and forth in front of Haruto, acting the typical awkward and uncertain teenage girl… all but DARING him to push a little harder.

"C'mon, I know we've been enjoying ourselves with this oral stuff, and I love your tits, don't get me wrong… but don't you want to feel more, Rits? Don't you want to get closer than ever before? We can be together for real… joined as one…"

A shiver runs down Ritsuka's spine and it's not one of fear or even trepidation… but pure arousal. Haruto just has this way with words. He can convince her of anything, really. And… honestly, she's very horny. In the end, she knows deep down that she was looking for a reason to give in this time. He's worn away at her defenses, and as time has gone on and their relationship has deepened, Ritsuka has found that her reasons for not going all the way have felt sillier and stupider by the day.

Finally, hesitantly, she nods, jerking her head up and down in a way that makes Haruto's eyes light up.

"A-Alright… we can do it. B-But… you absolutely, definitely, MUST NOT cum inside of me… o-okay?"

Already getting on his feet and beginning to strip down, Haruto just nods distractedly. Ritsuka, too horny at that point to care, and honestly more than a little turned on by the aspect of finally losing her V-card to her secret boyfriend, hurriedly rises as well. After cleaning her face and tits off with a nearby towel, Ritsuka hurriedly gets out of the rest of her clothing too, stripping away her skirt and panties and getting naked for… for her first time.

As soon as she's nude, Haruto is upon her, wrapping his arms around her, pulling her up against him and kissing her heatedly. Ritsuka ends up on her tip toes as his hands grip at her buttocks, lifting her almost off of her feet to close the distance between their mouths. He's not even that tall, but she IS fairly short… a total short stack, as some had called her.

Not Haruto though. He was a perfect gentleman and stuck to calling her Rits and Rits alone.

"Fuck, Rits… you're so fucking sexy…"

Case in point. Moaning into his mouth a bit more, Ritsuka wiggles in his grasp. Not to escape, but to offer him more of herself, to give up every last bit of her body. Her fat tits are squished against his lowest chest and her pussy clenches with desire down betwixt her thighs.

In no time at all, she finds herself picked up, spun around, and subsequently laid back on the bed that he'd been sitting at the edge of. Landing with an 'oof!' as the air is expelled forcibly from her lungs, Ritsuka recovers just in time for Haruto to climb on top of her, smiling down at her tenderly as he covers her slight form with his own body.

His cock is down between her legs, and his hands are on either side of her head. Ritsuka looks up into his eyes and blushes, knowing that she can't possibly turn back now. Oh sure, she could probably raise enough of a fuss that he would back off… but what sort of girl would that make her out to be? Where would she be left, after chasing away the only part of her life that felt even remotely normal?

Instead, Ritsuka spreads her legs a fraction more apart in open invitation, and Haruto angles his cock downward, the tip of his dick pressing into her slippery wet folds. A whimpering mewl comes from Ritsuka's lips as he begins to push into her, as he starts to penetrate her. Her hymen goes without much fanfare, with Haruto seemingly unwilling to stop until he's buried completely inside of her drooling quim.

Ritsuka winces as he takes her virginity without a word but tries to ignore the brief pain. The sensation of fullness… it's good and it only gets better with time, so she focuses on that instead. Really, she doesn't mind this… she doesn't mind this one bit. As Haruto finishes sheathing every last inch of his cock inside of her cunt, Ritsuka clenches down on his member, drawing a groan from his lips.

"You're so tight, Rits. So fucking tight…"

"Y-You're so BIG, Haru… please, m-make love to me?"

Giving her a roguish grin, the Chaldean Technician nods and starts to move. Slowly at first, but only for a bit before he begins to pick up speed. Ritsuka yelps and squeaks at first from the roughness he quickly escalates to… but it's not bad, she quickly finds. Just… unexpected. The more he pounds into her, the more the redheaded short stack finds herself enjoying it.

And then Haruto leans down and grabs one of her tits by the base, lifting it up so he can swallow her teat whole in her mouth, and Ritsuka sees stars. Her eyes widen and very nearly roll back in her head as she lets out a particularly throaty, wanton moan from her lips. She's always… she's always had very sensitive breasts. Which is another thing about her life in particular that just hasn't been fair.

By all accounts, bigger breasts were supposed to be less sensitive, not more. Or so Ritsuka had always heard. But that wasn't the case for her, unfortunately. Not only were her mammaries huge, unwieldly, and always getting in the way… they were the most sensitive part of her anatomy. She honestly had to catch herself sometimes just to keep from moaning because her tits had brushed against something or someone.

Regardless, having Haruto grabbing hold of her tits and suckling at them one after the other while pounding her into the bed? It was good… no, it was better than good. It was pure ecstasy. Moaning up a storm, tongue lolling out of her mouth, Ritsuka bucks her hips back against her hunky older boyfriend's thrusts, taking his cock deep inside of herself. The momentary discomfort from losing her virginity is long gone, and in its place is such pleasure that she can't even properly comprehend it.

It feels so good that she finds herself wondering if her pupils have possibly turned into hearts, just like in her doujins. Of course, Haruto isn't some kind of degenerate who's mind controlled her, or anything like that, and this isn't a doujin, it's reality. So probably not. BUT, that doesn't stop Ritsuka from imagining it, from picturing herself with hearts for pupils, eyes wide and tongue sticking straight out of her mouth as Haruto pounds into her from above.

So turned on by the mental image, the stacked red head wraps her arms and legs around her lover. Her arms go around his neck, one hand grasping the back of his head and pulling her further into her massive tits. The other claws at his upper back, making him speed up even further inside of her. Meanwhile, her legs wrap around his waist… and she's no longer letting him pull out all the way.

At first, this doesn't really matter. Haruto just changes up his pace a bit and fucks her just as hard and just as fast but with shorter, even faster-paced pounding thrusts. As he rams into her again and again however, as Ritsuka cums over and over on his cock… there's a moment in which he begins to get close to the edge.

Pulling back from her saliva-coated tits, Haruto looks up at Ritsuka and groans his pleasure.

"Rits… I'm getting close… I'm going to cum soon!"

She realizes, of course, that he's not able to pull out thanks to her leg lock. He can't pull out like she asked him to, and that's why he's warning her. But… in the heat of the moment, in that beat, Ritsuka just doesn't care. She won't let him pull out. She WANTS him to cum inside of her and knock her up!

"D-Do it, Haru! Pump me full of your seed! Fill me up!"

His eyes widen at that, and with one last savage thrust, he tips right over the edge. Because she has him locked in with her legs securely wrapped around his waist, there's no place for his cum to go but right into her fertile womb. He fills her teenage pussy right there on the spot, pumping a hot thick load of cream into her quim.

Ritsuka's head tosses back, her eyes rolling around in her skull as she orgasms explosively right along with him. Being filled with his essence feels soooo good, even better than she'd thought it would. She can't get enough of it… truly she can't, and she knows, even as he finishes cumming inside of her and then collapses onto his back, pulling her with him, that there's no going back now. She won't be able to ever say no to sex again… not when it's with Haruto.

Pulled along by his movements, Ritsuka finds herself on top of him, his cock now soft but still buried in her cunt, keeping his seed from so much as leaking out, all but ensuring that he's going to get her pregnant from this. Ritsuka doesn't mind one bit, of course. Instead, she wraps her arms around Haruto's torso and buries her face in his chest, nuzzling there for a moment before speaking in a soft, vulnerable, but also hopeful tone.

"S-Stay with me, okay? Stay with me… forever…"

His hand comes up and runs through the back of her hair, petting her head atop his chest as he formulates his reply. In the end, it's exactly what she wants to hear, much to Ritsuka's relief.

"Course, Rits. I'm not going anywhere."

Lifting her head and looking him directly in the eye, Ritsuka beams at Haruto.

"I love you, Haru. I love you with all my heart."

She doesn't even wait for his response before pushing her lips against his. She already knows he loves her back, and as they tenderly makeout with one another, tongues dancing and lips pressing in on one another… Ritsuka Fujimaru is completely content.


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