Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Taste of Neopolitan (RWBY)

A Taste of Neopolitan (RWBY)

A/N: A Taste of Neopolitan was a commissioned one shot originally written back in March of 2022. Posting it here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: After Neo takes apart a group of thugs, the gang is sporting bruised bodies and bruised egos. When they hear she's at a nearby club, they take the opportunity to get some payback. But is all as it seems?

Themes: Public Sex, Humiliation, Gangbang


"Yo, guys! You're gonna wanna hear this!"

The mood in the hideout is undeniably somber, when their youngest member rushes in. The gang, because that's quite literally what they are, all glance over at the young thug, some of their eyes narrowing in anger. He's way too… excited, like a fucking puppy who doesn't know how to read the room.

Before any of them can take him to task however, their leader speaks up with a grunt.

"What is it, boy?"

Something in his tone keeps the others silent. If the young thug doesn't have something really good, then the boss will deal with him personally. Even the brat recognizes that, flushing and squirming a bit under their leader's piercing gaze.

"A-Aha, well it's about that chick… the one you said took you guys apart the other night?"

The entire gang bristles at the reminder. They were a bunch of thugs, brought together by necessity. City Brigands, working to make a living for themselves at the expense of others. They were henchmen for hire, and the other night they'd been working what was supposed to be an easy gig, guarding some dust for a small time crime boss who was nevertheless larger potatoes then any of them could claim to be.

Unfortunately, they'd been fucked wrecked, all by one single half-pint of a woman with pink and brown hair and an irritating as fuck smile. Neopolitan, another criminal said to run with Torchwick's crew. More than that, she was said to be Torchwick's side piece, which meant they couldn't go after her. Not if they didn't want to tangle with Torchwick…

Sensing the mood growing worse, their youngest member quickly continues on.

"Look, I know you said she was protected by Torchwick… but she's all alone right now! Down at the club a few blocks away! Drinking at the bar! Neither Torchwick nor any of his crew are in sight!"

THAT gets the gang's attention. More importantly, it gets the leader's attention. Rising from his seat, the big beefy man, currently sporting a black eye, glares at the younger thug.

"You absolutely sure about that boy? S'not a trap?"

"Y-Yes sir! I mean, I-I'm sure sir! What point would there be in setting a trap for US, r-right? She already uh… well, ya know."

Yes, they all knew. And after a moment of thought, had to admit that the kid was probably right. Which meant this was their chance. This was their opportunity, to get some revenge.

"We're going down there. All of us."

"We gonna confront her, boss?"

"No. Didn't go so well for us last time, did it? And besides, I like that club. We'll play by their rules, heh…"

Wide, wicked grins spread across the faces of every man in the gang. Their youngest, newest member blinks, not quite picking up what the boss is putting down. But, sensing the mood in the room changing for the better, he grins all the same, right along with the rest of them.


He's not grinning twenty minutes later, when it turns out he has to be the one who approaches the bar and plies the half-pint multi-colored hair cunt with drinks. See, he's the only guy in the gang who she won't possibly recognize on sight. So, it falls to him to walk up to the bar and take a seat next to her. There, he puts on a smile he really doesn't feel.

"Hey there, good-looking. Can I get you something to drink?"

Neo looks over at him for a long moment, before nodding and gesturing to the bartender. Right, mute. Swallowing thickly, the young thug gets the bartender's attention.

"Two of what she's having, please!"

In short order, the drinks are in front of him. As he's passing one off to Neo… he does it. The drugs that the boss gave him, he slips into her drink before handing it over. For a heart-stopping moment, he fears she's going to notice. How can she not? He's such an amateur, and- but no, just as he's fretting about it and on the verge of hyperventilating, Neo takes the glass and without hesitation, drains it dry right there on the spot.

Eyes widening at his good fortune, the young thug quickly orders her another, and drugs that one right under her nose as well. And to his shock, she actually takes it!

He talks her up, while they're waiting for the drinks to be made. Luckily, he's always been a bit of a blabbermouth, so to speak, because not only is Neo mute… she's soon very drunk, and very drugged up.

After three of the drugged drinks, the young thug catches his boss looking at him out of the corner of his eye. The entire gang is in the club at this point, having slowly snuck in right under Neo's nose. When he makes eye contact with their leader, the bigger man gives a single, simple nod.

Time to initiate the next phase of the plan.

"Hey! Let's go out on the dance floor, yeah?"

Neo blinks at him blearily for a moment… before beaming and nodding. And so, he gets to lead the short-stack out onto the dance floor, her having to cling to him for support as it turns out she's already quite wasted. Or rather, the drugs are making her more wasted then she otherwise would have been with how much alcohol she's had.

Within moments of them moving to the dance floor, the rest of the gang surrounds them. The young thug steps aside, and lets his leader take his place as Neo's support, the bigger man's big hands grabbing at her tight body almost casually as she blinks in confusion.

"Hey baby, remember us? Because we certainly remember you."

There are some snickers from the others at that, even as Neo squirms in their boss' grasp. Seeing the woman who took them all apart the other night reduced to this state, seeing her weak and helpless in their leader's hands… it does the cold, black hearts of all the thugs surrounding her good. She's going to get what's coming to her, they all can't help but universally think.

"No hard feelings, darling. But hey… why don't you make it up to us, yeah?"

Neo opens her mouth in what might have been a silent scream or might have been a silent moan, as the gang moves in and begins to properly accost and molest her. At the same time… another glass finds its way into her hand, and she drinks that drugged drink down as well, making her even more pliant and pliable to their wishes.

Soon enough, Neo is starting to lose clothing. One might call what her and the gang are doing 'dancing'… if one squinted REALLY hard and tilted their head to the side as well. In truth, there's no doubt in anyone's minds… this ain't dancing. This is fucking. Oh, it takes a while to progress to that, but it's not long before Neo is being fucked right there on the dance floor.

The boss gets first dibs, of course. With her tits pulled out of her top and her pants yanked down and off of one leg so it can be raised high into the air, the leader yanks her panties aside and spears up into her from behind, his hand gripping at her leg for support as he pistons in and out of her cunt. Silent moans continue to erupt from the mute's mouth, while the bumping club music drowns out the sounds of fucking, the squelching noises of her pussy getting plowed by a big fat cock.

Of course, it's not long before the boss decides to share. Grabbing Neo roughly by her multi-colored hair, he bends the girl over right there on the dance floor, letting one of his men slide his throbbing cock right into her moaning mouth. The two of them fuck her in both ends for what feels like an eternity but is really only a little while before they blow their loads inside of her.

They're not alone on the dance floor, of course. It's not JUST the gang and their victim. But the other dancers who come close enough to notice what's going on just laugh and snicker, treating it like normal club slut behavior. Certainly, Neo isn't fighting them. She can't fight them right now, drunk and drugged as she is. She's completely at the gang's mercy.

After each member of the gang, even the youngest, gets a few rounds with all of Neo's holes, the boss sneers and yanks her up by her hair, his other hand lifting one leg into the air as he drags her over to the nearby stage where a DJ has been doing the music all night long. As he pulls her up, the DJ takes one look at the scene… and far from balking, laughs at the sight of Neo, covered in cum and freshly fucked in every hole. Quickly, he gets on his microphone.

"Well now, everyone! Looks like we got ourselves a real team player! Give it up for the night's entertainment, folks!"

Now, everyone in the club witnesses Neo's humiliation. They might not know who she was… in fact, the vast majority of them almost certainly didn't know or care who she actually was. The gang only knew because they'd run afoul of her. She was, otherwise, Torchwick's best kept secret. Well, for tonight at least, she was the gang's plaything, and the nightclub's entertainment.

Pushing Neo down onto her hands and knees right there on the stage, the boss gets down on one knee behind her and slams into her cunt again, filling her with his cock meat. With one hand on her hair, yanking her head back and forcing her spine to arch beautifully, he fucks her doggystyle right in front of everyone.

Now, the whole club knows what's happening, and are watching Neo get fucked. The crowd laughs and jeers, and talks shit about the naked short-stack, making all sorts of comments and even taking pictures and video. Most of the conversation is lost amidst the music, but a few choice words do make their way through the air to the stage.

"What a slutty bitch!"

"Hah, cunt like that doesn't have any shame! She LOVES it!"

"Look at her face! She's cumming her brains out, shit!"

To the boss' delight, that last comment actually isn't entirely untrue. Drugged and drunk out of her mind, Neo's true colors DO seem to be showing at the moment. Namely, the way her pussy walls are flexing and clenching down oh so delightfully hard around his pistoning prick make it clear she's cumming repeatedly in front of everyone.

Picking up the pace, the leader does his level best to complete his revenge, to really get back at this little bitch for thinking she could pull one over on him and his men and get away with it! And in doing so, he gets an even better treat, as Neo's eyes roll back in her head and her tongue sticks straight out of her cum-covered lips. As the gorgeous short-stack gets an expression of pure fucked silly bliss across her face, the gang leader roars and thrusts forward one final time as he finishes up the assault by creampieing her worthless cunt yet again.

After he's finished, he lets go of her hair and pulls out of her, grinning wickedly as she collapses, seemingly finished off. Naked and publicly humiliated, covered in cum and almost certainly recorded a dozen times over by numerous patrons all over the nightclub… there was no doubt in the gang leader's mind that he and his men had gotten their revenge.

However, that didn't mean they were done. No, there was one thing left to do with the bitch, to make sure she always remembered and never forgot how badly she'd fucked up.

"Oi, where's that brat, with the rope?"

His question to one of his men is answered with a shrug, and the boss narrows his eyes as he looks around the place for their youngest recruit. When he finally finds him, he furrows his brow in confusion. The young thug, who he was certain had come out to the dance floor with Neo and passed her off… is passed out over at the bar, face down in his own saliva. When did that happen?

Well, no matter. He wasn't going to let something as minor as that stop him from tying this cunt up in the bathroom where she could spend the next several hours as a public use bitch to any club goer with the balls to fuck her. He would-

The gang leader can only blink in stupefaction when he looks down at where Neo's collapsed sprawling form should have been, only to find her standing up and staring up at him with a wide grin. Having casually stood up while he was distracted, the mute girl seems to have shrugged off the effects of both the alcohol and drugs that, until moments ago, had left her helpless and debilitated. The confident smirk she's giving him now, while being seemingly unbothered at her state of nakedness, the cum covering her body, and the ridicule she'd been receiving, sends a chill down the boss' spine.

No… there was no way.

Needless to say, the following beatdown for the small time no-name gang and their boss was just as recorded and enjoyed by the nightclub crowd as Neo's plowing. As the naked short-stack takes apart the gang yet again, beating them all silly save for their one passed out young member at the bar, the entire crowd watches on, stunned speechless and no longer making a single disparaging comment.

As a matter of fact, most of them are thinking the exact same thing, as some even go so far as to delete their recordings of the mute half-pint.

Fuck, she looks so fucking hot kicking their asses.

Neo, meanwhile, finishes what she's doing, grabs an untainted drink, downs it, and walks out of the club naked and covered in jizz but with her head held high. Before seemingly vanishing into thin air the moment she steps outside, almost like she was never there at all.

Or, more accurately but unbeknownst to everyone involved… almost like she had control over illusions that allowed her to manipulate her surroundings to her benefit, precisely to play games just like this one.


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