Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Trip With One’s Jailers (Persona 5)

A Trip With One’s Jailers (Persona 5)

A/N: A Trip With One's Jailer was a commissioned one shot originally written back in December of 2020. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: When Akira goes to talk to Caroline and Justine about their latest hangout, the two already have an idea of where they want to go. They want to experience a 'Love Hotel'. So that's what Akira takes them to do.

Themes: Threesome, Rough Sex, Marathon Sex


Once again, Akira had come to the Velvet Room. Once again, he intended to offer a hangout to the twins, Caroline and Justine. Technically his 'wardens' after a fashion. When he does so however, he gets a rather… interesting reply this time around.

"Ah, Inmate! Another hangout, you say… hm, well, Justine and I HAVE been talking!"

Justine blushes a little at that, the more soft-spoken of the two squirming in place while Caroline lets the suspense build for a brief moment before pointing a gloved finger at him.

"We wish to experience a temporary resting place where men and women go to explore their carnal desires!"

Blinking, taking but a moment to parse what they're saying, Akira shrugs.

"Oh, sure, I can take you to a love hotel."

Blinking rather lazily, Justine speaks up.

"Ah, is that what they're called?"

Chuckling at the two cuties, Akira shrugs and leads them out into the human world. It doesn't take him long to find a love hotel for them to experience, given he'd spent time in several in his day. What? He may not be guilty of the charges laid against him, but he wasn't some innocent pure virgin either! Regardless, paying for a single room, Akira leads the way as Caroline and Justine follow along. Soon enough, they're there.

"Well, here it is girls. Is it everything you expected?"

While they APPEAR to be young girls with platinum blonde hair and yellow eyes, Akira knows better. They are in fact Attendants of the Velvet Room, making them ultimately inhuman in the long run. It's why so many of his hangouts with them tend to result in doing mundane activities or exploring mundane places that they simply didn't understand.

This though was obviously a bit different, and somewhat sexually charged in nature. Caroline had said it herself after all… carnal desires indeed. As he closes and locks the hotel room door behind them, the two Velvet Room Attendants make their way into the hotel room itself, looking around with curious yellow eyes.

They explore every aspect of the room for a bit, looking over everything from the bed to the lampshades to the blinds covering the windows. Justine has a sort of calm childish curiousness to her as she explores the space, but Caroline frowns more and more as time goes on.

"Huh, is this really it? I guess I was expecting more!"

Stepping forward, Akira chuckles.

"Oh? More what?"

Gesturing around the room in a somewhat irritated fashion, Caroline growls a little.

"More… more carnal desires!"

Just what he thought. Akira smiles at that and shrugs his shoulders.

"Those tend to take place between the man and woman participating in them. The room is just that, a private space for said carnal desires to happen."

"How strange…"

From off to the side, Justine pipes up, as soft-spoken but condescending as ever. Caroline takes one look at her twin and nods decisively.

"Super weird! What's the point of it, anyways? It's such a bizarre ritual!"

Akira just hums at that, still smiling as he sits down on the bed.

"Well, those who take part in it certainly seem to enjoy themselves very much."

All of his previous lovers had. From the one-night stands to the repeats, Akira never left a girl dissatisfied. Perhaps Caroline and Justine sense this, because the two inhuman girls share a look for a moment between themselves, before Caroline takes a step forward.

"Yeah? Prove it, Inmate! I think it's time I experience the whole thing for myself, so I can know for sure."

Grinning a little wickedly from his seat on the edge of the bed, Akira shrugs his shoulders.

"Sure, we can have sex."

The slightest blush crosses Caroline's face at that, her classical tsundere personality rearing it's ugly head. Justine, meanwhile, hums to herself before stepping forward. Without warning, she calmly reaches down and unbuttons Akira's pants, before proceeding to yank them down his legs with inhuman strength. Akira lets her do so, until eventually he's sitting on the edge of the bed with his pants around his ankles and his cock out.

Both Attendants gasp at the sight of his dick. Akira just grins, knowing full well that he's bigger than average. Caroline's one visible eye widens as the tsundere gapes at his cock for a moment before sputtering angrily, like it's his fault or something. Justine, meanwhile, stares for the briefest of seconds before averting her gaze, the slightest blush on the face of his cooler, more level-headed jailer.

"Why is it so big, huh?! Why are you packing so much heat, Inmate?!"

Akira just chuckles at the euphemism, reaching down and stroking his cock towards fully erect.

"I can assure you, I've yet to have ANY complaints."

"H-Hey, who said you can just start touching yourself?!"

Racing forward, Caroline smacks his hands away, blushing furiously as she does so. Then, realizing the position she's put herself in… she slowly leans down, her short stature meaning that she doesn't even have to get down on her knees to be able to reach his hardening cock. Gloved hands bracing against his legs, thumbs digging into his thighs, Caroline lets her tongue drift out to touch his glans. Then, she tentatively licks his cock properly, up and down a few times for good measure.

"O-Oh… it's not that bad…"

The murmur clearly isn't meant for him, and if she'd realized she'd said it out loud, she might have gotten angry. Which is why Akira doesn't comment on it, not wanting this moment to end any time soon. Leaning back in again, Caroline continues to lick and lap at his cock all over, before eventually bringing her hands to his member to stroke up and down as well.

Of course, this means she's no longer bracing herself, leaving her dangerously overbalancing as she bends over there, arching her back, sticking out her cute little tushie. This is where Justine finally enters the fray. The colder, more soft-spoken of his two wardens is nevertheless quite brash with her actions sometimes. First she stripped his pants off… now, she brings two pillows over from the head of the bed and drags her twin down to kneel on one of them, as she herself takes up position on the other.

Then, with her face still slightly flushed with embarrassment but her gaze altogether condescending as she looks up at Akira, the quieter and calmer of the twins begins to lick and lap at his cock too. After adjusting to the sudden change in position, Caroline is quick to return to doing the same, his two jailers soon giving him quite the competitive blowjob.

Even though they call him Inmate and constantly condescend down at him, in this moment they're the ones kneeling before him, sucking his cock, fighting over it even, fighting for the PRIVILEGE to blow him. Akira can't help but grin at that, and reaching out, he carefully removes each of their prison caps, setting them aside. The two flash him looks at that but are so intensely focused on their competition that they can't stop to reprimand him. After all, if either of them does, the other one will steal ground.

With their caps removed, Akira is able to place his hands atop their heads. Running his fingers through their distinctive separate hairstyles as their cute little tongues work over his shaft is quite the experience, with Caroline's hair buns and Justine's long braid both providing a different feel and texture beneath his digits. Meanwhile, their mouths are getting even more insistent, their competition reaching a fever pitch around the same time that Akira himself is getting closer and closer.

He considers warning them for all of a moment before remembering all of the indignities they've thrust upon him so far as their 'prisoner' and 'inmate'. So, with no further warning then a loud groan, Akira proceeds to cum all over their faces, giving his jailers impromptu and unexpected facials right then and there. He especially delights in getting some of his cum in their hair and on their uniforms and also on those damn eyepatches of theirs.

But even more importantly, Akira watches for their reactions, soaking in their emotional responses. These two creatures might look human, but most certainly aren't. Just how will they respond to being covered in human cum?

Curiously enough, Justine is the one who has the pronounced angry reaction to the facial. For the first time since he's met her, she loses her cool so to speak, her calm breaking as she flinches back under the sudden onslaught of his seed, only to glare up at him with a look in her eye that just PROMISED retribution.


Only, her sister's reaction a moment later completely defuses it as the tsundere of the twins lets out a curious noise and a quiet uncharacteristic murmur.

"O-Oh… there's so much…"

Both Akira and Justine turn to look at Caroline at that, only to watch as the small warden reaches up and scoops a bit of his cum from her cheek and into her mouth, giving it a taste.

"O-Oh! It tastes good!"

Justine lets out a curious noise in the back of her throat in response to that, and despite herself, the cooler, calmer, and more collected of the twins follows her tsundere sister's lead, slurping up some of his cum as well. Akira's glad he's watching her as she does so, because it means he sees the look of pure, honest delight in her visible yellow eye before it's quashed and she's back to scowling.

"S'not that good…"

The juxtaposition between their two usual personalities and the way both twins have reacted to getting his cum all over their faces and chests and hair is… quite titillating, truth be told.

"Hmph, I suppose that's that then, isn't it? It's over, just like that."

Even as Justine expresses her disappointment that it's already over with, while at the same time pretending she's NOT disappointed, Caroline presses a cum-coated finger to her cum-coated lips in thought.

"Actually, my research shows that there's more to it than that!"

Once again, both Justine and Akira look over at the hairbunned warden in surprise.

"The male must insert their phallus into the female's pussy until ejaculation occurs! Also, according to my research, our body type is the most desirable!"

As she finishes stating as much, both of them look back down at his cock. His cock, which is already fully erect and raring for Round Two through however many times they get to go at it. Akira just gives them both a weak smile. If Caroline has been trawling the internet for porn, he can definitely imagine how she might have gotten the impression that hers and Justine's body types are 'desirable'. There's a lot of shit involving girls of their… petite stature online.

Akira, of course, would never do anything illegal. But Caroline and Justine didn't even HAVE ages as far as he knew. They were eternal, inhuman creatures wearing human bodies. So, there was nothing illegal going on here!

"Hmph… v-very well. I suppose we'll have to experience the full package."

Justine does her best to make it sound like she doesn't care, but as she and Caroline stand up, she strips out of her prison guard uniform just as quickly as her twin does. Soon enough, the petite yellow eyed twins are completely stripped down save for their eyepatches, their distinctive hair styles the only way to tell them apart now.

Stepping forward first, Caroline blushes a bit, some of her previous tsundere tendencies reasserting themselves.

"R-Right Inmate… so how do we do it?"

Chuckling, Akira grabs her by the hips and easily lifts her up, laying her down on the bed. She knows enough to splay her legs apart for him, and he accepts the invitation for what it is, placing his cockhead against her pussy lips. A moment later, he's inside of her. Caroline gasps and then moans at the intrusion.

"Ooooh, that… that feels g-good…"

Akira just grins at the blunt honesty. It seemed Caroline simply couldn't maintain her usual standoffish, angry personality once his dick was inside of her. So, he begins to thrust, pounding into the cute girl again and again. She moans and mewls in response beneath him, reacting just like any of his other lovers might have. Except there's an innocence to her that most of his previous lovers haven't had. Some, but none are quite as inexperienced and unaware as Caroline.

When she reaches her first climax, her one visible eye widens in panic as a squeal rips from her throat. She reaches out to Justine and whines pitifully.

"I-I'm dying, Justine! I think I'm really dying!"

But it seems that the more taciturn of his two jailers has done her own research. Having climbed up onto the bed, Justine takes her sister's hand in her own and gives it a squeeze, while also rolling her eye in the other girl's direction.

"You're not dying, Caroline. You're experiencing a female orgasm. I'm surprised that the Inmate was capable of making you feel such pleasure."

Oh, he couldn't wait until he got to fuck her next. With a low growl, Akira redoubles his pace, fucking Caroline until the tsundere is a squealing, mewling mess, cumming multiple times around his cock before he finally finishes off inside of her. He doesn't hesitate to cum inside, nor does he ask if that's where she wants it. After all, Velvet Room Attendants probably can't get pregnant… right?

As soon as he pulls out of Caroline and turns to Justine, he finds himself flat on his back. Leveraging her inhuman strength against him, Justine pins him down, straddling his hips as she continues to faintly blush.

"I suppose I have to give this a try as well. However, do not expect me to react so… uncouthly as Caroline."

With that said, Justine lifts herself up, taking his cock in her hand and placing herself atop his head. Slowly, she begins to slide down. Akira groans as his hands come up to her hips, only to be batted away by the glaring jailer. She takes his dick at her own pace, slowly riding him at first, before seeming to lose track of herself. Beginning to bounce faster and harder, Akira watches as the cool, calm, and altogether collected ice queen of the pair slowly loses her cool once again.

Watching her face contort in pleasure as it grows redder and redder is honestly a treat in and of itself. Her mouth opens wide as she gasps and moans in equal measure, and her one visible eye flashes while her entire body spasms. She rides him to her first orgasm, gasping and groaning and trying to contain her whimpers and mewls all the while. She holds back cries of ecstasy behind clamped lips more than once, but Akira doesn't need to hear her voice to know she's enjoying it.

After all, his dick is buried in her pussy. Her cunt is so very tight to begin with, but as she rides him, it grows tighter still, clenching and squeezing and clinging to his shaft. Bouncing up and down on his dick, Justine cums just as much as Caroline did, all the way to the finish line. She just doesn't show it as much, giving muted responses as she glares at him, like she's just daring him to comment.

Eventually, she does let him put his hands on her though. He's holding her by her sides and thrusting up into her from below when it finally happens. With a loud groan, Akira blows his load deep inside of the petite jailer's cunt, filling her to the brim just as he did her twin sister.

Slowly, he lifts her off of him and off of his cock, setting her aside as he sits up, panting a bit. Only for a certain familiar face with her hair done up in buns to appear before him, already jerking his cock again.

"My turn again! My turn!"

As Caroline growls out her desires, Akira stares at her and then Justine with wide eyes. Despite his expectations… neither of them are the least bit tired. Justine might have experienced multiple orgasms under his care, but she's already back to her cold exterior, even as she plays with her creampied pussy lips curiously.

… This was going to be a long day, wasn't it?


Several hours later, an exhausted Akira escorts a pair of satisfied twins back to the door of the Velvet Room. Satiated and satisfied they might be, but neither is the least bit tired. They both could have gone even longer, but Akira… Akira had reached the end of his rope. The spirit was willing, but the flesh was soft and spongy, or however that saying went.

As they all three stop in front of the door to the Velvet Room, Caroline and Justine turn to look at him, with the former piping up, a pleased tone to her voice.

"My research indicates that this means we have officially entered into a romantic relationship now. This is correct, yes?"

Akira blinks, stunned for a second. Then he thinks about it, and about his situation in it's entirety… and grins a little.

"Sure, that sounds good to me."

Beaming, Caroline pulls him down into a deep, tongue-filled, soul-searing kiss in response. Once they're done, Justine scowls a little but ultimately, reluctantly (not really though) copies the kiss. When the twins pull away from him a moment later, it's to offer him dual sultry looks as they speak in unison.

""We'll be awaiting our next date, Trickster.""

And with that, they enter the Velvet Room together, leaving Akira feeling a little gobsmacked as he watches them go. Next date indeed…


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