Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Very Weiss Anniversary (RWBY)

A Very Weiss Anniversary (RWBY)

A/N: A Very Weiss Anniversary was a commissioned one shot originally written back in December of 2021 and posted up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: Having been married to Weiss Schnee for five years, Ilia is well used to her wife one-upping her with gift giving. THIS time, she's sure she's got Weiss beat.

Themes: Threesome, F/F, Dom/Sub


What did you get the richest woman in the world? What did you get the woman who had everything? And no, the answer definitely was NOT 'nothing', especially not when the woman in question was your wife and it was your fifth anniversary. Honestly, Ilia was flying blind at this point.

And yeah, she knew she didn't really have room to complain. She had it all, the sort of Happily Ever After Ending that only really came up in Fairy Tales. She didn't really have any room to gripe. Not that everyone would agree with that. Some of her own kind, for instance, would say that if Ilia WAS in any sort of 'Fairy Tale', she was in the tragic, bad part of the beginning of most Fairy Tales.

She was married to the CEO of the Schnee Dust Company, after all. But those Faunus lacked context. Or they lacked the emotional capacity to actually accept the context past their biased and prejudiced viewpoints. And yes, there was a bit of irony there, that Ilia had to defend a Schnee against her own kind, after the Faunus had been oppressed by humanity for centuries, and the Schnee Family for decades.

… But Weiss Schnee was neither her father nor her grandfather. And when she'd finally managed to pull her mother, Willow Schnee, out of the bottle long enough for the older woman to get her shit together, Willow had pulled the ripcord on her prenup with Jacques. See, Jacques Schnee wasn't a real Schnee. He'd married into the family with old man Schnee's blessing. Ultimately, it'd been an arranged marriage that had more to do with Weiss' grandfather seeing enough of his racist old self in Jacques to want the younger man to carry on his family legacy.

But Grandpa Schnee wasn't a completely heartless jackass. Oh, he was a racist piece of shit and Ilia and Weiss had had great fun burning some of his racist writings about 'the Inferiority of the Animal Species' together, but he had one soft spot left in him, one tiny morsel of love in his cold, black heart. He'd cared about his daughter, and even as he'd shackled Willow to the man who would eventually send her on a decades long drunken bender, he'd put an escape clause in.

Of course, Willow Schnee had to stop feeling sorry for herself long enough to use it, but once Weiss got her mother's head on straight, the woman had divorced Jacques Schnee faster than he could blink. And with that, the SDC in its entirety had fallen into Weiss Schnee's lap. Winter Schnee was an Atlesian Specialist, making it a conflict of interest for her. Whitley Schnee was deemed too young (and also too much like his father to be given any power without a proper deprogramming) and Willow didn't want anything to do with it.

And so, it had fallen to Weiss to become CEO of the SDC while her disgraced father slunk away with his tail between his legs. Last Ilia had heard, it was Jacques who was deep in the bottle now somewhere, drunk and barely hanging on to the last of his ruined finances by his fingertips. Good riddance to the man, in her opinion.

But that still left Ilia in her current predicament. It was her and Weiss' fifth anniversary since they'd gotten married. And she could only hope that the gift she'd gotten for her beloved wife was good enough. Because Weiss' love language was gift giving. Thankfully, it wasn't gift receiving, or Ilia would have probably been kicked to the curb ages ago. But what that meant was, Weiss ALWAYS had the most amazing gifts for Ilia, and Ilia… Ilia just wanted to win one for once.

She thought she'd done a pretty good job this time though. The appropriate mix of sentimental and expensive. Still, she wouldn't know until-

As Weiss suddenly walks in through the door, Ilia jolts out of her thoughts, immediately rising to greet her wife.

"Weiss! H-Happy Anniversary!"

Damn it, she'd told herself she wouldn't squeak. Weiss blinks, and then smiles softly at her, her entire posture relaxing in Ilia's presence.

"Happy Anniversary, Ilia."

Emotion swells in Ilia's chest. She loves that she's Weiss' rock. Some among her fellow Faunus might call her a traitor, but those were just the idiots. The ones with more than two brain cells together could SEE that Weiss had changed the SDC, for the better. There was no institutionalized mistreatment of Faunus anymore thanks to her, and while the weeding out of racists in the SDC and indeed elsewhere was an ongoing task, it was one Weiss was more than happy to tackle with the same single-minded and dogged determination that had made Ilia fall in love with her.

Of course, those same idiot Faunus who didn't care about the context wouldn't care how much effort Weiss was putting in either. In their eyes, all Schnee were evil forever… and to them, it didn't help that despite the changes in their policies, the SDC was literally doing better than it ever had before, and had remained on top as the largest, most successful company in all of Remnant.

To them, that just meant shit was going on behind the scenes that they didn't know about. And they were right. It just wasn't the SDC's shit. But then, how did you go about explaining to the common folk, either Faunus or human, that the Grimm who had kept the Kingdoms penned in for centuries and centuries, had been controlled by an immortal, sentient Grimm Queen all that time.

How did you tell them that Salem was real, let alone that with her death, the world of Remnant was now their oyster?

The answer was, you don't. Grimm were gone… and the Kingdoms were expanding at a rapid pace. There was so much land to explore, so much to harvest. And the SDC was positioned to spend oodles and oodles of lien on all of that. With how much they were making from mining Dust in places that had never been reachable before, the SDC could afford to treat all of its workers, both Faunus and human, as they should be treated. They could afford to be the best, most kind and caring employers that Remnant had ever seen. And with Weiss as their helm, they were.

Ah, but Ilia was once again letting herself get distracted. As Weiss sets down her things, the Chameleon Faunus forces herself to step forward.

"I… uh, I g-got you something. For our Anniversary."

Perking up, Weiss looks over at her and smiles.

"Oh! So did I. But you go first!"

… She doesn't see a box anywhere on Weiss' person. Which almost certainly meant that her wife had gone overboard again. But Ilia had kind of gone out of her way as well, so maybe just this once, she'd come out on top.

Stepping over to Weiss, Ilia takes her by the hand. Leading her intrigued and befuddled wife over to the window, she bites her lower lip as she gazes out at their expansive backyard. The sun is setting, making it the perfect time of day for this in Ilia's humble opinion.

"N-Notice something?"

Weiss gazes about for a moment, before her eyes catch on the 'new thing' in the yard.

"That… tree wasn't there before, was it?"

Blushing now, almost wanting to turn blend in from the embarrassment, Ilia squirms as she shakes her head.

"N-No. I, um… I had it moved here and replanted. I hired only the b-best, of course. To make sure it survived the transit, and that it would thrive in its new environment."

Weiss stares curiously at the tree in question, clearly not recognizing it at first. Then, her eyes widen as she catches the barest sign of something etched into the trunk.

"Is that…"

Ilia beams, as Weiss suddenly tugs HER forward, pulling them out the door and into the yard.

"No… seriously?"


Weiss' reaction is utter amazement, and everything Ilia could have hoped for as her wife, her beautiful, vivacious, incredibly intelligent wife, runs her fingers over the heart carved into the tree, a heart with the message 'W + I' in the center of it.

"You got the tree from our first date and had it replanted in our backyard."

"Y-Yeah… do you like it?"

"… I love it, Ilia. This is amazing."

Ilia beams, and then Weiss is kissing her, holding her tightly in her arms. Its then that the Chameleon Faunus DOES start to blend, blushing up a storm as she squirms in her wife's grasp. She'd finally done it; she'd pulled one over on her wife. There was no way Weiss' gift could possibly top this… right?

When they pull apart, Weiss is excited, glancing at her watch.

"Okay! Time for my gift then, c'mon, should be ready by now!"

And with that, Weiss leads Ilia back into the house, and towards the bedroom. The house that Ilia had been home in all day long, handling the final installation of Weiss' Anniversary Present. The bedroom that Ilia had literally passed through a couple hours before. Meanwhile, Weiss had been at work all day, or so Ilia thought. So, what the hell could be ready?

Ideas dance through Ilia's head, but as Weiss pulls her into the bedroom, nothing she thinks of could prepare the Chameleon Faunus for what they actually find waiting for them there. Or rather… WHO they find waiting for them there.

Standing in the middle of the room, blushing prettily and wearing nothing but a big gift ribbon over her unmentionables, is Blake Belladonna, Ilia's first crush and Weiss' huntress teammate. Letting go of Ilia's hand, Weiss steps over to Blake with a perverted grin on her face. The SDC CEO moves behind the cat faunus and runs her hands up and down Blake's body as Blake stares Ilia directly in the eye.

"Do you like her, Ilia? She's all ours for the night~"

Ilia's mouth opens and closes for several moments before finally she just clamps it shut and nods, not trusting herself to speak. Weiss had done it again… and yet, Ilia couldn't bring herself to mind. If THIS was the result of being one-upped…


Moans fill the room, and all of them come from Ilia's lips. Laid back on the bed, the Chameleon Faunus looks down between her legs, where a naked Cat Faunus is currently eating her out most enthusiastically. Blake's amber eyes look right back up at her, even as she bends over and laps and slurps at Ilia's sopping wet cunny.

Meanwhile, Weiss finishes reapplying the ribbon that had previously been wrapped tastefully around Blake's body. Now, it's wrapped around the beautiful dark-haired huntress' arms and wrists, binding her limbs behind her back most securely. Ilia had always known Blake was kinky, she knew all about her love of naughty romance novels after all, but she'd never thought she'd be here now, experiencing the Cat Faunus' bondage kink and submission fetish firsthand.

Offering her wife, a wicked smile, Weiss rises from the bed as the restrained Blake continues eating Ilia out.

"I didn't know what you had planned for our Anniversary this year, honey. But because I didn't know, because you were going to such great lengths to keep it secret, I knew I had to go all out. Luckily, I always had Blake here in my back pocket."

Panting, moaning, Ilia looks at Weiss incredulously, even as her wife comes back to the bed with a large strap-on harness around her crotch.

"I-In your back pocket?"

Giggling, Weiss applies a good helping of lube to the dildo and then climbs onto the bed behind Blake.

"Of course. Not that Blake and I have ever done anything, but I knew you carried a torch for her once upon a time… and I also knew what kind of girl she was, deep down inside. Oh, if she'd managed to keep a relationship for longer than a few months, I never would have propositioned her for this, but… well, we both know our little kitty cat here is hopeless in matters of romance."

Blake makes a muffled noise at that. Or it might be that she's yelping as Weiss applies her lubed-up strap-on to Blake's cunt, thrusting into the kneeling Cat Faunus from behind and beginning to fuck her into Ilia's own cunt hard and fast from the get-go. Ilia, meanwhile, feels a certain amount of second-hand embarrassment on her first ever crush's behalf.

It was true, Blake was terrible at romance… mostly, she was terrible with men. Always had had the worst sniffer. It hadn't even started with Adam, nor had it ended with him. Adam Taurus was just one in a string of bad choices Blake had made over the years. Luckily, in the past half decade since Salem's death, none of Blake's boyfriends had been as bad as Adam turned out to be, but that really wasn't saying much. They were all still pretty bad.

Looking down at Blake, Ilia bites her lower lip, before giving the other Faunus a smile.

"That's true, isn't it kitty? Maybe you need a break from men. You're not a half-bad carpet muncher, after all~"

Blake's face flushes an even deeper shade of red as even Ilia rags on her and teases her a fair bit. But her eyes are filled with lust all the same, and thanks to Weiss' thrusts, Blake's tongue is driving deeper into Ilia by the moment. That, combined with the moans reverberating up through her pussy from Blake's throat… it's enough to drive anyone wild.

"So, do you like her? I was thinking we could keep her around for a while. Maybe train her up. Collar her, if she's a very good girl."

Ilia gapes at her wife, but the way Blake shudders, and her eyes roll back makes it clear… the Cat Faunus isn't opposed to it. In fact, from the way she squeals, Ilia is pretty sure Blake just came from Weiss' words. That said…

"Both my people AND your competitors would eat you alive if they found out you were engaging in sexual antics with a collared Faunus, darling. Not a good idea."

Weiss blinks at that, pausing and cocking her head to the side for a moment before blanching as she imagines the fallout if such a thing were to be revealed to the general public. Looking slightly chagrined and chastised, she nods slowly, even as she gets back to fucking Blake at a nice, decent clip. After a few moments of silence however, a cheeky, wicked grin spreads across Weiss' face, her eyes twinkling.

"Hm. What if I wore a collar too, huh? They can't say anything if the images that come out are of me and Blake here, both collared and kneeling at the feet of our beloved Mistress, can they?"

Obviously, Weiss is joking. Under no circumstances do they actually want what they get up in the bedroom to actually leak. All the same, the words have the intended effect of making Ilia imagine it in her mind's eye. The image is… tantalizing, to say the least. With a shuddering gasp, Ilia bucks her hips up into Blake's face, tipping over the edge and squirting directly into the Cat Faunus' mouth.

To her credit, Blake, good girl that she is, laps up every last drop, even as she shudders again, climaxing a second time around Weiss' strap-on. As Ilia collapses backwards onto the bed and the pillows behind her, panting heavily, she meets her wife's twinkling eyes. Grinning, Weiss slowly pulls the strap-on out of Blake, letting her collapse as well, albeit in a prone position.

"Happy Anniversary, darling."

Smiling tiredly, having heavily lidded eyes for ONLY Weiss in that moment, Ilia just giggles as she lounges back, running her hands through Blake's hair, scratching behind the resting Cat Faunus' ears.

"Happy Anniversary."


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