Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

All About That Clussy (Ace Attorney)

All About That Clussy (Ace Attorney)

A/N: All About That Clussy was a commission originally written last month. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: The Court has a new Judge, and Geiru Toneido decides to do everything in her power to make sure her case has a favorable outcome. In trying to prevent the worst however, she definitely bites off more than she can chew.

Themes: Clown Sex, Rough Sex, Fucked Silly


Standing there, Raizo looks around himself, a slight smile on his face. At six foot tall with tanned skin and a light, carefully trimmed beard, the man, in his mid-thirties, can't help but be pleased. He'd finally made it.

As the newest Judge to be raised to the position in the Japanese legal system, Raizo had plans. Big plans, in fact. He was going to be working hard to help get the legal system back into some form of rationality and logic, especially after the SL-9 incidents. Seriously, did the Prosecutor's Office have it in for Maya Fey or something? The poor girl kept getting accused of murder, and every time it turned out she didn't do it!

Sighing, Raizo makes his way behind his desk in his private, sound-proofed office. There, he sits down and begins going over the reports in front of him. All are pertaining to the latest cases, including his very first case. One he'll be taking over for the Judge known as… Judge. Really now? Well, that wasn't for Raizo to question, now was it? Instead, he focuses his attention on the case he'll be presiding over.

… Something about clowns and murder by noodles. Shame, he'd always loved the theater.

As he gets ready to tuck in and spend a long night working on preparing for an equally long day tomorrow, the handsome Judge blinks as a buzz alerts him to someone standing outside his office door. Raizo, of course, isn't the kind of man to take changes. The Japanese Legal System is one fraught with peril, and Judges are targeted all the time.

Glancing at his monitor, Raizo raises an eyebrow at the literal clown performer that he sees waiting outside of his office. After a moment of watching her fidget nervously, he presses a button just as she reaches for the buzzer again.

"Come in."

The door unlocks and allows Geiru Toneido to enter his office. He presses the same button and the door closes and locks again behind her, causing her to jolt and glance back at it with wide eyes for a moment. Clearing his throat gets her attention back on him, and he lifts an eyebrow pointedly at the young woman, who is very much dressed like a clown right now. From her pink hair to her red nose, even her outfit is very pink and white and just… clown-like.

He doesn't mind though. In fact, he's quite impressed by her buxom figure. He wonders how much of it is actually real…

"Ms. Toneido. What can I do for you?"

He was suspicious, of course. Geiru was a witness to the crime from the very case he'd just been working on! But… well, she was cute and had a nice rack, so he'd let her in anyways. Besides, he could hold his own. He wasn't afraid of her.


Geiru fidgets under the new (and handsome) Judge's gaze. Originally, she'd been hoping that it would be that weird old judge who usually presided over all of Phoenix Wright and Apollo Justice's cases. However, when she heard the case was assigned to a fresh new Judge, Geiru had seen an opportunity that couldn't be passed up.

You see… Geiru was the real murderer. She was guilty as sin! But she didn't want to go to prison! And that meant she had had to pin it on someone else. Even as the guilt ate at her more than a little, she was still looking out for herself. And so, the balloon artist and clown performer licks her lips and gives the new Judge a winning smile.

"I just wanted to… get together and talk a little bit about the case coming up, s-sir! It's very important to me that the real murderer faces justice~"

Punctuating her words with her signature snapping of her overalls, Geiru makes her (fake) balloon-like tits bounce. The handsome Judge's eyes dart down to them, and she KNOWS she's got the man's attention.

"… I see. And what did you want to talk about?"

Ah, well that was a little bit tougher, wasn't it? She wasn't sure! Standing there in the Judge's office, realizing that she never thought she'd get this far, the female clown is frozen for a moment… before jumping into things feet first, like any real performer would.

"W-Well first, how about a show!"

If there's one thing Geiru is good at, it's a show! More specifically, she's QUITE good at balloon-related performances. However, there's a big difference between delivering a spectacular show to a welcoming and enthusiastic audience… and trying to deliver the same experience to a single man in his private office.

Geiru realizes this quite quickly, even as she tries to put on her act anyways. And seeing that she's decidedly boring this young, handsome Judge, it makes her falter. She might be a consummate performer, but even the best clown will fail if they're not getting any feedback or interest whatsoever!

The more he just stares at her unimpressed as she tries to wow him, the more Geiru shrinks… until she twists and trips, falling flat on her face and squealing as her fake tits bounce off the floor, the only thing that stops her from busting up her nose. Well, that and the red clown nose she has over it, which squeaks at the same time.


The Judge's chuckle makes Geiru blush profusely, but when she throws a glance back at him, she realizes that he's kept his eyes on her kneeling form… trying to catch a glimpse of the 'amazing' secrets beneath her skirt. Seeing this, the female clown and balloon artist realizes she needs to change tack. She's only succeeded in making herself MORE suspicious so far… her only option now is to silence this new judge and hope she gets a better one next time!

… It might surprise the average person to know how fast Geiru finds herself flipping switches from performer to murderer. But once you've gotten a taste, it decidedly changes you. Especially when you kill someone you're close to, as she did. In the end, Geiru was… a broken woman, with a fractured mind. She was also a clown, and as she pops back up to her feet, her balloon-like tits bouncing, she gives the Judge a winning smile.

"Mr. Judge, sir-!"

"Judge Raizo. Raizo, is my name."

She probably should have known that. No matter!

"J-Judge Raizo! I was wondering if I could request some… audience participation, for the next part of my act!"

THAT gets the handsome man's interest, and Geiru blushes as he gives her a charming, even knowing smile before standing up and walking around his desk.

"But of course."

If he knew what she was REALLY planning, then he probably wouldn't be quite so pleased with her request. Regardless, Geiru is able to get the Judge to lay down on the floor, leaving her standing over his head. She's not even trying to hide it… what he was after this whole time. Instead, her white cotton panties and her entire crotch are on full display as she stands on either side of him… and promptly sits down!

Her hands go to his chest, as she proceeds to try and suffocate the Judge with her surprisingly big ass. She's relying fully on the element of surprise here, truth be told. He looks pretty strong, pretty tough even, but if she can catch him off guard, then her pillowy bubble butt can properly send him off to Lala land before he can do anything to fight back. Then, if that doesn't kill him, she can finish him off herself afterwards, and then get out of here before anyone catches her.

Of course, what Geiru doesn't know about is the security cameras recording her actions even now. They're on a closed loop, so only Raizo technically has access to them, but if something did happen to him, such things would be uncovered in the course of an investigation. In trying to solve her first murder by committing another murder, Geiru was in fact guaranteeing that she would go to prison… if the female clown succeeded, of course.

But that wasn't going to happen, because…


As the balloon artist sits on his face, Raizo's raised eyebrow disappears beneath her massive posterior. For a moment, he can't breathe. But he's always been good at holding his breath. Still, when nothing happens for several seconds, he frowns beneath her grinding, plush backside and realizes… this is apparently it. Well, to him at least, there's only really one possibility here, right?

She wants him to eat her out! And frankly, Raizo has no issue eating some clown pussy. A clussy, he thinks the kids were calling it these days.

Pushing his tongue up into her panty-covered pussy lips, Raizo hears a startled squeak from up above. Smirking, he keeps at it, beginning to snack on her cunt and use his tongue to push her ass up off of his face enough that he can still get some air. He's in no danger of suffocating anymore, even as he starts drilling his tongue into her increasingly wet panties, both slobber-covered on his end and also getting moist on her end as well.

"J-Judge Raizo!"

Geiru's voice comes out as a startled moan, and she tries to pull away. Hmph, playing hard to get now? Raizo didn't like that. Why else would she sit on his face if she didn't want to experience some cunnilingus? Unwilling to let her get away, the handsome Judge grabs her by her thighs and yanks her back down, using his much stronger arms to hold the clown in place as she squeals atop him.

Getting back to work, he slips her panties aside, giving him direct access to her now-wet pussy. She is indeed aroused, and noting this, Raizo really goes to town on her. His tongue wiggles around inside of her clussy, working over her slit and then into her sex again and again. He plays with her, toys with her even, and all around enjoys how good it feels.

In the midst of all of this, Geiru is smacking her hands down upon his chest. He feels that. What he doesn't feel is the slightest pressure, as the desperate balloon artist makes a balloon knife and tries to stab the Judge in a weird moment of desperation.

… It doesn't work. Its more of a balloon then a knife. And he? He doesn't even notice it, not really.

He does notice her smacks with her palms and the way she's squealing as she wiggles all over his face, however. She's clearly not sure what to do with herself, but once she's no longer trying to pull away, he decides he can help her out. Reaching up with one hand, he grabs the back of the female clown's head and pushes Geiru's face down into his crotch. His cock, still contained within his pants, is rock hard and more than ready.

Once Geiru is in position, he deftly and quickly opens his pants and releases his bitch breaker of a dick into the world. It slaps against Geiru's face, her red rubber nose making a squeaking sound as it does so.

Going back to eating the balloon artist out, Raizo is pleased when he doesn't even need to speak. His hand on the back of Geiru's head pushes her down onto his cock and she opens wider and wider as his member slips past her lips inch after inch. Gurgling, she's soon taking his member all the way to the base… and that's where the fun begins, since her red rubber nose honks as it impacts his balls over and over.


Now, Raizo doesn't think he has a clown fetish, necessarily. The handsome Judge likes all beautiful women, in all shapes and sizes. But there's definitely something incredibly attractive about having this sexy clown at his complete mercy. And hearing her rubber nose making cute and funny noises as she goes up and down on him is… to die for.

In no time at all, they're both ready to cum. Raizo is more than ready to blow his load into Geiru's throat, and he can tell from the way her clussy is flexing and twitching that she's on the edge of climaxing and squirting all over his face as well. In the end, he pushes Geiru back down his cock and wraps one leg behind her head, holding her there as her red rubber nose gives one elongated HOOOOONK while he also pinches her clit and licks her slit at the same time.

They cum together, her pussy juices flowing into his mouth as his seed explodes up into her choking throat, gagging and gurgling as she is all the while.

Her body struggles and spasms, and funnily enough, Raizo gets much closer to asphyxiating Geiru on his dick and cum then she ever did with her fat ass. But unlike the murderous clown, the handsome Judge is NOT trying to kill anyone here. And so, he releases her head, letting her pull back off of his cock at the last moment.

For a brief second, Raizo relaxes, panting heavily. Then, Geiru begins to move. She's still trying to get away… well now, that just won't do~


Geiru figures now is her chance. She'll crawl away and while he's recovering, she'll find something big and heavy in his office to brain him with. She can't go on. That was… that was the most intense orgasm of her life, and all because HE nearly asphyxiated HER on his cock. Panting heavily, clown makeup melting away thanks to the heavy blowjob she just was forced to give, Geiru whimpers, trying to ignore the ache in her pussy that begs for more.

However, before she can do more than crawl up off of the handsome Judge… his hands grab onto her, and her eyes widen as she looks back over her shoulder to find that he's recovered FAR faster than she would have thought. Worst of all, Geiru has managed to put herself in the optimal position for him to fuck her. Her skirt is too short to cover her ass when she's on her hands and knees like this, and her white-cotton panties, soaked with a combination of his saliva and her juices, are still bunched up to the side, sticking into place thanks to the aforementioned combination.

Her pussy, thus, is entirely vulnerable and wholly on display… and Judge Raizo's cock is still rock hard, much to Geiru's utter shock and bafflement as he lines up… and thrusts into her without another moment of hesitation.

Geiru tosses her head back and squeals as the Judge just chuckles, pounding into her from behind.

"Wonderful. Simply wonderful. This is an S-Grade clussy, Ms. Toneido. So pliant… but also so fuckable, so willing to grab onto my dick as I pound into you."

It takes her a moment for her beleaguered brain to catch up with what he just said. When she does, she looks back at him, wide-eyed.

"D-Did you just say… 'clussy'?"

Cocking his head to the side, the Judge just grins and nods, with all the casual confidence of someone in authority.

"Sure. Clown pussy. Hence, your clussy."

She'd never… she'd never been so OBJECTIFIED! Geiru half-moans, half-wails as she's fucked in her… in her CLUSSY by this impossible man! This wasn't how it was supposed to go! This wasn't how any of this was supposed to happen! At least… at least he doesn't know what she did. He certainly wouldn't be fucking her 'clussy' if he knew she was a murderer… right?

But just as Geiru thinks that it's almost like the Judge can read her mind, because the next thing she knows…



Geiru squeals, as one of his large bearpaw-like hands comes down on her ass right then and there. She shivers and looks back at him as he fondles her bubble butt, her skirt fully flicked up at this point. She'd felt him back there, squeezing at her behind and clearly loving the cushiony feel of her buttocks. But now, all of the sudden, he'd graduated to spanking!

"J-Judge Raizo!"

He just chuckles, her weak protest doing nothing to stop him as he draws his hand back and brings it down again for another smack.


And another.


And another.


Whining, Geiru shakes her head back and forth. But it's no use. Soon, her ass is as red as her rubber clown nose. And maybe… maybe she deserves it. Part of her guilty conscience does feel a little better, having been spanked to hell and back. Oh sure, a little spanking wasn't enough to make up for murder, but at the same time…

To her abject shame, she's feeling good. Better than good, really. After a few more thrusts into her clussy, Geiru cums for the Judge. She cums for Raizo, making him grunt and then pick up his pace. As he fucks her even harder, he no longer spanks her. Instead he rubs her poor, pained butt cheeks sensually, but even that doesn't make the reddened state of her plush posterior go away. No, the red is there to stay, at least for the time being.

Squealing, she creams her clussy on Raizo's cock again and again, until finally he lets out a grunt and proceeds to creampie her, pumping his load deeply into her clown cunt and filling her to the brim. The balloon artist is left in a state of pure delirium, her eyes rolling around in her head as she pants noisily. But at least… at least its over, right? Now… she can rest?


Raizo didn't get to his current position by being oblivious. Something was up with Geiru. If she were really JUST the witness to a crime, well, she wouldn't have come by to 'persuade' him of anything, now would she have?

The only question was… how to make the female clown talk. And in that regard, spanking her had seemingly loosened things up, so why not go a step further, huh?

Standing up as Geiru pants noisily on her hands and knees, Raizo reaches down and grabs her by her legs, lifting them up and leaving her squawking as she plants her palms on the floor for support. Her pussy and ass, meanwhile, are left swinging into the air as he drives his cock between her splayed legs and right into her back door.

Luckily for her, he's well lubricated. His member is covered in their previous actions and thanks to those sexual antics, he's able to piston in and out of her anus nonstop, driving deeper and deeper with every thrust. Of course, Geiru doesn't see it all in the same grateful light. She's too busy squealing, her face inches from the floor.

"W-Wait! Judge Raizo PLEASE! N-Not so hard! Not so fast! S-Slow down!"

But he doesn't slow down. He can tell something weighs heavily on Geiru's soul… and so, it's up to him to uncover it. One hefty ass-fucking at a time if necessary.

And much to the amazement of any normal person who might ever see this incredibly inappropriate interaction between a clown and a Judge, it works. Geiru squeals and whimpers and cries out… before finally breaking down upon Raizo's fat cock barreling into her ass again and again.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorryyyy! P-Please! Forgive me f-for trying to suffocate you with my fat asssss!"

Huh. She'd really been trying to kill him? How interesting. Of course, that's not all of it, is it? With a lustful growl, the handsome Judge picks up the pace even harder, fucking Geiru faster and faster. In response, the poor beleaguered balloon artist cries out.

"Why?! Why do you like clowns s-so much?!"

He thinks about that for a moment, but doesn't slow down, not even to think. In the end, he keeps up his rapid pace, even as he grunts and answers her.

"The clussy cannot be ignored, Ms. Toneido."

He speaks it solemnly, as though its wisdom on the same level as Confucius' Teachings. Then, before she can do much more than wail in disbelief at his statement, he grunts and blows his load, filling her ass in the same way he filled her clussy.

At the same time, the Judge had reached out and grabbed hold of Geiru's pink hair, yanking her head back and forcing her to arch her spine as he fucked her ass all the way to kingdom come. This results in her being pushed over the edge by her climax, and she cums as well, experiencing the first ever analgasm of her life. Her mouth open and her tongue sticking straight out, Geiru's body bucks and spasms, her head in particular going wild as it bounces all over the place.

Normally, Raizo's grip on her hair would keep her head mostly in place. But then… that pink hair of hers wasn't actually her hair at all. The pink wig that Geiru was wearing falls off, left in Raizo's hand as he blinks in surprise and confusion. In post nut clarity, he's so confused that his dick slips out as he stares at the back of the now raven-haired woman's head.

Turning Geiru around, it's to see that the clown girl actually has black hair… and a bandage on her forehead. Blinking rapidly, Raizo tilts his head to the side, watching as she slowly comes out of her own post-coitus bliss and realizes what's happening.


As she regains control of herself, Geiru looks up into the Judge's eyes… and sees her pink wig held in his hand. Realizing what's happened, the female clown freezes up for a moment. But in the end, delirious from cumming so much, and at this point too damn overwhelmed by just about everything to keep her mouth shut… Geiru breaks.

"I-I did it! I killed my mentor! I'm the murderer!"

As the Judge stares down at her, nonplussed, Geiru confesses everything. Distraught, she explains exactly what happened, revealing all to the man who would eventually be deciding her fate. Though it seemed he would probably be deciding it here and now, rather than in the courtroom. It was open and shut now, with her confession of what had happened that day between her and her mentor. She'd done the deed, and he'd hit her on the forehead, which was what the bandage was covering up.

Then, she'd tried to frame someone else for the crime, for HER murder.

It's over now though. She wails and finishes her explanation with a sob.

"I'm a failure of a clown! I'm an embarrassment to my clown f-father! Even my balloon tits have been fake all this time!"

She proves it by snapping her overalls much harder than before, making her fake boobs pops and leaving her small chest looking quite deflated in comparison to what it was originally.

Then, she just sits there on her ass, head down, waiting for the handsome Judge who'd just fucked her clussy and ass to pass judgment on her. No one else could. He was the Judge, after all.

Imagine Geiru's surprise, then, when suddenly he grabs her up and pulls her in close to kiss her. She's shocked, and can't do anything but kiss him back, her whimpers filling the air as her red rubber nose squeaks a little from their faces being mashed together. In her shock, she doesn't stop him from slipping her overalls down and exposing her small tits. She doesn't stop him from beginning to rub them with his hands either, his fingers stroking her tiny titties and pinching her nipples.

When they finally pull back for air, Geiru is surprised by the soft smile on Raizo's face.

"Your chest isn't so bad. Besides, all you need to do is rub them enough times and they'll become much bigger."


"Of course. How else do you explain Ms. Fey's breasts constantly ballooning up?"

… That was a good point. And yet, Geiru didn't understand. Wasn't Raizo a Judge? She just wanted things to make sense. But she also wanted the handsome man to keep twiddling her nipples like he was. Looking up at him imploringly, Geiru pouts, seeking an explanation but afraid to outright ask for one.

Raizo just chuckles down at her.

"Not to worry. I'll take care of things. But… that will have to wait, as there's still much to do in the moment. Like bouncing you on my cock while in your natural look."

Geiru's eyes widen all over again at that. She can't believe someone would want her without her clown look, or her fake tits! But Raizo soon has her on her back in a mating press, proving her completely and utterly wrong. Especially the creampie at the end, filling her up and leaving her moaning, nay, begging for more…


On court day, everyone is shocked when Geiru Toneido admits on the stand that she killed her mentor and framed his rival. Everyone is very surprised indeed, but also suitably impressed as the new Judge Raizo sentences her to prison. Certainly, as far as first cases go, this one was quite the feather in the Judge's cap. A scandalous reveal to be sure, but one that would only help his notoriety.

Of course, it was a shame that Geiru Toneido managed to escape police custody shortly after her sentencing, and the female clown murderess was completely in the wind. But that wasn't Judge Raizo's fault! It was the incompetence of the police and couldn't possibly be held against HIM and his entirely impeccable record!

Perhaps that was why no one batted an eyelash at the new Judge already taking a short vacation just a couple weeks later. Sure, he was new to the job, but it was a tough line of work, and detoxing and destressing was very important, lest you suffer burnout!

Yes, no one begrudged Judge Raizo his vacation. They might have, had they known exactly who the short, dark-haired woman that went with him was. But nobody knew a thing.

As they drove off into the sunset, Geiru happily slurped away at Raizo's cock… all the while, her clown nose honking each and every time she took his cock to the base.



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