Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Anzerri/Human Relations (Original Sci-Fi)

Anzerri/Human Relations (Original Sci-Fi)


Themes: Alien Sex, Master/Slave, Rough Sex

Summary: The day the Anzerri came to Earth was the most pivotal day in mankind's history. As it turned out, it would wind up being the most pivotal day in the Anzerri Empire's history as well.


John wakes up to a frankly amazing sensation. Lips wrapped around his cock, sucking away at his dick with dutiful and needy abandon. A smile spreads across his face before he even opens his eyes, and a hand slides down to his crotch to rest upon the head currently bobbing up and down his member. He feels distinctive tendrils instead of hair, allowing him to correctly identify WHICH of his alien slaves is currently throating his cock at the moment.
Finally opening his eyes, John looks down at the beautiful blue woman with her octopus-esque head tendrils in place of hair and the smattering of freckles across her maiden-like face. She in turn stares up at him, sucking and slurping away, her lips stretched wide around his cock and her tongue swirling along his glans.
A wanton moan from across the room distracts John for a moment, and he looks to where his wife Evelynn is currently enjoying the attentions of another of their alien slaves. Larger, musclebound, and green-skinned, this slave has black hair cascading down to her shoulders. She’s easily twice Evelynn’s size, though John is closer in stature to her. And yet, Evelynn has the beautiful green muscular alien well in hand, her legs wrapped around that head of raven locks and her hands forcing their alien pet into her cunt as she moans happily while the green-skinned woman eats her out.
The day that the Anzerri came to Earth was a pivotal moment in Human History. For the Anzerri, it was just supposed to be another Tuesday. See, the Anzerri were a technologically advanced Space-Faring race. Their sciences made the sum total of human achievement look like fucking macaroni noodle art. On top of that, the Anzerri came equipped with a biological advantage that had let them create a galactic empire and allowed them to subjugate every other species they came across. Put simply, they were all impressively powerful psychics.
With the telepathic ability to sense what others desired and the metamorphic abilities to change to match those desires, the Anzerri had effectively conquered the known galaxy through kindness. They had essentially turned every single race they’d met into their pets, utilizing them while feeding them scraps from the table to keep them happy.
To be clear, all of this were things that the Anzerri had told the Human Race outright when they’d finally arrived on Earth. Why had they been so honest with humankind, when their entire modus operandi before Earth had been deceptive manipulation out the fucking ass? Well, it was simple really.
Humans were not psychic, despite what some charlatans had wanted to claim over the centuries. No human had a lick of telepathic talent to them. The Anzerri had made sure of this before making first contact, doing long range tests to ensure that the humans, just like the rest of their conquests, would not be able to stop them.
And frankly, the Human Race couldn’t stop the Anzerri. They didn’t have a chance of stopping the Anzerri once the aliens got going. But as it turned out… there were plenty of good reasons not to WANT to.
See, while humans didn’t have an ounce of telepathic talent, they apparently had something else. A unique, insanely addictive psychic presence. The Anzerri had come to Earth with the intentions of gently pacifying and subjugating the Human Race… and wound up submitting and subjugating themselves instead. It was honestly kind of funny. It wouldn’t have been, had things been isolated to Earth. If the Anzerri were a little smarter, they might have established a quarantine ahead of time and been able to halt the problem, likely by destroying Earth and every human being on it.
But they were too damn cocky for words. They had a galactic-sized telepathic mind meld going on, and they couldn’t be bothered to set that down, not even for a moment. And so when the Anzerri Delegation on Earth became addicted to their new human friends and happily submitted to their every whim, the Anzerri everywhere else in the galaxy got smacked in the face with a heavy dose of the exact same thing.
Suddenly, humans were the hottest commodity among the stars. The Anzerri homeworld had become a human colony and Earth had become the center of a Galactic Alien Empire that had literally been handed over to humankind.
This wasn’t to say things went entirely cleanly of course. Some Anzerri were able to break off from the telepathic mind meld and mount a resistance. Unfortunately, it was less than five percent of their entire race. Last John had heard, the Anzerri rebels weren’t doing very well and were constantly having to flee into the deeper and darker parts of space while their kin continually broadcast just how AMAZING serving humans felt on all telepathic channels.
And as far as humanity was concerned… well, exploding onto the galactic stage in this manner wasn’t doing them too many favors. Humans were contrarian by nature, and things were incredibly messy, politics-wise.
But that wasn’t really relevant to John or Evelynn. Neither of them were big name politicians or massive movers and shakers. They weren’t rich or celebrities… they were just average everyday folk. They even both worked. It was a testament to just how many Anzerri there were to go around that their household had three of them, to be honest.
Just as John is thinking that, the door to the bedroom opens and admits their third alien slave. Red-skinned with black hair, the picture-perfect recreation of the Martian Princess Dejah Thoris walks in holding a massive tray of breakfast food, all freshly cooked and ready for consumption. She stops and pouts at the sight of them already going at it.
“Ah! Y-You didn’t wait for me?! Master, Mistress… this loyal servant has cooked you both breakfast!”
Down between his legs, the Anzerri perfectly mimicking Liara T’soni pulls back and looks over at Dejah with a scoff.
“Wait for you? And disappoint the Master and Mistress? Don’t be a fool.”
Dejah looks suitably chastised by that. Of course, the last of their slaves doesn’t even comment. The Anzerri perfectly mimicking Jennifer Walters, aka the She-Hulk, remains where she is between Evelynn’s thighs, happily eating out John’s wife as the diminutive human woman greatly enjoys dominating such a powerful, physical specimen.
Indeed, since the Anzerri are telepathic creatures who morph to take on the forms most appealing to the people they’re interacting with, all three of their Anzerri slaves have taken on the appearance of fictional characters from John and Evelynn’s minds. Seeing as Anzerri ‘names’ were in fact more like telepathic impressions transmitted to the mind directly rather than spoken out loud, it was simply easier to refer to them as Liara, Dejah, and Jennifer respectively. Since that was effectively who they were.
Letting out a giggle from where she’s sat, Evelynn shakes her head.
“Now, now Liara. What have I told you about bullying? Dejah, darling, come here. Let me get some of that delicious food.”
Perking up, the red-skinned Martian Princess all but skips over to her Mistress, leaning forward and offering the breakfast platter. John watches on as Liara, pouting now, returns to sucking his cock, putting her all into bobbing up and down his member. As the blue-skinned beauty does so, he’s watching Evelynn sample from Dejah’s breakfast… and notes the exact moment that her eyes dart to the red-skinned alien’s breasts as she leans forward.
Quick as a snake, Evelynn’s hand snaps out and grabs Dejah by one of her beautiful tits. With her legs still locked around Jennifer’s head, she pulls Dejah in and sucks from her teat. John smiles, watching as milk dribbles down Evelynn’s chin a moment later, showing that the Anzerri has begun lactating for her Mistress on command. Not even verbal command at that.
But then, that was just how it was. Seriously, he and Evelynn were little more than cogs in one of many corporate machines, and yet they had this sort of wonderful home life. While they went to work, their Anzerri slaves would take care of the household, keeping the place in tip top shape and cooking and cleaning all day every day.
You didn’t quite realize just how amazing having your own personal servant staff was until it was pretty much forced upon you by the Anzerri need to satisfy their addiction for human contact. Their desire to enslave themselves to humans was so strong that the people at the top hadn’t even been able to commercialize and commodify the whole process. He and Evelynn hadn’t paid a dime for any of their three Anzerri. They’d just showed up one day, ready and eager to serve his and his wife’s every whim.
Finally finished drawing breastmilk from Dejah’s breast, Evelynn pulls back and smacks her lips, humming in enjoyment.
“Mm, that’s good stuff. Why don’t you go let John have some, pet? I’m sure he’s hungry… and thirsty.”
Evelynn grins at him at that, and John grins back… before glancing at the time and letting out a sigh.
“God, I wish I could… but I need to probably start getting ready for work the moment Liara here finishes off my morning wood…”
There’s a brief pause from all four women in the room at that. Liara, Dejah, and Evelynn all look at him incredulously. Jennifer’s head remains trapped between his diminutive wife’s thighs. Finally, Evelynn snickers and shakes her head.
“Forgot what day it is, didn’t you John? It’s Sunday, silly. You have the day off.”
John’s eyes widen at that. Wow, he really had lost track of things. To be fair, last night they’d been… particularly rowdy, the five of them. He’d lost count of just how many times they’d all gone at it and couldn’t even say for sure where he’d dropped the majority of his loads. He and Evelynn were casually trying for a baby, but the key word there was casual. There really wasn’t any rush, so Evelynn didn’t exactly go out of her way to stop him from filling one of their slaves instead of her.
“Well shit. I guess I am hungry then after all. Get your pert little behind over here, Dejah.”
Perking up, Dejah wiggles said behind and hurries over, the Anzerri quick to bring him her tray of breakfast food. John takes a few things, enjoying the taste of her excellent home cooking for a moment as Liara, down between his thighs, continues to suck him off. Finally, he reaches over and grabs hold of Dejah’s other breast a bit more gently, going for the one that Evelynn didn’t already suck from and bringing it to his mouth and drinking long and hard from it.
As Dejah throws her head back and moans happily, Liara redoubles her efforts down below… and in the midst of all of this, John can’t help but groan, finally letting his first load of the day go. His seed flows down his blue Anzerri slave’s throat, and she swallows every last drop dutifully, like she’s addicted to it.
She’s not, of course. She’s only addicted to his presence. But in morphing themselves to be exactly what he and his wife desire most, they’ve given themselves all certain fetishes. For ‘She-Hulk’, she absolutely loves being dominated, despite being the largest, most physically powerful person in the household. For Dejah, she loves to cook and clean for them most of all. And for Liara… well, she can be a little bit of a brat to the other slaves sometimes, but there’s nothing she likes more than drinking down his seed.
As she pulls back off of his cock with a pop and John finally drags himself free of Dejah’s nipple, Evelynn calls out from her chair.
“Liara. Take Dejah’s tray and bring it back over here, will you? I’m still hungry.”
The blue-skinned Anzerri freezes at this, before looking at him with one of her signature pouts. Liara T’Soni’s puppy dog eyes are nothing to scoff at… but if she really thinks that he would side with her over his wife, she’s got another thing coming. No way is John going to ruin a perfectly good Sunday by putting himself in the dog house for now reason.
“Best do what your Mistress says now, Liara.”
Realizing that she’s not going to win here, Liara takes the tray of breakfast food from Dejah and carries it across the room, defeat in her slumped shoulders. Dejah watches her go… and then eagerly climbs on top of him, mounting him right there on the spot as she pants needily. John laughs, his hands going to her hips as her pussy slides down his length, her inner walls flexing and clenching around her shaft.
Evelynn was playing favorites again, to be sure. But then to be fair, John knew full well that the way to his wife’s heart was through delicious food. There was a reason he had Dejah make her homemade chocolates for Valentine’s Day every year, after all. Liara would get hers later, it wasn’t like they neglected any of their Anzerri slaves. But for now… Dejah had managed quite the coup with her Mistress help.
“Mm, Master… so good… so big and thick inside of me~”
The Anzerri’s eyes flutter up in her head as she heaves herself up and down his throbbing phallus. John grunts, his hands going to her sides and then up to her chest. He gropes and squeezes her bouncing breasts, even while she rides him quite happily, moaning all the while.
Meanwhile, over on the other side of the room, Evelynn reigns supreme over their other two slaves. She has Liara feeding her by hand, even as she groans and moans, cumming all over Jennifer’s hidden face again and again. Watching the powerfully built green-skinned alien woman’s ass wiggle and shake, her muscles rippling under her skin as she remains completely submissive and harmless… yeah, it’s arousing to say the least.
But not as arousing as Dejah Thoris, Princess of Mars, riding him to kingdom come and naming her his Master. Fuck that’s some good shit, and John can’t help but enjoy her body to its fullest extent as he thrusts up into her from below, fucking her silly. It’s not lone before the Anzerri is cumming her brains out for him, loving the attention.
Not long before John cums as well, truth be told. Filling Dejah with his seed, groaning out her name… he seizes up for a long moment as his balls empty out into her… and then he falls back, slumping into the bed as he relaxes. Dejah falls forward onto him at the same time, mewling as she cuddles against his chest, still impaled on his cock.
… Man, he can’t believe he forgot it was Sunday. It’s the best kind of thing to forget though, because it makes for such a pleasant surprise once you’re reminded. John grins as he runs a hand through his alien pet’s black locks.
This was going to be a great day; he could already tell.


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