Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

At World’s End (Undertale)

At World’s End (Undertale)

A/N: At World's End was a commissioned one-shot originally written back in May of 2020. Posting it up here now for people to enjoy!

Summary: At World's End, Chara demands Frisk give her her SOUL. And Frisk, with nothing left to lose and all her mistakes and crimes having caught up with her, is ready to hand it over. But at the last moment, something... unexpected happens. Frisk sees a new path, and seizes onto it with all of her Determination!

Themes: Threesome, Redemption Fucking, Rough Sex


"Well, that's that then. You did it. You and me… we did it together. So hey, how about you do one more thing for me, eh partner? How about you give me your SOUL, hm?"

It's only now, in the deep and all encompassing darkness of nothing… that Frisk finds clarity. A little odd, perhaps, but that's how it goes, she supposes. On the ground, on her hands and knees, tears streaming down her cheeks, sobbing, Frisk is broken. A bright young woman, faced with an impossible choice… only now realizing the true foolishness of her actions.

She'd thought… she'd thought she was fighting monsters. But in the end… she'd been the monster all along, hadn't she?

"Oh, c'mon now. Just because you tried to change your mind at the last second doesn't change anything between us, partner. So, what do ya say?"

Frisk doesn't look up at Chara, at the first human to fall into the underground… but she does finally respond to the soulless, sadistic bitch's words.

"I-I don't… I d-didn't…"

"Oh, but you did. What, are you going to tell me that you didn't mean it? That you didn't know what you were doing? Do you think you were tricked? Don't be ridiculous, Frisk! You're not stupid, you figured it out pretty early on, didn't you? But by then, you were in too deep, weren'tcha?"

She was… Chara was right. She wasn't stupid, she'd thought she had to fight her way out, that she'd found herself in some hellscape full of monsters that wanted to hurt her. She'd originally decided that she'd be the one to hurt them first instead, that she wouldn't let them take her. Her Determination had sung through her veins as she'd wielded her Real Knife, all in an effort to get home, to get back to her family.

… Along the way, Chara had the right of it. Frisk HAD figured out that she'd made a mistake, that the monsters she was fighting, despite being so inhuman, despite even some of them being undead… they weren't actually evil like she'd initially thought. She'd misjudged them. She'd fucked up. But by the time she realized… what was she to do?

They may not have started out as her enemies, but by that point, she'd definitely succeeded in making them her adversaries. They'd fought to destroy her, this young woman that had invaded their home and was annihilating them. And just like that, Frisk had created a self-fulfilling prophecy, making them the enemies that she'd initially thought they were.

Somewhere along the way… Chara had begun to take over. The first child to fall into the Underground, Frisk now knew. Now, just as much of a young woman as Frisk herself was, no longer really much of a child at all. But also, soulless, and evil. She'd latched onto Frisk's Determination, her Fear, her Anger. She'd forced Frisk to go a step further… while also helping her out along the way.

Frisk definitely couldn't have beaten Sans without Chara's help, she knew that much. And after she'd killed the skeleton's brother, well, there was no way that Sans was just going to let her go. Even still… even still, it still hurt. And now… now her crimes had all come home to roost, her actions and their consequences finally crystallizing.

She'd just wanted to be free, to get back home to the human world. So, when Chara had offered Frisk the 'choice' to erase the world or not, of course Frisk hadn't taken it. She lived in the world, after all… but in the end, that 'choice' had been as much an illusion as everything else. Chara had destroyed the world without Frisk's approval, no longer needing it, apparently.

And now here they were, just the two of them in an empty void, no one else around… and Chara was asking her 'partner' for one last favor. She wanted Frisk's SOUL. And honestly? Frisk was of a mind to give it to her. She didn't really think the sadistic young woman would enjoy it as much as she clearly believed she would. In fact, Frisk imagined it would reverse their positions quite nicely, leaving her feeling none of this grief and sorrow and regret she was feeling right now, while Chara would have to feel every ounce of the emotions she'd not been privy to for so long.

She's just about to agree to the other girl's terms, just about to say 'yes' and give Chara what she wants, almost eager to watch the sadist drown in it… but then a third voice calls out from the darkness… a male voice.

"Hello? Um, hey there ladies! You're the first people I've seen since… well, since everything went dark. Am I dreaming? How did I get here? Do either of you know?"

Slowly, both Frisk and Chara turn wide eyes upon the young man who's stumbled upon them in this endless, black, inky void that was once the world. They stare, mouths agape, eyes the size of saucers… both of them utterly baffled by his appearance. But that's about where similarities to their reactions end. At seeing this stranger here, Frisk feels the slightest bit of HOPE well up in her tattered SOUL.

Chara, on the other hand, sadistic soulless bitch that she is, snarls after the shock of his appearance passes, and then she's wielding their knife, HER knife… and making towards the young man with aggressive intent. He barely has time to widen his eyes and begin backing away in fear as she lunges at him with an almost feral shriek, as if personally outraged and affronted that ANYONE had managed to survive her attack on the world besides her and Frisk.

But in the end, he doesn't have to escape or get out of the way… because Frisk intercepts Chara before she can reach him, the young woman slamming into her counterpart, into the first human to fall into the Underground, tackling her to the ground. In the ensuing scuffle, Chara loses her grip on the Real Knife, the blade skipping away across the inky blackness as the two girls wrestle for a bit.

Though, to just call it wrestling is a bit… of an understatement. It's a full blown brawl, a catfight between two young women who might as well have been sisters. They were like two sides of the same coin, though not quite opposites. But then, that was what everyone always got wrong. Two sides of the same coin weren't exactly opposite… they shared a lot of similarities. The coin they were both on, for instance.

Regardless, there's hair pulling, kicking, punching, and even clawing… before finally, Frisk finds her hand closing around the handle of Chara's dropped knife, and without thinking, slashes at her. The other woman leans back, but not far enough to save her shirt, the Real Knife cutting right through it and causing her tits to bounce free. She's not exceedingly well-endowed, but she does have breasts, cute ones too, capped off with cute little nipples.

Chara's attempt to cover up her nakedness allows Frisk to capitalize even further on this sudden upper hand she has, and before the sadistic, soulless young woman knows what's happening, she's pinned by Frisk, who at this point, has a manic glint in her eye… and perhaps the beginning of a plan, floating about in her fractured mind.

"I'm sorry, Chara. I'm sorry I could never be the partner you really n-needed. But… b-but I understand now. I get why…"

For a moment, she trails off and looks over at the young man. If not for the fact that they were the only thing around in this endless void, she might have been impressed that he'd stuck around to watch them fight. Given the circumstances though, she'll settle for being impressed that he's somehow still alive at all. The fact that he even exists… it means he's special.

At seeing her look at him, he coughs delicately and clears his throat before filling in the blank.

"Uh, Adam."

Nodding to Adam, Frisk looks back down at Chara.

"I get why Adam survived now… why he found us here, like this, before I could give in to you."

Chara's struggling stops for a moment, her red eyes widening slightly at the meaning behind Frisk's words, at how close she'd gotten to getting what she wanted. Then she starts struggling even harder, but Frisk isn't letting her up.

"… It's our fault the world ended, Chara. Which makes it our responsibility to help fix it. That's why… we have to become mothers of a new world. We have to make up for what we've done… with Adam's help, of course."

"W-What?! Are you c-crazy?! Let me up, Frisk! He needs to die, just like all the others!"

But even as Chara sputters at Frisk's declaration, struggling all the harder but to no avail with Frisk's Determination making her so much stronger, the young woman spins herself around so she's no longer on top of Chara, but now pinning her arms beneath her knees, kneeling above Chara's head and continuing to keep her in place as she presents the squirming girl to the last living human male in existence.

"No… he needs to live. He's our last hope. Please, Adam… take us."

The young man just stares at the scene, wide-eyed. Though Frisk notes with excitement that his gaze is mostly fixated on Chara's exposed chest. Slowly, he approaches… but he still seems a little uncertain.

"Um… what was that you said about the world ending?"

Biting her lower lip, Frisk hangs her head in shame and regret, though this time around she doesn't let those two emotions erode her Determination one bit, continuing to keep the squirming Chara in place as she confesses things to Adam, explaining them in detail. She can tell he needs to know their story, if he's going to go along with it…

In the end, he drops to his knees and grabs Chara's kicking legs, forcing them apart and out of the way as he pushes up between them.

"N-No! Y-You bastard!"

Chara's rage is apocalyptic as Adam yanks down her shorts and panties, exposing her cunt, but given they already brought about the apocalypse and destroyed the world, it's also ultimately meaningless. There's nothing Chara can do, as Frisk pins her upper body down and Adam strips her lower half before pulling out his surprisingly tasty looking cock. His member has grown rock hard by now, and Frisk licks her lips in anticipation as he lifts Chara's legs up into the air by the ankles to keep her from kicking at him any longer… before leaning in and finally taking her.

It's an amazing sight, to be sure. Watching his cockhead slip against her cunt lips, and then a moment later drive home into her pussy. Adam groans loudly, and what he says surprises Frisk and embarrasses Chara immensely.

"F-Fuck… so tight and wet…"

Frisk hadn't thought she saw any wetness on the lips of Chara's cunt as she held the other young woman down, but then, the proof is in the pudding. Adam wouldn't be as far into Chara as he is right now this quickly if she weren't slick enough for him. As it is, he quickly settles into a rhythm, taking Chara in a mating press right then and there.

Meanwhile, Frisk gets a front row seat to the amazing spectacle. She never thought that it would come to this if she were being honest. She never thought THIS was how the sadistic, soulless young woman would be defeated. But staring down at Chara's face, she gets to watch as the anger is chased away and replaced by confusion, uncertainty, and the pleasure that's prompting the first two emotions.

"It feels good, doesn't it Chara? Adam feels good, inside of you."


But she sounds a lot less certain then before, and Frisk giggles girlishly down at her counterpart, at her sister survivor. Two sides of the same coin… which meant, Frisk knew what Chara was feeling, even if Chara didn't necessarily have the capacity to understand it any longer. Without a SOUL, Chara didn't really get LOVE… which meant Frisk had to help her.

Leaning down, the young woman who'd fallen into the Underground and proceeded to wipe out its inhabitants for fear of her life in the beginning, and ultimately a desire to get home by the end, kisses the girl who preyed upon her insecurities and turned her into a mass murderer. It's not just a kiss though… because Chara needs some help to see what Adam truly represents, what he's offering to them. This is their second chance, and Frisk will drag Chara into it, kicking and screaming if she has to.

As it is, the kicking and screaming, the struggling… all of it fades, as Frisk willingly shares her SOUL with Chara. Through their lip lock, she gives Chara some of that thing that Chara has so desperately longed for, just enough for Chara to feel the full breadth of what Adam is doing to her. As the young man fucks Chara even more, the girl comes to her first orgasm, crying out as she cums around his cock for the first time in her entire life.

As someone who'd been masturbating for years, Frisk feels bad for her sister. After all, Chara had never had a chance to grow up, for all that she was so, so much older than Frisk. That was okay though… Frisk was here to see her through to the other side now.

Eventually, Adam lets out a loud groan, unable to take it anymore. He's been fucking Chara in a mating press for a good half hour, and made her cum countless times, but in the end, everyone has their limits. He cums inside of the young woman, filling her with his seed as Frisk ends the lip lock with her 'sister' and pulls back, watching Chara's face as she ahegaos beautifully under an onslaught of emotions and feelings and happiness.

Perhaps the first happiness Chara had truly experienced in a long, long time. Certainly, it was showing in just how out of it the simple positive emotion had left her. As Adam pulls out of her, he looks to Frisk… just in time to see Frisk stripping, pulling her shirt off over her head and pulling down her own shorts as she gives him a cute smile, exposing her soft, petite, pliable figure to him.

"Me next. I-If we're going to start a whole new world, we have to use ALL of our resources."

Adam slowly nods… but then holds a hand out to her, rather than approaching. Blushing a little at being given the initiative, Frisk nevertheless walks over, only to blush even harder when the young man, handsome in her humble opinion, pulls her into his lap, holding her to his chest. She bites her lower lip and hides her face right until he runs a hand through her hair and lifts up her head, forcing her to look him in the eye.

He smiles at her and gives her a reassuring nod.

"You next."

Reaching under them both, Frisk takes hold of his c-cock, the same cock that he'd used to leave Chara in such a state and brings it to her entrance. Unlike Chara, Frisk is sopping wet both inside AND outside by now, and honestly, if she hadn't been needed to hold Chara down and then share her SOUL with her as she had, Frisk likely would have spent the entire time masturbating.

As it is, she's quite amped up by the time she's in the process of impaling herself on Adam's length. As his member disappears inside of her, Frisk's eyes go wide and her jaw drops open as she sees stars, orgasming quite explosively from the very start. Her entire body shives and shakes, but Adam is quick to wrap his arms around her, hugging her close even as he begins to thrust up into her from below.

Frisk bounces up and down on Adam's lap, riding him cowgirl, all while he runs his hands along her body for a time. It feels so, so good… better than she would have thought possible. As she rams her slender figure down onto his cock over and over again, Adam responds by kissing her, making Frisk's eyes widen in delight as his rough, masculine lips press into her softer, more pliable ones, and his tongue quickly invades her mouth, doing things to her that she never even thought possible.

He also plays with her small chest a little bit, and the fact that he didn't spend much time doing so with Chara makes Frisk a little happy. Perhaps she's a bit competitive with her 'sister'… but that's okay, right? Nothing wrong with a little competition. Regardless, Adam seems intent on making her turn with him special in a lot of ways, like he's rewarding her for being the one of the two world-ending girls who's actually trying to fix things.

In the end though, it all leads to the same place. He came inside of Chara after bringing her to multiple explosive orgasms… and he does the same with Frisk as well, much to her never-ending delight. He fills her with his seed, he pours his cum into her… and Frisk's SOUL cries out in ecstasy along with the actual young woman herself, her voice sounding out through the endless void that the world has become.

Adam's seed rests in both 'sisters' now as he carefully lays Frisk down next to Chara, not seeming sure what to do next. Truth be told, neither is Frisk… until suddenly, Chara's fingers twitch besides hers, and reach over to curl into hers. As the two young women hold hands, Frisk turns her head to look at Chara, and the permanently blushing girl looks right back at her with hearts in her eyes.

As if reading their minds… and maybe she was, to be honest, Frisk almost felt like she could feel both Adam and Chara in her mind, she'd certainly never felt closer to two other people in her entire life, Chara nods slowly.

"It's alright… I know what to do."


Chirping birds and golden rays of sunlight greet the trio as they slowly wake up in a comfortable bed, made all the more comfortable by being in one another's arms. More specifically, Adam is in the middle, with Chara and Frisk curled into either side of him as they cling to him quite happily. Instinctively, all three 'know' what the 'truth' of this new world is. Chara has ultimately restored the world with Frisk and Adam's help.

Chara's power, Frisk's SOUL, and Adam to act as the bridge between the two sister-wives. Because that was what they were now. They were both Adam's wives in this new world, married to the love of their life… and likely soon to be pregnant with his children, if they weren't already.

The Underground was likely back as well, and repopulated. Whether some of the inhabitants would remember dying or not, Frisk didn't know… but in the end, it wasn't really her problem anymore. She still felt bad for what she'd done… but this was about the best she could do in terms of making it right. And frankly, redeeming Chara and restoring the whole damn world was pretty fucking good.

In fact, Frisk deserved a reward! An impish little smile spreads across the slender young woman's lips, and she slips down beneath the covers, crawling her way down between Adam's legs as he grunts in mild surprise. Chara, the moment she realizes where Frisk is going, does the same, until both girls are under the bedding and kneeling on either side of their beloved husband's crotch.

Taking his cock in their small hands, the two young women grin at each other with an almost childish glee, both of them beyond happy with their new lot in life… and together, they lean forward and get to work taking care of their husband's morning wood using their hands, their mouths, and their tongues.


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