Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Belle’s Baron (Beauty and the Beast)

Belle’s Baron (Beauty and the Beast)

A/N: Belle's Baron was a commissioned one shot originally written back in December of 2021. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: Belle comes home one evening to find a bow-wrapped book waiting for her on her bed. Unable to help herself, she begins to read it. Big mistake.

Themes: Mind Control, Dom/Sub, Breeding


Another long, arduous day in the quaint hamlet that she found herself born in, that she found herself growing up in. For a bright, independent and altogether intelligent young woman like Belle, it was hard to abide by the expectations of her neighbors, of her countrymen. They all thought she should act more like they wanted her to act, and less like she truly was. But Belle wasn't the kind of girl who would just… roll over, marry the strongest, most handsome hunter in town, and pop out half a dozen babies for him.

She wanted more from life, and she just wished Gaston and the other villagers would understand that. No matter how many times Gaston tried to serenade her and woo her, he never truly took the time to try and get to know her, or even attempt to interact with her interests. Belle was sick and tired of having others' expectations forced upon her.

That said, she was quite surprised to walk into her room that evening after washing up and getting dressed in her nightgown, only to find something waiting for her on the bed. With her brunette locks down for the night, Belle blinks at the sight of a bow-wrapped book sat atop her blanket innocuously. Looking between the book and the door to her room for a moment, her brow furrows.

… Someone had snuck into her room and left the thick-looking tome there, but who? The only person Belle could even think of would be Gaston, but surely not. The beefy, hunky hunter was always going on about macho this and macho that. She wasn't even convinced he knew how to read, let alone the value of a good book!

But he was pretty much the only man in town trying to woo her, having chased all other would-be suitors away ages ago. Did this… did this mean that he was actually finally taking an interest in her interests? Had he finally gotten the wool out of his ears long enough to hear her when she spoke about the things she liked, rather than trying to impose what he thought she should like upon her?

Biting her lower lip, Belle walks on naked feet over to the bed, sitting down and picking up the book. Part of her just wanted to toss it away and never look at it. If it was from Gaston, Belle knew it would be little more than a ploy, a superficial attempt to get to her heart so he could get her on her back and pump some babies into her.

But at the same time… her father was getting on in the years, and Belle couldn't expect him to care for her for the rest of his life, now, could she? It was a small source of constant guilt for the young woman, the only reason she regretted not marrying yet. Of course, it wasn't enough to see her marry for anything less than love and the complete understanding and connection of her partner, but…

… It was enough guilt for her to at least give Gaston's gift a try. While she wasn't expecting anything, and she definitely wasn't going to let Gaston into her panties just because he'd given her one book, Belle would at least humor the hunky hunter and read the damn thing. It was the least she could do.

Pulling the bow away with that thought, Belle opens the book. She's half-expecting it to be a picture book, truth be told… but it's not. In fact, it's not actually from Gaston at all. Belle's assumptions couldn't be more off… and her decision to read the tome after all is about to cost her most dearly.

Blinking, Belle reads the first lines of the book… and then finds she simply can't stop. The words on the pages are packed in, but she finds herself consuming them at a voracious rate, almost as if they're forcing themselves into her brain faster than she normally would have read them. She CAN speedread, but given how few books she has access to, Belle usually prefers to take her time and soak up every last word of a text.

Well, she's soaking up these words to be sure. The magical, cursed tome, for that's what it is, refuses to let its prey do anything less, now that it has her ensnared. Belle sits there on her bed, lips slightly parted, tongue pushed out of her mouth ever so slightly, and she reads. She reads and reads… and reads. As she does so, her mind, her beautifully brilliant mind with an independent streak a league long, is altered irrevocably by the magic in the tome.

Some things are lost to her, but other things… other things are made so clear to the beautiful brunette that she finds herself wondering how she never realized them before. She'd been lost before reading this book, but as she turns the pages and soaks up more and more of the magical grimoire, she finds that she's finally been found. Found by the most wonderful man in all of existence.

As her mind is altered, so to is her body. By the time Belle finishes the book, her nightgown is shredded by her new figure. Her tits have ballooned in size, her hips are wider than ever before, and her cutesy, small town vibe has been completely replaced by that of a buxom tavern wench, or perhaps a sultry, seductive lord's mistress.

She has, without a doubt, outgrown her clothing, and as she stands up, her reflection is mirrored in her window for a moment, the pink hearts filling her once brown eyes visible there. After a beat of looking out the window, the naked, voluptuous young woman turns and leaves the house, walking away from her abode, away from her village, and into the woods… never to be seen again.


As the transformed Belle, clad in only the smallest of tatters of her shredded nightgown, walks through the forest barefoot, she is not afraid. Nothing and no one disturbs her, and even her bare feet are not harmed by the stray roots and twigs in her path. Her body, perfectly re-sculpted and transformed, is now blemish-free… and will remain blemish-free for the rest of her life, part of the magic that transformed her in the first place.

Finally, a castle can be seen in the distance. Not the castle that's closest to Belle's village, where a monster is rumored to roam the halls. No, this castle is much further off, signaling that the transformed Belle has been walking for hours and hours by the time it comes into sight. Indeed, the sun is just beginning to peak over the horizon as she reaches a small clearing next to said castle, where a runic circle is carved into the dirt.

Stepping into the midst of it with nary a thought of what she's lost going through her pretty head, Belle stares up at the castle almost reverently with her new heart-shaped eyes, pillowy lips parting as she speaks but one word.


It's all she needs to say. The magical circle beneath her feet flares up, and she's teleported into the master bedroom a moment later. There, seated at a small table, is a man that Belle immediately recognizes in two ways. One way is the simplest… this is her Master, the man who she belongs to now, the man who owns her mind, body, and soul. She is his property, and Belle knows this with every fiber of her being.

The other way she knows him… explains a lot to the fraying, disintegrating remains of Belle's former personality. All this time, she's fought, ineffectually of course, against the changes being forced upon her mind. But the more she fought, the more she lost, and by the time she makes it to her ultimate destination, only a small fragment of the former Belle remains.

Still, its enough for her to recognize the man before her as Baron von Heimler. A Noble Lord, he'd passed through her village perhaps two weeks ago. They'd talked very briefly, with him seemingly interested in the book she was reading. Belle had been guarded, assuming he was just after her for her looks, but when he'd finally left a day later, he'd given her a new book and promised to send more.

She'd completely forgotten about the interaction until now, and that final fragment of the old Belle kicks herself for not realizing who the mysterious tome was from in the first place, even as she finally accepts the sweet, sweet emptiness of oblivion.

With the last fragment of the old Belle gone, the new Belle's wide, beaming smile becomes all that more genuine as Baron von Heimler rises from his chair and approaches her, a smile of his own on his face.

"Ah, you've finally arrived, pet. Well, get to work. I've been waiting for you all night long, after all."

Without hesitating, Belle drops into an incredibly slutty crouch right before her Master, her tits jiggling and swinging as she does so, her thicc thighs bulging as her legs splay apart and bend at the knee. Moving quickly, the transformed brunette frees her Master's cock from its confines and quickly sucks it into her mouth, wasting no time in suctioning down as hard as she possibly can, making an incredibly lewd expression as she stares up at him with hearts in her eyes.

In return, the Baron smiles as he places a hand through her lush brown locks, even her hair having been transformed by the cursed grimoire he'd sent her, to be more voluminous, to give him more to… hold onto.

"That's it, girl. You're finally right where you belong… serving your betters."

He's far from the affable, kindly man that the old Belle met weeks before. But the new Belle doesn't mind. Her Master can talk down to her all he likes, can treat her like the trash she is. Her one purpose is to satisfy his every need, his every desire. Something she does to the best of her abilities, bobbing up and down on his cock and taking him down her throat without so much as a gag as he continues talking.

"The moment I met you, I knew your respect, what little there was, was feigned. You did not know your place. You had not accepted that no matter your beauty, all you would ever be was a peasant. I asked around town after you, and they all said you were destined to be their famed hunter Gaston's bride. Even he was sure he would one day seduce you."

The Baron smirks, even as he buries his cock in Belle's throat, the transformed brunette taking it with ease, barely even gurgling as her tongue swirls around his dick, her lips sucking hard at the base of his length. She doesn't choke or gag… no, she handles his entirely cock down her esophagus and gullet with utmost aplomb, her throat convulsing as she continuously swallows his cock meat like the good little slut she's become.

"But I knew just from interacting with you that you would have to be dragged and kicking to this Gaston's marital bed. He would break you in eventually, I'm sure, but where was the fun in that, when I could turn your love of books against you and take you for myself? It's not easy, making women as beautiful as you, my dear. You need a proper base first, a proper start one could say. For a peasant, you were comely enough to be that base."

It fills Belle's heart with pride, knowing she could be so useful to her new Master. It fills her with joy, knowing that she caught her Master's eye and he decided to put her in her place himself. While the new Belle is sure she would have been content with Gaston, since such silly things as independent thought and her previous love for reading have been stripped from her, she knows she can only TRULY be happy as her Master's pet, as his wanton, lewd plaything.

A moment later, and the Baron grunts as he begins to cum. Without missing a beat, Belle catches and collects every last drop of his load in her mouth, her cheeks ultimately expanding outward on either side before he's finally done filling her waiting maw with jizz. As he pulls out of her lips, they seal shut behind him for a moment before she reworks the load of seed enough that she's able to open up and show him his cum lolled out on her tongue.

Smiling down at her, her Master nods his approval.

"Good girl. You may swallow now."

Only now that she has permission does Belle pull her tongue back inside and swallow down the seed of her Master, gulping it down almost reverently as she continues to stare up at the Baron with hearts in her eyes, completely and utterly submissive to his presence, wholly his belonging in every possible way.

"Of course, just because you're obedient now doesn't excuse your disrespect and willfulness from before, now does it pet?"

With her mouth finally free, Belle happily answers him.

"No, Master. Please, punish this worthless sow for her disrespect."

And so, the Baron snaps his fingers and gestures for her to rise. Belle does so, only to be forcibly manhandled over to the chair, pushed into it so she's kneeling on the cushion and her tits and face as pressed up into the back of it. Her ass cheeks, fuller and fatter and more pillowy than they ever were before, are spread apart unceremoniously as the Baron plies her back door with his cock.

"Well… if I must."

His amusement fills his tone, even as he thrusts into her unprepared, virgin asshole. Belle squeals into the back of the high back chair in front of her, clinging to it for dear life as her Master begins to fuck her ass with all his might. It hurts, of course… but that doesn't stop her from praising him with all of her heart, meaning every single word that spills forth from her mouth.

"Yes, Master! Thank you for fucking my ass! Thank you for teaching me this lesson! Please fuck me harder, Master! Make it hurt! I deserve nothing less!"

Grunting, the Baron grabs her ass cheeks even harder for a moment, leaning in close, his hot breath ghosting across the side of her head.

"That's right, you little bookworm bitch. You know where you belong. You know who you belong to now, don't you?"

"Nnngh, yes Master! I belong to you, sir! I'm sorry for being such a willful, independent cunt! I should have dropped to my knees and begged to worship your cock the moment we met, Master!"

His cock surges at that, as she sings his praises while happily denigrating herself. Chuckling darkly, her Master rears back a hand and brings it down hard on her plush derriere, giving her ass a hard swat as he continues to fuck her back door for all he's worth.




Belle squeals and shrieks from the impacts, but also pushes back with her hips as he ravishes her to his heart's content. Having her Master's big fat cock buried in her ass, as painful as it might be, is amazing as well. She's never felt fuller, never felt happier. She's serving her Master, and so long as the Baron is happy, that's all that matters.

As he pulls free of her creampied ass, her Master's hand comes up and caresses her dripping, sopping wet pussy lips, so far untouched until this point.

"I imagine you wish for me to fuck you here next, don't you dear Belle?"

Shivering, Belle nods her head enthusiastically.

"Y-Yes Master! It would give me the greatest joy in the whole wide world to sacrifice my virginity to your greatness!"

Smirking, the Baron steps back from her rather than impaling her cunt right then and there. Walking over to the bed, he sits down and pats his lap, his cock mostly soft.

"Prove it, pet. Show me how much you want it."

Getting up off of the chair and walking over on unsteady legs, Belle bites her lower lip, considering how to best do so. Her Master gave her this brand new body, so she should obviously use it… but he already had her mouth and her ass and… an idea comes to mind, one that slithers its way into her thoughts. She immediately recognizes that it comes from her Master, that he's pushing the thought into her malleable mind from his own.

Without hesitation, Belle follows the suggestion, for that's what it is. But it's also a test, because if she didn't follow the suggestion, he would know she was still disrespectful and willful, two things she was most certainly NOT anymore. Spinning around, the brunette peasant girl with the body of a buxom tavern wench proceeds to drop her newly pillowed booty into her Master's lap.

Hands on her knees, Belle captures his half-hard cock between her ass cheeks and quickly begins to jiggle them up and down, bouncing her ass in his lap, knowing that this was what he wanted and taking cues from her Master on what to do. She shakes her ass hard and fast, moaning as she does so. The incredibly lewd maneuver… it's not something the old Belle would ever have done. Twerking her ass like this, it's something the old Belle would have balked at, and likely been entirely incapable of doing with any sort of skill.

Not so for the new Belle. Her body was made for this, and as she shakes her ass for him, her Master's cock grows hard once more, even as his hands come down on her ass cheeks and give them another kneading. After a few more moments, her Master abruptly pulls her up and then down onto his cock, Belle's squeak filling the air as she's abruptly impaled on his dick, her virgin cunny drooling and spreading nice and wide for him.

Suddenly, she's riding him and he's pulling her back against his chest as she cries out, tossing her head back along his shoulder. Her hands fall to the bed side on either side of him, and she keeps on bouncing as best she can, even as her pussy walls clench and squeeze him so very hard. She cums again and again for him, like her body was made for this… which to be fair, it was.

"Yes, Master! Your big fat cock is inside of my hungering little twat! I want it! I want you to ravage me with your thick meat pillar! I want you to plunder my depths with your huge shaft! Your monstrous member is spreading me open, splitting me in half! I love it! I love it so much!"

Her verbose praise draws a chuckle from the Baron, even as he reaches around to her front and grabs and squeezes her huge tits, treating them like his own personal pillows to knead and grope to his heart's content.

"You, my dear, have far too much of a vocabulary for your new purpose… but I don't mind it all that much. So long as it's used to praise me."

Moaning wantonly, Belle's eyes roll back in her head, her tongue lolling out of her mouth. Her face is etched in ecstasy, her expression one of pure, unadulterated bliss. She spasms and shakes, climaxing upon his cock time and time again until finally, her Master abruptly swings them both around.

By the time he's done repositioning them, Belle is on her back with her legs folded up on either side of her massive chest. Her Master is above her, his cock plunging even deeper into her than ever before as he gropes and squeezes her tits, kissing her heatedly and dominating her mouth with his tongue. Belle's own tongue submits to his as she moans into his lips, eyes rolling around in her skull from the impromptu makeout session.

It feels so good to finally be able to let go of all those silly thoughts she'd had in her head all her life. To finally be taken, tamed, and bred by a man like the Baron, like her Master… it was a dream come true. Except, he hadn't bred her yet, had he?

Almost like he's reading her mind, her Master eventually pulls back from the lip lock, still fucking her as his eyes twinkle and his lips curl into a wicked smirk.

"You want me to knock you up, don't you pet? You want me to breed you, to truly make you my woman by pumping a few babies into you. Well then… beg."

"Please Master, please knock up this worthless sow! Please give her life some value by allowing her to carry your august seed inside of her! Please, use me as an incubator for your spawn! Make me into your broodmare, knock me up a dozen times if it pleases you, my Master! Just please, BREED ME!"

With a lustful growl, the Baron plunges forward into her hard and fast a handful of times more before she feels it… his white hot seed, the third load he's delivered, spilling into her womb and filling her to the absolute brim. There's no doubt in Belle's much emptier head… he's knocked her up then and there. She doesn't believe for a second that her Master could ever fail at anything.

And so, she smiles, and clings to him as he goes right back to kissing her, their bodies locked together in a passionate embrace. Everything is exactly as it should be. She's finally found her place in this world.


"Mama, mama, mama! When is the baby coming out?"

Smiling a beatific smile down at her darling children, brother and sister twins who take after her and her Master each in their own ways, a heavily pregnant Belle's eyes twinkle as she turns away from the stove, she's working at in the kitchen of their winter vacation home.

"Soon, darlings. Quite soon indeed. That's why we're up here after all, to prepare for the baby's arrival. Your father's magic will make sure I give birth without complications, just like it did with the two of you."

Indeed, while Baron von Heimler's Castle was fully staffed in every way, he tended to not be very trusting of anyone except for himself and his own capabilities. As such, whenever Belle was about to give birth, he preferred to take her up into the mountains, to a fully stocked cozy abode where they could make sure there weren't any complications.

As such, Belle was currently working to make dinner in the kitchen of said cozy abode, dressed in nothing more than a simple yellow apron, the rest of her body on full display along with a heavily pregnant children, of course, see her in a dress thanks to their father's magic. Her words cause mulish looks to appear on the twins' faces, as they share a glance before pouting mightily.

"But we wanna play with the baby now!"

They take after their father in this way, and Belle shudders, the need to obey almost overtaking her for a moment. But as much as they share the Baron's magical blood, they are NOT her Master. Luckily, the problem is taken care of a moment later by a stern voice.

"You will both have to wait. Some things cannot be rushed, no matter how much you might want them to be. Now, go and set the table for dinner."

At having their father walk up behind them, the twins freeze and then turn as one to bow at the waist to the Baron.

"Y-Yes papa."

Hurriedly, they leave the room to go and set the dining table. Meanwhile, Belle smiles as her Master approaches her with a lustful look in his eyes. As soon as the children are away, he's turning her back to the stove, freeing his cock from its confines, and hiking up her dress so he can slide right into her warm, wet, clenching snatch from behind. Belle moans as her Master fucks her quickly, taking no time in plowing her while she finishes up dinner.

Its her duty to bring her Master happiness after all… and she'll gladly do so for the rest of her days.


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