Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Career Change (My Hero Academia)

Career Change (My Hero Academia)


Themes: Mind Break, Bad End, Master/Slave

Summary: Momo Yaoyorozu's first investigation as an independent Pro Hero after graduating from UA goes really well... just not for her.


“Hey! New Girl! Time to show me what you’re made of!”
Momo Yaoyorozu stiffens in place, having just been in the process of bending over to pick up some discarded drinks to set on her tray and take to the kitchen. While it was entirely possible that it wasn’t her who was being spoken to… she knew even before she straightened up and turned around that she wasn’t going to be that lucky.
The owner of the strip club that the young Pro Hero had infiltrated is staring right at her, a smirk on his lips as his eyes glow briefly upon the two of them making eye contact. Momo shivers as she feels a strange, completely alien sensation crawl up and down her spine, making her breasts jiggle in the skimpy, slutty schoolgirl uniform she’s currently wearing.
This whole investigation was probably a bad idea if she were being honest. She was barely out of U.A., and instead of signing on with a Hero Agency or anything like that, Momo had decided to go it alone. Oh sure, she was still in touch with some of her fellow classmates… but ultimately, she’d wanted to make a name for herself on her own merits. That meant not taking any of the offers from established Pro Heroes who wanted her as their sidekick. It also meant cutting herself off from the Yaoyorozu Family’s significant resources.
She was on her own… and at first Momo had to admit, it was exhilarating. For the first time in her life, she didn’t have a safety net. No golden parachute to pull her out of danger or help her with her work. She had to do everything herself. That was good… that was the way it SHOULD be, Momo felt.
… But then her first investigation had gotten serious. It’d started with a missing girl and evolved into something way bigger than that. There was something dangerous going on at this club, she was pretty sure. Though her initial investigation hadn’t turned up any criminal activity by the strip club’s owner himself.
In fact, the man’s Quirk was perfectly harmless… and very well-suited for the line of work he’d found himself in, she supposed. Essentially, the strip club owner’s Quirk made those employed by him dance better. That was it. Maybe it was a little weird, but then Quirks were always weird like that, weren’t they?
And yeah, sure… the owner could have gone into a number of other career paths that were not only less crass but maybe even more fulfilling. He’d chosen to purchase this strip club and use his Quirk to become the hottest game in town instead. Momo tried not to judge, she really did… she understood that strip clubs were legal and it was none of her business what lonely men did with their money. And yet… she couldn’t lie, she was very uncomfortable.
Unfortunately, her chickens have come home to roost. Her target, the actual criminal that Momo’s investigation had ultimately led her to, was a known regular of this strip club. He showed up practically every night. With that knowledge, Momo had known her only choice was to infiltrate the club… by getting hired on to work there.
Okay so maybe it wasn’t her only choice, but all of her other choices involved reaching out to others for help. And that was something that Momo Yaoyorozu refused to do. She was a grown-ass woman now, and a Pro Hero besides. She could do this.
… She so couldn’t do this. As Momo sets aside her drink tray and climbs on stage, nervousness runs through every fiber of her body. Even knowing that the owner has used his Quirk on her doesn’t necessarily inspire confidence in the young heroine. Sure, his Quirk made his employees dance better… but what if there was no dancing skill to begin with?
Alas, her initial hope of managing to get close to her target and take him down over the past few days working as a server was dead in the water. She’d suffered numerous ass grabs and countless other indignities, and yet she hadn’t ever managed to even get within striking distance of the man she was actually here for.
Maybe… maybe this was what Momo needed? Maybe this was what would finally catch his eye?
“Give it up for the New Girl, everybody! It’s her first dance, so go easy on her~”
The owner’s jeering voice comes over the strip club’s speakers, followed by the start of a new song while everyone in the club laughs… and spins around to zero in on her. For a moment, Momo just stands there next to the poll in her slutty schoolgirl uniform, frozen like a deer in headlights. And then… then something rather magical happens. The music starts to really get going… and against all odds, so does Momo.
She finds her body twitching to the bumping club music and seeing what feels like a hundred blank faces staring at her expectantly, she lets herself go. The twitching turns into full-blown swaying… and then jiggling… and suddenly, Momo’s hand is slapped down on the stripper pole next to her.
Belatedly, the young heroine remembers to plaster a smile on her face as she begins to strut around the pole and then starts to pole dance in earnest. She’s never done anything like this before, not even as a lark. And yet… and yet, the owner’s Quirk flows through her. It invigorates and emboldens her. Before she knows it, she’s swinging and dancing on the stripper pole like she was born to it. Like this was her real job, not the Pro Hero stuff.
Of course, it should be said… while pole dancing and stripping DO go hand in hand, they are not one and the same. Plenty of pole dancers do it for the love of the sport, not because they’re strippers. As such, while Momo is very much getting into the dancing due to her employer’s Quirk… she forgot the key component.
“Oi! New Bitch! Start taking shit off, for fuck’s sake!”
“Damn right! We came here to watch you strip, cunt!”
“Lose the top and maybe you’ll actually get some tips you silly little slut!”
“Bahaha, girls really got her head in the clouds, hasn’t she?”
As the customers’ jeering taunts finally penetrate into Momo’s mind, she goes bright red. She got so caught up in dancing she forgot she was supposed to be stripping. Not that she WANTED to strip naked in front of a bunch of strangers. Unfortunately, as she comes around the pole, she makes eye contact with the owner… and while he’s not currently shouting at her like all of his customers, he IS glaring at her from across the club, growing angrier and angrier that she’s upsetting his clientele.
Before she can second guess herself, Momo reaches down… and pulls open the knot that her slutty schoolgirl blouse is tied up in. The garment comes off her body with ease and grace now that she’s actually starting to strip, leaving her in just a lacy red bra, plaid skirt, and panties.
The crowd goes wild at that, howling in pleasure and Momo, to her surprise, feels… a little excited over it. Only a little. She also feels disgust, naturally, over being treated like an object by all of these men. Even still, she keeps dancing and keeps stripping. She’s grateful for the pasties provided by the club now, so that at least her nipples remain covered when she strips out of her bra. However, nothing covers her crotch when she finally loses the panties, making the crowd go wild at the sight of her freshly shaved, nubile young cunt.
The song finally comes to an end after that, with Momo covered in sweat and breathing heavily as she leans back against the pole, completely naked. She… she felt like she’d just done an hours-long workout truth be told. It had been… incredible. But there was also the fact that… well, she’d just pole danced and stripped naked in front of a bunch of strangers. She was pretty sure she’d never felt more humiliated in her life.
And was it even worth it? She needed to-
“Oi, New Girl. A VIP is asking for you.”
Momo’s eyes snap open and over to one of the club’s bouncers. Briefly, she wonders why she even bothered coming up with a cover identity for this infiltration when no one ever used it. She was just ‘New Girl’ to all of them. But that thought is quickly set aside when the bouncer throws his head over to the VIP section… and her eyes follow the movement to her smiling target, who lifts a glass in her direction.
… Yes! Fucking finally!
“B-Be right there!”
A few minutes later and Momo has put back on her panties and bra but not the rest of her ensemble. She finds herself sitting in her target’s lap in a private booth in the back of the VIP section, a big grin on his admittedly handsome face as he keeps his hand on her waist in accordance with club rules.
Blushing a fair bit, Momo nevertheless focuses on the matter at hand… finding out what this criminal had done with all those missing girls. She was going to get to the bottom of this once and for all, and then turn him over to the police. Her first successful investigation and arrest… a sterling start to her Pro Hero career.
… Though she might leave out everything she had to do to make it happen, if possible.
“You were amazing up there, sweetie. Could scarcely believe that this was your first night dancing. But then, the owner of this place always seems to know how to pick em. Every one of his dancers is a natural from the very start.”
Momo affects a ‘drunk’ little giggle, patting her target’s chest. She has to play her part perfectly, or else she might get found out.
“Oh, you’re too kind honey. Honestly, it just felt… mm, right. Being up there on that pole. Taking it all off for YOUR pleasure.”
He grins at that, definitely liking how she focuses on him instead of the rest of her audience.
“Oh? My pleasure? Heh, you were thinking about me the entire time, is that it? But we’ve never even met before…”
Momo feels a small moment of panic, worried that she’s blowing her cover. But no… his tone is teasing, not suspicious. He’s just messing with her. It’s all part of the game between a stripper and a high-class client, really. She doesn’t have to worry so long as she stays in character.
“Well… I guess I’ve noticed you around a lot. I’ve only been here a week now and I’ve seen you every day. You must be someone special, right? Someone… important~”
She runs a hand down his chest again at that, while batting her eyelashes flirtatiously. She needed to get him talking about himself. The more he told her, the more clues she would have to continue her investigation. Hopefully, ‘continuing her investigation’ would involve more traditional hero work, such as checking out warehouses or what not. If this was the last time she had to pretend to be a stripper, Momo would be happy.
… Unfortunately, her target doesn’t take the bait. In fact, he just smiles and then leans in close, going for her neck. Momo gasps as he kisses her neck, suckling at it like he’s intent on giving her a hickey. Then… then she feels it. Down below. To be fair, she’s been sitting on his lap for a few minutes now so it’s undeniably her fault… but even still, that’s a fucking erection.
Immediately, Momo tries to pull away, pushing on his chest.
“I-I’m sorry sir, but I’m not allowed to-!”
She was about to say she wasn’t allowed to engage in any fully physical contact with customers. It was the rules of the club after all, based on the laws of the region. You could look but you couldn’t touch. Technically just sitting in his lap was breaking that rule, but Momo was intent on getting in good with him.
However, before the young heroine can finish her sentence… her attempt at getting off of him proves to be her undoing. As she tries to rise, she shifts on his growing bulge and his erection slips right up against her cunt. Even with his pants and her panties in the way, Momo cums immediately, her eyes widening and then rolling back in her head as she orgasms on the spot with a low keening cry.
Unbeknownst to the aspiring Pro Hero, her target also had a Quirk. That much she could have guessed… but what she didn’t know was what his Quirk DID. If she had, maybe she wouldn’t have wound up in this position in the first place. For you see… her target’s Quirk allowed him to emit a pheromone that increased sexual libido, built up arousal, and reduced inhibitions in the opposite sex.
Basically… she never had a chance.
Before Momo can even finish recovering from that first orgasm, his hand is down the front of her panties and his fingers are in her cunt. Momo squeals into his ear as he finger blasts her to completion in a matter of moments, making her cum with his expert digits like… like he knows every inch of her body already. Like she’s nothing but an instrument that he has thousands of hours of practice with.
He does it again too, and then again and again. Only after the fifth orgasm does the handsome man pull his wet fingers out of her cunt and push her off of his lap onto her knees. Momo, dazed and confused, can only sway back and forth for a few moments until suddenly… cock.
The young heroine’s eyes affix upon the cock suddenly in front of her. He’s taken his dick out and Momo KNOWS she should be disgusted, but instead she’s transfixed. Mesmerized. Obsessed. Every inch of his member twitches and throbs before her, just waiting for… for…
“You know what to do with this, bitch. I can see it in your eyes. Go ahead. Suck me off.”
Momo doesn’t need to be told twice. It’s rather embarrassing, but she leans forward and takes him in her mouth all the same without any further prodding. Her lips stretch along his girthy length and her tongue is pressed flat by his size as inch after inch of his shaft disappears into her gaping maw.
It’s the best thing she’s ever tasted. Momo’s eyes damn near roll back in her head right then and there as she gurgles on his cock. She almost forgets that he’s her target, that she’s here for an investigation. It’s that fucking good. Bobbing up and down on his cock, she sucks him like there’s no tomorrow… while he casually reaches out and grabs her by her hair, sliding her ponytail through his fingers.
“Mm… that’s a good girl. That’s a good little cock-sucking slut. Keep it up. Don’t you dare stop.”
Momo had no intention of stopping, even with his disparaging language. She honestly can’t get enough of his dick. It feels so good, deep throating his cock even as she gags and chokes on his member.
“Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!”
“Heh… eager little beaver, aren’t you? But slow and steady is fine too. Take out those tits of yours and put them to work, slut. You’ve got such a fine-ass pair of milk jugs… would be a shame not to enjoy them too.”
O-Oh… yes! Yes, he was right! Delirious at this point, Momo yanks her bra down, letting her sweater puppies bounce free. Then, pulling back so that just the tip of his fat cock is in her mouth, Momo leans forward, wrapping her chest around his girthy, throbbing length.
Immediately, she cums. The pulsing heat of his cock buried in her cleavage sets her over the edge and brings her to yet another orgasm. Momo’s eyes roll back in her head this time as her muffled moans reverberate through his dick. In response, her handsome, big dicked target groans in appreciation, before finally firming his grip up on her ponytail.
“Here it comes. Swallow it all, slut.”
And swallow it she does. She drinks every last drop and loves every last moment of it. His seed is as delicious as his cock and Momo finds herself shuddering in orgasmic bliss, even as he finishes draining his balls into her stomach and then yanks her off of his cock and pulls her up to her feet.
She only really starts to come back to herself when he’s pushing her onto her back on the booth’s table, and forcibly spreading her legs. He doesn’t even bother pulling off her panties, he just tugs them to the side and places his cock against her sopping, dripping, drooling pussy lips as Momo blinks rapidly, looking down at where they’re about to be joined.
“W-Wait. I-!”
But her protests fall on deaf ears as he thrusts into her, making Momo cry out as she finds herself filled to the brim with his cock. As his throbbing, meaty pole fills her pussy, the young heroine can do nothing but arch her back and moan up a storm, cumming explosively with what feels like every thrust he makes inside of her.
Laughing at her, the target reaches out and grabs her by her tits, groping and squeezing them and driving Momo even more wild as he fucks her atop the table.
“Wait? Why would I wait? I’ve got such a tasty piece of ass right in front of me. My own personal fuck toy to use to my heart’s content. You were MADE for this darling. You were made to be FUCKED.”
No… no, she was made to be a hero… r-right? Momo’s head is swimming and the pleasure damn near overwhelming as she moans and groans under him. The sound of flesh slapping against flesh and the squelching of his cock going in and out of her gushing quim fills her ears. Was this… was this all she was made for? Was this all she was meant to be?
Growling, he leans in close as he continues to maul her tits, reddening them and hardening her nipples all the while.
“Tell me what you want, bitch. Beg for it.”
Mewling, Momo can’t stop herself. His Quirk has completely ruined her. She’s overwhelmed… and more than that, she’s loving being dominated by his big fat cock.
“Pleeeease… please m-more. Fuck me… fuck me h-harder…”
He obliges, pounding into her so fast and so hard that Momo damn near whites out for a moment. By the time she recovers from the latest string of unrelenting, unstoppable orgasms, the man on top of her lets out a groan… and proceeds to fill her with his second load, pumping a hot and thick creampie right into her womb. Momo’s eyes widen… and then roll back in her head again as the experience of being so thoroughly stuffed with cum causes the young heroine to orgasm like no other.
Then he pulls out. She feels the absence of his cock keenly, even as he flips her over onto her front and leaves her bent over the table. His fingers are suddenly at her asshole, beginning to poke and prod and tease at it. For a moment, Momo freezes… she’s never had anything back there before. And yet, she’s unbelievably sensitive and horrendously turned on right now.
If just his fingers pushing into her ass feel this good, how would his cock feel. Mewling, Momo reaches back with both hands and rather than pushing him away, she spreads her ass cheeks wide.
“Please… please fuck my ass. I need it. God, I need your big fat cock in my tight little virgin asshole!”
She’s never spoken like this before. And yet, even as the crass words leave her mouth, they feel right. What DOESN’T feel right is when he suddenly pulls away from her, his hands leaving her body, leaving her anus. Looking back over her shoulder at him, Momo blinks when she sees him checking his watch.
“… Mm, should probably wrap this up actually. I’ve gotta get going. Oh, and you should probably know, I’ll be out of town for the next few weeks… in case you were hoping to see me tomorrow.”
His eyes glitter as he nonchalantly delivers this news. Momo’s entire body freezes, her own eyes widening in horror. He… he wasn’t going to be here tomorrow? O-Or the next day?
“W-Wait… please… j-just fuck my ass before you go. Or… or stay. Stay and use me however much you want.”
She sounds so pathetic and pitiful, even to her own ears. She sounds… broken. And yet, she wants it. She wants him. More than anything, she wants his cock. Momo will do anything to get fucked some more at this point. It doesn’t matter that he was the target of her investigation. Not anymore. None of that hero nonsense matters to the delirious, mind broken slut at this point.
Which is why it’s so shocking when he laughs at her.
“Why would I postpone my business for you, bitch? Some cunt trying to play Pro Hero… do you think I don’t know who you are, Creati?”
Momo’s eyes widen all over again at that. He… he knew who she was? Reaching out, the man grabs her by her hair and yanks her up, chuckling softly.
“I’m not an idiot, bitch. I knew the moment you were snooping into my affairs. I’m the reason you’re even here… I let you find out just enough so that we could have this meeting. Now you know what happened to all of those women, don’t you? They got a taste of me… and they abandoned their old lives. Willingly. Each and every one of them dropped their careers, their families, their lives… to be whatever the fuck I wanted them to be.”
His arrogant tone washes over Momo as she stares up at him, processing what he’s saying slowly but surely. Her mind is fogged over with lust and she’s unbelievably cum drunk, but… she understands. The women… they left their old lives behind voluntarily. They weren’t kidnapped. They disappeared because… because their families and loved ones wouldn’t have understood.
Momo understands all too well. Those women… she was just like them.
“I-I’ll quit!”
He raises an eyebrow at that, and Momo blushes.
“I’ll quit being a Pro Hero! I’ll be a full-time stripper from now on! If… if that’s what you want from me…”
She’s not sure why she offered the stripper bit… but to her surprise, it works. His eyes light up and he grins wickedly as he pulls her to her feet and spins her around. Suddenly, Momo finds herself in his lap again, this time straddling his crotch and laid back against his chest as his mammoth-sized member presses up into her poor, tight, virgin asshole from down below.
Gasping, panting as it pushes into her inch by inch, Momo can only moan as she tosses her head back on his shoulder, turning to find herself staring into his eyes.
“Yeah, bitch? You going to give up all of that heroism nonsense and become this club’s latest primetime attraction? Is that what you’ll do for me?”
Momo groans, nodding her head eagerly as more and more of his cock disappears into her bowels.
“… Then it’s a deal.”
They seal their deal with a kiss, making Momo cum yet again. Her first anal orgasm at the hands of this unbelievably wonderful man, his cock buried in her ass and his tongue in her mouth as they swap spit. They makeout for what feels like an eternity before he starts to properly bounce her on his dick, fucking her anally and introducing Momo to the pleasure of getting her tasty ass pounded. It’s so good… just as good as getting fucked was, truth be told.
Delirious with pleasure, she almost doesn’t hear his next command, but it manages to cut through the haze like nothing else all the same.
“You’ve got that Creation Quirk, don’t you? Make me a dildo bitch. Make it in the image of my cock.”
Shuddering at the thought of using her Quirk for such salacious things, Momo nevertheless does as she’s told, producing a life-like replica of his cock from her naked flesh. Once it’s popped free of her, he grabs hold of it by the base… and proceeds to promptly shove it up her creampied cunt, making Momo gurgle and squeal in appreciation.
His arm muscles bulge as he fucks her cunt with the dildo and fucks her ass with his real cock. The double penetration leaves Momo shuddering, spasming, and cumming for him again and again and again. She’s not a Pro Hero anymore. She’s barely even a human being. In the end, she’s willingly reduced herself to nothing but a sex-toy producing fuck doll for this man… for her Master.
The word reverberates through Momo’s shattered mind and the broken young heroine gurgles as she lets herself admit the truth.
“Love… love you… love your cock… love your everything… please Master… moooore~”
Her new Master pauses for a moment at that, before letting out a bark of laughter.
“Fuck bitch. You were made to be a man’s property, weren’t you?”
Momo can’t help but agree, though only with a nod of her head as she finds it impossible to speak when he redoubles his efforts, pounding her two holes harder and harder. Until finally, her ass milks him of his load and he cums inside of her, filling her bowels with his seed while Momo climaxes one final time along with him.
Her entire body spasms and shakes, until her Master grunts and pushes her forward off of him, leaving her face down on the table again for a moment as her ass pours out his jizz.
“… Get over here and clean me off, slut. Your ‘Master’ commands it.”
Momo mewls and happily follows the order, turning around and sucking his dick clean. This was where she belonged. This was who she was now. Momo Yaoyorozu was dead. Momo the Stripper was born.
“How’s she doing, bro?”
Standing in his office overlooking the club floor, the strip club’s owner smirks as he holds a phone to his ear.
“Oh, she’s doing great.”
The owner stares down at the stage where his newest girl shakes her thang so very enthusiastically in front of the crowd. To think the bitch had been a Pro Hero just a few weeks ago… but then, that was just par for the course. His brother had an amazing Quirk, while his Quirk was pretty simple. That was okay though, because they made a great team.
“Good, glad to hear it. I figure you’ll have her for another couple of months before we have to move her on. For the time being, none of her friends or family are suspicious yet… but that can’t last forever, even with her helping us cover our tracks.”
He nods as his brother’s words drift over the phone. As much as he might have wanted to keep a Pro Hero as one of his club’s strippers indefinitely… he knew his bro was right. In fact, his brother was almost always right, considering he was undeniably the brains of their operation. He just ran the club. It was his brother who had made an entire criminal empire off of his Quirk, trafficking the girls who happily and eagerly submitted to him in a number of different ways.
Down on the stage, Momo is going absolutely wild with her dancing. At the start, it was just his Quirk helping things along, but by now the young heroine had actually gotten really good at dancing and twerking, and even better at fucking. She was greatly motivated though… because his brother had told her he’d fuck her silly the next time he was in town if she made him proud.
Heh, he loved the bitches that his brother’s Quirk broke down. They were all so easily built back up into the most enthusiastic and eager sluts imaginable. It was hilarious.
“Well, until you come for her bro, I’ll keep her busy. She’s got plenty of work here, heh.”
As the conversation ends with a quick exchange of pleasantries, he and his brother hang up just as Momo finishes her routine down below. Covered in sweat, the former heroine drops into a squat and spreads her legs, revealing a tribal tattoo over her crotch that has the crowd going wild.
The tattoo was the bitch’s idea and the owner found it immensely amusing. Apparently, she wanted to be marked as her ‘Master’s eternal property’ or something. Heh.
As hundreds of thousands of yen are thrown at her feet, Momo the Stripper just smiles salaciously, her eyes glittering as she licks her lips in a seductive manner. The owner, meanwhile, turns away from the window. The strip club might have only been a small part of his brother’s empire, but it was still HIS small part and it wasn’t going to just run itself.


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