Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Finding Happiness (RWBY)

Finding Happiness (RWBY)

A/N: Finding Happiness was a Patreon Poll Winner originally written back in February of 2020. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: Pyrrha is a closet submissive who knows exactly what she wants from Jaune. It's obvious he's going to require a little prodding, however.

Themes: Dom/Sub, Bondage, Rough Sex


He doesn't precisely snap awake, or anything like that. In fact, it takes him a second to wake up properly, groaning as he shifts in his bed. It's only as he realizes that this isn't his bed and rather than a pillow, he's laying against the armrest of a couch, that Jaune fully begins to wake up. His eyes open, and he blinks them blearily for a moment before rubbing them with his fists, trying to get the sleep out of them.

"What… what's going on?"

Why is he on a couch? And for that matter, WHERE is he? Brow furrowed, Jaune pushes himself up into a sitting position and looks around for a moment, taking in his surroundings. He's… in a cabin? At least, that's the vibe Jaune gets from the rustic look of the room he's woken up in. He's in a cabin, in a strange place he's never been before, seemingly all alone.

Except, not entirely all alone, as evidenced by when Pyrrha walks into the living room carrying two steaming plates of breakfast foods, each plate heaped high with eggs and bacon and sausage, and a little bit of fruit on the side. Of course, as hungry as Jaune suddenly realizes he is, it's not the food that grabs his attention… it's the fact that Pyrrha is wearing a 'Kiss the Cook' apron… and absolutely nothing else.

She's completely naked under her apron, and Jaune gets more than one tantalizing flash of her gorgeous body as she smiles at him tentatively and hurries over to put his food in front of him.

"I made breakfast… I-I hope you like it."

In an attempt to NOT ogle his teammate's half-naked body, Jaune focuses on the food and finds absolutely nothing to complain about there. It looks really, really good, and when Pyrrha hands him a fork, he digs in, even as she sits down across from him and begins to eat as well. Well, not quite right away. She pauses for a moment to watch him eat and waits for him to go back for another bite before she starts eating herself.

The whole situation is entirely surreal… and eventually, Jaune has to break the silence.

"Pyrrha… where are we? How did we get here?"

He doesn't want to look up from his food, because he knows he'll be staring way too much at Pyrrha's side boob, as well as her feminine thighs peeking out from around the apron draped over her lap. But when she doesn't respond right away, he ultimately does look up… and even manages to avoid staring at either as he instead pins her with his gaze.

Pyrrha flushes bright red under the look her team leader gives her, and carefully sets down her plate and fork, folding her hands in her lap rather primly.

"… I kidnapped you and brought you here. This is my cabin."

Jaune's eyebrows creep up at that, and in an effort to avoid focusing on the first bit, he latches onto the second.

"YOUR cabin, Pyrrha?"

Offering him a sheepish nod, Pyrrha bobs her head up and down.

"I have the money for it, Jaune. All those tournaments I won… I'm not much of a spender, so all of that money was sort of just sitting around, waiting to be used. This is what I decided to use it on. My personal cabin out in the woods."

Frowning, Jaune finds himself tensing as he asks the next question, the most obvious question, the question he's been dreading for a bit now.

"… Pyrrha, what are we doing here?"

Emerald-green eyes peer at him and Pyrrha licks her lips as she straightens her back and puffs out her chest, causing the apron she's wearing to push out even further.

"W-Whatever you want, Jaune. We're here to do whatever you want…"

It all comes together for him, in that moment. Because, at the end of the day, Jaune Arc… was a latent but powerful dominant. He had always had it in him, the need to be in control, the need to TAKE control. Of course, he was still a virgin and had never been in a relationship before, but he knew what he liked and what he wanted in a girl. Submission was the key.

However, growing up with seven older sisters, all of whom were able to kick his ass seven ways to Sunday, had caused his development to become somewhat stunted. Those domineering instincts of his had been something Jaune had grown up learning to fight against. As much as he wanted to be in control, he was never given a chance to be in control.

Pyrrha… Jaune hadn't failed to notice all of the signals Pyrrha had been throwing his way. He just hadn't really believed them at the time. It almost seemed to good to be true. THE Pyrrha Nikos was a closet submissive? She was a Champion fighter, a woman who, just like Jaune's sisters, could kick his ass any time she wanted to.

Except, unlike Jaune's sisters, Pyrrha never HAD kicked his ass. Oh sure, they'd sparred more than once, and Jaune tended to lose, but Pyrrha always held back with him, and each of those experiences were more about learning than getting beaten. That was the first sign, but there were many more as well. Jaune knew that Pyrrha was into him, deep down inside. He'd known for far too long. He just couldn't bring himself to act on his instincts, on the signals Pyrrha was constantly tossing his way.

Apparently, that had led to this. To Pyrrha kidnapping him, taking him to her cabin in the woods… and making him breakfast while doing the naked apron routine. There's no denying that he's aroused, to say the least, no denying that he wants exactly what Pyrrha wants. He's just not sure he should… but fuck it, he's already here, isn't he?

Letting instincts that he's suppressed for far too long come to the forefront, Jaune abruptly stands up. Pyrrha jolts in surprise at his sudden movement, looking at him with wide eyes, as if she expects him to demand that she take him back to Beacon or something. Instead, Jaune spreads his legs apart and places his hands behind his back.


The single word command feels a little shaky, but his tone is quite strong, and Pyrrha shivers as she obeys, rising to her feet as well.


For a moment, Pyrrha hesitates at this one word command, as if she's uncertain exactly what Jaune is asking of her. In the end, she decides to just wing it, and without further ado the gorgeous red head strips off her apron, revealing herself in all her naked glory. She brings her feet together and she places her hands behind her back as well, even as she juts out her chest, arching her spine just a bit.

Jaune slowly walks over to her, taking her in, feasting upon the view. It feels… not wrong, but also not right to be doing this. But Pyrrha wants it, and so does he, and if that's not right, then Jaune doesn't want to be right. It's not worth it, really. Slowly, he reaches up with one hand and caresses Pyrrha's side. Walking around her, he runs the hand over her flesh, his fingers tracing the contours of her body.

Pyrrha is beautiful, so very, very beautiful. She has the body of an Amazon, of a warrior woman, with all the feminine curves one might expect, but also some tightly packed muscle. She is a weapon, finely honed by years of practice, of combat, of victory… but she's also a woman, a woman that just wants to be loved, that just wants to be taken care of.

Her breath hitches as he touches her, and Jaune ultimately comes back around again to the front of her, his hand sliding up to one of her breasts, caressing the supple curve of her tit. He brings his fingers to her nipple and takes hold of it gently at first, but firmly… and then he tugs a little, eliciting a gasp of delight from Pyrrha that sends a thrill of excitement through Jaune.

"… I assume since this is your place that you have the necessary equipment."

He's still a little surprised by how confident and commanding his tone sounds, but he's not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. In truth, Jaune is a natural at this, and now he's finally getting a chance to show it. Pyrrha bites her lower lip as he continues to tease her nipple and just nods, before leading him out of the living room and into… well, into the dungeon.

Needless to say, Jaune doesn't use all of the equipment that Pyrrha has prepared for the occasion. For one, he doesn't know what most of it does. For two, even the stuff he can guess at, he's not sure he can use safely. In the end, Jaune merely grabs a coil of rope and has Pyrrha stand still as he ties her wrists together behind her back, binding her arms in place and restraining her.

Then, he bends her over a nearby table, causing Pyrrha to gasp as she makes contact with the cool surface, surrounded by all the toys that she got for Jaune… but those can wait for later. For now, there's only one thing either of them wants. Pulling his cock out with one hand as he runs his other over Pyrrha's beautiful body, it's Jaune's turn to have his breath hitch as he strokes his erection.

"Pyrrha… the safe word is Red, alright?"

"… Y-Yes sir."

He doesn't ask her if she wants to stop, he doesn't tell her they don't have to do this. They're both well beyond that point. But even still, Jaune is going to give her an out, and that's what the safe word is. Now that he's said that… they can begin. Beginning does not mean that Jaune immediately sticks it in though. Beginning means stroking his cock with one hand, even as he brings the other hand down on Pyrrha's ass hard, spanking her.


He pauses for a moment, waiting to see if she says the safe word… but she doesn't. So Jaune spanks her other ass cheeks, drawing another gasp and sharp squeak from the red head.

"You've been a bad girl, Pyrrha Nikos. Kidnapping? Really?"

Pyrrha whimpers and ducks her head as best she can in her bound, bent-over position.

"S-Sorry, sir…"

Jaune just chuckles, getting more and more into it as he spanks her again. He keeps on spanking her bottom until it's nice and cherry red. Not once does Pyrrha say the safe word, so in the end it's Jaune who stops out of concern that he might be going too far. Instead, he turns his last smack into a grope, massaging Pyrrha's bright red behind for a few moments until she's moaning in pleasure rather than pain.

"I'm going to fuck you now, Pyrrha. I'm going to fuck you as hard as I can."

Pyrrha mewls and nods her head frantically, looking back at him with bright green eyes that are just begging for him to do it already. With a grunt, Jaune places his hands on either of the submissive red head's hips and guides his cockhead up to her dripping wet pussy. Slowly, he begins to ease into her with all the inexperience of a blushing virgin. There's a fair bit of fumbling involved, but once again Jaune's natural instincts as a dominant take over and soon enough, he's pushing through Pyrrha's hymen, claiming her virginity for himself.

The red head cries out and then groans as he tears her purity, and Jaune groans as well, the tightness of her clenching, clinging cunt nearly sending him right over the edge. But cumming this early would be quite the shame, so Jaune holds himself back with great will, having no desire to undermine his new authority over Pyrrha by branding himself as some sort of two pump chump.

Instead, he restrains his raging libido and his churning balls as he begins to thrust in and out of her, fucking his beautiful, naked, bound teammate right there atop the table, plowing into her from behind as the entire table shifts with every thrust, he makes. Pistoning his prick in and out of her cunt, Jaune grunts and groans and just plain enjoys himself… and judging by Pyrrha's mewling and moaning and cries of ecstasy, so does she, her head tilting back at one point and presenting him with her ponytail.

Spur of the moment, Jaune grabs on and pulls, tugging at Pyrrha's ponytail even as he fucks her as hard and as ferociously as he can. Her insides squeeze down all the tighter around his cock for it, and not once does she ever say the safe word, not once does she ask him to slow down or stop. She takes it like the good little girl she is, ever so happy to have finally found her dom.

At the end of the day, Pyrrha had been looking for the man who would put her in her place for an awfully long time. She'd known from the moment that Jaune didn't know who she was and the thrill of pleasure that sent down her spine, that he was the one. And now… now she was finally where she belonged. Beneath Jaune Arc, getting plowed silly like the submissive little slut she truly was, deep down inside.


Pyrrha kidnapped him on a Friday, so they were back at Beacon with no one the wiser by Monday morning. Ren and Nora gave them odd looks, but at the end of the day, they let it slide. Which was good, because Jaune wasn't sure how to even begin explaining his new relationship with Pyrrha Nikos. He certainly wasn't going to be able to explain the state of her body, beneath her uniform.

Maybe they went a little overboard with the 'proof of ownership', but Pyrrha had been adamant that she wanted it all. That was why, beneath her school uniform, on the small of her back, the words 'Property of Jaune Arc' had been branded, her aura healing it up easily enough but still leaving the markings engraved on her body. It was also why she now had nipple and clit piercings with vibrate functions courtesy of a series of embedded tiny lightning dust crystals, as well as Jaune's Emblem tattooed onto her mound.

Everything they'd done could be covered up and concealed in public easily enough… but Pyrrha and her new Master, Jaune Arc, would always know they were there, permanently there. Pyrrha had finally found her dom… and Jaune had finally found his sub. Neither had known they were looking for each other until they'd come to Beacon, but now that they were together, they wouldn't let anything, or anyone pull them apart.


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