Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Gym Buddies (Original)

Gym Buddies (Original)


Themes: Mild Femdom, Rough Sex, Gym Sex

Summary: In which a dude has been going to the gym for a couple months when he runs into someone new there.


Jason is straight. Completely and totally straight. But he also works out, and that means he can appreciate it when he sees another guy who so clearly works out. Sure, the guy in question is wearing a bulky jacket and shirt, but his broad chest shows off just how much work he’s put into himself. Jason can’t help it… he spends the entire bus ride admiring the dude from afar.
He’s almost tempted to go over and compliment the other guy, but as previously mentioned… he IS straight, and he doesn’t want to give off the wrong impression. Best to just continue admiring from afar, really. Indeed, near the end of the bus ride, he can’t help feel like he’s been staring… so he averts his gaze and keeps his eyes on the ground, even as the bus pulls up to his stop.
Getting off and heading into the gym for his daily work out, Jason gets into his gym clothes with his standard efficiency. He’s not a body builder or anything like that, but he does pride himself on his gains. Ever since New Years it’s been his resolution to get in better shape, and the last couple of months have really worked well for him so far.
Especially since this gym he’s picked out is pretty much completely empty in the early hours of the morning when he uses it. Despite being a twenty-four hour gym, no one ever tends to show up as early as five a.m. like he does. And that works well for Jason, because while he might have made some great strides and gains in the last couple of months, he still felt like he was a little doughy… and he preferred to work on that alone.
Unfortunately, as he’s stepping out of the locker room and into the gym itself, his eyes immediately catch upon movement… and then go wide when he sees a familiar face from the bus currently on one of the machines. It’s the same dude from before! Jason can’t see anything below the neck since a half-wall is in the way, but obviously he recognizes that stoic, no-nonsense face immediately.
Damn it all! He came this early to this specific gym to work out alone. And now the worst case scenario was happening… some guy INFINITELY cooler than him was already using the equipment. Jason was nearly ready to turn back around and get dressed and just leave right then and there.
But… no. No, could he really call himself a man if he did something like that? If he turned and left now, he would be right back to square one, making all the excuses in the world for himself on why he just couldn’t go to the gym anymore, on why it just wasn’t working out. If he leaves today… he knows he won’t be back tomorrow.
Firming up his resolve, Jason nods decisively to himself… and steps out around the half-wall, fully intending to ignore the cooler guy working out and just focus on his own sets. Only, that intention dies a rapid death a moment later when the rest of the guy’s body comes into proper view.
See… it turns out, the guy on the bus who’d caught his attention and made Jason feel strange about his sexuality wasn’t a guy at all. He had been a she all along, and SHE was stacked. And in more ways than one too. Not only was the woman built like a brick shithouse, but she was also boasting the biggest pair of tits that he’d ever seen, barely contained in a straining sports bra. She must have had them wrapped on the bus or something, because now they’re just… all out there and there’s no hiding them.
On top of that, her thighs look like they could pop his head like a watermelon between them, with her incredibly short workout shorts barely hiding anything besides her crotch.
Jason just stares, gawking stupidly and blinking rapidly. She’s… incredibly attractive, but more than that, she’s also incredibly fit and… still very cool, he’s forced to admit. Man or woman, she just has this look about her. Her hair is kept short and her face is… set in this stoicism that he wishes he could mimic. She looks like she could take on the entire world, even without that rocking bod of hers. Frankly-
Jason startles badly, damn near leaping a foot into the air as he’s taken out of his thoughts by the realization that she’s suddenly gotten off the machine she was on and is addressing him directly. He blanches, going still as though that will keep her from seeing her, like her sight relies on movement or something… but no, it doesn’t work like that of course.
Wiping herself down with a towel, the beautiful, athletic woman strides over to him, eyes narrowing slightly as she stares him down.
“You’ve been staring at me for several minutes now.”
Several minutes?! No! Surely not! And yet, a quick glance at the gym’s wall clock tells him she’s right. He HAS been staring at her for several minutes. Boy, time does sure fly when you’re having fun Jason supposes…
Ah, but wait. Apologies! He needs to apologize, right fucking now!
“I-I’m sorry! I don’t know what came over me, I’m not usually like this I swear! I promise it won’t happen again, I’ll just-!”
The entire time he’s talking, the girl just stands there staring at him silently, those incredibly intense eyes of hers boring into him. Finally though, right as he’s about to offer to leave and never come back, she cuts him off and speaks up again.
“Help me with my workout.”
Jason stops and blinks at her, sure that he must have misheard.
Her face is still completely emotionless, the woman as cool as a cucumber… but now there’s a peculiar sort of gleam in her eye.
“If you’re really sorry for staring, then help me with my workout.”
That’s not a punishment! That’s a reward! But of course, Jason doesn’t say THAT out loud. What he does say out loud is a somewhat uncertain…
“U-Um… sure?”
And then he gets even more uncertain when, still without cracking even the slightest smile, the woman steps forward and grabs him by the crotch, fondling his junk. Jason just stands there and lets her, mouth ajar in shock at the sudden but also completely tolerable molestation. Finally, she nods to herself, seeming to like what she found there.
And that’s how he finds himself on his back on a bench with his cock out as the incredibly cool, incredibly athletic woman he’s been caught staring at grabs a barbell and begins putting some weights on either end of it. As she does so, Jason is stroking himself since her last order to him was ‘get as hard as you possibly can’.
His cock is soon throbbing with need… and as she moves into position over him, Jason blanches a bit. He’s pretty sure he’s supposed to be her spotter… but if he’s her spotter, he’s definitely not supposed to be UNDER her. And yet, that’s where she’s put him, and Jason doesn’t dare to move as she puts her feet on either side of the bench and his body.
“Count me off.”
Then, she lowers herself down. Jason gapes as a hidden slit in the crotch of her tight workout shorts reveals itself in the process. By squatting down over his dick, she spreads the slit open, revealing her cunt lips… which proceed to envelope his cockhead right there on the spot. He almost forgets to count her off as she sinks down onto his dick and then pulls back off, but thankfully his brain catches up with the situation at the last possible moment.
She just grunts in acknowledgment, and proceeds to continue doing her reps. She’s riding him in a way, but god if it isn’t the strangest reverse cowgirl sex that Jason has ever had. Every single squat ends with her terminating contact after all, only to begin again a moment later by spearing herself with his cock.
“Two! Three! Four! Five!”
As he counts her off, she just keeps on keeping on. Her pace is rock-solid steady… and her pussy is absolutely amazing. It grips down on his cock each time she squats back down, and then gives his throbbing member the most exquisite tug of his life every time she stands back up. It is… beyond a shadow of a doubt, the most pleasurable sex that Jason has ever had.
“Six! Seven! Eight!”
She’s like a machine, however as he counts out the last two reps… she slows down. Purposefully, he notes. She’s not actually straining, not really.
“Nine! Ten!”
On the tenth rep, the woman fully sits on his dick. There’s no other way to describe it. Her impossibly toned ass presses into his crotch and every last inch of his cock is up inside of her, her pussy walls clenching and flexing along his entire mast. Jason… Jason can’t help it. He lets out a groan and cums on the spot, orgasming explosively inside of her pussy.
He freezes up a moment later as soon as post-nut clarity kicks in. Oh god, she’s going to kill him isn’t she? He just came in her without permission. It was one thing to do… whatever the fuck this was, but another entirely to straight up cum in her like that! And she even had the perfect tool to murder him with too. The weighted barbell rests on her shoulders, held there easily. All she would have to do is let it go, let it roll back… and he’d be crushed dead.
But she doesn’t do that. In fact, she doesn’t comment on his climax at all. She remains where she is for a few moments, her pussy walls flexing around his cock and despite him just cumming, they refuse to let him go soft. Once she seems sure he’s going to stay hard, she looks back over her shoulder at him.
“One more set.”
And then she lifts herself up and starts it all over again. He’s so amazed that he almost misses the count this time as well but is able to catch himself all the same.
“Ah, one! Two! Three!”
Jason groans out some of the count this time, his cock being milked yet again by her impossibly tight, amazing cunt. Despite his balls having been emptied just moments before, he’s still rock hard so he must still have SOME gas in the tank. And his current ‘work out’ partner is intent on extracting it apparently, because she’s squatting up and down on his cock with the same vigor and focus as before, her insides clenching and flexing purposefully along every inch of his dick.
“Four! Five! Six! Seven!”
All the while, Jason finds himself staring up at the weighted barbell she has resting on her shoulders, more cognizant of the fact that it could end his life at any time now. He keeps looking for the telltale twitch or tremble in her grasp to let him know she’s finally reaching her limits. But it never comes. She could kill him on purpose or by accident at any moment… and Jason has to admit, he’s never been more turned in his entire life.
“Eight! Nine! Ten!”
The second set ends the same as the first… literally. She sits back down on his entire dick and Jason lets out a wanton groan as he creampies her a second time, unable to help himself. Only after the fact does he finally realize she milked him dry on purpose. She has complete control of her pussy muscles, just like she has complete control of the rest of herself.
Yet again, she continues to squeeze his dick until she’s sure he won’t go soft. But this time, rather than do another set of weighted barbell squats, she racks the barbell and pulls off his dick entirely, spinning around and offering him a hand to help him up.
As he escapes from certain death, his racing heart stills for a moment, though that doesn’t stop him from looking at the woman who’s just taken him to the edge of life and death and back with considerable awe. Only, before he can thank her, she just nods to another machine.
“C’mon. We’re just getting started.”
Jason blanches… but follows along all the same. As it turns out, the rest of the work out is more of the same. Each and every ‘exercise’ that she has them do is filled with extremely sexual acts if not outright sex alongside the regular exercises. Jason isn’t always on the bottom either, sometimes she’s on her back with her legs behind her head barking out the count to him as HE does the squats right into her increasingly sticky pussy.
Again and again, they fuck and work out across the length of the empty gym. Hours pass by… two hours to be exact. When seven a.m. arrives, Jason is just trying to figure out how to tell the woman that not only is he exhausted, but also other people will probably start showing up soon. This gym is remote and not very busy, but it still has SOME regulars.
Before he can do that though, his work out partner stops them for him. Exhausted, sore, and thoroughly wrung dry, Jason can’t help but be grateful… even as the impossibly athletic woman, who looks perfectly fine, plants a forceful and tongue-filled kiss on him. Jason’s eyes widen, but he finds himself kissing her back until suddenly, he realizes she’s backed him all the way to the men’s locker room doors, where she finally pulls away.
“Thanks for the help. See you tomorrow for our next session.”
And then… she turns and leaves, entering the women’s locker room across the hall a moment later. As Jason steps backwards into his own locker room and hits the shower, he can barely stand. His legs are shaky, and not just from pure exhaustion. A big, dopy grin spreads across his reddened, flustered face and he chuckles to himself under the shower spray.
“H-Holy shit… she was just so… cool.”
It seems like almost a childish word, but he honestly can’t think of a better way to describe her. Cool fit her to a T in all honesty.
Of course, a moment later the smile drops as he realizes something else.
“Fuck! I never even got her NAME!”
Racing through the rest of the shower, Jason gets dressed and darts back out into the gym, which now has some people starting to show up and make use of it. He winces a little bit, hoping that none of the stains they left behind on the equipment are, uh… properly identified.
Unfortunately, try as he might, he can’t see her anywhere. She’d probably gotten changed and left before he was even done with his shower, hadn’t she?
… Well, he’d just have to try and remember to ask her tomorrow, wouldn’t he? With a wide grin that lasts for the rest of the day, Jason makes his way to work, happier than he’s been in a long, long time.


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