Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Harry Potter, Cursebreaker (Harry Potter)

Harry Potter, Cursebreaker (Harry Potter)

A/N: Harry Potter, Cursebreaker was a commissioned one shot originally written back in July of 2022. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: After Hogwarts, Harry becomes a Freelance Cursebreaker. It's not about the money for him, it's about the thrills and the freedom.

Themes: Big Dick, Rough Sex, Fucked Silly


After the War, there were a lot of expectations on one Harry James Potter. Not only did people want to know what he was going to do next, they wanted to all have their own input on what he did next.

That was part of why he'd ultimately gone AWOL and fucked off to do his own thing. The other part was… well, from the very first moment that he'd heard what Bill Weasley did for a living, he'd been interested in becoming a Cursebreaker himself. With his background in the Dark Arts and the Defense of them, Harry felt like he was a shoo-in for the job.

Of course, as a consequence of the actions he'd had to take during the War to put Voldemort down once and for all, Harry wasn't exactly appreciated by the Goblin Nation anymore. And to be perfectly honest, he didn't much care for them either. Still, they financed most of the Cursebreakers in not just the United Kingdoms, but in all of Europe beyond.

That was fine though. They didn't want to hire him? Good, frankly, Harry didn't want to be hired by them anyways. So, he'd gone freelance. It wasn't something most Wizards could even hope to do, but he was in fact a Wizarding Lord, and had all the wealth in the world to back him up.

Not that he treated his work like some sort of vacation or tourist jaunt through unknown lands and what not. Harry took his Cursebreaking very seriously, training under some Master Cursebreakers in the years after Hogwarts and the War and learning all sorts of tips and tricks in his own private studies from both the Black and Potter Libraries.

Yes, he wasn't just some rich Lord playing games. He was a Freelance Cursebreaker, and five years after the War, he was considered one of the best Freelance Cursebreakers you could possibly hope to hire. He lived for the thrill and the freedom, he loved the risk-taking… and best of all, he got to thumb his nose at the gobbos with every job he took, because with every job he took, he was taking work right out of their grubby little hands.

His latest dig was no different. Financed by Daphne Greengrass for fame and glory, the contract had originally been meant for Gringotts. But when the Goblin Nation had played one too many games and attempted to strong-arm Daphne into accepting quite the unfavorable terms, she'd turned around and done the thing they hated the most… she'd gone to him.

As was becoming more and more common ever since Harry started taking such jobs, the Goblins lost out on a decent contract and Harry got in on the ground floor of another expedition. One that sorely needed his expertise, because Greengrass… Greengrass was just the absolute worst at all of this.

Oh, sure she knew her theoretical stuff, but she didn't know her ass from her hand when it came to dealing with actual Ancient Wards and Curses and Magical Traps. That was where Harry came in. As a Freelance Cursebreaker, he was essentially there to do all of the grunt work, to go head first into danger, and to clear the way so Daphne could follow along after him.

Heh, once a snobby princess elitist, always a snobby princess elitist, he supposed.

Still, Harry tolerated it for a pair of VERY good reasons. When Daphne wasn't in short khaki shorts that squeezed her glorious ass-meat together and exposed long legs, along with a tied off top with enough cleavage to make him contemplate a career as a farmer in a dairy farm… she was in this gorgeous sundress that caught the sunlight and showed off those ah-MAY-zing curves in their entirety.

So yes, he was- Hm? That's only one reason? Weren't you listening? Daphne was sporting a pair of VERY good reasons to stick around. Namely, her gorgeous ass and her incredible rack. And honestly, after spending years getting over the fact that his childhood upbringing suppressed his development to the point where he didn't even consider girls until he was already an adult, Harry was more than happy to be making up for loss time by doing all of the ogling he possibly could.

Besides, it wasn't like Daphne didn't know what she was doing. Rather, Harry knew for a fact that she was doing it on purpose. She loved to smirk down at all of the sweaty plebs and commoners she'd employed for this expedition, all of them drooling at catching even a glimpse of her.

Which was why he enjoyed constantly reminding her that she couldn't look down on HIM. Not only was he of equal societal status to her back home, but physically, he was both bigger and taller than her. And besides, he had caught her staring at his own sleeveless attire more than once, with his chiseled physique drawing her eye time and time again.

It was why he didn't hold back, eyeing her up and down as much as he wanted. Of course, he never actually did anything. She was prime meat… but he treated her like he was a large predator who had already eaten. Enjoying the view… but never going for the kill, nor making a meal out of her.

Harry knew this drove Daphne wild, given that she was a born tease who absolutely loved flaunting her so-called perfect body.

Still, snobby elitist princess was going to be snobby and elitist. Harry hadn't been surprised when she tried to take point as they finally entered the temple. In the end, he'd let her go ahead of him… and then saved her life half a dozen times over every time she nearly got her pretty little head taken off.

They'd fought their way through magical temple guardians, undead, monstrous insects, and curses galore. All of them, taken down by yours truly. Harry didn't hesitate either, not a single time. And finally, they reached the inner most chambers, and after dealing with the mummy there, because of course there would be a mummy, Daphne got down to the swotty work of it all, recording her findings and cooing over this or that.

Harry, meanwhile, watched her back, as he had been contracted to do. And her backside, which he hadn't been contracted to do. But to be fair, it was a very nice backside. So nice, in fact, that he was already considering doing something quite… brazen. Heh, one might even call it rather ballsy. One thing was for sure though… it was certain to catch Greengrass' attention.


It's pay day, and normally Daphne wouldn't be all that excited about having to pay out. But hey, the expedition had been a total success. House Greengrass would more than recoup its losses from this expedition, and Daphne… Daphne would be the talk of the intellectual community when she returned to Magical England with all of her new findings.

So yes, she actually didn't mind that she had to pay all of her laborers their fair share. It was fine, really. There was only one man who she was even a little annoyed with… Harry James Potter. The… the barbarian brute had done everything she asked him to, to be fair. He'd been the perfect blunt instrument.

And he'd even gone above and beyond the call of duty, saving her from numerous traps. N-Not that she needed saving! She was Daphne Greengrass, for fuck's sake! Still… it was what it was, and Daphne's pride wouldn't let her do anything less than make sure he was fairly compensated for all of his hard work. Didn't mean she couldn't tease him about it though.

Sauntering up to Harry with the scroll that has his payment details on it tucked into her cleavage, the raven-haired Slytherin Ice Princess smirks haughtily and plants her hands on her hips as Harry raises an eyebrow at her. Those emerald eyes of his glitter like… well, like emeralds, and Daphne very carefully doesn't flush under his silent, judgmental gaze as he reaches up and takes the scroll out of the top of her chest.

Hmph. Not even a blush. How dare he turn this around on her so effectively?! How dare he make her feel embarrassment?! It was he who was supposed to blush and stammer and avert his gaze! Instead, she found herself lowering her eyes, d-damn it all! It wasn't-!

"… This is too much."

Daphne jolts and then shakes her head, smirking easily.

"Hazard pay, Mr. Potter. You earned it."

She has to bite out those words… and she refuses to elaborate. To elaborate would be to admit that she'd been wrong to demand to go first into the temple. To elaborate would be to have to acknowledge that he'd saved her life half a dozen times over. Best not to. He would take the bonus and go, and she would-

Daphne's eyes go bug-wide, as Harry nods, rolls back up the scroll calmly, and smoothly sticks it right back into her cleavage.

"Thanks, but keep your money. I had a good time… and that's all that matters. The experience and the thrill was enough for me."

Daphne's mouth opens… and then closes. It opens again, but still no sound will come out, leaving the haughty, snobby princess of a witch just gawking at Harry in disbelief. Keep… keep her money?! He had a GOOD TIME?! THE EXPERIENCE AND THE THRILL WAS ENOUGH FOR HIM?!


But Harry just turns and walks away, leaving her to fume in silence. She hadn't known what she was going to say anyways, to be perfectly honest. But now she can't even make demands of him. He's technically… he's technically no longer even her employee. He's broken their contract, but in a way that benefits Daphne entirely!

She knew that Harry was rich… richer than her, even. With the combined wealth of the Potter and Black Families, he COULD afford to take jobs like this, and then not accept pay when they were over. That he'd gotten enough out of working for her that he wouldn't accept her gold after the fact SHOULD have probably made her happy… but it didn't. Instead, it made her spitting mad!

Standing there fuming, his payment still stuck in her cleavage, Daphne grits her teeth, her hands clenching into fists. How… how dare that BRUTE not accept her generous offer! How dare that BARBARIAN challenge her pride as an employer and a Greengrass! Surely there was something even a man like Harry James Potter needed, right? If not needed… wanted?!

It's then that Daphne catches her own reflection in a nearby beaten up mirror. For a moment, she just stares at herself… and then she begins to smirk.


It felt pretty damn good, rejecting Greengrass' money. The only question was, would she take the bait? Luckily for Harry, he doesn't have to wait long. It's later that night and he enters his hotel room to discover someone waiting for him. He, of course, was well aware of her presence beforehand. If she'd meant him any harm, the hotel wards wouldn't have let her in, and his own personal wards would have done far worse to her.

But Daphne didn't intend to hurt him… she intended to make him an offer he wouldn't dare refuse. Dressed in little more than gauzy sheer silks and high heels, the beautiful black-haired witch poses for him as he stands there in the doorway, staring at her.

"I hope THIS payment is more to your liking, Mr. Potter?"

Smiling smugly, looking like the cat who caught the canary as she happily shows off a face and figure that many Wizards and Witches would trade several fortunes for, Daphne licks her lips.

"I'm yours… for tonight only~"

After all, wasn't she utter perfection? Entirely irresistible? One night and one night alone with her was more than equal to the entire payment that he'd rejected before. Who could possibly deny even an hour of getting to bask in her pres-

Large, calloused hands clap across her ass cheeks and drag Daphne in close to him, as Harry palms her hefty, pale badonkadonk through those gauzy silks of hers in a way that none of her previous paramours would ever have DARED. The Greengrass Witch looks up then and realizes just how big Harry truly is, how broad-shouldered and muscular he is, as she stares into his smoldering emerald eyes.

"You've got a choice to make, Princess. I can boink you on the bed and we can call it a night when you finally pass out on my dick… or you can get the fucking your body is so clearly made for."

Daphne pants, the tables turned on her as she looks from Harry's waiting eyes down to where their bodies are pressed together, and then back up again.

"… I'm game if you're game, stud. If you have the balls for it, that is."

Harry just smiles… and abruptly picks her up and throws her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.


They're at the now-empty site again, with only Harry's sheer magical power keeping her warm as he devours her mouth. Daphne kisses him right back, wrapping her arms and legs around him as they stand, or rather, as he stands right at the entrance of the temple. With there being magical torches all over the place, easily burning all through the night, it's not entirely pitch black either outside or in the temple itself. Daphne had splurged for torches that would last a full week, even if she hadn't needed them.

That said, they're currently engaged in a bit of a power play, her and him. Or so Daphne thinks, anyways. The snobbish Pureblood Princess kisses Harry deeply, and eagerly drags his head back down whenever they part for air. However, all of the sudden she's standing on her own two feet in her heels and gauzy silks, and he's pushing her away. No, not pushing her away, he's spinning her around and-



One of those massive bearpaw-like hands of his comes down on her behind and Daphne jolts forward, before looking back at him in confusion. All of the sudden, he doesn't just look like a brutish barbarian… his presence FEELs like one too, as his emerald eyes glitter in the torchlight and his pearl-white teeth show off in a toothy grin.

"Start running, Princess."

His intentions cause Daphne's eyes to widen, as he takes a threatening step towards her, and she turns to begin running. Not that she can run very well in these heels of her, but run she does all the same. Run into the temple that he'd helped her clear out just earlier that day. All of the monsters and traps have been removed, so it's perfectly safe… save for the man already nipping at her heels, hunting after her into the temple.

Daphne's heart races. She can't believe she's even entertaining this. She can't believe they're playing games like this. She can't believe he'd rather toy with and tease her, than just fuck her on his hotel bed. Harry really is something else, and she finds herself getting caught up in his games. Leading him further and further in. Staying just one step ahead of him and-

Suddenly, his hands are on her. He catches up to her with seeming ease, as if she'd never truly been out of his reach all along. Daphne positively squeals in excitement and fear alike as he spins her around and shreds her sheer, silken top, ripping it clean off of her body in an instant.

It's not… it's not like Daphne enjoys having her tits MAULED by the big brute of a wizard, as he feasts upon her chest right then and there. Squeezing and kneading and biting on his breasts, Harry goes to town, taking his reward from her body, having his way with her after he'd done his work and captured her fair and square.


In the end… in the end, it's nothing unnatural, right? That's what her tits are there for, in truth. Snobby, haughty princess though she might be, Daphne has always known deep down inside that her big fat tits are there for a big savage like Harry James Potter to take and feed upon to his heart's content. Eyes fluttering open and shut, wanton moans leaving her lips, Daphne doesn't even realize she's torn Harry's shirt off with her bare hands until he suddenly pulls away and spins her around again.


"Keep running."

She tries her best, stumbling away from him, further into the ancient temple. This place represented weeks of hard work, of toil and trouble, and her own success as a Witch. Now though, it was turned into their perverted little playground by the brutish barbarian she'd dared to offer herself to. Daphne really does run as best as she can… but her heels make it hard for her to get anywhere fast, to the point that Harry is just playing with her. He's not even running, he's just walking after her at a clipped, menacing pace and-

Once again, he catches her, or more accurately, he decides to stop playing around and just grabs her. She's always been in reach of those big, strong, bared arms of his, truth be told. This time around however, he doesn't bother with her tits. Swinging her around, he lifts her into the air, his hands going down to her hips. Daphne wonders what he's up to for all of a moment but doesn't have to wonder long.

With a yelp, she finds herself spun over, hanging upside down in the air. Her legs instinctively wrap around his broad neck for support, even as he goes right ahead and has her juicy, pinky, peachy pussy as a midnight snack. Feeling utterly helpless, the snobby Pureblood Witch shudders, her eyes rolling around in her head as he all but ATTACKS her hot little cunny with his tongue and mouth.

It takes her far longer than it should to realize she could just reach down and fish out his cock right then and there. His beefy monster is only inches away from her face after all, and all she has to do is reach for his jeans and-


Daphne gurgles and drools as her eyes roll back in her head and stay that way for a few seconds while she cums her brains out upside down like that. With all the blood rushing up to her skull, she can barely think straight let alone return the favor before Harry pulls back from her messy pussy and spins her back around before setting her on her feet.

To say Daphne wobbles is an understatement, and all of the sudden…


Her left heel snaps, breaking off from all of the unintentional abuse she's put it through. Both her and Harry stare down at it for a second, gazing upon what his brutish antics have wrought. And Daphne… Daphne carelessly twists the other heel in the exact same way.


This more purposeful snap breaks her second heel, and she lets both ruined shoes fall off her feet, leaving her bare-foot and all but naked at this point as she stares at Harry challengingly and haughtily, her red face at odds with her glaring eyes. Harry just chuckles and grabs her by the shoulders, spinning her around and giving her another slap on the ass as they start all over again.

It's a rinse and repeat situation, albeit with her running through the temple much more swiftly now, and him actually having to try to keep up with her.

As well, this time around when he finally catches her, Daphne doesn't hesitate. The moment he spins her around, she doesn't try to fight his grip or pull away from him… she just drops to her knees like so much deadweight, ducking down and going straight for his cock. Once he realizes what she's doing, Harry stops and watches as she pulls his pants down, yanking his boxers to his knees as well, and exposes his massive, beastly member.

If Potter is big, brutish, and barbaric, Daphne has to be slow and sensual, of course. That's the plan anyways… until she realizes her forearm alone is smaller and thinner than the monster looming over her face. She can't afford to go slow and sensual if she wants to handle Potter's dick in anything close to a reasonable time frame.

Instead, she leans in and goes sloppy and eager. For starters, she makes sure every inch of those fat, hefty balls of his are loved and pampered with her tongue and lips, kissing and slurping away.

"Fuuuuck, you sexy little tart…"

It's sooo damn satisfying to hear this big Gryffindor Brute GROAN for her. Especially after he rejected her money… Daphne has never been more gratified than in this moment, as she works her tongue all over his balls for a few minutes, before finally sliding it up the underside of his cock. She starts coating his massive dick in her saliva, spittle, and green lipstick, but eventually… eventually she's gotta go for the real deal.

When she finally reaches his humungous, bulbous cockhead, Daphne does in fact give it a good try. She stretches her poor mouth and throat as wide as she possibly can around his cock, taking him as far back into her gullet as she can possibly manage as she gurgles and chokes.


She's doing her best, really, she is, but who can possibly expect to take a monster like this? Who could ever manage to-


All of the sudden, Harry grips down harshly on her delicate little skull and sinks every last inch of his absolutely massive cock into her tight, gripping, squeezing throat. The choker Daphne had worn as an after-thought to complete her little ensemble doesn't last under such an onslaught. Instead, it almost immediately SNAPS!

With a savage groan, Harry begins to rock back and forth, skull-fucking Daphne on the spot. And all Daphne can do is kneel there and take it, gurgling and gagging all the while.


Eventually, he cums. He fills her gullet with his seed, and her belly too. Daphne swallows as much as she can, and then some, until finally, it's over. This time around, it's the barbarian on the backfoot as Harry stumbles back, panting for a moment and recovering from his no doubt mind-blowing climax. Daphne herself is a little dazed and more than a little oxygen deprived… perhaps that's why she does what she does next.

Rising to her feet, she gives Harry a lazy, incredibly challenging grin before turning and beginning to saunter away. At the exit of the room, she turns back and dares him to catch up with a slap to her own ass, before giggling and racing forward as he snarls and pushes off the wall he'd leaned back against.

She can hear him barreling after her, but in the end, it doesn't really matter. They reach the temple's final room almost at the same time, with Daphne only a few steps ahead. But then, she already knew there was nowhere to hide in the last room, even if she DID manage to get enough of a head start to hunker down before he showed up.

As it is, Daphne reaches the middle of the chamber and then whips around, catching Harry's emerald eyes with her own gaze as he stops at the entrance of the room. His prey no longer running, Harry stops his sprint as well, prowling forward instead. For her part, Daphne gives him an altogether inscrutable look before stepping back and hopping her fine ass up onto the altar behind her.

Where once ancient natives had sacrificed their people to their Gods, Daphne stretches herself out over the altar and crooks a finger towards Harry in invitation, more than ready to sacrifice everything she has to offer to the big dicked, handsome stud-muffin of a Wizard in front of her.

For his part, Harry stomps forward, his cock still out and incredibly hard as he reaches her and the altar and promptly slaps his dick down upon her belly. Daphne's breath hitches, as she sees just how far up the tip of his massive schlong reaches.

"This is how deep I'm going to be inside of you, Princess."

She believes him. Fully. But Daphne wouldn't be Daphne without some sort of provocation, and so she licks her lips and gives him a challenging grin.

"Prove it, brute."

Obviously, Harry doesn't take that lying down. Grabbing her by the hips, yanking her to the edge of the altar for proper positioning, and sliding his cock down to meet her entrance… he thrusts forward. The utterly massive cock spears into her without fail, and Daphne positively HOWLS as she's properly impaled upon the temple's ancient altar.

Harry doesn't hold anything back, the barbaric brute plowing away inside of her without a moment of mercy or hesitation. Given no time to brace herself, or to even get used to his cock size or incredibly fast-paced rhythm, Daphne… nevertheless refuses to give in. She snarls and snaps her teeth, she claws at the altar beneath her, and she wraps her legs around Harry's waist, pulling him in all the deeper as he fucks her harder and faster by the moment.

"D-Do your worse, Potter! You're not going to, a-ah, housebreak me that easily!"

Harry, for his part, snarls right back at her.

"Get the pattern picked out, Princess."

"F-For what?"

"For when I turn that metaphorical crown of yours into a real-live collar, bitch."

Daphne gasps in haughty affront… but there's no denying both of them are grinning all the while, and in truth, thoroughly enjoying each other's company. As he rails her, Daphne loses track of how many times she cums around his cock. Meanwhile, Harry doesn't let something like repeated orgasms stop him from just doing whatever the fuck he wants to her.

The next few hours are… a blur, to tell the truth. Daphne certainly loses track of time, though she can't say for sure the same for Harry. Whether he's completely cognizant of how long they go at it or not… it doesn't really matter. What matters is that the brute's stamina means they don't stop, not even after he cums inside of her, not even after he cums inside of her again and again and AGAIN!

There's the altar fuck… and then there's a mating press on the floor right after. And then there's doggystyle back atop the altar. Afterwards, they move throughout the ruins. At one point, Harry fucks her in a wheelbarrow position, humiliating for Daphne to say the least, but she doesn't get a say in anything. She's just along for the ride.

No more is that more literal, than when he even uses her as his own personal little cockwarmer while folding her up into a full nelson and bouncing her on his dick throughout the ruins. Anything goes, and they both thoroughly desecrate the temple together. Either that, or they christen it anew. Perhaps one might say they even consecrate it. After all, the combined fluids of two very magical beings might have SOME effect. Who can really say, right?

In the end, all Daphne truly knows is that she becomes Harry's plaything for the entire night, just as she promised she would be… but it's far beyond anything she ever could have expected. Anything she ever knew she wanted. Who… who could have ever believed that this brutish Gryffindor would so thoroughly rock her world and then some?

As her eyes roll back in her head for the final time and stay there upon her passing out, Daphne Greengrass loses consciousness without an ounce of worry. Despite considering Harry to be a brutish barbarian to end all other brutish barbarians… she knows she's safe in his arms. After all, what's the worst that could happen? She wakes up with a collar sporting his name around her neck, to the news that he's claimed her as his property forevermore?

Hah, it would never happen… but it wouldn't necessarily be a bad fate, now, would it?


Daphne Greengrass was definitely a spitfire; Harry can't help thinking. He'd managed to get them back to his hotel room, but she'd certainly put him through his paces. By the time he wakes up the next day, it's nearly noon… and to her credit, Daphne doesn't take too long to wake up either.

Entwined against him, tucked under his chin, the beautiful snobby Pureblood Princess snoozes quietly for a few minutes as he watches her sleep, before finally stirring. Harry makes sure to enjoy the view, especially when she sits up and stretches, yawning loudly. She glances at him and then at herself for a moment, and very briefly she looks almost… disappointed at something.

Then, the moment is over, and she's untangled herself from him, clearly heading for the bathroom to get a bath. However, at the doorway she steps and looks back to give him a cool look.

"Join me. I need help with my back and hair."

Harry raises an eyebrow as she doesn't even give him a chance to backtalk, simply sauntering into the bath like it was expected he would obey. Still, he goes along with it with a shrug. Of course, while he does end up helping her wash her back and hair… he also ends up responsible for getting them dirty again soon after.


With her soaked hair wrapped around his fist in a makeshift ponytail, Harry grunts, having no intention of stopping as he pounds into Daphne's gushing, clenching cunt from behind, her pussy walls milking him for all he's worth. The bathwater sloshes all around them, and her back glistens with beads of water trailing off of it, until finally he feels himself reaching his wit's end.

With a hoarse groan and a shout, Harry pulls out and covers Daphne's back and hair in copious amounts of his seed, cumming all over her as she shudders at the feeling of hot, sticky semen splattering across his body.

"B-Brute… just… just so crude… s-so crass… nnngh~"

Of course, she thinks he doesn't notice when she reaches back to scoop a dollop of his jizz off of her own shoulder before it can slip into the water and sneaks it into her mouth. Heh, an elitist, snobby princess with certain appetites, isn't she?

Pulling back out of her and letting go of her hair, Harry lounges back in the massive tub with a sigh, glancing off to the side.

"Well, it's been fun doll, but I should probably get going. I've got some people who will want to see me today."

Looking back at him, Daphne furrows her brow in confusion.

"See you today? Why?"

Emerald eyes twinkling, Harry just shrugs.

"Something about this being the day I was brought into this world, I suppose. Never really put much stock into birthdays myself if I'm being honest, but my friends do, so I humor them. You know how it is."

"It's… your birthday?"

Blinking, Harry gives Daphne a curious look, confused by her reaction to that particular revelation. It wasn't a big deal, after all.

"Yeah? What of it?"

For a long moment, Daphne is silent. And then…

"You shall have to content yourself with contacting these friends of yours via the floo. I will not have it said that my payment was inadequate. As such, I am extending the payment period for another… week. Yes, a week. You may begin praising and thanking me for my generosity at any time."

Harry, of course, remains silent. Instead of thanking or praising the haughty witch, he just stares at her. Soap and water glistening off of her big fat tits as she kneels there in the water, staring at him expectantly right back. Another week with Daphne Greengrass as his to do with as he pleased… weighed against pissing off his friends by not actually making himself available to them on his birthday.

… Yeah, it was pretty obvious what won that particular contest. Grinning a crooked grin, Harry shrugs his broad shoulders expressively.

"Sure. Who am I to deny a lady her chance to pay off her debts?"

They leave the bath and return to the bedroom proper. The bed, however, goes unused. The rest of the room is fair play. They fuck and fuck, until eventually Harry calls for a time-out so he can get on the Floo and let his friends know he's too busy to visit today and they'll get together another time.

Honestly, he's expecting Daphne to mess with him during this period of time. To maybe get under him and suck his cock while he's sticking his head through the Floo, forcing him to maintain his cool as she gargles her way all the way down to his balls.

When that doesn't happen, and Harry finishes making the rounds with zero interruptions, he has to admit he's surprised… and a little disappointed. Pulling back from the Floo, Harry turns around to figure out where Daphne got off to… only to freeze up at the sight staring him right in the face.

Somehow, Greengrass has gotten hold of a Hogwarts School Uniform. Slytherin colors, of course. And equally of course, it doesn't manage to contain her frame one bit. She might be wearing a schoolgirl outfit from their shared school days, but Daphne definitely didn't have the BODY of a schoolgirl, no sir.

Grinning wickedly, swishing her hips back and forth, the snobby Pureblood Princess' eyes twinkle as she licks on a lollipop and raises an eyebrow at him.

"Well, Potter? Gryffindor won the Quidditch Cup again. And I DID say it would be my ass if we lost… so I GUESS, if you were really going to be so barbaric as to actually hold me to that-mmph!"

Standing up from the hotel room Floo, Harry has already stridden over. Stuffing Daphne's lollipop fully into her mouth, he doesn't hesitate to spin the Slytherin Witch around and bend her over the edge of the until now untouched bed right then and there. To her credit, Daphne eagerly spreads her legs apart, her high heels giving her big white booty some glorious extra lift.

Then, planting her front on the bed itself, the raven-haired witch reaches back and flips up the back of her skirt, pulling apart her ass cheeks to reveal a magical butt plug staring Harry right in the face. Considering he'd been fucking her like twenty minutes ago at most, and she hadn't had the butt plug in at that point, Harry can't help but chuckle and shake his head at her… commitment.

Though at the same time, he thinks Daphne might be trying to spare herself some pain. As he takes ahold of the butt plug and begins working it out of the haughty princess' big bubble butt, he notes just how well-lubricated it is… and more than that, how big it is. Nowhere near as big as his actual cock, to be fair, but it still leaves Daphne's back door gaping when he finally pulls it out all the same.

… She's as ready as she'll ever be for him, and he didn't even have to do any of the prep work. Letting out a pleased, rumbling growl, Harry grabs Daphne by her hips, lines up with her gaping sphincter… and slams forward with all his might.

Daphne HOWLS, her lollipop spit out onto the bed before her as he rails the Slytherin 'Schoolgirl' from behind, breaking in her ass well and truly with his massive Gryffindor cock. The butt plug had helped prepare her, but not nearly enough. Her slickened, lubricated asshole is still as tight as can be, especially around HIS massive member, and he's already stretching her even further than before.


Daphne's words are both strung together and sporadic, bitten out of her mouth as she gasps and cries out, moaning and squealing in equal measure while Harry plows her from behind. His balls are soon slapping up against her cunt and clit, making some very wet noises as a result of just how aroused (and creampied) she already is by this point. Meanwhile, his hips are ramming into her ass cheeks from behind.

There's a whole lot of flesh slapping against flesh as the 'Gryffindor Quidditch Captain' takes his pleasure from the 'Slytherin Ice Princess' over the 'bet' she'd made. Man, if they'd made a bet like this back when they were actually in school… no, Harry could admit he was never in a proper mental state for such a thing. Not only did he spend most of his years at Hogwarts recovering from the bullshit abuse the Dursleys had heaped upon him, he'd also been struggling to survive Voldemort's yearly attempts on his life as well.

Put bluntly, this sort of thing would never have occurred between him and Daphne when they were both actually back at Hogwarts. Not in a million years. But that was okay, because doing it now was just as good, and it meant Harry's best years… his best years were still ahead of him. So what if he had a crummy childhood? So what if he had a deadly adolescence? He was free now, and he was going to live life to his fucking fullest!


Blinking, Harry realizes he's sped up subconsciously as he thought about all that, plowing Daphne even harder and faster than he meant to. He starts to slow back down again, an apology on the tip of his tongue, only for Daphne to throw her head back and catch him with an evil eye.


He might not know exactly what she said in that initial rapid string of words… but he understands 'HARDER' at least. And so, grinning wickedly, Harry proceeds to give it to Daphne harder, turning her asshole into a tight but form-fitting passage made and molded to his cock and his cock alone as she ruins anal for her with any other man for the rest of the haughty Pureblood Princess' life.

And to think… the week is just getting started.


Slowly waking up again, Harry shifts for a moment… and then sighs. The week is at an end, and last night Daphne had told him in no uncertain terms with a cold tone that their contract was paid in full, and he shouldn't expect anything more from her. Their payment period was… over.

As he lays there in bed, no doubt alone, eyes still closed, Harry is surprised to find he's actually feeling kind of lonely. Honestly, he'd started to get attached to Daphne Greengrass. She was-

Blinking his eyes open, Harry feels a weight that's not his own suddenly climb onto the bed, and a hand wrap around his soft, beefy prick. Suddenly, there's a familiar raven-haired hottie in his face, presenting a stiff, sweet nipple to his lips for him to suck on. As he takes her teat in his mouth, Harry makes eye contact with a blushing Daphne Greengrass, and raises an eyebrow in question.

Sniffing in that haughty, snobbish way of hers, Daphne looks at him somewhat archly.

"I've received word of another set of ruins I'd like to explore, so I'll be hiring you on again, naturally."

Oh? So, this was, heh, advance payment?

"In fact, you should really be thanking me. I took the liberties of sending glowing referrals and recommendations to both public officials and private individuals. They'll no doubt be clamoring at your door with boatloads of work for you soon enough… but to be clear, you're under contract with me. They can't have you until I'm done with you. Got it?"

Daphne is really doing everything in her power to maintain her haughty, indignant, and altogether indifferent attitude here. Unfortunately for her, Harry doesn't respond as she's expecting, and she can't help but squawk as he reaches up, wraps a hand around her head, and tugs her down in for a hard, DEEP, tongue-filled kiss.

For a moment, she squirms, but her hand never leaves his hardening cock, and eventually she just gives in and kisses him back rather hotly as the two of them makeout for the next while to properly cement their new 'working' relationship.


Unbeknownst to Harry, Daphne had gone above and beyond when it came to referring him out to all of her friends, colleagues… and academic rivals. One of the 'public officials' who receives a glowing recommendation from Daphne Greengrass is Department of Mysteries Researcher Hermione Jane Granger.

Now, thanks to some sort of thing that had come up, she hasn't gotten to see her best friend since he started this latest dig. Harry couldn't exactly give her a very good excuse on why he had to miss his own birthday with her and their other close loved ones, but Hermione… well, Hermione wasn't about to get mad at him. He'd seemed happy enough with what he was doing, and she knew he loved his work as a Freelance Cursebreaker… so she'd let it go.

Still, she'd been thinking of hiring him on for some Freelance Work herself. Not just because she knew he was one of the best in the biz, but because she wanted to get some time with him again, and if she had to hire him for a job to make that happen, well then so be it.

These are all thoughts running through the beautiful brunette bookworm's head as she's lazing about in a tight top and shorts. It's her day off, so she's currently taking in some sun and just relaxing when the owl shows up with Daphne's referral.

Daphne and Hermione have something of a history with one another, as aloof and separate Academic Rivals. Back at Hogwarts, they were always fighting for First and Second in terms of Grades, with Hermione usually managing to come out on top by the end of each year, in a similar way to how Gryffindor almost always ended up winning the House Cup.

However, things between them had never fully been settled, mostly because Hermione had skipped out on her last year at Hogwarts. So, of course, Daphne had taken the Number One spot that year… but she'd barely even ever lorded it over Hermione's head, likely recognizing, much to her irritation, that Hermione had quite literally been saving the Wizarding World and fighting the Dark Lord right alongside Harry at the time.

The result was a rivalry that continued to this day, even though they'd both chosen different career paths, with Daphne in the Private Sector (financing her own digs) and Hermione as part of the Department of Mysteries. They were still both part of the intellectual community however, and that… that led to them clashing at times over this theorem or that hypothesis.

Even now, Hermione was a little disgruntled to receive Daphne's referral. It was so clearly an insult to her specifically. As if Hermione of all people really needed Daphne's recommendation to know her best friend was a capable Cursebreaker. Honestly!

Still, she does watch the special memory set that Daphne leaves behind. The first half of it is just Harry showing off his skills in the temple. Very impressive, and Hermione isn't surprised that Daphne needs saving MULTIPLE times. But all of it is something she's already soon before.

Then, however, the second half of the special memory set begins, and Hermione can only stiffen in outrage at she's seeing.

How… how DARE Daphne wear a f-fake Hogwarts Uniform like that! It's not remotely authentic! The skirt, the stockings, the shirt… it's all the wrong length! In fact, if she didn't know any better, she'd say Daphne shrunk it a couple sizes smaller, just to make herself look better!

That's it! Leaping up from her lounge chair, full of righteous indignation, Hermione races inside of her house. Daphne's little referral ends with a comment that Harry WON'T be available for any new work for the time being, because she's already hired him on for another job.

Well, they would just see about that! As Hermione rushes to her old Hogwarts wardrobe, she begins grabbing up clothes. She was going to show Harry was a real Hogwarts Witch looked like!


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