Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Heroes Never Die! (Worm AU)

Heroes Never Die! (Worm AU)

A/N: Heroes Never Die! was a commissioned one-shot originally written back in June of 2020. Posting it up here for people to enjoy!

Summary: In which Taylor triggers with a tinker powerset that mimics Mercy from Overwatch and uses it to make a no-casualty Endbringer event. Her girlfriend Lisa rewards her afterwards.

Themes: F/F, Oral Sex, Loving Sex


This was it. This was what she had been waiting for. As she stands in the back, undeniably nervous, Taylor Hebert bites her lower lip, listening to Legend, one of the greatest heroes in the world, talking about fatality rates. The figures he was naming… they were horrifying… but Taylor refused to let them or the fear they invoked control her.

If she had her say in things, today would be the day no one died… but to be fair, Taylor was well aware that it was a big 'if'. Still, she was dressed to impressed and ready to do her part all the same. Leviathan had come to Brockton Bay, and as her home town, Taylor wasn't just going to let the aquatic-themed Endbringer run roughshod over her city. This was it; this was do… or die.

"I don't think I've ever seen you before. Are you from out of town?"

Blinking, Taylor looks up to find Miss Militia standing in front of her, holding out one of the armbands that were going to be connecting everyone who would be fighting Leviathan to each other. They were made by Dragon herself, reportedly, so Taylor wasn't all that worried about things. Regardless, the young woman flashes a hesitant smile and shakes her head at the American-Themed heroine, one of her childhood heroes in fact.

"A-Ah, no… I'm from Brockton Bay, b-born and raised. This is… um, this is my debut."

Even with half her face hidden behind the American flag bandana, Taylor would have to be oblivious not to see the utter shock that hits the older woman. Her eyes widen in surprise as well before her shoulders slump a bit.

"I… I know that you want to help, but are you sure about this? An Endbringer Fight is no place for a hero to have their debut."

Taylor can't help but smile, bolstered by the fact that Miss Militia had immediately pegged her as a hero. But then, to be fair, everything about Taylor's costume screamed non-threatening and angelic. That was half on purpose, and half just her theme from what Taylor could tell. See, Taylor was a tinker, and the technology she'd been able to make… well, it wasn't her fault that it took the form of a set of angel wings, a halo, and a white staff, right?

Regardless, all done up in white and gold and orange, Taylor was as ready as she was ever going to be for her debut. And yeah, sure, maybe Leviathan wasn't the place where she should be showing her stuff for the first time… but there'd kept being reasons for her to push it back, and truth be told, Taylor wasn't going to stand around and let an Endbringer destroy her home.

"I'm sure… my name's Mercy, and you don't need to worry about me. I know what I'm doing."

She's thankful that the medical nanites her powers allowed her to build can do more than simply heal. She might not be wearing a mask right now, but she doesn't look anything like Taylor Hebert at the moment, and she won't until she's done being Mercy for the day. Instead, Taylor looks like an older woman in her mid-thirties, beautiful and buxom and blonde. The farthest one could possibly be from Taylor Hebert, even if her 'civilian identity' isn't nearly as scrawny or lanky as pudgy as she was back when she'd first got these powers.

Her powers… she would thank whatever higher power there was every day that she'd gotten lucky enough to have been gifted them. She'd triggered during a car accident with her mom, and if Taylor hadn't been there, there was no doubt in her mind that Annette Herbert would be dead. It was only a young girl's need to save her mother, along with some quick tinkering with some car parts, that had allowed Taylor to help stabilize Annette long enough for the ambulance to arrive.

Honestly, Taylor was lucky she hadn't gotten outed then and there. They'd managed to escape the PRT and Protectorate's notice on that front it seemed, and while her mom still hadn't been one hundred percent, even after she was eventually discharged from the hospital… Taylor was able to make her one hundred percent, able to get Annette back to full functionality in no time at all, so that her poor mother wouldn't be confined to a wheelchair for the rest of her life.

Sometimes, Taylor wondered what made her different from most other capes. There were entire books written about how powers seemed to push parahumans into constant conflict, and that even heroes were driven to fight and use their powers however they could. Her mom had done a lot of research on the subject, once she'd found out about Taylor's tinker abilities.

But truth be told, Taylor had never been one for conflict. And even after she'd triggered, she still wasn't. Oh, she'd felt driven to use her powers, certainly… but to help, not to harm. Taylor had built all sorts of things, most of them with some kind of medical bent to them. And when the urge to use them had grown to be too much, Taylor and her mom had snuck into hospitals in the dead of night and she'd healed people with her nano-beams.

But this… this was Taylor's first time out in costume, in person. And as Miss Militia eye-smiles somewhat sadly and nods, handing her the armband, Taylor can't help but be a little afraid. She doesn't let that fear conquer her though, nor does she try to push it down and bottle it up inside. Her parents hadn't raised her to do either of those things.

Confronting her fear head on, Taylor holds her head high and straightens her shoulders, and grips tightly at her staff. She was afraid, yes… but fear did not rule her. If she died today, so be it… she'd go down saving as many people as possible.

Soon enough, the battle is underway. Legend's speech ends and Leviathan is there, and everything starts to get… messy. Taylor, or rather Mercy as she is right now, uses her wings to fly and glide through the air, giving herself a good overview of the battlefield. And then, wherever she can, she begins to help. It's actually rather easy, because Dragon's voice comes through the armband and tells her all she needs to know about the downed and dying.

Using the Caduceus Staff's primary ability, Taylor connects herself to her targets one by one with a healing tether. Within moments, many of them grow healthier, many of them even wake up if they're unconscious, rising to their feet or into the air if they have the ability to fly. Taylor uses her HUD to make sure that they're relatively healed, and then she moves onto the next, and the next.

Dragon's voice eventually starts coming over the armband with reports of parahumans rejoining the fight, interspersed among the reports of downed and deceased parahumans. Taylor grits her teeth and grimaces every time she hears of another death. She's doing what she can to heal who she can… but it's not enough yet. It's never going to be enough for what she intends to do at the end of this battle.

Regardless, Taylor doesn't lose focus. Flitting around this way and that, she follows in the wake of Leviathan's rampage through the city, trusting in the others to corral him as best they can. In the meantime, Taylor heals. She heals, and she doesn't discriminate. She brings people back from the brink of death, and while not all rejoin the fight, while some take the opportunity to escape with their lives… Taylor doesn't judge. It's not her place to judge. She's not… she's not Justice, she's Mercy. An Angel of Mercy, come down from on high to save both the sinner and the saints.

Alright, so maybe that's a bit more religious than Taylor prefers, and admittedly angels get something of a bad wrap sometimes ever since the Simurgh showed up. But whatever, she's doing good and it feels good to do good, and everything is… well, it's not going amazing, but it's alright. Eventually, much to Taylor's relief, Leviathan is driven back.

To her even greater relief, he's not driven back too soon. All this time, Taylor has been… charging a certain ability. It's rather strange, but then tinkertech is often strange. Namely, she has to use her staff to heal people in order to power her suit to the point that she can use her… well, Taylor never really thought up a name for it beyond 'Ultimate'. It's her ultimate ability after all…

Floating a bit above the city, looking at all the destruction that Leviathan has left in his wake, Taylor presses her lips together and brings her staff high above her head, placing both hands on its haft. And then, she brings it down upon open air, watching as it crackles with power. In the midst of her swing, Taylor can't help herself. A voice murmurs in her ear… and Taylor repeats the words, loud enough to be heard clearly across the entire city.

"Heroes Never Die!"

A false, empty platitude most days. A silly statement that in no way presents the truth of this miserable, grim world in which heroes and villains and everyone in between die every day. But just for today, just this once… everyone gets to live. This is Taylor's greatest ability that she's been able to uncover so far, her 'Ultimate' as she calls it.

A massive wave of glowing golden light washes across the city, emanating from her brightly glowing suit. Everywhere it touches… it doesn't fix broken buildings or put out fires or get rid of the water or anything like that. But what it does do, upon coming in contact with every corpse that Taylor has marked with her nanites for this very purpose over the course of the battle… is bring them back.

It's regeneration suped up a hundred times. It's healing… the dead. People who were very much gone, come back, resurrected by Taylor's power, by her tinkertech suit. A wide smile spreads across Taylor's face as she looks around and sees just the barest fringes of what she's done. Those closest to her that she's brought back get up and stare around with wide-eyes. Similar scenes are playing out all across the city.

Just this once… there's been an Endbringer attack with no casualties. Is it as likely to work a second time? Will the Endbringers adapt to Taylor's tricks and start staying longer, or even target her specifically as they've been known to do to certain parahumans in the past? Taylor doesn't know, and for this moment and this moment alone, she can't bring herself to care.

Ah… but people are starting to look up at her. A light blush spreads across Taylor's face, and she zips off before anyone can try and stop her before any of the faster parahumans can be alerted to her presence and tasked with tracking her down. She didn't do this for the attention, after all… she did it because it was the right thing to do.


Moans fill the air, and Taylor arches her back as she cums, her pussy juices squirting all over her girlfriend's face. The tongue buried deep in her twat pauses for a moment, and then Lisa pulls back, the foxlike blonde sitting back on her haunches and cocking her head to the side as she stares down at Taylor.

"… Strawberries? Really?"

Blushing profusely, the dark-haired girl shrugs helplessly from where she lays on the bed, naked and covered in a layer of sweat.

"Y-You mentioned that you liked the taste of them, r-right?"

Lisa rolls her eyes, even as her signature vulpine grin spreads across her face.

"You're impossible, Taylor. I swear…"

Taylor just blushes, but she smiles right back at her girlfriend as Lisa moves up the length of her body and leans down to give her a messy, strawberry-sweet kiss. Taylor kisses her right back, and the two embrace.

Lisa Wilbourn, aka Sarah Livsey. Taylor's mom had run into the blonde shortly after Lisa came to Brockton Bay, and before the parahuman could get into too much trouble, Annette had brought Lisa home. Her original name might have been Sarah Livsey, but the way Lisa told it, she never wanted to be that girl again. She'd effectively disowned her parents, who were apparently nowhere near as impressive as Taylor's.

There'd been talk in the early days between Annette and Danny about adopting Lisa and making her a Hebert. Then Taylor had developed a bit of tinkertech that cured Lisa of the biggest downsides of her powers, including the inability to enjoy sex or sexual activities with other people because of her super sleuthing. Basically, Taylor had given Lisa the ability to turn her power off if she wanted to.

… Needless to say, talks of adopting had fallen to the wayside as Taylor and Lisa had began their relationship with one another. The two were deeply in love at this point, or at least Taylor definitely was, and now Annette and Danny were convinced Lisa would eventually take the name Hebert on the same day that wedding bells rung, and the two girls were finally joined together in sacred matrimony.

Taylor just wanted the blonde at her side for the rest of her life. She didn't really feel all that rushed about marriage at the moment, or anything else. So long as Lisa was there by her side, Taylor was happy.

Pulling back, Lisa looks down at her and frowns a little.

"Ugh, you're thinking dumb stuff again, aren't you?"

Taylor just giggles and shrugs her shoulders.

"You tell me, Sherlock."

Letting out a breathless laugh, Lisa runs her hands up and down Taylor's feminine form, along her long legs, across her wide hips, around her thin waist, and finally to her perfectly sized breasts.

"You know I don't have my power on right now. But I don't need it to tell me you're being silly, Tay-Tay. You know… you did good today. You did really good. And yet, no one knows it. They're all out there looking for Mercy, the angel-themed cape capable of resurrecting hundreds of people at once… and they have no idea she's currently hiding from the celebrations, accolades, and thanks in order to get some nookie from her girlfriend."

Taylor hums, but ultimately just smiles and shrugs again.

"That's too bad, I guess. I suppose, since no one else knows it… and this Mercy isn't accepting any rewards or accolades from strangers… then the people closest to her, those she loves the most and who really know her… well, they'll just have to reward her themselves, won't they?"

Lisa laughs again, and then growls as she plants her hands on either side of Taylor's head and grinds the cockhead of the vibrating strap-on she's wearing against Taylor's dripping wet pussy lips.

"And what do you think I've been doing, Taylor? Jeez, the things I put up with…"

Taylor doesn't get a chance to respond, because Lisa thrusts forward in the next moment, and a lot of Taylor's thought processes proceed to go offline as she's well and properly fucked by her girlfriend as reward for the first ever no-casualty Endbringer Fight. And honestly, she's okay with not getting a chance at a comeback. Because this… this is fine too.

Wrapping her arms and legs around Lisa, Taylor leans up and kisses the blonde full on the lips and proceeds to lose herself to the pleasure.


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