Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Infidelity in the Congo (Chuck)

Infidelity in the Congo (Chuck)

A/N: Infidelity in the Congo was a commissioned one-shot originally written back in March of 2020. Posting it up here for people to enjoy!

Summary: In which Justin Sullivan, the Ring Agent assigned to watch over the newlyweds Ellie and Devon, decides to do far more than watching... by the time he's done, Eleanor Woodcomb nee Bartowski will belong to him, mind, body, and soul.

Themes: NTR, Rough Sex, Breeding


Everything is going according to plan. Which means that it should be fine for him to go off-script, just a little bit. Holding a specially prepared bottle and plastering a concerned smile on his face, Justin Sullivan makes his way over to Ellie Woodcomb nee Bartowski's side. The beautiful young brunette is currently standing vigil outside of a quarantine tent holding her husband, Devon Woodcomb. The man is currently in a coma, supposedly because he's come down with Malaria.

But of course, Justin knows better. To everyone around camp and in the Doctors Without Borders program, including Devon and Ellie, Justin Sullivan was just the Camp Security Coordinator. He was the man in charge of keeping the good doctors and their patients safe from the dangers of the Congo. Or so they all thought. In truth, Justin Sullivan was an Agent of the Ring, a secretive criminal organization bent towards serving the interests of the powerful.

Justin has never been the most moralistic individual. Power belonged to those who were willing to take it, willing to grab it with both hands and refuse to let go. In that way, the Ring very much resonated with him as an individual, and in the time that he'd been one of the organization's Agents, he'd most certainly prospered.

This hadn't been his favorite mission though, at least not at first. He'd been ordered to watch over the newly wed couple that was Ellie and Devon Woodcomb while they were on their mission to the Congo for Doctors Without Borders. Not because of either of the happily married pair in particular… but because of Ellie's family. Ellie Woodcomb had been born Ellie Bartowski, and the Bartowski family had proven to be more than just a thorn in the ring's side.

There was some minor hope that Ellie's father, Stephen Bartowski, might actually try to get in contact with his daughter, now that she was so far out of the way. That was the main reason why Justin was out here, had been sent ahead in fact when Ellie and Devon's plans to come to the Congo had first been uncovered. He'd already been in place when they'd first arrived, even managing to get their respect rather early on when he killed a poisonous snake going after them during their first meal in camp.

But their respect wasn't something Justin cared all that much about. In the end, most of his attention had become all too focused on one Eleanor Bartowski. He preferred not to think of Ellie by her married name, because in truth… he'd become increasingly enamored with the young woman, ever since she'd arrived in the Congo. He'd taken a liking to her, the good doctor was absolutely gorgeous after all, and her husband… her husband irritated him something fierce.

Devon Woodcomb was a handsome goody two-shoes who had clearly won the lottery that was life. From his good looks to his admittedly remarkable intellect, he'd gone ahead and put it all to good use in becoming a doctor. The man was just too damn nice in Justin's humble opinion. He made every other man in existence look bad in comparison, just by being this… golden boy of sorts.

Not to mention, he'd taken Ellie off the market, something Justin had become increasingly convinced he could never forgive the other man for. Nor was it something he decided he could continue to let stand. When the orders had come down from on high to make sure that the married couple returned to Burbank, Justin had been given a few different options for how to make that a reality.

One of those options, he'd leapt at the opportunity to enact, and now his handiwork lay there in the quarantine tent, staring him right in the face and pleasing the sadistic man to no end. Devon Woodcomb didn't have malaria… but he had all the signs of it, and given he was in a coma now, there was nothing anyone could do… but prepare to ship him and his distraught wife back home for better care in a United States Hospital.

But that would take time… time that Justin fully intended to use to his advantage. With a sympathetic look on his face, the Ring Agent finally comes to a stop at Ellie's side, holding out the cannister of water he's brought her.

"You need to drink something. Here."

Ellie barely spares him a glance, her eyes fixated through the tent 'window' on her comatose husband, but she does take the offered cannister, unscrewing the cap and drinking deeply from it before handing it back.


As Justin carefully closes the cannister back up, having no intentions of drinking any of it himself, he places a hand on Ellie's shoulder, squeezing down gently but firmly, aiming for comforting.

"Devon is a good man… a strong man. He'll pull through, once you both get back to the states."

Ellie starts to nod, only for her head to begin to lull. She almost collapses then and there, but Justin is ready for it, grunting as he catches her, her body slumping against his. He valiantly resists the urge to cop a feel, even as a breathy moan leaves Ellie's lips. The people nearby notice of course, but Justin is already ready for that.

"Whoa there! When was the last time you slept, darling? You must be exhausted…"

Ellie isn't in any state to deny it or disagree, even as Justin abruptly scoops her up in a fireman's carry.

"Let's get you to a bed…"

As the camp's Security Coordinator, he's above reproach. He's made sure of that, acting the perfect gentleman for his entire time in the Congo, despite his darker impulses. This results in not a single one of the camp's inhabitants questioning him as he takes Ellie away. To be fair, he wasn't lying when he said he'd get her to a bed… though if they'd known he was intending to take her to HIS bed, they might have been a bit more nonplussed.

Regardless, Justin makes his way to his private tent without incident and lays the unconscious form of Ellie Bartowski out on his bed, brushing a few stray locks out of her face and smiling down at her quite happily. She truly is a beauty, this woman… one of the most gorgeous women he's ever seen. Justin is outright in lust with her… and thanks to the drugs in that bottle of water she drank so deeply from, soon she will be as well.


When Ellie wakes back up, its with a fluttering sort of panic, the kind of panic that comes with waking up somewhere unfamiliar and not remembering going to sleep in the first place. The moment she begins to come up off of the bed, however, there's a hand on the back of her head, and a bottle at her lips.

"Whoa, hey there… drink some of this, you need to rehydrate."

The voice is familiar, strong, and warm, and as a doctor, Ellie is well-versed in such things, so without really thinking about it, she drinks from the cannister. The water is rich and cool and crisp… and the absolute best tasting water she's ever had in her entire life, truth be told. Blinking slowly, vision still swimming for a moment before clearing up, Ellie looks to the man who's currently holding her head in his hand, even as he pulls the cannister from her puckered lips.

"… J-Justin?"

Justin Sullivan, the camp's Security Coordinator, graces her with a smile that sends shivers down Ellie's spine and causes butterflies to form in her stomach. She immediately flushes in embarrassment at her body's reaction to his smile, especially as her mental faculties continue to return to her and she's reminded of the fact that she has a husband, that she's happily married… and that said husband is currently in dire straits.

"Devon! H-How is he?"

For half a moment, a dark shadow passes over Justin's face before vanishing just as quickly as it arrived. Truth be told, Ellie doesn't think about it too long, assuming she's just seeing things, because other than that, Justin is all sympathetic smiles.

"There's been no change, Ellie. He's still in a coma. For now, he lives. I'm more worried about you, sweetheart. You collapsed outside of his tent. Have you been sleeping? Have you been getting enough water, enough food?"

Ellie bites her lower lip and averts her gaze at that. Still, when Justin silently offers her the cannister again, she drinks from it once more, gulping down the rest of the delicious water within, as if she's in a desert rather than the jungle and is unbelievably parched. When he pulls the cannister away THIS time however, Justin doesn't bother with words. He turns her back to face him with gentle fingers on her chin… and then kisses her.

Ellie's eyes widen and the beautiful brunette freezes up for a moment, a moment in which she stands on the precipice. Part of her screams to pull away, to slap him for the audacity. The other part wants nothing more than to kiss Justin Sullivan some more, because suddenly he's the most gorgeous man he's ever seen, the most compassionate, kindest, wonderful individual she's come into contact with.

Thanks to the drugs she's ingested by now, it's the latter that wins out. Rather than pulling away or slapping him for his forwardness, Ellie… melts into the kiss, all but collapsing into him as she lets him have his way with her. He kisses her long and hard, his tongue pushing past pliable, soft lips and into an unresistant mouth. He dominates her in the short but aggressive makeout session, and when they pull apart Ellie is panting heavily, face bright red from exertion and embarrassment both, chest heaving up and down with every breath.

They look at each other for a long moment… and when Justin reaches for her, Ellie leans into it, letting him grab her, letting him strip her out of her clothing. He's rough and fast, but she finds she kind of likes it, likes how he takes her and just unwraps her like she's not her own person but instead a present for him to tear the wrapping open to get at. He actually does tear her shirt and pants, ripping her shirt off of her as she gasps involuntarily, tearing her pants down her legs.

When it comes to her panties and bra, however, he takes his time a bit more, unclasping her bra from behind and then cupping her exposed breasts for a moment, groping and squeezing them harshly before moving his hands down to her hips, where he hooks his thumbs into the waistband of her panties and slides them down her long legs, before ultimately pulling them off her feet.

After that, his hands are all over her, and Ellie can't help but revel in his touch. She knows she shouldn't be enjoying this; she knows she shouldn't want this. Devon… Devon is supposed to be the love of her life, her soulmate. He's currently in a coma, and she's not at his side… she's not at his side, because she let herself get so exhausted apparently that she collapsed, and Mr. Sullivan of all people had to nurse her back to health.

The self-recrimination from this realization leaves Ellie falling deeper and deeper into Justin's clutches. This is her fault. It's all her fault… but she can't stop now. How can she ever repay Justin for looking after her when Devon couldn't? It's obvious what the Security Coordinator wants from her… and Ellie just so happens to be in the mood to give it to him.

It's a betrayal of Devon, she knows that much… and yet, as Justin's hands glide over her body, she moans like a wanton bitch in heat. As he touches her all over, from her breasts to her nipples to her hips, to down betwixt her thighs, all Ellie can do is lean into him, enjoying the way he's playing with her body far too much to stop now.

The instant he inserts his fingers into her already drooling quim… Ellie climaxes on the spot, and quite explosively at that. Her orgasm wracks her body, and luckily Justin is quick, because he's able to silence her by covering her mouth, muffling and stifling her screams so the entire camp doesn't hear her infidelity. Another reason to be inordinately grateful to the Security Coordinator. Another reason to do whatever he wanted…

Sure enough, Ellie finds herself off of the bed, and Justin on it. Sitting on the edge, he's unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, and pulled his erection out of his boxers, leaving it standing tall and proud right in front of Ellie's face. She's not kneeling, but she is crouching down, resting her weight on her heels, even as her legs bend at the knee and angle outwards, showing off her dripping pussy lips and the rest of her gorgeous, naked body.

Ellie doesn't need to be told what to do. Justin doesn't say a word, but then, he doesn't really have to. She grabs hold of his cock with both hands, and Justin groans as she finds herself incapable of not comparing him with Devon. In terms of size and all of that… the Security Coordinator and her husband aren't that different. It's the smell that has Ellie reeling, as well as the taste when she finally leans forward and gives Justin's member an experimental lick.

Devon was a clean guy, of course he was. He was a doctor after all, and he always took care of his personal hygiene. Meanwhile, Ellie was a doctor as well, and the very idea of fellatio, or anal… both kind of squicked her out if she was being honest. She'd given Devon a total of one blowjob in the time they'd been together, and after seeing how uncomfortable it made her, he'd told her she never had to do it again, that it wasn't worth her happiness.

… So then why did Justin's cock smell and taste so damn good? The man's natural musk fills Ellie's nose as her nostrils flare wide, and her tongue positively worships his length, even as she strokes him up and down with both hands, moaning all the while. He was sweaty and probably a little dirty, though it wasn't as if his cock was particularly unclean or anything like that. He just… he smelt so good. He TASTED so good.

Before she can even comprehend what's happening, the addled doctor is taking him into her mouth wholesale, opening her pouty soft lips nice and wide and slobbering all over his member as she slurps and sucks and begins to bob up and down the length of his cock. Without even realizing that she's doing it, Ellie gets more and more into things, chasing that smell, that taste, all the way to the base of Justin's member, even as she chokes and gags on his length, which is now going down her tight little throat.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

For his part, Justin can only groan and tilt his head back. His hands go to Ellie's hair, and he grips tightly at her brunette locks with both, holding her hair in two fistfuls… but in the end, he doesn't ever have to force her to go faster or take control of the ensuing fellatio in any way. Ellie does it all herself, giving him the best blowjob, he's ever had, sucking and slurping and winding her dexterous tongue around his girthy length again and again.

As she slobbers all over his impressive shaft, Justin comes to a decision he hadn't yet made before that moment. He was always going to fuck Ellie, that was never not on the table… but he had considered whether or not he was going to use protection. But no… no, that wasn't in the cards anymore. Looking down into her glazed over, lust-filled eyes as she sucks his entire cock into her vacuum-like mouth, Justin grins wickedly, knowing full well that he's about to fuck this little bitch raw.

The thought, combined with Ellie's inexperienced enthusiasm, is what finally sends Justin over the edge. Ever the 'perfect gentleman', he calls out right before he does so, giving Ellie barely any warning of what's about to happen.

"Fuuuck, here it comes!"

To her credit, Ellie actually takes his warning to heart. When his seed starts to spurt out into her throat, she's already beginning to swallow, a combination of needing to keep things relatively clean, as well as wanting every last drop of his delicious cum in her belly. After tasting his cock and precum for the entirety of this enthusiastic blowjob, there's nothing Ellie wants more than to just drink it all up, swallowing his load to the last.

The feeling of her constantly convulsing throat clenching and squeezing around his shaft as he unloads in her mouth is heavenly, and Justin groans as he tosses his head back in ecstasy. But soon enough, he's done with his first release… and all too ready to move onto the next. He's none too gentle about it either, but at this point Ellie is too far gone to really care… in fact, she's so very lust-drunk and drugged up at this point that the rough, aggressive way in which he tosses her onto his bed and pins her down only turns her on even more, becoming something of a nascent fetish for her.

He takes her without regard for her personal desires, not that any part of Ellie wants him to stop at this point. She deserves this, for betraying Devon. And he deserves this, for taking care of her. He deserves all of her, and Ellie is happy to give it to him, welcoming Justin with open arms as the Security Coordinator punches into her cunt with every last inch of his big, fat cock.

He fucks her much harder than Devon ever has… and Ellie loves every last moment of it, her eyes going crossed as she moans wantonly, only to be silenced by him kissing her, dominating her with his tongue even as he dominates her with his cock as well. Justin isn't wearing a condom, and Ellie isn't on birth control because her and Devon have been trying without luck for a child ever since they got married… but in the end, this lack of protection is meaningless to the addled brunette.

If Justin wants to fuck her raw, then it's his right to do so, now isn't it? After all, she'd put herself in this situation, she was the one who'd brought this about by being so foolish. Let him fuck her silly, let him cum inside of her… it was only what she deserved for being a horny, needy little bitch rather than the faithful wife she was supposed to be.

As these thoughts run through Ellie's mind, Justin is feasting upon his conquest's body. Fucking her as hard as he can, groping her ass so he can lift her up into each of his thrusts, sliding his mouth and tongue and teeth down from her lips to her breasts where he slobbers all over her gorgeous, perfectly shaped tits, slurping at them, biting at them, suckling at them to his heart's content.

All the while, Ellie climaxes again and again around his cock, succumbing to the pleasure induced by the drugs and by the rough, aggressive plowing that he's giving her. Not once has she raised concern about his lack of condom… and ultimately, when he finally does cum a second time, Ellie orgasms right alongside him, which only reaffirms to Justin that he's made the right choice, as her pussy truly is out of this world.

Unloading inside of the brunette doctor, filling her to the brim with his white hot seed, Justin can only grin at the utterly silly and ridiculous look of ecstasy he finds on Ellie's face when he pulls back. Running a hand through her hair, he pulls her into another kiss, even as he makes a promise to himself. This… was only the beginning.


Several weeks later, Devon is still being treated in the Doctors Without Borders Camp. It took a bit of string pulling in the opposite direction, but ultimately Justin had gotten the request to have Devon transported back to the states denied. It would have made it harder for him to complete his conquest of the comatose man's wife, after all.

Throughout the past several weeks, Justin and Ellie have been going at it like rabbits. After that first night, Justin hadn't been sure how Ellie would react to their infidelity. The fact that she'd betrayed Devon by sleeping with Justin… he was curious to see what she would do next. Of course, he'd never stopped feeding her the drugs, providing cannister after cannister of supposedly fresh, clean water to the woman, even after their night together.

Only the very first cannister had also had some knockout drugs in it, of course. Every other application from that point on was a cocktail of things that would lower Ellie's inhibitions, raise her libido, and ultimately make her more suggestible. Justin had taken advantage of her drugged state over and over again, fucking her silly and slowly pulling her deeper and deeper into the mud with him. Devon Woodcomb might have been a goody two shoes that pissed Justin off to no end, but Ellie was just as dirty and filthy as Justin himself now… and she knew it too, ultimately submitting to him time and time again.

This was the ultimate test though. Up until now, he'd only ever fucked her in his tent, usually after going to retrieve the distraught woman from Devon's quarantined tent. Ellie went with him, time and time again, especially after he provided her with a nice cannister of water to hydrate herself with. They'd fucked more times than Justin could keep track of at this point, truth be told. And each and every time, he'd made sure to cum inside of her unprotected womb. So far, there wasn't any sign… but soon, he had a feeling he'd be seeing progress.


Hearing Ellie's voice is music to the Ring Agent's ears, even as he chuckles darkly and calls back to her.

"Here, Ellie!"

The good doctor comes into view a few moments later, biting her lower lip and looking quite lost and vulnerable as she finally lays eyes on him. He'd ordered her to meet him out here earlier in the day, to come and take a bath with him in a secluded lagoon. Now, here she was, the drugs he's constantly been feeding her working their magic.

Of course, she's still fully dressed… so Jason lifts a hand out of the water and twirls a finger.

"You're a bit over-dressed for taking a bath, darling. Strip for me, won't you?"

Ellie blushes but smiles, positively vibrating with desire, though there is an underlying film of shame over her that Justin honestly revels in. So long as her shame doesn't get to be so much that it stops her from obeying him, she can feel all the shame she wants to over betraying her husband. It's a constant reminder that she's not as much a goody two shoes as Devon Woodcomb… a constantly reminder that she's better off with Justin, a man who knows how to take care of her need to be treated like a whore.

"Y-Yes sir…"

That was a more recent development, but Justin's cock nonetheless jumps, actually rising out of the water of the lagoon a little at the reminder that Ellie now refers to him as 'sir' when they're alone together. Her eyes fix on his erection, and she bites her lower lip all the harder, even as she proceeds to strip down in front of him, trying to make it as sexy as she possibly can all on her own, effectively giving him a strip tease.

She's no professional dancer, of course, so it's more awkward than sensual, but Justin appreciates the effort all the same. Soon enough, Ellie is wading her way into the shallow end of the lagoon, making her way out to him. He's currently standing in between shallow and deep, and as Ellie reaches him, the water goes all the way up to their crotches but no real further, and at some points the water actually ebbs and flows beneath their thighs.

Regardless, once she's in range, Justin wastes no time in pulling the naked brunette in for a deep, domineering kiss. Ellie moans into his mouth and lets him have his way with her, his hands running down her back to grope at her ass, even as he pulls her up against his chest, her breasts rubbing into his pectorals. For a time, that's all he does with her, simply reveling in having this beautiful, vivacious young woman under his control, in his arms, dominated by him in every way possible.

But his cock is still rock hard, and matters are not helped by the fact that he's currently hot-dogging Ellie's pussy lips, his member trapped betwixt her thighs and rubbing back and forth, arousing him even further. In the end, Justin disengages from Ellie's mouth in order to spin her around and bend her over, right there in the middle of the secluded lagoon.

Ellie gasps and coos, only to moan as Justin places his cockhead up against her pussy lips. She's mere inches above the water when he thrusts into her, his hands holding her by the wrists and pulling her arms back behind her. As he fucks her standing doggystyle, Ellie's eyes immediately begin to roll back in her head, her tongue lolling out of her mouth from the pleasure. At this point, her drugged-up body has been fully conditioned to react to Justin's scent, to his touch, and of course to his cock, buried in her needy, horny quim.

While in her mind, all of this started out as a punishment for her betrayal of her beloved husband… there's no denying how good sex with Justin feels. Getting fucked by the Security Coordinator is the best sensation she's ever experienced… sex with Mr. Sullivan blows sex with her husband out of the water entirely, as ashamed as that makes Ellie feel.

Slowly but surely, it's no longer about self-recrimination or what Justin 'deserves' for helping her out anymore. Sure, he's been taking good care of her the last few weeks, and because of that Ellie has been paying him back with her body. It just feels right to do so, and it continues to feel right to do so, even if she is betraying her comatose husband in the process.

But more and more, it feels like it's less about what's right and less about paying Justin back. More and more… it feels like she's actually starting to fall in love with Justin Sullivan. The way he treats her is completely the opposite of how Devon has always acted around her. Oh sure, he's been kind enough when it comes to making sure she's hydrated and taking care of her… but Devon would never have been so domineering, so rough, so controlling in bed.

He certainly wouldn't have ordered her out here to a secluded lagoon like this one, then told her to strip… nor would he have bent her over and fucked her from behind in the lagoon itself as Justin was doing now. As another orgasm wracks Ellie's form, Justin's cock continuing to piston in and out of her as he fucks her standing doggystyle, the brunette moans wantonly, eyes rolling around in her head, tongue still lolling out of her mouth. She cums again and again around his cock, until finally he cums inside of her… what might as well be the hundredth time he's filled her womb with his seed.

As a doctor, Ellie knows full well the risks of having so much unprotected sex with the man for weeks on end at this point… but she's long since decided that if that's what he wants from her, that's what he's going to get. And it's obvious that this is what he wants. Pulling out of her, Justin grabs Ellie by the hair and yanks her around rather roughly into another kiss, which she happily accepts, even as he drags her over to the lagoon's shallows.

There, he sits down in the shallow water and pulls Ellie back down onto his cock, impaling her from below as she begins to ride him in a sensual cowgirl. His hands are all over her body, and his lips are on her lips and then her neck, before he eventually moves to suckle at her teats, playing with her breasts. Ellie loses herself in the pleasure, lets herself get drawn into the ecstasy entirely. This… this isn't so bad. Having some fun with her punishment, maybe even falling in love with Justin Sullivan… she could be happy like this.

Even as those thoughts begin to percolate in the addled brunette's mind, Justin is admiring her curves and thoroughly enjoying her body. At this point, his mission is clear to him… get Ellie pregnant and keep her for himself. He's already been hard at work on that very task for weeks now, and while his personal desires and his loyalties to the Ring will have to be carefully balanced… Justin knows he can make it work. He WILL make it work, and he WILL keep Eleanor Bartowski for himself, no matter the cost.

Once more, the pair end up reaching a mutual climax together after several more explosive orgasms from Ellie's side of things. He fills her already creampied womb with another load of his seed, and even as he exults in being one step closer to his plan coming to fruition, Ellie finds herself lost in just how great it feels to have Sir cum inside of her. As he paints her womb white with his ejaculate, for the first time… the brunette finds herself longing for a pregnancy. She wants him to breed her, to knock her up… she wants to grow heavy with Justin Sullivan's child.


A muffled moan barely makes its way through the ball gag but no further as Ellie arches her back in orgasmic ecstasy. A second later, there's a stifled squeal that the ball gag stops as well when a hand comes down on her upturned ass in a meaty smack. Then, a dark chuckle from the man currently fucking her doggystyle in his private tent. Justin has a satellite phone to his ear and is listening to the voice on the other end, even as he plows his pet doctor to his heart's content.

"Yes sir… no sir… oh, I don't think that she'll be a problem going forward, sir."

That last bit is directed at Ellie, and it's the truth. She's completely broken at this point, to the extent that she's not even on the drugs anymore. She doesn't need them… and besides, they'd be bad for the baby. Dressed in a skimpy bikini with the bottoms pulled aside to give Justin access to her cunt and the top flipped up to let her growing tits bounce and jiggle and flail all over the place, Ellie looks less like the respectable medical practitioner she was when she first arrived in the Congo, and more like a horny and altogether pregnant whore, if the sexy little baby bump she was currently developing was any indication.

Justin lets out a surprised grunt and a pleased laugh.

"Oh? Thank you very much sir. I'm glad you're a fan of my work."

His good humor is infectious, making Ellie smile happily as well at the fact that he was happy with whatever the voice on the other end was saying.

"Yes sir, I'll make plans to move out as soon as possible. You have a good day as well."

As he hangs up, Ellie feels a flicker of trepidation at his words as they penetrate through the haze of pleasure, she's been lost in for weeks now. Biting her lower lip, the brunette can't help but worry that her new baby daddy might leave her behind. Thankfully, as he sets the phone down, he doesn't pull out to begin making plans… instead he leans over her and begins fucking her in earnest, one hand clasping her throat while the other slides around her front to grope at her growing tits.

"I've just received a promotion, pet. I'm leaving the Congo, soon."

Ellie shudders at hearing it from his own lips. On the one hand, she's happy for him… on the other… he wouldn't leave her here, would he? With a baby in her belly, a comatose husband, and no one to turn to? As if sensing her worries, Justin hums, running his hand down from her fat tits to her growing belly.

"You're getting fat… or maybe not?"

His teasing tone tells Ellie he already knows the truth, even though she hasn't actually told him yet, she hasn't actually admitted it. Ellie orgasms at his comments, before moaning out the admission, telling him what she should have told him weeks ago when she first took the test and it was positive.

"Y-yes… I'm pregnant, sir."

Justin chuckles and keeps on fucking her, keeps on molesting her, keeps on dominating her. Ellie groans, her head tilting back until he can literally kiss her upside down, his tongue worming its way into her mouth to wrestle her own tongue into submission. When they pull apart after a moment of heavy making out, Justin looks down into her eyes, and she looks up into his face, pleading silently, hopefully.

"You're coming with me, of course."

Another orgasm wracks her body at the words, and she moans her heartfelt agreement, her gratitude that he's not abandoning her. She of course agrees to accompany Justin wherever he's going, and as he continues to plow her doggystyle, fucking her cunt with all his might, Ellie licks her lips and offers a suggestion.

"W-We should leave before Devon can recover… that way I can j-just divorce him without any issues, wherever we end up sir."

Justin groans at the very idea, before cumming inside of Ellie once more, reveling in his domination over the beautiful doctor. She's his now, wholly and utterly, and they both know it. In truth, Ellie even thinks of Justin as her Master in her head these days. She has yet to say it out loud, but she nonetheless thinks it, labeling Justin as the owner of her mind, body, and soul. He can do whatever he wants with her, even if that means discarding her… but of course, she's happy that he's chosen to keep her at his side all the same.

Meanwhile, Justin is loving life at the moment, and quietly exulting in his good fortune. Despite his mission deviation, the Ring had indeed promoted him and were moving him out of the Congo. Of course, what Ellie didn't know was that this was all contingent on her going with him. She had no idea the power she had over him now that he was officially to be her handler. If at any point she stopped playing ball, Justin would be in a lot of trouble with his superiors.

Luckily for him, he'd gone ahead and broken her down completely and utterly first. She was his creature now, and never in a million years would Ellie dare to disobey her beloved Master. Justin Sullivan was the man for her, the man of her dreams… the man who knew how to treat her like the needy, horny cum dump whore that she truly was deep down inside.

At the end of the day, Ellie belonged to her Master and was looking forward to being his breeding bitch for as long as he decided to keep her around. Justin, meanwhile, was looking forward to playing with his new pet for many years to come. A match made in heaven it was not… more a match made in hell, truth be told. All while that goody two shoes Ellie had made the mistake of marrying stayed in a coma, perhaps permanently…

Oh yes, Justin was loving his life… and he knew it was only going to get better from here.


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