Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

It Takes A Monster (Tomie Kawakami)

It Takes A Monster (Tomie Kawakami)

A/N: It Takes a Monster was a commissioned one shot originally written back in May of 2022. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: Tomie Kawakami is in the process of wrapping yet another man around her finger so she can manipulate him into committing unspeakable evils when she discovers she might just have bitten off more than she can chew for once.

Themes: Horror, Mind Break, Master/Slave


"Ah, you have a truly lovely home, Hiroto!"

"Heh, I'm glad you like it. It's rather beautiful, isn't it? Almost makes you never want to leave…"

Now, an outside observer hearing a tall, broad-shouldered man saying something like that to a comparatively smaller woman might think something was suspicious. They might think that the man had bad intentions towards the young woman. They might even have tried to intervene. Luckily for them, no one is around to hear those words… because in truth, the reality of the situation is QUITE different.

Tomie Kawakami, the young woman currently hanging off of Hiroto's arm as she lets the big strong man walk her up to his house, hides a wicked little grin behind her hair upon their approach. In truth, it didn't matter to her if Hiroto was a bad man or not. It didn't matter to her if he was a serial killer, or even a rapist looking to trap her in his home.

None of that mattered… because Tomie Kawakami was not your normal girl. She was an eldritch horror, a monster in every sense of the word. And to be quite blunt… she was wholly okay with that. No, rather… she absolutely thrived in her existence as something straight out of your average human being's nightmares.

Once upon a time, Tomie had been a normal girl. A long, long time ago now. But she'd been an eldritch horror for much, much longer. After her jealous classmates had killed her and then mutilated her body to hide the evidence, Tomie hadn't actually fully… died. No, rather, her body had been steeped in demonic energy, and she had returned to life as the monster she was today.

It didn't matter what anyone did to her. Killing her didn't stick. Not even cutting her into pieces worked. Indeed, even a single cell of her body was enough for her to regenerate into more of herself. There were plenty of Tomie Kawakami out there right now as a result, each and every one doing their own evil, vile thing.

She was one of many, but she was also the only Tomie who actually mattered, at least in her eyes. After all, she was convinced that she was the closest to the original. Sure, she didn't know for sure… but she was almost certain all the same. After all, to be Tomie Kawakami was to have the utmost confidence in your own existence.

So yes, hearing Hiroto make slightly ominous statements like that didn't really disturb Tomie all that much. After all, if everything went according to plan, their relationship might very well end with the handsome man cutting her into pieces, or stabbing her a hundred times as her blood sprayed all over his face, or any number of other alternatives. And more Tomie Kawakami would be born as a result.

Yes, this was how it was meant to be.

"Well, are you going to show me inside, silly?"

"Heh, of course. Come on."

Tomie beams, as Hiroto guides her into the house. It really is a nice house. Hiroto really is a nice man, a wealthy man at that, a businessman even. And Tomie cannot wait to pervert and corrupt him, to turn him into a monster as well. Oh yes.

However… it's odd. As she enters his home, there's a feeling of dark foreboding. The place doesn't look any different than any other house she's ever been in of this size and wealth. It doesn't seem special in any way that Tomie can see. And yet, a shiver runs down her spine, not of delight and anticipation… but fear and trepidation.

She brushes it off immediately, of course. After all, she's the one in charge here. She's the monster. Hiroto is her prey. There's absolutely nothing he can do to her that she doesn't want to happen. There's no horror he can visit upon her that would be a step too far. Not for an eldritch horror such as herself. Not one thing happens to Tomie that isn't caused by her far-reaching and expansive machinations.

"Did you want something to drink?"

"Do you have anything strong?"

Tomie bats her eyelashes at Hiroto, knowing full well that it's incredibly easy to make men into monsters when they're drunk. Hiroto smiles right back at her, nodding his head and turning in the direction of his kitchen… only to stop, as if he just remembered something.

"Oh! But before we do that, there was something I wanted to show you. A surprise! Will you follow me, Tomie?"

He offers her his hand, and… why is that dark foreboding feeling back? Tomie almost scoffs, almost rolls her eyes as she immediately brushes that feeling off again and reaches out to put her hand in his own. Honestly, what's wrong with just humoring him? Besides, it might just be the perfect chance to further sink her hooks into Hiroto, and begin her manipulation of the young, successful businessman in force.

And so Hiroto leads her through the large house, until they reach an unassuming door. He opens it, and before Tomie can get a good look, he pulls her inside.

They make it three feet past the threshold, before Tomie actually registers what she's seeing and stops dead in her tracks. For the first time that she can remember, the eldritch monster is… is actually horrified, well and truly horrified, by what she finds.

"What do you think?"

Hiroto's smug tone makes her want to turn and kill him right then and there. She doesn't. She just stands there in disbelief and shock and a slowly encroaching terror. For you see, the room before her is filled with OTHER Tomie Kawakami. A multitude of them, in fact. Each and every one is in various states of dress and undress too, and many of them are looking at her with smug, sinister grins that she'd had on her face dozens of times.

But worse still than that are the several that aren't looking at her, but instead at the man she'd been planning on using and abusing. The looks on THEIR faces aren't sinister or smug, but instead replaced with sheer, unadulterated adoration.

Tomie, in a very rare moment of self-preservation, and the startling epiphany that she might have bitten off more than she can chew for the first time in her life, realizes that this is a situation far beyond her ability to manipulate to her liking. And so, she pulls herself out of Hiroto's grasp and turns around, fully intending to escape with all haste.

"Going somewhere?"

Only to find that the way out has already been blocked by half a dozen more Tomie Kawakami. The one in the center is the one who speaks, a snide, gleeful tone that shows just how much she's getting off on Tomie's fear. Before the eldritch horror can look for another escape route, the six clones of her all spring forward, grabbing her right there on the spot and restraining her.

"N-No! What are you doing?!"

"Look Master! We caught her for you!"

"Heh, I can see that."

Tomie's eyes widen, as they present her to their… their Master?! Hiroto steps forward, hands casually in his pockets as his eyes sweep up and down her body like he's inspecting a particularly interesting specimen.

Struggling against her various counterparts, Tomie finds herself on the backfoot for the first time ever. Beat her, cut her up and mutilate her… kill her, even. All of these things and more were perfectly acceptable. In fact, they were more than acceptable, they were preferred. There was nothing Tomie hated more than lovey dovey bullshit, unless it was for the express purposes of wrapping a man around her finger, lifting him nice and high so that when she manipulated him into killing her, the fall was all the greater for it.

Unfortunately, she didn't quite know what to do in this situation. So of course, she tries to fall back on her usual modus operandi. Forcing down her fear and nervousness, Tomie relaxes in the hold of her counterparts and gives Hiroto a broad smile, batting her eyelashes at him suggestively.

"I didn't know you were into this sort of thing, Master. If I had, I would have crawled here instead of walked~"

Hiroto just chuckles and shakes his head.

"You really don't get it, do you? Look around you, Tomie. You think you're new? You think you're special? Anything and everything you can say, has already been tried before by another Tomie."

Tomie's eyes widen at the simple truth in those words. She goes still, as Hiroto steps forward and gently caresses one of her cheeks.

"I met the first of you a while back. She tried the same exact thing on me, and I'll admit… I almost fell for it. But then I realized the truth. Not that you're monsters… but that deep down inside, you're all hurting. Each and every one of you Tomie Kawakami craves a true, honest connection. More than that… you crave domination."

Hiroto shrugs, leaning in close as Tomie shivers in the face of the insane man's words. He's crazy, and not in the way she most preferred. No… his is a dangerous kind of crazy, because he thinks he knows her, and somehow… somehow he LIKES her. But that's impossible, right? There's nothing likeable about the true Tomie Kawakami. She's an irredeemable monster, through and through!

"I fucked that first Tomie until she was nothing but my loyal, submissive cocksleeve. And then, with her help, I managed to do the same to many other Tomie copies along the way. And now… now I'll do the same to you."

She goes to respond, intending on spitting out a scathing retort designed to ruin his self-esteem and let him know he's NOTHING to her… but before she can, he's forcing his tongue into her mouth, planting an unwanted kiss on the entirely unwilling eldritch monstrosity. Tomie's eyes widen in anger at the way he takes such liberties, but before she can recover enough to retaliate, he pulls back.

The others force her down to her knees, even as she coughs and struggles in their grasp.

"Y-You stupid bitches! What's the point of this?! All for just one man?! Why?!"

"You'll see soon enough, Tomie~"

A couple of her clones pull out Hiroto's cock, sticking it right in Tomie's face. Seeing how her attempt at manipulation fell flat on her face, she doesn't even try to play games anymore. She just wrinkles her nose and squawks in disgust. Unfortunately, that doesn't stop her counterparts from grabbing her forcibly by the hair and slamming her down Hiroto's cock.

They show no mercy, not that Tomie really would expect them to. Still, the force by which they're ramming her along his length, pushing her down so that she's soon deep-throating his cock, is considerable.


They don't start slowly at all… because they know better than to give her a chance to get her bearings. Indeed, if they'd taken their time, Tomie knows exactly what she would have done. She would have bitten down, of course, tried to chew Hiroto's cock right off. For a girl who regularly convinced people to murder her, who infected others and turned them into copies of herself… that would have just been par for the course.

Unfortunately, the other Tomie copies know her playbook from front to back. Hiroto himself seems to know her playbook, because as he stares down at her, he's smiling confidently, even while groaning from the feel of her tight, gagging, flexing throat around his cock.

They're skull fucking her on his dick so hard and so fast that she can't do anything but take it, even as she struggles to no avail in the hold of half a dozen of her fellow clones. The others don't let up for even a moment… and in the midst of her hardship, one of them begins whispering in her ear.

"Could he be right? Do we all secretly desire domination, deep down inside?"

She immediately recognizes what's happening. It's insidious. Tomie's inner voice is her inner voice… but it's also the outer voice of every Tomie in this room with her right now. This Tomie is trying to manipulate her by whispering thoughts into her ear for her. But even knowing what's happening… it's hard to resist.

"He's the only one who sees us for who we really are… and accepts us all the same, isn't he? He's the only man who could ever truly love us. But do we deserve his love?"


Forced up and down Hiroto's cock again and again, Tomie can do nothing but stare up into his smiling face as poisonous words are fed into her head.

"Of course we do! We're Tomie Kawakami, aren't we? We're perfect… and only the greatest cock in the world is worthy of being graced by our mouth. Right? But then… that would make this cock the greatest cock in the world, wouldn't it?"

Tomie's eyes slowly slide down to the cock forcing its way down her throat. A moment later, and it disgorges a hot, thick load of seed right down her gullet. She's forced to swallow every last drop… but she doesn't resist drinking down his cum quite as much as she probably should have…

As Hiroto finishes cumming, the others pull her off of his cock and drag her back. They strip her naked, something that Tomie only offers a token struggle to as she's pulled down to the floor and sees Hiroto kneeling down right alongside her. Her beautiful, pale body, identical to every other Tomie in the room, is left on full display before this… this inexplicable man.

He smiles at her, even as several of her copies finish stroking him back to full mast in record time. Lining up with her slit, Hiroto holds her by her pale thighs, gently but firmly. And then he thrusts into her, claiming her virginity for what must be the hundredth time.

Tomie can't help the cry that spills forth from her lips, as he fucks her good and hard. There's a forcefulness to his treatment to her, but also a tender affection. Something in the eldritch monstrosity's mind shifts, clicking into place as she realizes the Tomie who had been whispering into her ear was… was RIGHT. They were Tomie Kawakami, so yes, they were perfect… and for a man like Hiroto to have tamed so many of them… he must be perfect as well.

He was the only man worthy of her love. The only man worthy of HER. He was the only man who could truly give her what she needed… complete and utter domination.

Her mind finally succumbing, the latest in a long string of Tomie Kawakami finds herself recognizing Hiroto, the handsome and tall man in front of her, as her Master. Letting out a particularly wanton moan, Tomie wraps herself around him as the others, all with matching knowing smiles, let go of her. Her legs go around his waist and her arms go around his neck as she clings to him hard, all while he fucks into her.

"Yes! Yes, Master! Fuck me! You're Perfect! You're the only one worthy of my love! I devote myself to you, Master! I, Tomie Kawakami, will be your loyal woman from now until the end of time!"

There's some truth to that promise as well. Tomie is immortal, after all. There is no end to her… and there would be no end to her perfect master either, if she had anything to say about it.

Moaning wantonly Tomie clenches down and squeezes hard on her Master's cock, even as he chuckles and fucks into her even more powerfully than before. He's so big inside of her tight cunt, so thick and throbbing. He pistons in and out hard and fast, while also leaning forward to whisper in her ear.

"That's what I like to hear, darling. My beloved Tomie… welcome home."

His words provoke a mewling cry from the newest Tomie Kawakami to fall into his net, and as she shudders in abject ecstasy beneath him, she feels it… his seed, exploding into her womb. As he releases a load inside of her, Tomie's eyes roll back in her head for a moment in pure bliss as she welcomes his essence into her.

In the aftermath, as she's introduced to her new role in the Tomie Harem, she's also ready in on their ultimate battle-plan.

"Once we've subsumed all of the others into our Master's Harem, we can begin to multiply once more. Right now, we're a disparate collective, barely held together by the thread of being Tomie Kawakami. But once we all exist to serve our Master… then, we can truly get to work."

The Tomie speaking looks almost reverent as she describes it, and her attitude is infectious, causing Tomie to feel a swell of excitement and anticipation in her breast.

"Every dismembered limb, every eviscerated organ, every drop of blood and every cell transplant will become a new, devoted Tomie, born into this world already knowing that she exists to serve our Master!"

Grinning, the Tomie's eyes twinkle as she grows slightly more composed.

"Ah, but most important of all, our Master's seed, developing inside of our wombs, will grow into new Tomie as well. Eventually, the world will be only Tomie Kawakami… and her beloved Master."

The newest Tomie to join the Harem blinks at that. It sounds like Heaven, for a monster like her. Though, she's a little surprised that their Master, seemingly such a good man, is willing to go along with it. When she looks to him however, she sees past the gentle smile on his face and has one last epiphany that sets everything to right for her.

Of course. It would take a monster to love a monster. And their Master… is more monstrous than all of them put together~


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