Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Love & Lust (Harry Potter)

Love & Lust (Harry Potter)

A/N: Love & Lust was a commissioned one shot originally written back in February of this year. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: Lavender the Cherub is the last line of defense Hogwarts has against the Forces of Evil that are Harry the Incubus and Hermione the Succubus! But is she enough?

Themes: Rough Sex, Corruption, Moresome


Lavender Brown was a Cherub. She was a Very Good Cherub, which meant that she rose with the sun on Valentine's Day, more than ready to spend all day long working super, duper hard with her bow and arrows. As a celestial guide, it was her duty to make sure all of the good little witches and wizards in Hogwarts Castle, fell in pure, innocent love with their proper matches!

They didn't know her true nature, of course. To blend in, she'd had to pretend to be a witch too! Technically, it was against the rules to get too close to the young ones all depending on her, but she was a Cherub! An Angel of Love! What could one really expect from her?!

So yes, all of Valentine's Day would be spent on her duties, on making sure she brought together everyone who was meant to be together in proper, honest love, rather than wicked, vile lust or debauchery. Indeed, there were dark forces at work in the castle, always, and today was the day of the year where Lavender's power was the strongest! Today was the day where she could finally regain some of the ground that she'd been losing back from her foes!

But first… well, Lavender had decided she was going to be a little selfish to start her day and indulge in her own love first. Her love to her bestie Parvati Patil! While Parvati didn't know of Lavender's true nature as a Cherub, she was still the bestest best friend that the blonde could have asked for! Together, they'd gone through the years of Hogwarts arm and arm, and Parvati had been as much of an ear for Lavender's troubles as Lavender had been a shoulder for Parvati to cry on!

Of course, she'd had to… censor some of those troubles, making sure that Parvati didn't learn the truth about her, but all the same, it was all thanks to the Indian Witch that Lavender had been able to stay pure and true to her goals, to her duties! Without Parvati as her solid rock, Lavender wasn't sure she could have made it all the way to Valentine's Day! This year had been a rough one for the Cherub, full of… loss.

But that just meant she had to cherish those she was still close to all the more! And that's why Lavender was creeping over to Parvati's bed in the very early morning hours of the day, long before the Indian Witch or indeed most other people in the Castle woke up. As she gets closer, Lavender pictures who she wants to match Parvati with, who her best friend would be happiest with in love.

He has to be hunky, of course. Handsome and tall. Oh! And pure of heart, that of course is a requirement! He has to also be kind and wholesome. He has to always put Parvati first, and never even consider setting her aside for another woman or straying from her to go behind her back! Hm, the more Lavender thinks about it, the more she finds herself paring down the potential options throughout the Castle.

… This might be harder than she thought. She can't think of a single wizard who fits her requirements for her bestie! But wait! Maybe she's going about this all wrong! Parvati likes both boys AND girls, and there's nothing wrong with love between two girls! Love is love! Beaming, Lavender starts over, this time with the ladies of Hogwarts.

However, before she can reach the inevitable conclusion, that being that she's the only one in all of Hogwarts who would treat Parvati right by her impossibly high standards, the Cherub is interrupted by the arrival of Someone Else. Stiffening, Lavender's pretty face, normally so sunny and happy and excitable, suddenly drops into a stormy scowl as a wicked smirk makes itself known in the shadows of the room.

From behind that wicked smirk materializes a whole ass person… or in this case, a demon. Hermione Granger saunters out of the shadows and comes to a stop on the other side of Parvati's bed, the Indian witch still slumbering between them. Lavender gasps. Unbeknownst to everyone else in the Castle, Hermione Granger isn't what she says she is!

Lavender knows full well the truth of the brunette bookworm. Hermione is a LUST Demon, a Succubus from the Second Layer of Hell! She's a lewd, filthy bitch, the direct counterpart to Lavender's nice, innocent cherub!

And the worst part is, no one suspects anything either! Not that Lavender is allowed to interfere and show the mortals the truth of their world anyways, but damn it, it would be a lot easier on her if the mortals were a little less oblivious about these things! Unfortunately, Hermione Granger's disguise was perfect. The hard-working muggleborn witch, who threw herself into her studies the moment she found herself in Hogwarts. The prim and proper Good Girl, who just so happened to be hiding a heart of PURE EVIL!

Never mind that Hermione Granger was too smart for her own good! Never mind that a muggleborn should never have been capable of the academic feats she proved to be capable of! They were all so easily hoodwinked! Meanwhile, Lavender was stuck always coming second, because HER mortal persona had been categorized as a ditzy bimbo! Ugh, it just wasn't fair! She was super duper smart! The mortals were just weird with all of their emphasis on unimportant things like learning! They didn't understand that LOVE was all that mattered in the ever ongoing battle of LUST!

"Well, well. Fancy meeting you here, Lavender Brown~ We haven't seen each other properly like THIS since… mm, who was it? Cho, perhaps?"

When Hermione says 'properly', she means in their true forms. Which are in fact different from their mortal forms, albeit not by much. Lavender, for instance, is currently nearly bursting out of her toga. She blames the hearty, heavy Hogwarts Feasts on the fact that she's the bustiest, most voluptuous Cherub that ever did cherub. Alternatively, it might be the heavy demonic corruption in the castle… but no! No, she refused to fall into dark thoughts! This wasn't a dead end posting! Heaven didn't send her here to lose! She hadn't been set up to fail!

Regardless, on top of her pure white toga barely containing her massive mammaries or her wide hips, Lavender also had cute dove-like wings coming out of her shoulderblades, and a tiara resting atop her brow. She didn't have a full halo, because she was a Cherub and cherubs didn't get those…

Hermione, meanwhile, was dressed in a mockery of her mortal disguise. Or more accurately, the mortal disguise was the mockery, and no one but Lavender seemed to realize it! This Hermione Granger, stood before her wearing her uniform like a slutty schoolgirl, was the TRUE Hermione Granger! With her blouse tied off just below her tits rather than buttoned up, exposing her belly button and a ton of cleavage, and her plaid skirt in Gryffindor colors more like a large belt than a mini-skirt, she was practically showing off her entire body to the whole wide world with every step she took!

Not to mention her demonic spade tail swinging back and forth behind her legs, and the bat wings folded upon her back. She was… she was Sex on Heels! She was Sin Made Manifest! She was Temptation Given Form!

She was also Lavender's ARCHNEMESIS AND ETERNAL RIVAL! In the fight between Good and Evil, Love and Lust, Lavender had found herself up against Hermione again and again! And it felt like she almost never came out ahead like she was supposed to! Good was supposed to triumph over Evil, right? The long arm of the universe bends towards justice, o-or something!

Cho… Cho was a particularly sore spot for Lavender. She was SUPPOSED to nudge Cho Chang into a sweet lovey-dovey romance with that nice boy Cedric Diggory. Not nice enough for her Parvati, maybe, but that was only because his experience with love had left Cedric TRAUMATIZED! Lavender had been too late! Rather than falling in love with Cedric, Cho had turned out to be… to be a fiercely competitive muscle-slut who could only get lovey-dovey when all of her holes were gaping, her abs were bowed outward and distended until she looked pregnant, and her bed was broken under the weight of the fornication.

It wasn't Cedric's fault. It was Hermione's. Hermione's and that… but no, Lavender couldn't let herself get distracted!

"Back foul demon! This pure, innocent witch is not for you to harm!"

Hermione lets out a snicker at that, but rather than getting any closer to Parvati, she begins to saunter casually around the bed. For a moment, Lavender feels a heartbeat of triumph… before realizing Hermione is getting closer to HER instead.

"Heh, I remember when your kind thought witches couldn't BE innocent. There was that whole time period when you had your mortal servants burning them at the stake, after all."

Lavender scowls and shakes her head vehemently.

"T-That was a mortal mistake! God has always loved ALL of her children!"

Because of course, God was a woman. At least in Lavender's mind. Not that she had time to think about that, Hermione was a lot closer now… too close, one might say. Their massive busts were getting in the way, but Hermione wasn't letting that stop her. Instead, the lewd, icky succubus was leaning into it, their big titties squishing together, her spade tail brushing against Lavender's pale thighs. The Cherub quivers, as Hermione 'mms' at her.

"Sure, Lav. Not that it matters. The lapse was a lapse, and us demons moved in. Witches and wizards are OUR turf… and you're so far in over your head little Cherub, that it isn't even funny."

Lavender lets out a low whine, in the back of her throat, as Hermione suddenly captures her lips in a kiss. The succubus doesn't even have ahold of her, but they're kissing, and it feels soooo good and… n-no! No, she HAD to stay strong! For Parvati, if not herself!

Tearing herself away, a very red Lavender Brown shakes her head vehemently.

"I-I won't let you lewd my bestie, Hermione! You keep your filthy claws off of her, y-you… you DEMON!"

Hermione lets out a bark of laughter at that.

"Not quite an insult when you're just describing what I am, Lav dear. Still… I'm always up for a wager~"

Lavender's eyes squeeze shut, and she lets out a groan. It was always wagers and bets with the Forces of Evil! They never wanted to just have a fair, straight-up fight! Not that… not that Lavender was BUILT for fighting. She was an Angel of Love, after all, a Cherub. Her bow and arrows might have been repurposed as a weapon by mortals thousands of years ago, but she couldn't hurt a fly with them. Her arrows might pierce, but they could never harm. All they could do was bring out the TRUE love in the hearts of mortals.

And besides, if she did pick a fight here, in Hogwarts Castle… she was super duper screwed. Hermione wasn't the only demonic presence on campus. Nor was the succubus wrong when she said that witches and wizards had long been the domain of demonkind. But that was why Lavender was here! She was tasked with changing that!

So far, the demons had let her try. Lavender wasn't dumb, she knew they could have stopped her outright if they wanted to. But she'd always figured it was their hubris that would be their downfall. That was how it was supposed to work in the eternal fight of Good versus Evil, after all!

They kept giving her chances, and she… well, she kept trying to take them! But most of the time, she'd blown it. She'd failed with Cho, and numerous others since arriving at Hogwarts. That didn't mean she would just give up though! After all… Parvati was her bestie! She couldn't just LEAVE her to Hermione's depravations!

More than that, narratively speaking, wasn't this the point for it all to turn around? If this were a story, this was where Lavender would discover her super-secret ability and use it to save Parvati from Hermione's lewd, depraved clutches. Yes! This was her chance!

Opening her eyes, Lavender levels her best blazing glare at the succubus stood in front of her. She's hoping Hermione will be surprised and maybe take a step back in fear once she sees how super serious Lavender is being… but the succubus just giggles, her eyes twinkling.

"What kind of wager?"

"The same as always, darling. Let's see whether Parvati is one of your good girls… or one of my lewd sluts, shall we?"

So far, every single witch they'd done this with had turned out to be a lewd slut, no matter how hard Lavender tried to guide them down the path of Righteousness and Love. But this time would be different! She just knew it!


Parvati, of course, is still sleeping peacefully in her bed. And so, wager made, the cherub and succubus slide right in, trapping her tight svelte body between their curves. Lavender hesitates and glances over to Hermione, only to see the succubus smirking and nodding, giving her permission to go first. Scowling at her, Lavender's gaze softens when she looks to her sleeping best friend.

Leaning forward, she brushes Parvati's lips with a chaste kiss of love and affection, intending to show her sleeping friend the way to one's heart isn't through aggress- and then Parvati grips her by her hair and PLUNGES her tongue in, slurping away at the inside of Lavender's mouth and drooling and sucking as the cherub squirms! O-Oh! It was so DIFFERENT when it was with her bestie! This wasn't f-fair at all!

Giggling, Hermione reaches over and pulls Parvati's whining little mouth away from Lavender, as the blonde cherub blinks in dazed shock, her lips still parted and a line of lewd, debauched drool connecting her and the sleeping Indian witch's parted mouths. As Lavender's chest heaves with each taxing breath, Hermione's eyes twinkle.

"Point to me, I'd say~"

Lavender flushes and then scowls, trying to shake her head vehemently.

"N-No, that didn't c-count! She-! I-!"

But before she can come up with a reason WHY it didn't count, Hermione yanks Parvati's face into her tits and holds it there almost gently, letting the Indian Witch do whatever she wants. Lavender can only cover her mouth in shock at what she witnesses.

N-No… No! Parvati is supposed to nuzzle in and go back to sleep! She's n-not supposed to use her nose to nudge away the flimsy, thin cloth covering one of Hermione's pink nipples… and then latch on like a h-hungering lewd b-beast! The slurping and sucking of Hermione's milk directly from her demon titties makes Lavender squeal and gasp in protest.

Trying to save her friend, the blonde cherub reaches over to push Hermione away, but the succubus just laughs, batting Lavender's hands off of her and Parvati, and cooing happily as the Indian Witch begins rolling her hips against the succubus' thigh. It's happening again! Right before Lavender's eyes, she's losing another one! Unable to truly fight, both because of the political climate and because she herself is individually weak, Lavender can only watch in growing despair as her bestie begins to fall.

Only to blink in surprise when a smirking Hermione suddenly pulls back, standing up from the bed as she leaves a still-sleeping Parvati whimpering and trying to follow after her for a beat before falling back onto her bed.

"Another point to me, I'd say. But to be absolutely fair… let's have one final test, shall we?"

That's when Lavender feels a sudden hefty weight kneeling at the head of the bed. But Hermione is standing right there so who-? Slowly looking up, she sees a man's strong thigh, and giant balls heavy with no doubt hot cum, and… and… noooooo~

Lavender whimpers, swallowing her drool, and stares at Harry Potter's big fat demon cock, before looking up at the emerald-eyed incubus himself to find him smiling down at her almost tenderly. But she knows better! He's from the same layer of Hell as Hermione! He might act nice, but he's a monster! A beast! A real DEMON!

"Hello again, Lav."

Lavender blushes, as his silken, sexy, husky tone fills her ears. She whimpers, as his massive demon dick throbs and bounces mere inches from her and Parvati's heads. That's the cock that broke Cho. That's the huge fucking prick that made the Asian Witch howl and shriek and cry out for more, until he covered her in cum, until he choked her and broke her and owned her.

But… but Parvati's n-not like that! No matter how thick and fat Harry's cock, no matter how yummy it smells, Lavender is sure that Parvati can handle this! As such, when Harry's hands tug sharply on her and Hermione's hair, all she can do is helplessly clamber upwards, resting her head on his thigh, watching as Hermione does the same opposite of her.

The succubus is grinning a lewd, wicked grin as she reaches out and guides Lavender's hands up. With no other choice if she wants to PROVE Parvati is a good girl, Hogwarts' sole Cherub wraps her hands around the base of the incubus' huge shaft. It's really hot… and throbbing… a-and… and…

"Go on then, Lav darling. PROVE that Parvati is a good girl."

Red as a tomato, blushing up a storm, Lavender bites her lower lip as she slowly but surely brings Harry's cock down so that the tip is no longer pointed at a slight upward angle, but instead getting closer and closer to the sleeping Parvati's face. She watches as the Indian witch's nose wrinkles for a moment cutely, before sniffing delicately.

And then Parvati is practically s-snorting, her nostrils flaring lewdly as she… as she acts like a lewd p-pig, searching out a treat! Her bestie's plump red lips part and her tongue traces out, starting to wag at the air. At any moment, it will find Harry's dick tip, which is already leaking a steady stream of precum and… and…

Lavender hastily lets go of Harry's cock, letting the incubus' massive member snap back up to slap against his chiseled abs. Hastily, before he or Hermione can comment, she leans forward and tugs her toga down in a similar fashion to what she saw Hermione do. Her big bimbo boobies come busting out of her top with a flourish, and without hesitation, Lavender wraps them around Harry's cock.

The incubus blinks in surprise at her, even as Lavender stares at him and his huge dick. There's so much of his demonic shaft sticking out even now, even with how fat her titties have gotten in her time here at Hogwarts. But at least… at least if he's between her bra-busters, he c-can't corrupt Parvati, right?

"Oh? You sure you want to do this, Lav? You know this is as good as an open invitation, right?"

Hermione's teasing tone sends a shiver down Lavender's spine, but she just glares at the succubus, even as she keeps Harry's cock trapped between her massive milky jugs. This is the only way she can save her best friend! Even if its at her own expense! Needless to say, she'd been propositioned by the lust demons occupying Hogwarts more times than she could count. They never let up, they never stopped trying to corrupt her.

She had, of course, NEVER taken them up on their offers. Not even when they'd managed to pull another one over on her, not even when they'd managed to corrupt another of her charges to their side. Oh, she'd been present and stood witness for the damnation of more than one beautiful soul, the most recent being Cho Chang's complete and utter mind break and subjugation by the incubus Harry… but she'd never interfered. That was not her mandate.

And yet, here the Cherub was, going against the mandate for the sake of her friend. It felt… it felt right! It felt good! Maybe this was what she was supposed to do all along! Maybe this was how she was supposed to combat the demonic corruption plaguing the Castle! Fighting fire… with fire!

That said, Harry had no business smelling so damn good. And oooh, he'd taken her actions as the invitation they unfortunately were. With her tits wrapped around his cock, it wasn't like Lavender could tell him off or call him out for reaching down and gently squeezing her massive milkers with his big demonic claws. They play with her nipples, even as she finds herself slowly working her stud feeders up and down his dick.

A throaty moan leaves Lavender's lips, and before she knows it, she's mewling and kissing and suckling at Harry's bulbous dick tip. His glans are bigger around then even her mouth, and she makes out with them heatedly, intent on keeping him away from Parvati. Even if she has to spend all of Valentine's Day keeping Harry and Hermione at bay, s-she'll do it! For her bestie, she'll do a-anything!

Mm, but why did Harry have to be so yummy? His precum fills her mouth, his scent fills her nostrils, and Lavender's lashes flutter as her eyes threaten to roll back in her head. This… this was the cock that kept Hermione t-tamed and fed. Lavender was well aware that her archnemesis was the subordinate, in her and Harry's relationship. But everyone had to start somewhere, and Lavender had figured if she couldn't beat Hermione with the students, she'd NEVER be able to beat Harry and the higher level games he was playing with the Professors whenever Hermione didn't need his help.

She was right, of course. And as she knelt there on the bed, working Harry's shaft up and down with her big ole titties, Lavender was beginning to realize just how in over her head. But for Parvati… f-for Parvati, she'd do ANYTHING!

There's another pair of hands on her tits, Lavender belatedly realizes through the haze of hedonistic pleasure that's settling over her mind. Her heavily lidded eyes flutter open as she stares down at them, expecting to see Hermione's clawed hands… but no. No, the hands on her milkers are soft and mocha-colored… dark-skinned, to be sure.

There's a weight against her back, and the scent of a VERY familiar perfume! Almost unwilling to believe it, Lavender nevertheless looks back over her shoulder to see Parvati grinning at her wickedly, a pair of small demonic horns curling up from her forehead, and glowing gold demonic eyes staring back at her.

"You've been so strong for me, Lav. My own shining white knight, willing to put yourself on the line for me and my immortal soul. But you see… you're too late. You were too late months ago."

Lavender's whole world shatters, as the truth of Parvati's words hits her. Her best friend doesn't HAVE to lie. Sometimes, the truth is much more damaging. In this case, Lavender shudders as she realizes she's been bamboozled, hoodwinked, and tricked all over again. Only… only, this time she doesn't think she can escape this. Not because they won't let her, all she has to do is say the word and she knows they'll back off… but because she's not sure she WANTS to.


"Sorry, sweetie, but it's true. I'm as much a succubus as Hermione now~ It's okay though! We made this whole plan for you! Because I want to make sure my bestest Cherub friend is taken care of and pampered… and glazed with cum that I can lick off every day. Oh, how I've longed to play with you Lav, how I've been eager to drink from those big angelic jugs of yours alongside Mione while our incubus master fucked you long and hard."

Parvati's words start out sounding almost… pure. But her corruption is swiftly revealed as she continues on, the l-lewd things she wants to do with Lavender making the Cherub blush and squirm in Parvati's embrace. Her friend has become such a debauched creature, and it's all Lavender's fault. She didn't… she didn't keep a close enough eye on her. She didn't keep watch like she should have. They'd gotten to her!

A single tear traces down Lavender's cheek as a shuddering gasp leaves her plush lips. Before anymore can fall, Parvati leans in… and slurps it right up, before actually blushing a little, as if she feels a slight bit of shame for what she's done. But Lavender can see it in the succubus' eyes… she'd do it again in a heartbeat.

"You're so pretty, Lav. So beautiful, so hardworking. The Heavens don't respect your work ethic. They sent you here to lose, to Fall, so they could write you off. Prove them wrong, Lav… show them just how far you can Rise!"

… She's not going to be able to do jack shit about Valentine's Day this year, Lavender can already tell. Even with all the power swelling inside of her thanks to her Cherub Nature aligning with this very special singular day of the year… it won't be enough. Not with Parvati already lost to her.

However, what she COULD do instead… was distract them. If she just… if she just kept them all busy with her all day, then that in and of itself would be a win, right? Valentine's Day was the one day of the year where Lavender was filled with enough Love Juice to be able to combat their depraved Lust Power! Time spent munching at her pussy, ravishing her mouth, and drinking from her huge, fat bimbo boobies was time they weren't spent corrupting some other girl!

And so… Lavender leans forward and takes Parvati's lips with her own. She kisses the dark-skinned succubus, and Parvati squeals with delight into her mouth before kissing her right back. At the same time, Lavender begins to slide her tits up and down Harry's cock again. She has no choice… she has to stop them!

As the sun finishes rising, as Valentine's Day starts in earnest and continues onward through the hours, the demons don't let up. Of course, they don't. Not even when Harry cums from her titjob, coating her with his seed, do they stop. In fact, Parvati and Hermione get lewder and more depraved than ever before, falling upon her with a hunger Lavender has never experienced before.

They're after Harry's seed, but also after her. And so, the two lust demons slurp and suck at her flesh, before moving to her nipples. And Lavender can only throw her head back and cry out in an ugly manner as they sup of her breastmilk, drinking deeply off of her teats.

Harry, meanwhile, surprises her. Rather than just plowing her silly then and there, he dives down betwixt her thighs with his MOUTH, and Lavender's own eyes go wide, bulging out of her skull as the Cherub experiences cunnilingus for the first time. It's SUPER lewd and debauched, just like fellatio! Rather than kissing her on the upper lips proper, like a lover would, Harry is k-kissing her down t-there! And not just kissing but licking and s-slurping too!

It'd be enough to make any other Cherub explode, but Lavender is special. Lavender has spent years in a heavily corrupted location like Hogwarts Castle without turning demon or fallen angel. Though the blonde doesn't know it, she actually fascinates Harry, Hermione, and their superiors back in the Hells. There are two prevailing theories. Either she's so GOOD, so KIND, and so POWERFUL that she can withstand years of demonic corruption… or she's so dimwitted, bimbo-like, and naïve, that she doesn't even realize she's been sent by her superiors in the Heavens as a sacrificial lamb.

They'd probably all be very surprised to learn… it's a mixture of both.

Regardless, Harry and Hermione have had years to slowly worm their way in through Lavender's defenses, and while they haven't been able to make the Cherub Fall, they've certainly influenced her in other ways. Her body, for one thing, is definitely atypical of an Angel of Love. If she went back to Heaven as she was now, she'd probably be mistaken as a Fallen Cherub and kicked out for being too lewd. Not that Lavender knew that.

What she DID know was that Harry's tongue was positively unfair and sinfully pleasurable. Working in and out of her pussy, elongating and stretching and writhing like… like an eel or something, Harry toys with her utilizing his mouth muscle, and all Lavender can do is lie back and take it, pinned down as she is by Parvati and Hermione.

The Cherub squeals and moans and creams herself more times than she can count on Harry's tongue. He's insatiable, unstoppable, inevitable. He's just so GOOOOOOOD! Eyes rolling back in her head, tongue lolling out of her mouth, Lavender shudders under an onslaught of pleasure. She loves it… she maybe… m-maybe loves Harry… and Hermione… she DEFINITELY loves Parvati.

Maybe that's the secret? Maybe that's what she's missing! She just, oooh, she just needs to show these lust demons s-some LOVE!

Reaching out, grasping Parvati and Hermione by the horns, Lavender tugs the two succubi further into her breasts, like a mother showing love and affection to her children. Of course, the lewd, filthy bitches both respond by attacking her milkers even harder with their tongues and teeth, but Lavender smiles through the mild discomfort and the pleasure alike.

Perhaps sensing a change has come over her, Harry lifts his head from between her thighs, his glowing emerald eyes suddenly gazing at her intently. Lavender… smiles at him, and he smiles back. Then, he rises up and places his hands on her thighs. His big fat demon dick, which she's watched ravage countless mortals by this point, comes to rest against her slit.

But Lavender isn't afraid. She can feel the Light of Life inside of her, can tell that she's on the right path for once! She's going to do something that's never been done before! She's going to turn lust demons… into LOVE demons! They're always going on about Falling This and Falling That up in the Heavens. It's like all they ever think about is how demons might corrupt them and make them Fall!

It's a self-fulfilling prophecy! If you go in expecting to Fall to the first Demon who winks at you sexily, then of course you're going to Fall! As an Angel of Love, Lavender had never doubted her own pure-heartedness for a second! She might have doubted her ability to defeat the demons plaguing Hogwarts Castle, but never herself, not for one moment!

She would show these demons what it meant to LOVE! She would teach them to be GOOD! She would-

And then Harry's cock spears her cunt and claims her womb in one smooth motion, and Lavender's entire world goes white as her eyes roll back in her head and she experiences the most mind-blowing orgasm of her life. Her tits, latched onto by Parvati and Hermione, jiggle as best they can as the rest of her body spasms and seizes up from the explosion of pleasure.

… And yet, still the Cherub does not Fall. She definitely fucking cums her pretty little brains out for a moment, but she recovers quickly enough… only to be sent into another spiraling climax as Harry pulls back only to do it again. Getting fucked by the incubus is like nothing she's ever experienced before, and Lavender decides then and there that this must be part of Love, because nothing that felt so GOOD could ever be Evil!

Maybe… maybe she'd been going about it all wrong. Maybe Love and Lust were two sides of the same coin! Maybe Angels and Demons weren't so dissimilar as she thought! Maybe it was totally okay for her to get plowed silly by Harry's massive dick while cumming her brains out again and again and again! Yes! Lavender understood now!

As she's lost in her own 'realizations', moaning wantonly in the throes of ecstasy, Harry and Hermione are exchanging a look, while Parvati looks down at her cumming friend with a fond smile. Neither the incubus nor the succubus understands quite why Lavender hasn't fallen yet. She's… well, she's somehow staying on the side of angels, even in the midst of fully giving herself over to demons.

If they could read her mind, they would know Lavender's intentions were all still fully pure and good. She was convinced she was going to turn them into the first ever Love Demons, and that more than that, she was keeping them away from corrupting mortal witches, so she was doing her job. She was wrong, of course, on all counts… but she didn't know that, and in her ignorance, there was bliss. In her naivety and lack of understanding, Lavender remained unfallen and unbroken.

But certainly not unbent or unbowed. Indeed, a silent nod from Harry to Hermione and back again sees them resolving to further fuck the gorgeous Cherub silly. After all, it wasn't every day you got to plow a bimbofied Angel of Love silly, and not even have her Fall on you in the process! What a treat. What a delicious, diabolical gift…

Even when Harry cums inside of Lavender, she doesn't Fall. Even when they triple-team her all day long, she doesn't Fall. And so the demons and the angel wile the day away together, enjoying each other much too much to stop and meddle in any mortal affairs… for now.


All day long. Lavender spends all day long with Harry buried inside of her in one form or another, and Hermione whispering sweet nothings in her ear and using that tongue of hers to do some truly sinful things. And all the while, Lavender accepts them for who they are, and does her best to push all of her bountiful and endless love out to them.

But even angels and demons get tired. And so, they've retired to the Prefect's Bath, where Lavender finds herself cuddled up against Harry's side, while Hermione takes up the opposite position from her. The Cherub and Succubus trade their Incubus' attentions between them, swapping kisses and working together to stroke his big fat demon cock as he in turn wraps arms around their bods and uses his hands to play with their beautiful assets.

She's done a good job, Lavender figures. She's kept them distracted all day long. She's-

A sudden gasp causes Lavender to blink and look up, only to see Padma Patil there. Parvati's twin, another Indian Witch, is so very clearly not already a succubus it's not even funny. The entirely mortal Ravenclaw Witch is standing there trembling as Parvati molests her from behind. Now, Lavender, as Parvati's bestie, knows full well that Parvati and Padma have… experimented with each other.

But she also knows Padma is still a virgin who's never been with a man, and it's so obvious that she's out of her depth as she stares at the three of them, lounging there in the bath. She can't take her eyes off of them, even as Parvati's admittedly pretty spade tail slips under her sister's thong, working along Padma's pussy lips.

As Parvati offers her own twin up to Harry, Lavender can FEEL the incubus' big fat cock growing even bigger and even fatter beneath her hand. That's why…

That's why she's suddenly sitting on Harry's lap, sinking her pussy down onto his dick as she stares at him with big blue puppy dog eyes, her massive baby feeders pressing into his immovable pectorals.

"P-Please, Harry. Padma's a good girl. She's not built for breeding like Mione, she's not naughty like Parvati… not a muscle slut like Cho. She's not made f-for you!"

Bouncing up and down on his cock, gasping and mewling, Lavender finds herself trying to convince a demon to not do the one thing he's very, very good at. And Harry, of course, is incredulous, raising an eyebrow at her questioningly.

"What are you asking of me, Lav?"

Blushing, the Cherub knows she can't ask him to leave Padma completely alone. That would be silly. And… she also knows she needs to stay on her current path. She's sure with some more time, her goal of reverse-corrupting Harry, Hermione, and Parvati into Love Demons will succeed! And that means… sorry, Padma…

"Just… please be gentle with her. Promise me!"

Harry blinks, processing Lavender's request in his mind… and then grins wickedly.

"Sure, Lav. I promise to be gentle… until she asks for more."

Ah, that's probably as best as Lavender is going to get. But then, though she doesn't know it, she's already the smartest angel that's ever lived, smarter than all of the idiots up in the Heavens. Because Lavender Brown has learned the most important mortal skill of all. How to Compromise.


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