Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Match Made in Hell (Konosuba)

Match Made in Hell (Konosuba)


Themes: Vore, Living Armor, Extreme Masochism

Summary: In which Darkness receives a quest to go and take care of a mysterious all-black Giant Toad. It seems like it should be right up her alley!


This was the perfect quest for someone like her. Even the Guild Attendant she’d picked it up from had agreed! Of course, she’d only agreed because she didn’t know Darkness very well. She didn’t know the Crusader’s true nature.
Blushing, a small perverted giggle makes its way out of the blonde’s lips before she quickly seals them shut again. Technically, there’s no one around. She’s all alone right now, making her way deeper and deeper into the forest. But you never know who might be watching. God… she hopes people are watching.
That would make what’s going to happen next all the better. After all, an audience would only enhance her shame and humiliation. It would only make her defeat all the more delicious~
For you see, Darkness had been given a quest to deal with a very strange, abnormal monster. Apparently, there was a black Giant Toad out in the forest with red and white veins alternating through its flesh, that had begun eating all the other monsters. It had also humiliated every Adventurer that had been sent to kill it so far.
That last bit was why Darkness was so excited. Humiliation at the hands of an unintelligent monster… it sounded so amazing! Oh, don’t get her wrong… she still intended to complete the quest! For you see, Darkness had a strategy… a way for everyone to get what they wanted! The Guild would have their quest completed and the threat removed. Darkness would have her fetishes satisfied in the most degrading, debauched manner possible.
Even this mysterious black Giant Toad would get what it wanted… for a moment or so. Darkness had it all planned out in her head. She would… hehe, fail to do a single point of damage to the monster, like always. And it would almost inevitably end up swallowing her whole. However, that was where the monster would run into a problem! For you see… Darkness was a Crusader! A powerful, stalwart defender of justice! She hadn’t bothered learning any offensive skills, but she didn’t need to! Her physical and magical resistance would keep the Giant Toad from being able to properly crush and kill her. Instead… it would choke on her!
It was the perfect plan. Like she’d said, everyone would be happy. Except for the Giant Toad in the end, it would be dead… but that was the way the world worked. And Darkness… Darkness would have her first proper completed quest under her belt at long last.
She was plenty proud of herself for the plan she’d come up with. As such, when she finally comes upon the area where the black Giant Toad was said to reside and almost immediately runs into it… she doesn’t wait for long. Its just sitting there in the middle of a field when she arrives, and to Darkness surprise, it’s rather big. It’s not quite a King Giant Toad… but it’s certainly on its way!
Well, not if she has anything to say about it! Drawing her sword, Darkness cries out.
“Monster! I shall be your opponent today! Face me in glorious battle and die by my hands!”
Have to make it believable, j-just in case anyone really IS watching. With a battle-shout, Darkness runs forward, even as the Giant Toad turns to face her. Its big red eyes stare at her with something that’s almost intelligent, but Darkness pays it little mind. She’s hear for one reason and one reason only… to get eaten.
She swings her sword at the Giant Toad with another loud shout… and of course, misses. Frankly, the Crusader probably couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn, let alone an enemy. Even one as large as this Giant Toad just… sways out of the way. It probably doesn’t help that she thrusts her sword out while closing her eyes at the same time, but… well, Darkness is Darkness.
As her weapon comes in contact with nothing at all, not even digging into the creature’s flesh, Darkness feels a shadow fall over her, the feeling of sunlight suddenly absent from her face. Opening her eyes, it’s just in time to see the black Giant Toad’s gaping maw descending on her.
In a moment, she’s half-swallowed. Her arms end up pinned to her sides, her sword dropping from her fingers. She’s lifted up into the air as the Giant Toad pulls back, her legs kicking back and forth ineffectually. She struggles and squirms, but in reality… she practically cumming her undersuit right here and right now. This is it. This is everything she ever wanted.
As the Giant Toad tilts its head back, there’s a moment where it opens its mouth again. If she’d tried, she might have grabbed the sides of its jaw and pushed herself out before it could fully, properly swallow her. This, it’s safe to say, does not happen. Darkness doesn’t even try. After all… that would go against her entire plan of making the Giant Toad choke on her!
Instead, she lets out another helpless squeal as the monster opens wide and uses its tongue to slide more of her down into its gullet. Darkness makes a show of struggling, but if anything she’s helping the Toad swallow her, all but crawling forward into the damn thing’ stomach as it swallows her whole.
With that, it begins. The pressure all around her is absolutely exquisite. The feeling of tightness as she’s squeezed from all sides is glorious. Letting out a gurgling moan, Darkness’ eyes roll back in her head as she cums on the spot. Of course, the Giant Toad isn’t actually trying to get her off. It’s trying to crush her to death so it can then regurgitate her corpse, strip her from her armor, and eat her properly.
For you see, Darkness’ armor was pretty damn good! It wouldn’t dissolve in some regular ole Giant Toad’s gullet. But by all rights, the Giant Toad should have been able to kill her fast enough all the same. Except Darkness was tough! Darkness was durable! And Darkness had some insane stamina! Long before it killed her, she would suffocate it!
So it was… fine to just enjoy the moment for what it was, really. It was perfectly alright to just… be herself in this moment. Even if anyone was watching outside, they weren’t watching in here. No one but her and the stomach of a Giant Toad, and the stomach wasn’t talking, right?
And so Darkness, panting and moaning up a storm, really lets her true self come out as her face contorts in ecstasy and shameful arousal.
“Y-Yes! Yes, swallow me more Mr. Toad! Nnngh, it feels sooooo good! Crush me! Hurt me! A-Ah! I love it! I love being a monster’s plaything! I love being your chew toy!”
Darkness is practically convulsing in bliss at this point. But then, the Toad is convulsing as well, probably in its death throes. Part of her feels bad about that. The monster hadn’t known what it was getting itself into when it swallowed her! He’d had no idea what he was up against! A brief feeling of pride worms its way through the overwhelming shame and humiliation Darkness is currently enjoying. She’s going to kill her first monster and complete her first quest!
“Ehehe… finding me hard to swallow, Mr. Toad? Sorry, but that’s, ooooh, that’s just how it is! You were never going to win against someone like me! Nnngh! So please… crush me to your heart’s content in your death throes! Oooh, I love being so t-tightly squeezed!”
Such degrading behavior is unfitting for a noblewoman, but Darkness doesn’t care! Right now, she’s all alone so it-!
“Is that what you think is happening here?”
Huh wha-?!
Darkness’ eyes snap wide open as a dark, gravelly voice speaks out from the pitch black of the Giant Toad’s stomach.
“W-Who’s there?! What was that?!”
Even as she grows a little panicked… it’s less about her circumstances, and more out of fear that someone might have heard her let her true desires out. She should have been safe to shout her wanton lusts from inside of a Giant Toad’s gullet of all things, but somehow someone had caught her anyways! Ooooh… h-how humiliating~ And maybe they would blackmail her now, and she would-
“You’re really something else, aren’t you? Stupid girl. Blackmail? Shouldn’t you be more worried about your current circumstances?”
Huh? Darkness blinks… before feeling something weird. Namely, she feels a wet fleshy sensation… directly against her stomach. Where her armor and clothing should have been protecting her. With that comes an overarching realization… her armor and clothing are being melted away! Dissolved! T-That shouldn’t be possible! A single Giant Toad shouldn’t be able to do that!
Even as she panics and squeaks in fear, Darkness is getting more and more aroused. She’s trapped. Utterly trapped with a mysterious voice inside of the stomach of a monster that’s dissolving her clothes. That’s so fucking hot. That’s so goddamn sexy!
Soon enough, she’s completely naked. To her surprise, around that time some space opens up around her. She’s not being squeezed quite so tightly anymore. However… this does not mean her situation has improved. Her limbs… her limbs are caught. Trapped. Darkness finds herself kneeling in flesh that goes all the way up to her thighs and forces her legs far apart. Meanwhile, her arms are held aloft overhead, equally covered in flesh that restrains her and spreads them wide.
She still can’t see anything, but it seems SHE is the one who has bitten off more than she can chew. With a stomach this expansive, the Giant Toad isn’t going to choke to death on her any time soon. Even if her natural resistances keep her from being dissolved like her armor and clothing was, the form of her prison means she’s utterly helpless to escape.
“Ah, you begin to understand your predica-!”
A whimper leaves Darkness’ throat… followed by a truly wanton moan that she can’t quite manage to hold in. The voice cuts off mid-word because of that moan, even as Darkness shivers in arousal, the masochist Crusader finding an awful lot to like about her current situation, despite its dire nature.
“… Right.”
The voice sounds so done with her, it’s kind of funny. Most people have to spend weeks getting to know her before they sound that exasperated. Then again, Darkness can usually hide her true nature for at least a few days. This time around, she’s exposed herself to whoever the voice belongs to in literal minutes. Hm, who ARE they anyways? Maybe some kind of… mad wizard who’s running experiments with this Giant Toad?
Was that how he was aware of what was going on inside of the creature? Was that how he was speaking to her? Oooh, would he go ahead and pick her up after this and take her to his Tower, to run more experiments on her? Darkness bites her lower lip at that… only to find her jaw caught in an ironclad grip, her cheeks squeezed with painful force until her mouth pops open and a large, thick appendage that she can’t see is forced into her waiting maw.
At the exact same time down below, two more appendages… tentacles, Darkness just knows it, come up out of the floor and shove themselves right into her lower orifices. The Crusader lets out a gurgling, gagging squeal around the tentacle in her throat as she’s properly stuffed in every last hole. This… was not how she expected to lose her virginity.
And yet… in the grand scheme of things, it was PRECISELY how she wanted to lose her virginity. In all honesty, it was definitely a toss-up between a monster raping her silly and a bunch of bandits taking turns with her and abusing her helpless body after she selflessly sacrificed herself in order to give their actual prey time to run away… or something.
Anyways, the point being, Darkness orgasms on the spot and HARD from suddenly being made airtight by all three tentacles. Her eyes roll back in her head, not that she was seeing anything to begin with, and her gurgling intensifies as she cums and cums.
“You really are a worthless fucking slut, aren’t you? Honestly… I never thought I’d run into someone like you.”
Yessss… talk down to her more! Darkness can’t do much beyond choke and gag on the tentacle in her throat, even as the other two down below also begin pistoning back and forth. She shudders as she’s fucked not just in her recently virgin cunt, but also in her ass and throat with reckless abandon.
“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”
The sounds of her gurgling gags fill the Giant Toad’s pitch-black stomach. Darkness, for her part, is completely helpless and utterly trapped. She’s so in over her head it’s not even funny. Which is precisely what she finds so damn hot about the entire situation. She was so foolish, thinking that she could ever complete a quest. She was such an idiot, thinking that her plan would ever work.
As she mentally beats herself up, the blonde continues to take quite a sexual pounding, all of her holes being stretched out as time passes by. Not that she knows how much time has passed by. It could have been minutes. Hours. Days… weeks? Darkness truly does not know. She doesn’t have any idea how long it is, but eventually the dark and gravelly voice returns.
“Well… hm. This is actually interesting. You’re quite a bit tougher than I expected. High durability to go along with that masochistic personality of yours.”
By the time the voice says all that, Darkness is too far gone to really hear him. Her body might be insanely durable, but her mind is another thing entirely. She’s definitely been temporarily mind broken by his big fat tentacle cocks, and she’s currently in a state of abject euphoria as all of her deepest, darkest fantasies are being fulfilled. This is everything she ever could have wanted, and she doesn’t want it to end.
“… Very well. You’ll do, I suppose.”
As such, she’s in absolutely no state to register those final words, let alone worry about what they mean. Instead, Darkness finds herself experiencing one last mind-blowing explosive orgasm, her gurgling moans the only answer that the voice receives as she bucks and shudders… and at long last passes out upon the tentacles impaling her every hole.
She’d lost. She’d lost so damn hard and so damn fast that she… she was utterly unfit to be anything but someone’s toilet rag. The last thought that Darkness has before unconsciousness takes her is that for someone like her, THIS was the perfect possible fate…
Wakey wakey…
Letting out a soft groan, feeling the sunlight streaming across her face but also like she’s floating on a cloud, Darkness shakes her head back and forth.
“Mmm… five more minutes…”

With that much louder wakeup call accompanied by a pair of harsh smacks to her poor breasts, Darkness comes alive, her eyes shooting open as she inhales sharply and sits up in an instant. The first thing she notices… is that she’s not actually floating on a cloud. She’d thought from how comfortable she was that she was in bed and everything that had happened previously was just a really good dream… but she quickly realizes that’s not the case.
She’s still in the forest, albeit outside of the Giant Toad’s belly now. In fact… the Giant Toad she was supposed to dispose of is the first thing Darkness’ eyes land on. She gawks at the thing’s corpse. It’s no longer black or covered in red and white veins like it was when it swallowed her… but somehow, she still knows it to be the creature she fought.
That said, it’s a rather unbelievable sight. Not because it’s dead… but because of how it seems to have died. Darkness identifies what seems like a hundred different fatal injuries on the thing. It’s taken stabs through its skull, it has lacerations all along its body and limbs… it wasn’t just dead, it was dead a thousand times over.
Looking around frantically, Darkness half-expects to find a small army surrounding her, having shown up to kill the damn thing. Her first instinct is that her time in the Giant Toad’s belly had somehow lasted long enough for her family to catch wind of her predicament and hire mercenaries to go and rescue her.
… Except there’s no one there. It’s just her. Her… and the voice.
You’re probably one of the stronger hosts I’ve ever had, but god if you almost aren’t worth it.
Darkness blushes, squirming automatically at the derisive, demeaning tone that fills her mind. She loved being talked down to… not that she would ever admit it! She had an image to maintain and-
For fuck’s sake, I can’t believe you’re getting off on even that much. You just love being bullied, don’t you?
The blonde Crusader’s eyes widen as she finally realizes the predicament she finds herself in. The evil wizard… he’s in her head! He’s hearing her every thought! Oh no, he knows who she truly is, and now he’ll blackmail her into serving him, into satisfying his every detestable whim! She’ll be his slave, giving into his darkest carnal desires and-
Wha- evil wizard?! What the fuck are you on about, bitch?! I don’t need to fucking blackmail you, I’m not some evil wizard… just look down already, idiot!
Blinking slowly, Darkness looks down at herself. She’s… not as naked as she expected to be. Instead, she’s wearing armor. Unlike her previous set, this set of armor is all encompassing, covering every last inch of her body below the neck. It’s also pitch-black and quite wicked-looking, making her look like some sort of e-evil knight or something, rather than the Crusader she is!
Except… the odd thing is, it doesn’t FEEL like she’s wearing armor. It still feels like she’s on a cloud if anything. As she tries to stand up however…
Darkness squeaks and blushes profusely as she freezes in place, staring down at her chest. The armor didn’t so much as ripple… and yet, somehow it felt like her breasts had just been smacked again. Spanked, really. A quiet whimper leaves her lips as she stares at herself in confusion.
Now you begin to… no, you still don’t get it. For fuck’s sake. Alright bitch, listen closely. I’m inside of you now. We’re bonded together. If I leave, you die. See the Giant Toad over there as a lesson to what happens if I move onto another host.
Darkness’ eyes drift over to the corpse again, beginning to widen in understanding.
That’s right. I’m not some evil fucking wizard. I’m a symbiote. I’m both the armor you’re now wearing, and inside of you. I can do whatever the fuck I want to you.
In a heartbeat, Darkness feels impacts on her tits, cunt, and ass all at once, her new ‘armor’ spanking, slapping, and smacking her to its heart’s content. Squealing, the blonde damn near cums on the spot, even as she falls forward onto her hands and knees, gasping and quivering in place.
Yeah, you like that, don’t you bitch?
S-She did. She really, really did. She was a masochist of the highest order. She was the kind of woman who wanted to be used, abused, and demeaned every moment of the rest of her life. But she also knew that she needed to be s-strong. She was supposed to be a Crusader. She couldn’t just give in… r-right? When the voice doesn’t immediately respond to her thoughts, Darkness begins to feel a little emboldened… while also hopelessly turned on by the thought of further punishment.
“I-I won’t… I won’t surrender to you, m-monster! I shall f-fight you every step of the w-way!”
… What part of ‘you will die if I leave’ do you not understand, you dumb bitch?
Darkness licks her lips and looks back over at the Giant Toad for a moment, even as she quivers within the black suit of armor she’s being forced to wear.
“I think… I think you’re lying.”
Excuse me?
She shivers but doesn’t back down.
“I think the Giant Toad died when you left it because of all of the wounds its taken previously. I think all of the other adventurers and monsters that it fought before me dealt grievous injuries to it… injuries that you covered up with your presence. And I think… that I have not taken any such injuries as of yet, so if you were to leave me be… I would not die.”
You see, Darkness might have been a masochist, but she wasn’t an idiot. And as silence falls between her and her new passenger, she even feels a little burst of pride and some smugness. She’d hit the nail right on the head, hadn’t she?
Heh. Didn’t know you had that in you. How… cute.
Finally, Darkness pushes herself to her feet. It’s surprisingly easy. The armor she’s wearing feels like an extension of her body. She almost might as well be naked, except for how easily the voice could abuse her real body within the armor whenever he wanted. Still, she rises and looks down at her gauntleted hands before coming to a decision.
“As a Crusader, I must-!”
Before she can get more than five words in however… it all vanishes. Everything. The whole world falls away, including her very being. Her body disappears and Darkness finds herself isolated in a void. When she tries to speak, nothing comes out. She listens and hears no voice, no sound. She’s not even sure she’s breathing.
Complete sensory deprivation, though Darkness wouldn’t know to call it that. It only lasts a minute, but that’s all that’s really needed for the symbiote to make its point. When the world returns to her, Darkness finds herself having walked a few hundred yards back towards the city. She stumbles as control of her body is returned to her, eyes wide and breath coming out in uneven, panting breaths.
That was the Stick, bitch. This is the Carrot.
Immediately, Darkness feels pressure in her lower holes. Her cunt and ass are subsequently stuffed with meaty appendages, and then begin twisting and turning inside of her, stirring up her insides in a rough, painful, but also pleasurable manner. Darkness lets out a wanton moan and drops to her knees right then and there, cumming on the spot from the tentacles having their way with her beneath the armor.
At the same time, she feels a strange sensation on her breasts. Like a thousand smaller tendrils are currently feeling her up, teasing and toying with her sensitive mammaries and her rock hard nipples. It’s not painful… but Darkness IS ticklish there, and the touch is featherlight in a torturous manner that has her clutching at her new breastplate but to no avail. She cannot stop it, even as she alternates between moaning wantonly and giggling helplessly, being tickled and roughly fucked at the same time with no pause.
One might think this treatment would be as torturous as the sensory deprivation, but not for one such as Darkness. Ending up face down, ass up, the Crusader seemingly humps the air through orgasm after orgasm… until finally, it all comes to an abrupt end and she’s able to recover herself.
Sitting up, Darkness stares forward with wide eyes.
Here’s the deal, cunt. I’ve been out in the forest long enough. That fucking Toad was worthless, but all of the adventurers before you weren’t anything either. You’re… barely passable, but I’m kind of sick and tired of not having any intelligent company around to talk to.
Darkness blushes and-
No, I don’t mean you, bitch. You’re barely a step above the Giant Toad. I’m talking about being able to go into towns and cities.
O-Oh. Of c-course. Darkness squirms, trying and failing to hide how good it feels to have the voice talking down to her. She loves how he’s constantly demeaning and degrading her.
Now, I could take control like I did before. But people wouldn’t trust me. I would get found out too swiftly, and then it would only be a matter of time before I was being chased out of town and hunted all across the lands and what not. You’re going to be my ‘beard’, so to speak.
… She couldn’t… she shouldn’t. She would be responsible for unleashing a great evil on the land and-
Oh for fuck’s sake! I’m not some great evil! I literally just hung out in a Giant Toad and ate some adventurers for a few weeks! I’m a perfectly reasonable sapient being! And… I can give you your heart’s desire.
The tickling feeling of a thousand feelers on her breasts returns, and Darkness blushes profusely at the promise of… so much more. He could indeed satisfy her every desire, couldn’t he? And she… she wouldn’t have to do anything except accept. It wasn’t like he was giving her a choice either. That void of isolation… even one such as Darkness couldn’t find anything enjoyable about such a state. Sensory deprivation was not one of the blonde Crusader’s fetishes, even if she had known it by that name.
She didn’t want to go back there. She wanted… she wanted to live. She wanted to continue being a Crusader. And deep down inside, privately… she wanted to give in and take the voice up on his offer to use and abuse her to her heart’s content.
Damn straight you do.
W-Well… n-not so privately. Darkness blushes at the knowledge that she really has no privacy anymore. It’s very arousing. Everything about her situation is honestly quite arousing. Slowly, the Crusader pulls herself back to her feet. She looks down at her armor and lets out a shuddering breath.
“W-What… what next?”
Obvious. You go and claim your reward. After all, you killed the Giant Toad.
Wha-? No she hadn’t! She couldn’t just go around claiming credit for things she didn’t do! That would be amoral!
Technically, you did kill it though. It was only still alive because of me. You came along and presented a better option so I hopped ship. By leaving it, I killed it. By leaving it for you, you helped kill it. And because we’re now one, bonded together… technically, WE killed it.
Darkness’ eyes widen at that. She’d… she’d killed the Giant Toad! She’d completed her first quest!
Dumb bitch. Don’t get ahead of yourself. You still have to turn it in after all.
O-Oh… r-right. Ahh, she was really going to enjoy having a belittling, demeaning voice in her head twenty-four-seven, wasn’t she? Rather than answer with words, the appendages stuff themselves back in her holes, though with far less ferocity this time. As Darkness is plugged in her cunt and ass, a low-level vibration begins running through the tentacles buried in her orifices, causing her to moan softly.
Still, it’s not enough to send her back to her knees. She can even still walk like this. And so she begins to do so, putting one foot in front of the other as she makes her way back towards town.
“… That armor is new.”
Looking at the Guild Attendant, Darkness offers a wan smile as she tries not to give away what her new… companion is currently doing to her. Standing there in the middle of the Adventurer’s Guild, the blonde Crusader knows she cuts an imposing figure. Normally, she’s rather short at only five and a half feet tall. However, the armor gives her another few inches, making her somewhat towering.
As far as everyone is concerned, she looks quite dangerous and badass in this moment. Like a true adventurer that you might want in your party. Of course, if they’d known the true nature of her situation, they all would have unanimously balked. On the way back, her companion had been… teasing her quite vigorously. They’d been helping her build up a tolerance, and in that regard… well, Darkness hadn’t collapsed to her knees yet, she supposed. Even though she was being fucked in both her cunt and ass quite vigorously, while her nipples were being sucked on hard by mouths on the inside of her armor.
None of this was visible though, save for in the reactions Darkness might give off. Stepping forward, the Crusader slams the Giant Toad’s tongue down next to the documentation for the quest.
“I just picked it up. Anyways! Here’s the proof for the quest you gave me! All done! That weird black Giant Toad won’t be causing anyone trouble anymore!”
Eyes widening, the Guild Attendant brightens up and is immediately distracted.
“Oh! Wonderful! I knew you would be perfect for the job with your high defense! Ugh, that thing has been humiliating our adventurers for WEEKS now. I’ll be glad to not have to listen to another complaint about it.”
Pfft. Builds character.
Darkness just continues to maintain her wan smile, even as the Guild Attendant gets her money and updates her card for her. One quest completed. She’d actually done it. She’d completed her first ever quest! She could squee in that moment, but luckily her jaw clenches involuntarily and her teeth clack together, preventing the noise from leaving her lips.
You’re going to be respectable, as far as they’re concerned. No more reputation-ruining moments for you. We’ll keep all of that… in private.
R-Right. Y-Yes…
“Did you want to pick up another quest while you were here, ma’am?”
The Guild Attendant looks at her like she could move mountains, all while Darkness is being fucked and abused and toyed with right in front of her. Nodding, the blonde Crusader watches as the other woman hurries off to find suitable quests for her.
Truly, she’d never been happier.


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